Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 992: End of time domain (top)

on the other hand……

The world, the frequency matrix area.

"The preparation for the opening of the blasting tunnel is basically ready." Link looked at the generating device with a height of six or seven meters in front of him. If he thought thoughtfully, "the current bandwidth is enough for any data to pass." ”

"That is..." Ed, who stood beside him, said, "Can we go through?"

"Yes." Link replied. Two seconds later, he turned his head and looked at Ed Road. "What? Don't you want to go?"

"No, I have to sit here." Ed replied. "You have to go."

"Oh..." Link said with a smile. "How do you know that I am going?"

"Of course you will go... because you are very eager to get in touch with humans." Ed replied.

The tone of his speech does not have any sensation, and his tone is calm and succinct, as if he is always stating certain facts that have nothing to do with himself.

"Oh? I'm eager to get in touch with humans.... How did you see it?" Lin Ke said here, his eyes changed slightly. "Is it... what did Lut say to you?"

"She doesn't have to tell her what she thinks about you. It won't's even more impossible now." Ed replied.

"Then why are you..." Link just wanted to ask.

Ed interrupted him: "The part of the code that makes up your 'character' has already changed. This can be seen by Rute. I can see it naturally." He paused for half a second, and then "Being data, pursuing the 'answer' is your nature, yet... 'character' is something that should be biological, full of uncertainty and non-logical laws... can't pass your unilateral The calculus is mastered. Obviously... you need to observe a large number of individual samples and a single event in order to get enough data to resolve your personality."

"Oh..." Link heard this, shaking his head and smiling. "I gradually began to understand... why Rout hates you so much."

"The so-called 'likes and dislikes' are fundamentally derivatives of personality code. I have realized this in the process of 'self-rewriting' and removed all related '瑕疵'." Ed answered. "So, if you hate me, it makes no sense to me."

"Okay~ Ok~ I won't be jealous of you." Linker waved his hand and smiled. "That's not you, OK?" He turned and looked at Infinity, who was standing by, not far away. "Infinit. Be prepared, come out."

At this moment, Infinity is straightening up and floating in the air, and the stream of light in his eyes seems to be observing.

"Well..." I heard Link’s words. Infinit blinked his eyes, and the data flow disappeared in an instant. "Finally... Is it my turn to play?"


Time domain, on the millennium.

"The ants are..." The Lord of Time looked down at the five figures in front of him and said in his usual, proud voice. "This is the end of the challenge to God."

"Damn... I didn't expect this guy to be so tricky." As the only Warring States player who can stand, Oda Ai's survival value is only 2o%; and her survival value supplements have all been used up. ......

"How do I think this is completely foreseeable?" Sasaki Maki, who was lying on the ground, vomited with his dying voice, "There is also a 'four-column god'... Can have a more difficult npbsp than it; "Less Luo! "Oda Nobunaga did not return to the road," "I will cut you down again!" ”

"Oh..." Sasaki sighed. "I advise you to save some strength and go to escape alone..."

"No, I can't escape..." At this time, the wise credit samurai sword supported the body, stood up reluctantly, and continually recited, "Because... because..."

"Because the other party's ability is to stop the time, bastard!" Was lying on the ground, and Wu Tianzhi, who was covered in blood, suddenly took over the words of his teammates and snorted.

She is not on fire for her teammates, but because of the wounds on her body. Although she didn't say it in her mouth, she was thinking in her heart: "Damn... it hurts me... Is this sure to be 'systematic suppression of pain'?"

"Not just stop the time..." A second later. Shangshan Ren, who was lying on the side of Takeda’s body, also opened the door. "In the battle just now, the Lord of Time used at least four abilities..."

"Whether there are several kinds, if you know it but you can't guard it, it's not empty!" Oda love has an irritating shortcoming. However, her fighting intuition is really real, and those "mind" rely on analysis to grasp the intelligence, she can master 80% by instinct...

Indeed, from the time the two sides began to fight, the Lord of Time used a total of four abilities, and these four ... are all the ability to "even know. Can not contain."

One is to pause time.

Of course, this ability has certain shortcomings, otherwise the five countries of the Warring States have long been destroyed.

Some people still remember that when they first felt that brother and Xiaoshen had started a consumable item from the Lord of Time: the effect of the item was "slow down the degree of all monsters within a radius of 100 meters for one minute."

The "time stop" ability of the owner of time is equivalent to a variant of this item. It can pause the time for twelve seconds, and it can move freely during this time; just... in these twelve seconds, its own degree will be reduced by ten times. In addition, after each stop, it has to be separated by one minute to use this ability again.

Look at the second - the power barrier.

This is the intrinsic ability of the main body of time to be a god-level npc. It belongs to the all-round defense of passive touch, which is extremely reliable...

Whether it's a frontal impact or a sneak attack, whether it's physical, magic or mental shock, this barrier automatically reacts and defends.

Attacks with insufficient strength simply cannot cross the barrier, and attacks that can penetrate the barrier are also weakened during the penetration process.

The third is self-healing.

As the name suggests, it is not helpful.

Fortunately, the self-healing power of the Lord of Time is not very strong, and it takes a certain amount of time to repair the wound.

The fourth is the silent field.

This... is a real headache.

Simply put, the master of time can make players within three hundred meters of it unable to release skills.

Therefore, when fighting this world-class wave ss, those active technologies with an attack range of less than 300 meters are basically useless; medical skills are similar, depending on how far the teammates are from the edge of the silent field...

Passive skills, soul, psionic weapons, item abilities, and title abilities can be used, but these are the things that players can do.

If it is a group of summoning and shooting players to brush the time, perhaps it can still be cheaper by specialization, but the Warring States is almost a team of fighting players... obviously there is no chance.

"Looks like... I am coming right."

Just as the players in the Warring States were at a loss, suddenly the sixth person’s voice rang.

When the voice did not fall, everyone turned around and saw... (unfinished.)


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