Thriller: I created an alien asylum

Chapter 168 That is when the hunter is about to enter the hunting state

All the newcomers smiled awkwardly but politely.

It works, but it doesn't work sometimes, it doesn't last long, and it's out of control eight times out of ten.

However, this is a normal transition time for newcomers.

How long have they been under contract?

It takes only two days to complete a full play, and if you can control it within a week, you are considered very talented.

There are also many people who cannot control themselves for months or months.

This depends on how weird and difficult the contract is, as well as the talent and willpower of the contract master.

Ji Wu: "I don't mean to blame you, but your inability to summon the weird in time is very dangerous on the battlefield. A stray bullet or a cannonball can kill you."

"Headquarters is just letting you come to see the world. If one or two newcomers are lost in such a trivial fight, it is a completely unnecessary loss."

Du Jiashi raised his hand: "I can hide behind and shoot!"

He had wanted to try his sniper for a long time, and during this period he also contacted security to find out how to snipe people.

Ji Wu glanced at these people and said, "By then you should go to the side battlefield to clean up the missed deserters. With Xu Zhou, Jiang Tianzong and Xi Jing following you, the danger should not be that great."

"Okay!" Du Jiashi and Yang Yu high-fived.

Xu Rou held the umbrella and glanced at the children over there, "Is it really okay? The battlefield is not a place for fun."

If you don't do it right, you will really die.

Even though he is a contract master, a new contract master who cannot even control the weirdness well can lose his life in the blink of an eye when faced with modern weapons such as bullets and cannonballs.

There are also deaths that can be seen everywhere on the battlefield and the cruelty of war.

Can these children who grew up in peaceful times really accept it?

Ji Wu: "So, we need to give them a long experience. After becoming a contract master, they will inevitably face more terrifying and unreasonable weirdos."

"This kind of opportunity with seniors holding the battle at the front and only having the opportunity to see the cruelty and bloodshed of war from the rear is not worth mentioning the one percent danger."

"In the future, when they encounter more dangerous situations, they will gain a glimmer of hope because of their current encounter, and then the organization's efforts in training will not be in vain."

Xu Rou: "Wow, you have such good intentions."

Ji Wu frowned, feeling that Xu Rou's words were strange. He glanced at the Rakshasa umbrella in her hand. A layer of cold white mist seemed to emerge from the cold white bones, exuding a bone-chilling chill.

He nodded understandingly, oh ~ he is another one who was affected, he understands, he understands.

"Before you can control the weirdness, it's better to have less contact with the weirdness. It will affect your emotions."

Xu Rou touched the umbrella, and a strange emotion, whether it came from her or from this, was constantly surging.

Yin Nu grabbed her hand with some worry.

The coldness in her hand was so cold that it made her fingers feel tingling: "Sister Xu."

Xu Rou came back to her senses: "I'm fine."

She knew that she couldn't hate anyone. The person she could hate was already dead.

Her hatred had no object to rely on, and could only fill her body blankly, expanding and colliding, as if it was looking for an outlet to pour out.

Is this her emotion?

Such extreme hatred.

Xu Rou put away the Rakshasa umbrella, her hands were now as cold as corpses, green and stiff.

After the Rakshasa umbrella disappeared, the body temperature on her hand slowly recovered, and the hatred that had been surging gradually subsided a little.

Ji Wu was quite pleased to see that she could get rid of the strange influence in time. You must know that some contract masters are too deeply affected for the sake of compatibility.

They are not willing to get rid of it at all, no, or in other words, they think that they are not affected at all, and they are just releasing their own nature.

It is the release of self and id.

It's about re-understanding who you are as a person.

Some Pact Masters have said that they only feel alive after becoming Pact Masters.

"Gather, gather."

The security guards pushed the spies around.

The spies had pale faces and numb expressions, allowing them to manipulate them. Under the training of the security guards, they already understood what it meant to be involuntarily.

They put on their combat uniforms and were rushed into the transport truck with a tragic feeling of dying.

Zhang Lin looked at the group of people: "Are they going too?"

Ji Wu: "Yes, I heard that they are spies captured by the branch. There is no use keeping them anyway. Just throw them away to clean up the battlefield."

As for being cannon fodder? Just these dozen small bodies are not enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

If they were really thrown into the battlefield, they would lie down in less than a minute, and the other party would think that they were cheating on them and they would accept all the trash. Such a shameful thing could not happen.


"It's time to leave."

Everyone is ready to go.

This time is different from last time, this time it’s time to get serious.

Sitting in the car, Du Jiashi wiped his sniper and asked: "If we declare war in advance, won't the other side take the opportunity to escape?"

Ji Wu drove behind the large army and replied: "Of course we are confident that we will catch all those who escaped one by one."

"Hiss, you have to catch the one who escaped?"


"Then why didn't you do it at the beginning? They were all together at that time, right? Wouldn't it be easier and simpler to do it then?"

"Oh, declare war first and then attack. Basically, it is to say hello to the other party. In your Blue Star world, it is out of humanitarianism and remind the other party to evacuate the people."

"The Alien Club is probably trying to show that we are not a rude and barbaric organization."

Ji Wu expressed his speculation. As for whether this was the case, he was actually not sure. After all, these were decisions made by the upper management of the Qilui Association and had nothing to do with his supervision.

Bai Zuo sat quietly in the car.

At first glance, he looked very quiet, but through the glass on the car window, you could faintly see his eyes reflected on the glass, his pupils standing in a straight line with excitement.

That is a very dangerous sign that the hunter is about to enter a hunting state.

Yang Yu, who was sitting next to him, glanced at him casually and was so frightened that he sat up straight and moved a few times, not daring to get close to Bai Zuo.

He felt that his hairs were standing on end. It was because his body had foreseen something extremely dangerous and was constantly giving him warnings, don't get close, don't get close, don't look at each other.

Otherwise, he will be targeted by hunters.

The sneaky eye kept trembling, and then it silently moved to the right, physically expressing its will to not get closer.

If it hadn't been unable to move, it would have grown legs by now and run as far away from Bai Zuo as possible.

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