Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1044: Limit experiment (13)

Igor's surprise did not last long, he has become more and more adapted to his own strength.

After breaking the door, he stood at the door and scanned the situation inside the house with his own eyes in the darkness. Then he turned his head and said to him: "No one inside... at least I didn't see it."

"Yeah." Feng did not feel nodded at him, and went forward, took the lead into the room.

Based on his experience, he felt the light switch on the wall on the left hand side of the door; when the lighting device was turned on, the whole picture of the "archive room" was displayed in front of the eyes.

This is a space of just over ten square meters. In addition to the area near the door, other places have placed a full circle of filing cabinets along the wall.

In a sense, this room is indeed a trap, and it is a trap that makes this reading a waste of time...

Fortunately, the system has made some adjustments to this.

[can't open]

[There is nothing valuable in it]

[On the smudged files, the writing is difficult to distinguish]

System prompts like this are endless in the next ten minutes.

Unexpectedly trying to open the drawer of each filing cabinet, and the tips are basically the above three.

In this regard, he did not feel any surprise. In fact, he is more than happy to see this situation. Otherwise, with his character and habits, he might have to spend a few hours here to see a bunch of possible and mainline plots. Unrelated documents.

"Hey, I said... you are the e107 experimental body?" At this time, the barefoot brother has been transferred to Igor, and he whispered when he was rumoring about the file. Igor said, "Looks like...vno-9 is a success."

"You know a lot." Igor's tone is very cold, not at all like the attitude he said when he talked to him.

Obviously, Igor did not have a good impression on the opponent of this head... Even the barefoot brother is not a "devil." He was also a member of the organization that Igor used as a mouse (this can be judged from his knowledge of the structure of the base).

"Hehehe... Believe me, I don't know much." The barefoot brother did not care about Igor's indifference, but smiled. "Yes... I did be the staff of this base. But I am just a small person. Believe me... I hate people in this base like you."

"Because they treat you as an experimental body?" Igor asked.

"Oh..." The barefoot brother seems to think of some unpleasant memories. There is a bit of bitterness in the tone. "When the second experiment happened, they did not hesitate to block the area near the experimental area. And I was trapped there with more than ten other people." He paused and looked up at Igor. Although in his sight, the other party is just a tall shadow, he still reveals a haze of his face. "But... From the results, you and my experience are all blessed in disguise...hehehe... ..."

Just when he made the grotesque smirk, he closed all the file cabinets and confirmed that... the file cabinet that can be opened for viewing is in the file cabinet. Only the documents in one drawer are identifiable. As for all other cabinets and all drawers, they are all "cannot be opened" or "cannot be seen".

"Oh... it seems like this..." Feng Shu returned to the drawer and took all the documents inside and sat on the ground with cross-legged legs.

"Oh. Right..." After sitting down, I opened the first file and didn't lift the head to Igor. "Igor. Close the door."

Igor heard the words and turned to look at the metal door whose lock had collapsed. He suspected: "Does this door... does it make sense?"

"It’s relatively safe to lock up." It’s already a single-minded use. While reading the contents of the document, I should say, "If there are other variants passing by the door, they will probably pass by without knowing the door."

"Oh..." Igor heard this and instinctively looked down at the head on his hand. "But... what if the guy yells as soon as he hears footsteps outside?"

This is indeed a problem, because the barefoot brother can speak without the need for a vocal organ. Unless he is killed, it would be useless to pull out his tongue... He can still ventilate the outside person.

"Then you immediately throw his head at me." The next second, I couldn’t help but think about it. "When his kind of voice heard from the door, he could see it in sight." Only me and him, attention will be attracted to me, then you can do it."

"Oh..." I didn't expect that the barefoot brother sneered and answered. "Even if this is the case, can I remind them by language that Igor is not?"

"You can try... when it is your big voice, or my mountain song slips." Feng Shuhui calmly replied, "Take a step back, even if your reminder really works... the result is the same According to my observation, Igor's current physical ability, coupled with his 'invisible' characteristics in your eyes, even if you are prepared, it is not his opponent."

After listening to the words of the brother, the barefoot brother snorted and said nothing.

The barefoot brother who has personally passed through Igor’s knife understands that the analysis of the seal is correct.

Take his own example... Even if the barefoot brother now has his hands and feet, and he is wary, he has not won the confidence of Igor. If you don’t talk about the other abilities, you will say strength and speed. Two... Igor's vno-9 reformers are almost as good as their sleep experiment variants, and under this premise... Igor also comes with stealth and the healing power they don't have.

In summary, let alone one-on-one, as long as Igor is cautious and wretched in combat... It is not necessarily lost to an enemy.

A few seconds later, Igor had already closed the door.

When he saw that he was concentrating on reading a stack of documents, he knew that it would take quite a while, so he also found an empty space to sit down and take a break.

At the same time, Feng Shou has already seen the content of the first document by one-third of his amazing reading speed.

"Well... this gang..." Although I only watched a third, I felt that my brother had begun to vomit. "Don't you dare to make a little more?"

He saw this first document. It is an application for a research plan, codenamed "Melereva".

The general idea of ​​this plan is to achieve the goal of making the left brain more developed through sophisticated means, targeted compression and damage to the right brain of human beings.

