Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1083: Guess the number matchup (second two)

"Mr. Jing?" Feng immediately grasped the meaning of this title. "Oh... is the face of the flower. (Beijing opera usually refers to "net" as the face, Zhengjing, deputy net, Wujing corresponds to the big face, two face, Wuhua face / Wu Erhua)?"

"Less is poor with me. ∷," Mr. Jing was surprised by the meaning of his name to get his name, but he did not intend to continue with the other party on this issue. "What do you call it? Raven mouth?"

"Yes." I didn't feel very open-minded and smiled. "You call me 'crow's mouth.'"

"Oh..." Mr. Jing snorted. "So, I started to ask questions, crow's mouth."

As he spoke, he picked up the paper and pen in front of him.

"Please." The seal is holding a cup of drink, and the elbow is on the table. The height of the cart is about one-two-five, and the height is in the average range. As long as the body leans forward, you can hold the elbow on the table. Resting on the floor), very easy to answer.


According to the rules, the guessing number game is divided into two games. In the first game, the challenged party calls and guesses, and the challenged party is responsible for the problem.

In each round, there are a total of "two parts" that need to be called:

The first part is guessed by the "declaration", within the "several rounds" to guess the correct answer, and then the questioning party will be called according to the number of rounds given by the other party, the minimum amount of the bet must not be lower than the beginning of this matchup. At the time of holding 1% of the total amount of gold; the bet after this call is fixed, the guessing party can not raise further, and must follow up.

For example... For example, guessing the party declaration, you can guess the answer within "five rounds." Obviously, the probability of such a thing is almost equal to zero; at this time, the questioner will definitely call the maximum amount that he can call, and the challenger must follow up (when the money is not more than the other party, refer to the organizer The second rule, put all on. Continue the duel).

Then, when the match is "completely closed", the parties will settle the fee based on the final round.

Of course, the above situation is unlikely to happen...

Because the "this part" bet, that is, the "bets turn" part, is generally to send money to the guessing party.

As long as the speculative party speaks an exaggerated number of "one hundred rounds" or even "one thousand rounds" in the declaration, it is basically a steady win. Therefore, this part of the call will be called by the questioning party... In the face of that number, the questioning party will definitely only call the lowest bet that he can call.

In other words. After the victory or defeat of this game, as long as the guessing party does not lose the qualifications in the process of the duel, then at the time of settlement, it is basically safe to get a small amount of money from the questioning side.

This setting is mainly set in consideration of the fact that the guessing party is obviously in a disadvantageous position in the duel.

Next, look at the call for the "second part":

This part is repeated in the process of confrontation... that is, every round, the guessing party must make a call. The same ... each call amount can not be less than 1% of its holding limit; and the question side, there are two options: first, call; second, surrender.

Call. Naturally, the game is allowed to continue; and "surrender" means that the issuer admits defeat, and after paying the corresponding fine, the bureau will end.

If the "gamble round" rule is to protect the guesser. Then the rule of "surrender" is naturally to protect the issuer.

Let's take an example... If there is no "surrender" option, then all the guessers can use a very simple tactic to ensure that they win, that is, starting from the first round. Each round has only a minimum amount of bets, and then all the remaining money is put on the round that ensures that you can guess.

In this tactic, as long as the answer can be guessed in fifty rounds, the guesser will be invincible; this is not the amount of the "gambling round" before the start of each game.

Therefore, there is a setting of "surrender".

Of course, there is a limit to "surrender". Otherwise, the person who uses the question can also use this to achieve a stable win... For example, when the game is played for ten to twenty rounds, he suddenly surrenders. Received.

In order to prevent this from happening, there is a "surrender penalty."

In this guessing number matchup, there are two formulas for calculating the penalty for surrender.

The first type applies to the situation of surrender within the first 20 rounds. The formula is: 10% of the amount held by the opponent at the beginning of the matchup (50+ completed rounds)% + the bet amount of the other round of the round 10% + base penalty.

The second type is the formula used from the twenty-first round: 10% of the opponent's holding amount at the beginning of this round of the match* (50-completed rounds)% + 10% of the opponent's bet amount for this round + Basic penalty.

The so-called "basic fines" are divided according to the current number of rounds. The base penalty for surrendering within 1-10 rounds is 5% of the amount held by opponents at the beginning of this round of confrontation, and the base penalty for surrendering within 11-20 rounds is At the beginning of this round of confrontation, 10% of the amount held by the opponent, to 21-30 rounds, will rise to 20% of the amount held by the opponent at the beginning of this round of confrontation... From the 31st round, the base penalty will be directly returned to zero.

Let's take another example... a game of confrontation, both sides hold 100,000 US dollars when starting, the guesser bets 1% in each round, and loses 30,000 dollars after 30 rounds; then, in the third In eleven rounds, he had the grasp of victory. At this time, he put all the remaining 70,000 dollars.

When you see it, the person who chooses will choose to surrender... At this time, the penalty for the issuer is 10% of the $100,000 and multiplied by 20 (50-30)%, which is $2,000... plus the opponent’s turn. 10% of the bet amount, or $7,000... plus a base penalty of zero, a total of $9,000.

Although it is a one-time spit out of nine thousand, but compared to 70,000, but it is much better.

In short, when the questioner chooses to surrender, the game will end, or the above example, the result is that the problem party won 21,000 dollars from the guess.

After completing this part of the settlement, the two parties will then settle the "gambling rounds". Suppose that the previous guessing party declared "one hundred rounds", and the questioning party called the lowest one of 1,000 dollars, then... then the questioning party will be handed over to the guessing party for $1,000, and finally the net win of 20,000.

the above. Under the "general situation", the questioner chooses the general plot of the timing of surrender by the act of "guessing the party to improve the bet."

