Thriller: I created an alien asylum

Chapter 119 Who is the villain?

Bei Mu gave a sarcastic smile: "Then keep making trouble. This is the first time I heard someone dare to ask me to pay for the things in my pocket. Unless I want to, don't expect me to take out a penny."

The god of wealth called out "quack".

Very much agree with this statement.

Its eyes blinked and looked at the bald head. A faint invisible golden thread was peeled off the bald head. It curled its mouth and swallowed the golden thread.

He patted his belly with satisfaction.

The bald head felt cold all over, as if something had left him, and something important and precious had been permanently lost.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable. The feeling of losing something but not being able to tell what it was made him even more grumpy.

Originally, the bald man only planned to cause trouble here, and if he stayed here, he would not leave, so that the company could not continue to operate.

However, seeing Bei Mu's handsome face and that hateful bossy expression, the bald head's anger became increasingly uncontrollable.

Finally, his brain was filled with the rushing blood. With a buzz, he lost all reason. He shouted and attacked Bei Mu.

As long as he is held hostage and asked to come out with a large sum of money, he will escape abroad and live happily for the rest of his life.

Before the bald head got within one meter of Bei Mu, he bumped into Tianlong.

Tianlong looked down at him condescendingly, his cold eyes full of murderous intent.

"Ah!" The bald man screamed, and his outstretched hand was broken in a crooked posture.

The shrill scream scared those who came with him.

"Hitting someone! Beating someone!"

"Hurry and call the police. We won't give up until we pay millions..."

Bei Mu: "It's so noisy, drive them all out."

Employees in black suits swarmed behind him.

This group of people who were not very organized in their fights were eliminated in a few strokes.

They picked up the group of people one by one, dragged them outside the door and threw them out.

A group of onlookers outside quickly dispersed.

"Really, a waste of my time."

Bei Mu was about to go back when a small red dot suddenly aimed at his eyebrows.

Then a dull gunshot rang out.

There is a building opposite Ygui Company. He has been lurking here. The killer with a sniper rifle is staring at the opposite side with a scope.

He waited very patiently for the group of troublemakers to lure Bei Mu out. Then, when Tianlong, who had been protecting Bei Mu, left, he seized the opportunity, aimed at Bei Mu's head, and fired!

The bullet was fired, and a smile appeared on the killer's face. This shot was stable, and a large sum of money would be credited to his account after the order was completed, enough for him to spend a lot of money for several years.

The killer glanced again and left immediately after confirming that the other party was dead.

Looking at it, he couldn't help but widen his eyes: "How could it be?"

I saw that the bullet that was supposed to hit Bei Mu was held by Tianlong in one hand.

Tianlong exerted force on his hand, click, click, and the bullet was turned into powder by him.

He raised his head and looked towards the opposite side coldly.

A street away, the killer felt that cold gaze seemed to fall on him. If looks could kill, he would probably be pierced hundreds of times.

"How is that possible? Is he still human? How could someone catch the bullet with his bare hands?"

That is a sniper bullet, which will directly punch a big hole in a person's body. Even if there is a complete set of first aid facilities and doctors nearby, it is a fatal weapon that may not be able to save the person.

To think that... he was picked up empty-handed like this?

Countless chaotic thoughts flashed through the killer's mind.

He is not a novice. He has done countless missions of sniping and killing others, but he has never encountered such a weird situation.

Who did he provoke?

After the killer's mind went blank, he quickly packed up his weapons and left the sniper spot immediately.

His car is parked downstairs at the back. As long as he leaves here and meets him who picks him up...

Tianlong knew that the failed sniper killer would escape, but he did not choose to chase him. His mission was to protect Bei Mu. Unless he died, he would not let Bei Mu leave his sight.

This is also because they are afraid that the enemy will divert the tiger away from the mountain.

However, the killer who planned to kill Bei Mu could not be let go. Tianlong waved his hand calmly.

The group of employees in black suits, who looked like just a group of bodyguards, received instructions, expressionlessly opened their coats, took out firearms from their waists and held them in their hands.

Then he moved quickly like a group of agents, quickly surrounding the killer.

The bald man and the others, who were just lying on the ground whining and cursing, were stunned when they saw this scene.

They all stayed in place, their mouths that had been shouting and cursing tightly shut.

The bald man shivered and thought in horror: What kind of people have I provoked? Why can we see a group of men in black suits holding guns in a country with such a strict gun ban?

who I am? where am I?

Did I wear it abroad?

I'm not in Xia Kingdom, but on the battlefield in Syria, right?

They endured the pain on their bodies, but did not dare to make a sound, for fear that the big men with guns would turn around and give them a bunch of bullets.

The killer carried a small box, changed his appearance, and ran downstairs quickly.

He didn't dare to take the elevator for fear of being stuck in the elevator.

The killer ran quickly down the stairs, but when he reached the second floor, he heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

The killers immediately stopped and leaned against the wall, five of them, no less than six or seven of them.

The steps are light and have undergone some training.

He was the one who came to hunt him, damn, he reacted so quickly?

The killer is stuck here, unable to get up or down.

He immediately opened the box, assembled a pistol, loaded the bullets, and prepared to fight back.

It's a pity that Xia State's control is too strict. The limit of being able to bring in a pistol and a sniper rifle is already high. If you have a shotgun...

The killer quickly thought of ways to escape.

While lowering his steps, he moved his position.

The entrance to the corridor is very narrow, making it an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place. If you take advantage of this, you can deal with them.

Xia's country has strict gun control, so they probably didn't carry any guns. He has a good chance of winning.

The killer made up his mind and stayed aside, waiting for the group of people to rush up.

The pistol was pointed quietly at the entrance of the corridor.

Wait a moment, and when they get closer, the killer smiles sinisterly.

A group of people came up.

The killer raised his pistol and pointed it at those people. He was about to shoot and kill these people, but he saw several empty guns pointed at him.

The killer's face froze.


There was a pain in his hand. It turned out that the other party shot the hand that held the gun without hesitation, and then broke his legs.

The last two men came up and pinned him to the ground, with several gun muzzles pressed against the killer's head.

The killer collapsed. Didn't it mean that your Xia country's gun management is very strict?

Why are these people holding shotguns, submachine guns, and various pistols?

Who is the villain?

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