Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Dust as a wave of people

"Du won the training, it is the magical teachings passed down from generation to generation. (.)" Cao Qin looked far away from the battle in the Broken Soul, and explained to the four players around him indifferently, "This door The name of martial arts sounds very ordinary, but in fact it is extremely sophisticated and superior martial arts. If you practice this to the realm of Dacheng, the internal force will be like a river, endless, and the practitioners can only move with a dantian gas. Three nights."

"Well... it sounds... a bit like Wudang's Xuanwu Ding (that is, the turtle's work)..." Feng Shou was picking up a sentence.

"No, it’s far worse." Cao Qin denied, "Xuanwu is paying attention to the 'fixed', the potential is like a turtle, calm and calm, and knowing Shen Ning... At first glance, it is Taoist internal work." He said, Raising his finger and pointing to Du Yuan in the distance, "And Du won's practicing the interest-free work is a demon teaching method; this kind of martial arts requires the practitioner to retrograde the meridians, and the gods know that they are away from... The creation of heaven and earth will use the gas outside of the body for its own use."

Hearing this, the flowers in the field of martial arts are puzzled: "Reverse meridians... Is there any danger?"

"Oh... of course." Cao Qin said with a smile. "According to common sense, the retrograde meridians...there are internal and external damages, but the middle is ignoring the fire, and the heavy ones are dying."

"Home... actually explodes..." Xiao sighed his eyes and answered.

Cao Qin did not pick up his words, but continued to say: "The magic martial arts, most of its roads are deviated from the positive unity, and even many of them are contrary to the traditional martial arts theory. Therefore, it is considered by the righteous people." "Xie Gong", 'Magic Gong', and filth and spit." He showed a trace of disdainful smile, "Oh... but in fact, the person who can create such a 'devil' method is the real world. Ghosts."

"Well, I agree very much about this." Feng Jie did not pick up.

Cao Qin heard the words and turned his head and glanced at him. The look seemed to say, "Is it a boast?"

Two seconds later, Cao Gonggong went on to say: "If a kind of martial arts can only let the practicing person go into flames or explode and die, then who will go to practice? This is a confession... still a human problem. Because of the creation Those who are martial arts are too talented. Therefore, the talents they created are only highly talented. However, in this world, there are many people with average qualifications, especially those who are so-called righteous people. The ten ** is a sullen and dull generation, but also particularly likes to be self-sufficient. If the martial arts are in their hands, it is naturally a practice that only takes the fire."

"So..." If the rain asked at this time, "What is the realm of Du Win's interest-free work?"

Cao Qin took the jug hanging over the waist and took a shallow breath. He replied: "About 30 years ago, Du Win took this skill to the eighth realm. On the internal force alone...When the martial arts Only one person can compare."

"Ha!" Xiao sighed immediately. "That man... must be Cao Gonggong, are you?"

"Of course not." Cao Qin replied. "I said, there is only one person in the martial arts. I can't count the official and the big master."

"That..." asked the flower. "Who is that person? Is it Yuan Hao?"

"Ha..." Cao Qin smiled. "At that time, Yuan Hao was still a sly, how could he be compared with the demon leader." He did not wait for the other party to ask again, and he said directly after a second. Twelve years ago, in the martial arts. The only person who can win the victory in the internal force is the '阎王'."

"Speak up... What kind of person is this ‘King of the King’?” I asked if I couldn’t help.

"This is... I will tell you later when I see her." Cao Qin did not respond. It seems that the time for asking questions has not arrived. "Don't fight, I said half of it..." He shook his head. Tao, "The legend... There is a ten-fold realm of interest-free work, but the tenth "the world is no interest" has no written records, and only the first generation of the martial arts who created this martial arts practiced one person. After he died, there was no interest. In the past few years, the magical teachings have also produced some talents. But they all stopped at the eighth heavy 'landless interest'; so, over time, they thought that they practiced To the eighth weight can be regarded as 'finished'."

"Listen to the tone of Cao Gonggong..." The expression does not change. "Du Win is afraid that he has already surpassed that realm?"

"Ran also." Cao Qin responded. "In today's world, there are three people who will practice the interest-free work to the ninth "ghosts and gods", and Du Win... is one of them."

