Chapter 82 Official Big Purchase Thriller Game National Team!!

You can’t talk about any laws at this time…

If you talk to Jiang Feng about any law and say that justice will not be absent, it is purely looking for scolding, and the brain is sick!

The law works, and people like Chen Weihong? Late justice has a fart use?

People are dead and righteous farts!

Late justice is just a truth, there is no justice anymore, fooling ordinary people is still okay.

What belated justice to talk to Jiang Feng? You see if he scolds you or not, it’s over.

Zhao Anguo can only bite the bullet and agree with a smile, what thriller players do in the horror world, there is no evidence at all, and ordinary laws cannot effectively control it.

High-end players can’t be treated as ordinary people!

The attitude of the official department is clear

In the horror world, in the face of helplessness, some outrageous actions should be understood.

The principle of leniency

Besides, what happened in the horror world has no evidence at all, and it cannot be solved legally at all.

Only compromise

The lives of a few scum – VS – the lives of millions of people per game, which is more important? Still need to consider?


I can only shoot Chen Weihong, this scum, as soon as possible!

Zhao Anguo shook his head helplessly, and introduced 03 with a smile: “Classmate Jiang Feng, our Thriller Management Bureau has just been established, it is a department that coordinates all the horror game affairs in the country, and the mission of our establishment is very simple. ”

“Reducing the mortality rate of thriller games – ”

“93% mortality rate, tens of millions of people participate, this is no joke, two games a month, hundreds of millions of deaths every year, then it will wipe out human beings in a few decades.”

“Even if it is not extinct, it is too cruel!”

“Surely you can’t be killed innocently like this…”

He hates thriller games deeply, and has no choice but to deal with them carefully, not daring to slack.

Jiang Feng replied calmly without thinking: “Human beings will definitely not be extinct!” ”

“200 million people die every year, because we can give birth to 300 million, 400 million, 500 million, or even a billion a year, just like chickens on a farm can always adjust no matter how fast they kill.”

“Perhaps, this analogy is somewhat inappropriate?”

“Cruelty must be cruel!”

“Innocence is not necessarily enough…”

“Nature is not innocent? Chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, cows and sheep eaten by humans are not innocent? Have you ever wondered why there are thriller games? What is the meaning of its existence? ”

“Humans need to learn to feel pain!”

“Only through pain will you reflect!”

“Such unbridled and barbaric development of mankind now has disrupted the balance of the earth, and if there are no restrictions, sooner or later it will be destroyed in its own hands.”

“So, I think, thriller games are necessary, and not something we can control, right?”

“Reduce mortality, of course there is no problem!

“But well~”

“Humanity must learn to feel pain and understand it, and the sword of Damocles must hang over its head.”

“This is a good thing for humanity!”

“Learn to be in awe.”

“Mutual understanding.”

“Be vigilant.”

“Dare to fight hard.”

“Born of sorrow, died of happiness~”

Jiang Feng talked eloquently, a serious nonsense, purely a nonsense to raise the bar with the official department.

Zhao Anguo:?????? (Confused) Uh~


Does it seem to make sense? Hiss~

Wait, it makes sense to fart, others feel pain, you yourself don’t feel ah standing and talking without back pain!

Isn’t this? Have fun with me?

He shook his head speechlessly and said seriously: “Classmate Jiang Feng, you, your philosophical level is really high, although what you said is also reasonable, indeed, born of worry and died of happiness.”

“However, this kind of worry is too cruel~”

“It’s not about feeling pain anymore—”

“It’s desperate!”

“The 93% mortality rate is horrible and unacceptable, and we have to bring down the casualties.”

“I hope you can do your part for this too!”

“Cooperate with our Horror Authority research.”

Zhao Anguo’s feelings were sincere, and he pleaded from the bottom of his heart, and Jiang Feng asked curiously: “How to cooperate with your research?” ”

Zhao Anguo: “Studied by us~”

Jiang Feng:?????? (Shocked) “Ah, no, just kidding! ”

“I mean, participate in research, test the power of tricks, summarize relevant information, summarize experience, develop thriller bonus items, and improve the player’s strength.

“Also, we want to negotiate with the weird, reach a cooperation agreement with the horror world, and end the killing.”

“This is our number one goal!”

Zhao Anguo introduced seriously, but Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, why did you go to reach an agreement with others? What about the benefits? Humans go to the horror world to make the weirds very angry.

They all feel like their world has been invaded…

In their eyes, humans are bed bugs! It brings great annoyance to the horror world.

Want to reach a settlement?

You’ve got to make the horror world welcome humanity! How is this possible?

Jiang Feng made a serious ridicule: “Well, it makes sense, it’s not difficult, I know the attitude of the horror world, they have a condition, let the weird also come to the earth to play.” ”

“Do you think it’s okay?”

What a groove!

Let the weirdness come to the earth to play? It’s not enough to have a dead person, right?

Zhao Anguo hurriedly refused: “This is impossible, absolutely not, the threat of strange creatures to us is too great!” ”

He refused categorically without hesitation.

Jiang Feng immediately laughed and mocked: “Isn’t this right, they also think that humans are very annoying, and they may threaten the terrifying world in the future, so they hate and dislike humans~”

“Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to you!”

“Why don’t you make people annoying?”

“That’s the crux of the matter —

“Thriller games, not fights and kills.”

Zhao Anguo’s spirit flashed, he was deeply inspired, and suddenly felt as if he had found the crux, he patted the table and said: “That’s right, it makes sense, we should understand each other.” ”

“However, this is not an overnight achievement!”

“The most important thing now is to reduce casualties.”

“Classmate Jiang Feng, I hope you can come to the headquarters of the Horror Bureau, meet us in detail, exchange experience in the horror world, and share some thriller game information.

“It’s better to be in our national team!”

“You see?”

Jiang Feng was noncommittal, and introduced with a calm smile: “Just now, Brother Gu Company contacted me to buy a map of the Horror World and offered a billion US dollars, but I politely refused, because my bottom line is ten billion US dollars. ”

“I’ll be ready to contact the Aramco Foundation later!”

“Just charge them billions of protection fees.”

“And Yinsoft Group…”

“And Hengtai Group…”

Zhao Anguo immediately understood, and quickly promised: “Classmate Jiang Feng, don’t worry, we must not let your hard work in vain, our Horror Management Bureau also has to purchase thriller-related items, as well as policy support.” ”

“Tricky coins, weapons, intelligence must be bought!”

“Look, can you bring some samples?”

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