Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 953: Returning to the heart is tired

In the Broken Soul Gorge, the battle is full of twists and turns.

At first, it was the advantage of the people in the valley, which formed a cofferdam against the martial arts group. Then, Yuan Hao single-handedly, turned the tide, and reversed the situation. Then, the appearance of Du Ying seems to have supported the scene again, but Yuan Mengzhu quickly pulled the situation over.

When the people in the valley thought that the general trend had gone, there were four beautiful women dressed in blood sakura white robes descending from the sky, using the Qimen hidden weapon to launch a brutal and inhuman killing of the martial arts forces, and successfully suppressed Yuan Hao.

It can be said that people in the valley are also good, and the people of the martial arts are also slamming him. Their mood is like playing bungee jumping in this half hour...

At the moment when they were not aware of their appearance, their journey of ups and downs also ushered in the climax...

"Yuan Mengzhu, the confession and the heavenly one, I will deal with it, and the two on the ground will be handed over to you." If he didn't land, he thought about the next strategy. He didn't waste time, he directly shouted to Yuan. He gave an instruction.

Yuan Zhen didn't know who he was, and he didn't know where the other party was from, but he just saw it a few times.

At this moment, Yuan Meng’s heart said: "Since this kid is also a master and intends to help me, I naturally have no reason to refuse. Anyway, I am also in a disadvantage, let him try it..."

"Good!" Two seconds later, Yuan Hao screamed, "This young man, you have to be careful!" Before he left the war, he also specifically reminded him that he felt really guilty. This opponent is very tricky, in case the "less man" is a second, it is too ugly.

"Yuanmeng Lord please rest assured that I will deal with her... I have my own way..." When he responded to him, he also slammed his foot against the distant Du Ying and made a wave of lame combos, which surprised the old man. Internal strength, while retreating from the side, "Right, please also ask the heroes of the main branch of Yuan Meng to scream... they bother to suppress Du win and those in the valley."

He is very clear that this is not necessarily useful to him. The martial arts people may not care about him. and so. He has to use Yuan Hao's mouth to conduct the dispatching and command.

After Yuan Yu heard the words, he immediately calculated his account in psychology. And came to a conclusion that this is a good idea.

At this moment, the seal has been slanted from the air, and the kitchen knife and the military shovel have been cut to the past.

After a round of knives and knives, one change and three changes, the reflection of the sky, not only blocked the attack of the sensation, but also forced Yuan Hao to retreat.

This is between the wrong one. Yuan Zhen will go off the battle smoothly. Then, if he did not say anything, he gave orders to the people according to the meaning of the seal, and rushed to the hyacinth and Tiehaiyu.

With Yuan Xi’s cultivation, when he is prepared, he will naturally not be hurt by bullets. This is why he will not arrange for him to deal with the two people.

When Yuan Meng’s main murder came close, the hyacinth and Tie Haijun had to change the tactics to cope with this super npc; in this way, those martial arts people who were shot and smashed were freed.

The group of martial arts who have not yet died are basically strong players who have reached the level of martial arts or near the level of the cadres. Let them deal with the players... It may be a little strong, but let them deal with a win-win and more than 30 Guzhong people, at least equal.

So care. Less than two minutes after the death of the Soul Gap.

Once again, the war situation has tended to the martial arts forces, and a new round of fierce fights has also taken place.

"What about your teammates?" Asked immediately.

Although she is very much looking forward to and single-minded, but this is a team game after all... As the captain of Red Sakura, it is obligatory to consider other factors of confrontation in case of the other party's strategy.

"Oh..." Feng Jie said, "What's wrong? Can't see people... but more uneasy?"

He did not answer the other's questions, in order to create greater psychological pressure.

"Where is it..." The look is fascinating. "I didn't think you would say..."

After the words, the body is swaying and swaying. Has made the "Tian Yan Feidu" school, and vacated.

Then. But seeing her waist twisted, she turned back and took a move [North Sky Cross Phoenix].

At that moment, Fengming broke through the sky and the waves fell.