"I went to... I said that no one has been able to practice for many years... As a result, three people have been trained in the world?" Xiao sighed.

"Oh, huh..." At this time, it was a smile. "Since Cao Gonggong said ‘present world,’ not ‘now martial arts’, I think these three people...and have you a place for Cao Gonggong?”

"The seal of the Lord ... is really astute." Cao Qin boasted a sentence. It is the default. Two seconds later, he said without hesitation, "15 years ago, the magical teaching and the Central Plains martial arts battle, the last teacher Liu Xiangru was killed by Yuan Zhen, the people in the magical education were rushed to kill. Suo...some still have some The people have survived. Because there is no place for them to stand in the rivers and lakes, they decided to go to the court. And the heart of the "interest-free work" is their meeting for Jin Yiwei."

"Hey?" Xiaoshen heard this and couldn't help but interrupt. "What do you want to give to Jinyiwei?"

"Oh..." Cao Qin replied. "At first, things really fell into the hands of Jin Yiwei, and Shangguan Yu (Jin Yiwei commander) also quietly practiced for a few months. Until one day I saw him outside the palace. . . . faintly felt that the infuriating in his body seemed to be chaotic, and then he found that he was on the verge of ignoring the fire, so I ordered him a few words. Three days later, he took the initiative to put "Nothing to Pay", and I admit that my qualifications are limited, please ask me to 'smile' the power."

"Oh... this Shangguan adult is also awkward to play." Feng Bucai said, "I found myself unable to practice, and I came to borrow a flower to offer Buddha."

"He is a smart person..." Cao Qin said, "He knows very well... Some things can be kept even if they are useless; but there are still some things that if they can't bring benefits, they have to be shot as soon as possible, otherwise they will attract disaster."

When I got here, Cao Qin turned his attention to Yuan Wei: "Yes... Speaking of smart people, there is one here."

“Yuan Mengzhu?” asked the flower.

"Yes." Cao Qin replied, "Yuan Yu, is a person worthy of admiration for everyone."

"ho~" did not change the tone. "Is it possible to get Cao Gonggong's evaluation? It seems that Yuan Zhen must be a gifted person."

"Gifts are different?" Cao Qin smiled. "Oh... no, he is mediocre. But it is because of this... he deserves admiration."


Just when the various lines of information were taken from the front of the Hell, the battle in the Broken Soul... also had new changes.

After a short confrontation, Du Win jumped from a height.

And those who are trapped in the valley. They also rushed out of the encirclement, and retreated to the direction in which Du won.

After the interest rate, Du Ying suddenly landed, and his place was actually not even a trace of dust.

These heavens are cultivated. Let the heads of many martial arts can't help but take a sigh of relief.

"Yuan Mengzhu." After Du Ying landed, he completely ignored the people around him. He only looked at Yuan Zhen and said, "Long time."

Even though Du Yao’s current dress is no different from that of a normal farmer, his high popularity is stronger than that of the year. The momentum that is revealed in the gestures is like Yuan Yuelu; a simple sentence, six words, spoken from his mouth... it seems to have a weight.

"Mr. Du." Yuan Zhen did not call Du Win the "teacher", nor did he go to the name, but to find a more polite, more polite name. "According to it. I should call you a 'predecessor' ......" That is the case, but Yuan Hao did not make a gesture that the younger generation should have. He is still holding a sword and talking with one hand behind his back.

"Yuan Meng is very polite." Du Ying's voice is cold and powerless. "Old mortal yue Yamanomura, you call me a gentleman who is lifting me up."

"That's okay..." Yuan Zhen was really no longer polite with the other party. "Du win, we gossip less..." He asked, "Are you coming to stop us?"

"No." Du wins back. "I am here to kill you."

"Hey..." Yuan Hao snorted.

"The funeral heart valley has the rules of the funeral valley." Du wins the way. "When the king let you in, you can come in; if you don't let the king come in, you have to leave; and if the king makes you three more dead..."

"Crap!" Yuan Hao interrupted the other party. "We have come in now. And we are not planning to leave, let alone die."

