Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1075: Remnant flow VS super real flow

A terrible battle, a touch of the moment.

The king of bears, against...the park **** of war.

[Hey... What is going on here? 】

This is a situation that no one expected, and no one can guess the ending.

[Why do I speak in square brackets again? 】

"Come here! Betting early!" On the other hand, in the "bet area" on the edge of the battlefield, Wu Xu Ma Luo is not a good starter. When he saw the situation change, he immediately filled in the bulletin board. "The name of the Ministry of the Thai three", and wrote the odds, "Mr. this department is very strong, one lost five ~ everyone quickly bet!"

[The last method used in the chapter "Scofield's Monologue" has appeared again...]

At this time, the sound of music has stopped, and Uxu Ma Luo still shouted with a loudspeaker, and even the people on the battlefield heard his shouts.

[Is it really good to let the protagonist continue to vomit in the perspective of God? This time the author really gave up life? Is schizophrenia? 】

"Oh... that sly bastard, I really saw the stitches..." The Ministry heard the sipping of the other side in the process of moving forward. However, he just chanted in his heart, "Forget it... Here is the strongest of him, let him go..."

This department is a person who knows the goods. He knows very well that this place, the strongest person here is actually responsible for the opening.

The heroes of the Remnant Boys and Yu Chaolian (including Jue Ge) and the various aliens present at the scene did not know the instructions.

[Do you know if you write this way? Or do I have to pretend that I don’t know in the next chapter? 】

Wu Xu Ma Luo seems to be casually saying the odds of the park **** of war, but in fact ... whether it is a teenager, a slap, or a Thai three, their odds are very objective.

Because ... Wu Xu Ma Luo does not have to fight, has been clear about the strength of these three people.

【Why? Is it sensible to perceive each other's combat strength? Are you also an apprentice of Bick? 】

"Hey! The straw head over there." Unexpectedly, at this time, the young boy was turned around. Looking at the crowd in the betting area, "I have been paying attention to you for a long time!"

The betting board there is very large, and the words and odds can be clearly seen with the eyes of the youngsters.

"I actually set my odds as the highest?" He ignored the headquarters that was approaching himself, and loudly yelled at the vain. "The fangs are lower than me by 0.1. The odds of this sleeping park are actually Is it 0.4 lower than me? Are you guys blind?"

[Is it time to care about that kind of thing? There is a strange uncle approaching you, your attention is concentrated. 】

"Well?" Wu Xu Ma Luo heard the words, immediately stopped the call, and greeted the other's line of sight, "little, how do I set the odds, it seems to have nothing to do with you?"

"What are you talking about?" The youngster’s eyes are stunned. "You are the straw head... look for death!"

[People just said the truth. 】

His sentence is obviously not a question, because when he said the word "death". It has already been shot.

But see, the young man with a blue arm beam bursts from his fingertips and hits the crowded betting area.

At that moment, many of the surrounding masters, including ordinary aliens, felt strongly that this move would smash all the people there.

【so smart? Wear a gun? 】

Of course!

"Oh... ridiculous." Wu Xu Ma Luo saw it, and snorted.

In the blink of an eye, he has disappeared from his original position and flashed on the trajectory of the beam.

[It seems that your loading is forced to close. 】

Next second. The beam hit the torso of Wu Xu Ma Luo, but ... that impact. It gives a feeling of mud cows entering the sea.

The blue light rushed in from his chest, but did not reveal from behind...

About two seconds later, when the teenager was aware of the excellent situation, and quickly took over, his body's energy has already consumed more than 30%.

[Sucking Star Dafa? 】

"What...what!" The sorrowful teenager was shocked and subconsciously stepped back two steps. "What the **** are you!"

[The lines are really old-fashioned. 】

"Who I am, it doesn't matter." Wu Xu Ma Luo faintly returned, and turned to walk to the place where he just stood. "The point is... your bear child behavior, you have basically ruined yourself. Victory."

The voice has not fallen. The shock has been born.

Just as the youngsters were ready to hurriedly turn around... A strong, strong arm that had stretched his neck.

[Ah... I said, don’t look around. 】

"Oh, huh..." The headquarters has an absolute advantage in height and weight. When he launched his neck, he was already convinced of his victory. "Little devil, knowing that I am close to you, I dare to look around... Too small to see me?" By now, he has mercilessly added strength to his arms, "pay for your innocence!"

[You have to close your mouth, don't set this obvious lag... Maybe you will win. 】

"Drinking" unexpectedly, it was at this critical juncture, and the youngsters were still drinking a long time, and the whole body was soaring.

"Don't underestimate me!" After a sensational sensation of a variety of lines, he once again made a slap in the face, trying to fly the head in a way that exploded.

[Look. 】


"Oh..." The ministry just snorted. "All said that you are too naive!"

It turned out that the Ministry had already launched a broken home at the same instant, and completely offset the impact with its deep skill.

"The winners and losers have been divided!" Then, the headquarters will hold back the youngsters and jump into the air. "The secret technique is falling with the abyss!"

I don't know who is stipulated. Anyway, the fight must be reported in this year.

[Cut... this uncle just likes to report...]

After a few seconds, the two figures fell to the ground and the energy burst.

A strong air wave spread out in a circular shape, and there were countless miscellaneous fish flying.

However, "winning and losing" is not separated as the Ministry said.

"How are you..." The light and shadow have not been exhausted, and the horror of the Department has already sounded. "Why can you stand up?"

[Uncle, you use this expression and tone to say a few more words. Then you have to lose. 】

At this time, after this powerful and skillful technique, the headquarters and the disabled teenagers reopened the distance. The department thought that... the other party should lose consciousness even if it has not been broken into meat sauce.

did not expect……

"This is also, that is also ... small people must have a limit!" At this moment, the youngsters screamed and screamed, and glared at the unsettled, undecided mouth of the headquarters... suddenly killed.