The icy red inflammation hits directly from a few meters away, and it will cover the entire body.

Of course...

"This kind of trick, I have already seen through it..." He felt calmly commenting on one sentence, and at the same time rushed to the ground, rushing away from the trajectory of the cross knife.

In the next second, I saw that the whole person was like an octopus that accelerated in the water... I stretched my head to the front and dragged the whole body, while the body remained relaxed, naturally straight, and brought a little rotation...

Unexpectedly, I used such an extremely eccentric extreme action to "drill" out from the angle of one side of the cross knife, and it was wrong with the chopping wave.

In this world, I am afraid that no second person will use this kind of tricks... and only with zero-day calculus and weird thinking, he can think of it and can do it.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." After the success of the successful trick, the brother quickly rushed to the front of the unsettled enthusiasm, sullenly laughed, "cross-shaped sniper is difficult to hide! Just like this." I am so embarrassed!"

Table tennis

After the twinkling of an instant, the sound of two gold and iron rings sounded.

The first sound is the sound of the [must break the blade] with the left knife. The second sound is the sound of the [wjq-308 military shovel] with the right knife.

"Oh? This is a bit of a surprise..." After half a second, the counterattack failed and the feeling was cold, and he sighed. "I am close to the gap between your shots, you actually have time." Prevent?"

"Oh... it’s quite awkward..." Flourished with a trace of anger, and screamed back, "You are not ‘have already seen through our ‘this kind of tricks’?”

When the voice fell, a giant shadow had rushed down from the air.

That shadow is undoubtedly the giant eagle that the blood rose. This shock is one of the skills that this summoner comes with [silent attack].

As the name implies, the trick is that it does not emit the slightest movement when it is launched. Even the vibration and wind pressure of the air will not occur. The target often has to wait until the giant eagle is incomparably close to detect the attack.

In actual combat, as long as you cooperate with your teammates, **** roses can often take the enemy with a blow.

Of course, it will not be taken away. As he said before... This trick has long been seen.

The "North Sky Cross Phoenix" is condensed and unsuccessful. Jue Ge has already noticed the intention of the other party, because he always pays attention to the position of blood rose in the air...

After drilling out from the sniper's gap. Unconsciously, he deliberately induced with his demeanor and language, and wanted to create an illusion that "I care about it".

However, the goddess of the floe is not simple... Based on the experience of many times and the brothers, she left a heart when she issued the cross knife, and did not make a full effort.

As expected, the other side crossed the attack in a very extreme way and caught the opportunity to fight back.

At this time. The role of the hand in hand is reflected in the effect of the hand, she did not fully put the skills, she just happened to respond before the other side's surprise.

It is a pity that in the moment when I saw the shovel and the shovel, I realized that the other party still did not reveal the flaws.

For the masters of this level, the impact of the weapon upload can tell her a lot of information. So after blocking the two, she understood that the purpose of the two was not to "kill", but to use the reaction of the block to "push" oneself.

That is to say... the series of actions that were not realized were made after seeing through the cooperation of the opponents. Every step of his response seems to be thrilling. In fact, there is more than enough...

Whether he is testing the opponent's bottom line in this way or playing with his opponent, this is a less enjoyable battle experience.

"Not bad..." Feng did not feel a rebound back, Kankan flashed the impact of the giant eagle. "No matter how tempted I am, I will not reveal flaws."

He talks between. The giant eagle has already "rushed" into the ground, just like the ghost that can pass through the wall, disappearing silently into the earth.

The summoning creature can go through the wall, but the blood rose can't, so when the [silent attack] is launched, she has left the back of the giant eagle. At this moment, the blood rose is still in the sky, but the things she is riding are no longer giant eagle. But one...

"There is still the person who called the "fossil pterosaurs" in the sky. Is this going to turn to attack those npcs?" Feng Shuh said. Looking up at the dragon shadow hovering high above the sky, "Speak up... Are you doing a sideline task at this time? What is the task content? For the king to clean up the invaders?"