I don't know why, the person who proposed this plan thinks that the left brain is more useful than the right brain...

Then, this person has another theory, that is... "the theory of incomplete induced evolution." Moreover, the example he gave seems to be quite like that. For example, the hearing of the blind person will be better than that of the ordinary person. The person with a disability in the left leg will be strong in the right leg, and the vision of the deaf person will be relatively sharp. A single arm of a bachelor will be thicker (well, this is what I wrote casually) and so on.

In short, the logic of this research plan is that as long as the right brain is completely brain-destroyed, the left brain can be stronger.

After I didn’t read the document, I felt strongly... the person who proposed the plan... I may have been disabled.

"Although I also know that Germany during World War II, the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and the United States in any period of time were doing some inexplicable research..." When I closed the first document, I whispered in my mouth, "but This set of slots is really amazing... Suddenly I think the 'Nazi zombies' have become more reliable..."

After three minutes, I felt that I started to turn the second document.

This one. Relatively speaking, it is really more reliable, because this is the experimental record of the "first sleep experiment."

The content at the beginning is the same as the introduction in the opening g, so the seal is swept at a glance [they have food that can last for one month, some books. There is also tap water, toilets, and a few beds] and then look down...

[The first five days, nothing happened. just. The conversation between the prisoners became more and more emotional... they began to confide in each other's voices. 】

[On the sixth day, the situation turned sharply, and the prisoners suddenly became paranoid and crazy; they stopped chatting. And began to blame each other on the grounds of the current situation. 】

[In the next few days, the prisoners sat back to back and seemed to be angry. Through the microphone, we heard strange, ambiguous whispers. 】

[On the ninth day, one of the people panicked nervously, screaming and running back and forth in the room, continually shouting loudly until they completely lost their voice, and eventually they could only make a weak low. 】

[The other four prisoners seem to be unmoved by what is happening in the room, but two of them were observed to quietly tear paper from the book and drain it on the paper, then glue the paper to the glass porthole of the room. on. 】

[On the fourteenth day, we couldn't see what was going on in the room. The porthole looked like a big fish tank full of excrement. 】

[On the fifteenth day, there was no more sound in the room, it became very quiet, but the oxygen detector showed signs of life in the room. 】

[Although we can't observe the situation in the house, this unusual silence makes people wonder if they are already fainting. 】

[At 11:30 that evening, we unanimously decided to open the room for inspection. We told them by radio that a team of staff would enter the room, test the microphone and clean the portholes. 】

[We require the experiment body to stay away from the door and lie on the ground, otherwise they will be killed. 】

[Of course, considering the mental and physical conditions of these people, it is impossible to rule out the possibility that someone will take the initiative to die. Therefore, we claim that as long as they are willing to cooperate, one person will be released. 】

[After the broadcast, the silence in the room continued, until a voice trembled into the microphone and said, "We don't need you to give freedom anymore." 】

[Fifteen minutes later, we entered the room with a team of assault troops, and we were greeted by a scene of human purgatory. 】

[They didn't eat the food we gave, at least... I haven't eaten for a week. 】

[We saw blood oozing out of their mouths, and everyone's mouth was stuffed with something, no accidents... that should be their own flesh. 】

[We noticed that each person's face and body muscles have large defects, and these scars are caused by hands, not with teeth, that is, they tear themselves by hand and serve as food. eat. 】

[There are two bodies that have been torn apart, and the chest is exposed. Some of the organs in their bodies have also been dug out of the body cavity, but their bodies are still functioning normally. 】

[I don't know what the principle is. A person who lacks half of the lungs can still speak. Before that... he is still alive. 】

[We have to pause the experiment and enter the medical process first. However, after turning off the ts gas, the five experimental bodies suddenly became mad. 】

[They launched a sudden attack on us with a strange force that I couldn't understand. I killed three guards in an instant and killed two others in the process of others. 】

[Ultimately, we controlled three experimental bodies, while the other two seemed to be able to go straight to the anatomy. 】

[In the early morning of the 16th day, we dissected the first one. He was the one who started to bark at first. We now know why he didn't shout later, because his vocal cords have been completely torn. In addition, the meat in his mouth seems to be part of his own sinus. 】

Seeing this, I found that the person who wrote the experimental record, the brushstrokes became more and more emotional and dramatic, and... he described the tone of the experimental body and was not describing the feeling of "humanity". More like describing a certain "thing".

[At the same time, the three who were **** were receiving different degrees of surgery; they all asked not to use any anesthesia during the operation to keep them awake. 】

[In fact, even if they don't make such a request, it's fine, because we have found that the tranquilizer has no effect on them. Even if one of them is given a dose of three people, the experimental body is still alive and kicking. 】

[The first subject who died of surgery died of excessive blood loss, at least from the point of view of the symptoms... it was too much blood loss; as for why he could still endlessly break the nine bones, we don’t know. 】

[The second experimental body showed a strange satisfaction in the operation, just like a drug addict, and smiled at us all the way. But after the surgery, he was angry and asked us to cut him again. 】

[The third experimental body has been chanting, saying that he must stay awake. I faintly heard from his words... He seems to say that he is going to be "free." 】(To be continued.)

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