"I know." Du wins, "So I will send you a ride."

"If you think you can... then try." Yuan Hao did not swear at each other. He took the soft sword back to his waist and answered. "I said... you are still alive. It is a piece for me. Fortunately, I have not met an opponent like you for many years."

He said this, but he is not afraid of offending people, because those behind the martial arts have long recognized that he is the best in the world.

"Good!" This moment, Du Ying's attitude changed, and his introverted momentum broke out in an instant, accompanied by a raging airflow swept forward.

Yuan Zhen carries his hands and stands proudly. You are completely unmoved.

But those people behind him can suffer, and the level of the head can be reversed. It is nothing more than taking a few steps back, and basically can still stand firm. However, many of the second-rate figures on the disciples' level, and some on the rivers and lakes, were shocked and stunned.

"Is it... this is the legendary overlord."

"Well... it could be a psychic pressure."

Seeing this scene, Feng Shou and Wang Shouzhi, who were watching in the distant mountains, spit a slot in the face.

And their behavior... In exchange for nothing more than the contempt of Li Ruoyu and An Yueqin.

"Not bad." After seeing this scene, Cao Qin still calmly commented, "The force is different from the air, like the tide like Tao, this is the biggest difference between the ninth and eighth. If it is the eighth If you are in a realm of realm, you can only show it in front of you." He said, and drank another drink. "But... he still can't win Yuan Hao."

Hearing this sentence, in addition to the seal, the other three people on the front line of the **** and the audience watching the live broadcast all felt confused.

Judging from the scene, Du Win seems to be better than Yuan Hao. After all, his internal force can affect the fog. And Yuan Hao’s performance in actual combat is nothing but speed and strength. It feels that there is no such a high-ranking demon leader.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the battle, Cao Gonggong said this kind of remarks that seemed to be conclusive.

Just when his voice was not falling, Yuan Hao... shot.

It’s useless to be quick and clever before Du won the courage.

Therefore, Yuan Hao’s action was not fast, and he did not make the soft sword to the extreme.

In the simplest way, he just rushed straight into the front of Du Win, and pointed to Dan Tian of Du Ying.

The fingertips have not yet arrived, and its power seems to be infinite.

At that moment, Du Win’s face suddenly appeared shocked.

He thought that no one would be so positive against the ninth weightless work, because this kind of behavior is like hitting the sea with a fist... The strong fist can only break the storm, but the power of the sea is endless. The fist will soon be overwhelmed.

However, Yuan Hao did not hesitate to choose this seemingly stupid way...

Because he saw through the other side of the seemingly flawless practice, the only weakness... is its strongest point.

"There is no reason!" After the shock, Du Win’s heart was raised with anger.

A person who did not like to fight, but also over the years of the armor, it is reasonable to say that this kind of emotion is not. The average person is still like this, and the characters like Du Ying should be more like this.

But at the moment, Du Ying... is angry. When a martial artist finds that the realm of his own life has been instantly cracked by another junior who met for the first time, he will naturally be angry...

No interest, it is indeed a very strong martial arts, life is also Xuan Gong.

In the long run, as long as the years of cultivation are long enough, the internal forces of those who practice the Ming Xuan Gong will definitely exceed the interest-free work. But in reality... at least within 30 years, the ninth weightless work is definitely stronger than the life of Xuan Gong.

However, if the practice is strong, it does not mean that it will win.

People are the key to victory and defeat.

Du Ying’s talent is very high, and his interest-free skills are also above Yuan Hao, but he has not been in actual combat for many years.

Even in those years when he had not yet withdrawn from the rivers and lakes, he had not experienced too many fights, because the enemy often did not shoot... he was directly crushed by internal force.

And Yuan Hao... his combat experience is unmatched by anyone present. In the years when he first entered the rivers and lakes, three or five bandit thieves may have taken his life. Before the age of 30, he experienced hundreds of battles of life and death (because not a very strong opponent may let him die); Later, his martial arts gradually improved, and his opponents became stronger and stronger...

To be likened, Yuan Hao is simply a figure who fights from the street to the world champion. To put it bluntly... On the ability to "figh", Du Win is far worse than him. (To be continued.)

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