There is no response to the problem of unconsciousness. In the next few seconds, she is observing the situation on the battlefield with the title technology [bullet vision].

Although it was only a few seconds, it was enough for her to see every detail in the entire battlefield clearly.

"Rose!" When the brothers finished speaking, they immediately shouted to the teammates in the sky, "covering the wind and the sea otter... withdraw!"

This sentence is "the command of the captain", so there is no doubt.

Regardless of whether this decision is right or wrong, as a professional player, Red Sakura players will not question and argue during the game. What they have to do is to execute them perfectly, what are the problems, and so on after the game is over.

Then, in the next second, the blood rose controls the fossil pterosaur and goes to Yuan Yu.

The giant eagle that broke into the ground not long ago also rushed back and suddenly appeared between Yuan Hao and two players of Red Sakura.


Yuan Zhen’s foothold was not stable, and the two groups of fires came from midair. Fortunately, Yuan Meng’s masters were brilliant and wonderful, and he actually avoided the invisible pillar of fire by his body and flashed aside.

However, Hyacinth and Tiehai also took the opportunity to jump on the back of the giant eagle and fly with them.

"How?" The seal didn't know what to see. He knew that the other party had decided to retreat. It was not realistic to let him chase four. So he simply stopped doing it. He just looked at it and said, "You are not looking forward to it." Do you fight with me? Is this going to go?"

"We are here to do the task of the branch." Talk back, "Since it can't be done now, it should be evacuated as soon as possible to avoid more losses..." She paused, and the soft face turned to the heights. , glanced, "Your teammates are on the hill over there?"

"Is it really found out?" Feng did not know the utility of the Bullet Vision, so he did not have to deny it.

"Actually, I don't see it very clearly. That distance... is too far for me." Xiaohuai smiled. "But... I heard that you confirmed it, I was relieved. It seems that my decision is not wrong."

"Ha?" Feng Weng heard a sigh, "Hey ~ you actually swindle me?" He said that there is a subtext below the sentence, that is, "and it is still successful?"

"Oh..." I laughed more cutely, but she did not respond positively to the problem of the brother, but instead answered, "The victory between you and me... has been waiting for too long, I am not in a hurry At this time, if you want to fight, you will go to the 'Music Heart Villa' to fight."

After all, it’s time to turn around and jump up. With the stunt of [Tian Yan Feidu], she easily swam up the wall and jumped out of the mountain gorge.

Before her figure disappeared into the mountain, she looked back and looked at her. At that moment, his clothes hunted and danced in the wind, and the hair was also swayed by the wind, and the distance was gone, and it was like a dusty fairy and a cool man. Even a lot of npcs have been seen.

"Look at what!" Three seconds later, Feng Bing screamed out, "What are you doing?" This time, he did not wait for Yuan Hao to speak, and directly used the tone of the child to face the martial arts group. Rumor, "kill! Wash the land!"

His big drink will wake many people out of the hustle and bustle, although people still don't know who the goods are, but they have to admit... he is justified.


Five minutes later, the Battle of the Broken Soul... was declared over.

The martial arts group led by the lord Yuan Hao died nearly two hundred and injured. At present, there are forty-eight survivors, 13 of whom are slightly injured.

The side of the funeral heart, the whole army is annihilated, only one life is still...

That person is undoubtedly Du Ying.

This old boy is also awkward to play. When he heard the word "withdrawal", he ran away... he ran faster than the members of the Red Sakura. In addition to Yuan Hao, other martial arts masters can't stop him.

However, today's Du win, the state of mind has been like a dog. At this time, he was stunned and ran to the funeral mountain village, only because he had many questions in his heart... I wanted to ask the "King of the King."

On the other hand, after all the dust settled, Yuan Hao finally came to the front of Feng Shou, and made a sigh of relief, saying: "Yuan Yudai heroes of various roads thank Xia Xia for helping." His gaze The sorrowful brother must have a certain body. "I don't know the name of the young man and the high name. What is the teacher?" (To be continued.)

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