“Why don’t we have the ability to command?”

“Who has done better than us?”

Xu Yang couldn’t help but sneer and mocked: “Silly Bi, you think the thriller game is an exam?” What are you guys? Which onion are you? Still want to command us? ”

“I’m not cannon fodder.”

“That’s right!”

“It is!”

Those who refuse the command of the class cadre have a tough attitude, and some students who support the class cadre act as guests.

“You can’t say that, after all, someone has to be in charge, right? I think the command of the squad cadre is also OK. ”

“The squad leader has completed a thriller simulation!”

“Well, the class leader thriller simulation score A.”

“Jiang Feng, this guy is too uneducated.”

“Hmph, this guy is an orphan, both parents are dead, it is normal to have no education, jealous that people have parents~”

“So it is!”

“I’ll just say it~”

There are many people who are willing to hold smelly feet, knowing that people are fighting for their fathers and getting together, seeking their own death, and willing to be licking dogs.

Seeing this, Wu Guowei and Sun Hui became more confident.

Look at the study committee member (class flower) Gao Muqing——

Gao Muqing frowned slightly, a little cold, although she didn’t like Jiang Feng’s scolding behavior, but she was more disgusted with others finding superiority through her parents.

What does the death of both parents have to do with upbringing?

Jiang Feng is usually very low-key, right?

Is it wrong to fight for your own good?

It’s quite proud to be cannon fodder, isn’t it?

She was silent, did not speak, neither side was guilty, she did not have such a strong sense of justice, and she did not want to bully people.

I can see the situation clearly, but I don’t want to speak.

It is always considered high cold….

In fact, it is Mingzhe to protect his life….

Jiang Feng listened to everyone’s discussion, indifferent, just because these wastes are also worthy of fighting with me? You’re afraid you don’t qualify!



When you get to the world of horror, you know to be afraid!


He chuckled casually and teased: “OK, you want to be cannon fodder, if you want to be a licking dog, just follow along.”

“Anyway, I don’t obey the command of the squad cadres!”

“I don’t understand expert lectures…”

“So, don’t waste time at school.”


After speaking, he turned around and left, and Xu Yang, Jia Haoran, Nie Ye and a few others who did not accept the command of the squad cadres also followed.

There is already scumbag

There are also top students

It has nothing to do with the grades, it depends on whether the brain is good or not!

Some security personnel wanted to block it, but they were pushed away by Jiang Feng, and even stumbled and pushed down, falling to the ground.

Chen Weihong felt that his face was also rubbed on the ground, and he could only continue to brainwash the remaining students.

What spirit

What indications

What a dream

It is necessary to obey the command actions of the squad cadres!

Leaving the teaching building, many people gathered at the school gate, including parents of students, journalists, anchors, and melon-eating people.

Jiang Feng, they pretended to be people from other classes and slipped away.

Xu Yang gave a thumbs up and praised:

“Brother Feng, you are really domineering today, you are simply more bullhide than Zhuge Liang scolding Wang Lang! Domineering side leak! ”

Jia Haoran: “That’s right, Brother Feng, you are so brave~”

Nie Ye: “I also obeyed, Brother Feng is really awesome!”

“It’s just…”

“Well, fortunately, Jiang Feng reminded us, otherwise we wouldn’t have found out, and we would have almost been treated as cannon fodder by others.”

“The squad leader is really a dog, hehe~”

“The official leadership also does everything in the dog!”

Everyone was indignant and quite dissatisfied, and Xu Yang swore fiercely: “If I meet in a thriller game, I will absolutely slaughter that dog surnamed Chen when I step on a horse.”

“That’s right!”


Nie Ye rubbed his hands cheekily: “Brother Feng, do you still have Huazi?” Give everyone a spine? ”

Jiang Feng glanced at them and bowed his head slightly.

Take out the treacherous cigarette and give them one each!

Students don’t care if they can smoke or not, they want to smoke a puff of smoke at this time to relieve their inner apprehension and depression.

“Hiss~mm~~~” (trembling).

“Hiss~mm~~~” (trembling).


“This is too strong~”


“Hiss~mm~~~ What a strange feeling!”

“Thank you Brother Feng.”

“Thank you Brother Feng.”

Everyone was smoking and snorting, refreshed, and the fear in their hearts was dispelled a lot, and they were in high spirits.

Xu Yang asked with a smoke ring a little confused

“Brother Feng, what do you say we should do?”

“I’m afraid it’s a lot of bad luck this time.”

“What are we going to prepare?”

Other students also cast their eyes on-

What to prepare? If you mess with me, you don’t need any preparation, just lie down and win? How simple it is~

However, it’s not easy to mess with me!

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows and said casually: “First of all, we must feed the body fat, and we may not be able to eat the strange things in the horror world, we must be mentally prepared.”

“If you don’t get it right, you have to starve until the end of the mission.”

Everyone nodded.

“Secondly, we should still unite and cooperate, but we don’t need anyone to command, just help each other.”

“Moreover, it doesn’t take too many people to cooperate!”

“The more people, the more likely they are to have problems!”

Everyone continued to nod.

“The rest, it depends on luck, adapt to emergencies, don’t panic when you encounter danger, try to help each other.”

“If you want, you can also find me!”

Jiang Feng made a meaningful suggestion, he also wanted to see if these students had any use value and were reliable.

After all, it is necessary to develop the family back to the real world.

Definitely recruit some reliable humans!

The best who have participated in thriller games, thriller players can survive, rely on game rewards, combat effectiveness will become stronger and stronger, and it is easier to be deterred by the strength of the Jiang family.

High loyalty

Strong combat effectiveness

The use value is high, he does not need waste!


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