Then... Under the same conditions, what if the questioner chooses the “See and Receive” tactics?

I will not list the detailed calculation process here. Let's look at the results directly... I will use the conditions of 100,000 US dollars for both parties and the bet for each bet of 1000.

If the person surrenders on the first round (note that the extra percentage for the first round is 50+0 instead of 50+1), lose 10100, and the second round is 10200, after which each round increases. 100 U.S. Dollars. Until the tenth round.

In other words, the contestant surrendered in any of the first ten rounds and lost money.

The eleventh round began, due to the increase in the base fine, the penalty for this round of surrender jumped to 16100, and then added 100 per round; thus, in the eighteenth round, the issuer will have "see good." The opportunity to accept, in this round of surrender. The penalty is 16800, and the amount earned in the previous 17 rounds is 17,000, so you earned 200, but... don't forget the "gambling round" money. I will count the words. Still paying... So I have to wait another round, to the 19th round, earn 18,000, fine 16900 + bet round 1000. At this time, it is worth 100.

Therefore, in the first twenty rounds. If you want to "stable", there are only two chances, that is, surrender in the nineteenth round and the twentieth round. According to the formula, the former can earn 100, and the latter can earn 1000...

But... you are rare to be a questioner, will you earn a thousand? Don't forget that this game is "striking first", not that you can qualify if you don't lose money.

So let’s look at the situation starting in the twenty-first round...

At the beginning of this round, the formula has changed, but the base fine has increased again. The penalty for the twenty-first round of surrender is 100, and after that, it is reduced by 100 per turn; obviously... From this round, the surrender mechanism began to tend to protect the issuer. Because after twenty rounds, the probability that the guesser guessed the answer is getting higher and higher.

In this way, if the gambling round is 1000, the "25th round" will be a watershed; the penalty for this round is 22,700, plus 1,000 for the bet round, which is 700, but the money won by the questioner... 24,000; of course, this is only earning 300, so this is not the point...

The point is that starting from this round, the winning amount of the sudden surrender of the questioner will increase by $1,100 for each round.

After the six rounds, after the thirty-first round, the "basic fines" were returned to zero, and the number of questions was 20,000. In this round, if the guessing party does not raise, the penalty after the surrender directly surrendered is only 2,100 dollars, and he has already won 30,000 yuan at the moment, even if he removes the money from the bet round, he also earns 26,900. ......

In summary, the key confrontation of this guessing number game is between the 25th and 30th rounds... If the guesser can't guess the correct answer before the 31st round, then the questioner As long as you surrender immediately, you can earn 29% of your chips. Even if you just guessed it in the 31st round, it will only save about 10% of the loss.

Of course, although I have said a lot, it is just a theory.

In the actual showdown, various situations are possible...

Maybe someone can guess the answer within twenty-five rounds; maybe someone can raise the bar to pressure if they don't guess it; maybe someone will think it's right, or look at thirty rounds When I want to pass, I will forcefully raise and the result will be followed up by the other party...

On the gambling table, fraud, calculations, performances, and knowledge... everything can happen.

In the world of gambling, probability science does not respect you, and the **** of luck does not exist.

Pray for 10,000 times of luck, not as good as honing the skills of 10,000 times.

The weak will be beaten, smothered, crushed... and will not receive any sympathy.

Win, and live... is the only justice in this world.


A minute later, Mr. Jing had written six figures on the paper in front of him.

Then he folded the piece of paper, carefully guarded it with his palm, and handed it to the suit sunglasses man next to the cart.

The latter also took the paper very carefully and turned around, blocking the unconscious sight with his generous back, and then unfolding the paper and looking at the numbers on the paper.

Two seconds later, the suit sunglasses men refolded the piece of paper and placed it in his jacket pocket.

He turned around and re-facing the desktop, and then spoke to Mr. Net: "Once you have determined the number, you can't change it, so I need to confirm with you, the six numbers just... can you?"

"Yes." Mr. Jing replied firmly, "I am sure."

"Yeah." The man in the suit sunglasses nodded. "You have all read the rules, but I still want to emphasize a few points..." He paused for half a second and answered. "First, if cheating is caught, it will be immediately sentenced." Negative, and all the amount is owned by the other party." Then he reached out and gestured to a small device on the table. "Secondly, this timer on the table is similar to that used in the chess game, recording both sides. Time spent; the total time of the guesser is forty-five minutes. If the answer is still not guessed within this time, then whatever the current number of rounds, the amount of both parties, and the amount of the 'gambling turn'... If the guesser is 'completed', the holder of the loser is all owned by the other party." He paused and said again, "In addition, the time of the guesser's call, the caller's call time, and When the questioner gives feedback to the guesser's answer, both the call and the call must be completed in one minute, and the feedback time is only 30 seconds; if the rule is violated, the first time, the 1% of the holding amount at the start of the penalty Limit, the second is 2%, and so on ...... "

These rules, which are emphasized by the suit men at the moment, are indeed very important. It’s not necessary to say that the punishment for cheating is... In the case of “malicious delays”, the organizer naturally has already calculated the game. At a high price, the ugly and lack of technical means of "delaying time" is basically not likely to occur.

In this way, the rhythm of the game can be kept compact and create considerable pressure...

The performance of the "guests" under pressure is exactly what the organizers want to see.

"Ah~ah~I know, can you start?" I didn't feel impatient when I heard the man in the suit.

The suit man did not answer him, but looked at each other with a blank expression and raised his hand to the timer.

After confirming the reaction of Mr. Kege and Mr. Jing respectively, the suit man said: "Since neither side has no objection, then ... the confrontation begins!" (To be continued.)

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