Chapter 85 The beautiful anchor Bing Bing bought my tricky coin?!!

“Classmate Jiang Feng, you really know how to joke~”

“You’re the king of two thrillers.”

“How could anyone surpass you?”

“Yes, this should not be~”

Zhao Anguo and their temptation to say a word, their faces were smiling, but their hearts were shocked to doubt life.

Jiang Feng’s face did not change color, and he replied calmly: “I’m not kidding!” ”

“Indeed, someone has surpassed me.”

“It’s no one else, far away, close at hand, it’s my landlord Wang Siya, she is better than me!” Simply from the aspect of trickery ~ words…”

Zhao Anguo:????? Li Xianglan:????? Professor Chen:????? (Confused) Uh~

Groove this…

How is this possible? The second round of players actually surpassed Jiang Feng in terms of tricky power? How does it feel a little mysterious? It’s a fantasy, I can’t believe it at all…

How awesome is Brother Feng? And two consecutive rounds of calling the wind and rain! Actually surpassed? It’s kind of incredible!

However, Wang Siya’s very calm appearance did not dispute this, but smiled thoughtfully: “Oh, what is the use of strong power?” ”

“It’s not for Brother Feng, it’s not a part-time job~”

“Thriller games, not by fighting and killing.

“Having money and background is really powerful!”

Zhao Anguo glanced at them, gasped, and stunned with a forced smile and echoed: “Yes, yes, it makes sense, it makes sense, Miss Wang is reasonable.” ”

“Congratulations Miss Wang!”

“Congratulations Mr. Jiang!”

Jiang Feng smiled and nodded: “Not to mention Sister Wang, our family’s Xiao Ningning’s trickery is similar to mine.”

Zhao Anguo, they glared again, sure enough!


This mother and daughter are not simple, they are too awesome!

Could it be that what talent does their family have? Wait, no, the data says that they are not biological mothers and daughters, inheritance of a fart, it is certainly not a matter of talent, it is not so simple…

No, or perhaps, it’s simpler than expected: the key is still on Jiang Feng! Did he nurture the mother and daughter? As for the reason? Hey, hey, hey~

This is a beautiful landlord mother and daughter~ (→_→)

Zhao Anguo [second understanding] heart comprehended: “Oh, understand, congratulations Jiang Fengtong.”

Learn, your family of three, it’s really enviable, all of them are the kings of thriller games.

“And so many loyal classmates.”

“Please, please—”

“Let’s get on the plane first and talk slowly!”

Four helicopters are ready: Z-20Z-15

All are military transport helicopters, good safety, fully armed soldiers loaded the boxes on Z-20s, carefully counted, confirmed that they were correct, and followed Xu Yang and they were escorted on the same plane.

Jiang Feng and the girls rode on the Z-15. Accompanied Zhao Anguo and they chatted together.

Soon to the headquarters of the Horror Authority!

A helicopter base on the outskirts of Beijing, heavily guarded, very large, all kinds of material resources are constantly being sent, and engineering troops are building civil engineering and expansion projects.

“This is our headquarters base-”

“Large warehouse!”

“Underground fortifications!”

“Research Center!”

“Command Center!”

“Heliports, defensive positions, training grounds, and underground networks that extend in all directions, secret access to subway tunnels, sewers, rivers, basements of public buildings…”

“The surviving players from all over the country are basically coming.

“There were only a hundred people.”

“It also includes 66 of your copies.



Zhao Anguo sighed deeply and heavily, his expression was quite serious, faintly helpless, but full of determination.

Jiang Feng’s face was expressionless, and he didn’t know what to say.

He is not a savior! Can it save everyone? (_)

It can only help those around you, who are worthy of help, and those who are not worthy of help are too lazy to help, and those who are too far away cannot help.

He does not have that passionate sense of mission, nor does he have the spirit of sacrifice for others, and he does not mix!

However, you can provide tricky money~ There are also materials for intelligence and the horror world! Can save a lot of people~

You can make money yourself! Win-win (like)

“Director Zhao don’t worry, even if you worry, it’s useless, let it be cruel, but it is not necessarily without benefits, and it has a promoting effect on human development.”

“Feel the pain.”

“Understand pain.”

“Reflect on yourself and maybe make big progress.

“You look at those keyboard warriors, brain-dead fans, female boxers, dog lovers Virgin on the Internet, they all lack the education of thriller games, and it’s good to let them be beaten up.

“Thriller games are characterized by-”

“Anyone can be cured!”

Jiang Feng talked eloquently, without any fluctuations in his heart.

Because, he was originally talking nonsense…

Zhao Anguo was also crying and laughing: “Classmate Jiang Feng, didn’t you say that you feel pain and oppose killing?” Dog lovers, they are against killing, is this also wrong? ”

Jiang Feng glanced at him and scoffed: “Dog lovers? ”

“Bah, are they against killing?”

“They are against killing dogs!”

“Are they against killing pigs? Against the killing of cattle? Against killing chickens, ducks and fish? The pet feed they buy is not mixed with the meat of other animals, which is called against killing? ”

“We are still against killing~”

“Is this called loving nature?”

“While extreme scolding others for not loving, while eating haisei with big fish and meat, I look disgusted.”

“They love dogs as a preference!”

“It’s like loving a car, loving a beautiful woman!”

“Don’t be tied to compassion, they don’t deserve it, this unequal one-sided love is not as good as a butcher.”

“Those who sell dog meat are nobler than them!”

“The same goes for the Virgin.”

“It’s the same for vegans.”

“Personal preference is never compassion.”

“It’s like the splendor movement, if he says that all human beings should be equal, well, then he is noble, but if he says that a certain class of people should be elevated, hehe.

“Even if it’s a relatively vulnerable group.”

“This is also wrong!”

“Because, his starting point is crooked!”

“He’s not there to be fair.

“He’s just competing for interests.”

“Is there anything to praise for this?”

Jiang Feng’s righteous and rigorous words and logic are rigorous, and Zhao Anguo also feels very reasonable and deeply inspired.

Nodded again and again and praised: “It makes sense~”


“It seems that my consciousness is still not high enough!”

“Understanding pain…”

“Feel the pain…”

“It’s not just talk!”

The helicopter stopped at the headquarters base, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers had blocked a radius of 100 meters, heavily guarded, and guarded in strict formation, not allowing idle people to approach

The coin was secretly escorted to the underground warehouse.

Layers of defense! Jiang Feng, they followed to see the rookie player.

The surviving players were all at the training ground, undergoing physical health checks, and many people gathered around to chat, especially a large group of people gathered around a beautiful woman.

Seeing Jiang Feng, their group walked in.

The beautiful anchor Bingbing’s eyes suddenly lit up.


Brother Feng?

Isn’t this the thriller No. 1 player boss?

She quickly waved her hand to greet: “Brother Feng, hello, I am the fast voice anchor Bingbing, I bought your tricky coins.” ”

Jiang Feng glanced at her and nodded casually. It didn’t make much sense. Just leave calmly.


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