[Oh oh~ Explosive kind of blasting ~ I finally have your turn. 】

"Delete your archive punch! Demolition your model legs! Let it be spoiled! Cry eighteen!"

[This doll's name is a bit small and arbitrary. 】

It’s too late. It was fast! The disabled teenagers, while drinking their own name, launched a storm-like offensive against the headquarters, and the latter lost the battle, only the power of parry.

"Oh... this part, are you old confused?" At the same moment, in the distance, they were facing their ugly, and they said coldly, "I didn’t even notice that the other side had become a 'golden body.' It made a 'falling abyss drop'...hehe... you are really innocent."

[So... are you now explaining? 】


He spoke here. The other side of the department is squatting.

As the saying goes, "Fist is afraid of being young" and "Fighting and killing the master", these all prove from the side... the importance of age, or physical state in battle.

[I guess the next step is a serious nonsense. 】

Yes, this department is taller and stronger than the youngsters, but... according to the standards of his race, his physical condition has already begun to decline, almost the same as the situation of "the earth is fifty years old". .

The bear child star... has an inherent advantage in this respect. Because they are a "not old" race, they grow up to the stage of puberty and will stop growing physically. And keep this state until death.

[Forgive me immediately thought of racial reproduction and a series of very dirty pictures. 】

This innate advantage is beyond the reach of this department; after all, the bear child is also a "combat race" (the universe has a lot of combat races. The abilities vary, but the battle is obviously more than the average race.) Advantages), and the Department does not have any particularly strong racial talent, he can have today's achievements, all rely on the exercise of the day after tomorrow.

[He has a hair achievement? Do the tramps who have invincible in the park enjoy the special state allowance? 】

From this point of view, even if the current teenager is still not as powerful as this. But in time, as long as he keeps on exercising and improving his combat power, he will definitely surpass this headquarters...

However, assumptions like this are actually meaningless...

It’s as if we compare athletes from different eras to each other. I wonder what they will do in a matchup during the peak period.

[Can you make an analogy with athletes? I always feel wronged. 】

In this world of the jungle, the result stands for everything; if you want to prove that you are stronger, you have to prove it with your immediate victory...

[Ah... Victory is not a good thing. Victory is over a mountain of corpses. Victory is cruel. It is the last knife that defeats, dumps, completely destroys your opponent, and then fills the grass. 】

"Well... it’s true that I am out of order." After being suppressed for a while, the voice of the headquarters sounded again, "Well, it’s just right now."

[It seems to be your turn...]

"You sleep in the you still have the strength to talk?" At this moment, the youngsters have not discovered that the other party will have this "foreign power". The reason is... his remnant attack is not as sharp as the first ten seconds. It is.

[It seems that you are going to be beaten...]

"Little devil!" Finally, the headquarters is condensed, and the body is turned from attacking. "Don't be too arrogant! I have to be serious!"

"Nie Ni!" This electric light flint, the sorrowful teenager instinctively perceives a certain danger, his entry is on time.

[Everyone has seen that because the average level of authors' writings is maintained at this level throughout the year, I try to avoid similar positive contests with people. 】

"Unemployment bankruptcy!" The counterattack of the headquarters began, and the moves used were like acquaintances. "Life is defeated!"

[I guess the goods will be these two tricks...]

It’s also a palm and a leg, but the bottom line of these two moves is completely different from “deleting your archival boxing” and “removing your model legs”...

The tramp of a tramp is long and dark, and the practice of a bear child is a slap in the face.

Both have their own strengths, and in actual combat, it is also difficult to distinguish...

[I said that people who write this setting are not ill, do you believe it or not? 】

"Oh ah..." Soon, the sorrowful teenager screamed before the counterattack of the headquarters, and was shocked by blood.

But everyone who knows the eye knows that the damage he suffered is not too big. This is just a "hard injury" caused by the impact. The "darkness" in the move has been removed by the disabled teenager.

[The eyes are all smashed! How did you see this? 】

"Hey! I want to entice me to chase after me?" The ministry also saw the innocent acting of the sorrowful teenager at a glance, but... he was still on, "Good! I will accompany you to play!"

[Do you want to die to maintain the fashionable value...]

Seeing the other side flying, there is a hint of haze in the eyes of the teenager. "I am an idiot. I know that the trap is still coming up... I look down on me? Good! I can't eat you!"

He read this, and he has already saved.

I saw the youngsters in the mid-air spins, and the vertical legs: "There is no doubt about the flow of the righteousness, Jiuyang, electric light, mad dragon pits!"

[What is your relationship with Longhumen? 】

The headquarters saw that... I didn’t panic. In an instant, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. I don’t know where from the body, I pulled out a rocket launcher...

[Wait, what happened? I am not wrong, right? 】

"Super-flowing judo 奥 · rpg attack!" If it is said, the headquarters will open fire...

Rpg screamed, and a missile whizzed out of the rocket launcher and flew to the disabled teenager who was five or six meters away. He was on the "Jiuyang electro-optical mad dragon pit".

[This is still a string! What is the ghost of rpg attack? Not to mention why the rockets used by an alien in this part are also called rpg like the one on the earth... This stuff has a fart relationship with judo! You don't need a nuclear bomb? 】


The explosion happened, the fire was shining, and the smoke was rolling.

[Do not burn yourself in this part of the headquarters? 】

But ... the outcome is still far from being separated.

Because...the two of them, none of them fell.

[This is also true... After all, there is a guy who blasts a spaceship like a missile and it’s not a problem...]

to be continued……

[Being your head! You are an animated cartoon! 】(To be continued.)

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