Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1089: I am not a demon.


After the two match-ups, the seal won a huge advantage that others could not match.

The defeat of the golden face makes the money of the brothers more than 200,000 US dollars, and he already has the "challenge immunity"... Simply put, in the following time, you can refuse others to He initiated the challenge, and he himself can still challenge those who "have not finished two matchups" and the other party can't refuse.

At this point, another "strategy" that I felt before I began to show results.

As Jin Duan said, the key to winning the two games with Mr. Jing is not the number of wins, but the “time” and “number of match”.

It is not difficult to win Mr. Jing’s money, but it is not easy to win more than 50,000 yuan from this character.

Instead of entangled with him, it is better to use quick fixes and use him to consume the number of games.

After the match-up, it seems that he only earned about 2,000 dollars in profits. In fact, he has gained more than that...

Leaving aside his influence on those around him at the level of consciousness, the most intuitive advantage he has achieved is time.

It takes time to confront.

Not everyone has a lightning-like mental speed and a precise and fast brain-inducing ability. In this game, most people... have to use paper and pen to calculate, and some people even have to spend even the calculations. A lot of time.

Therefore, when the seal was completed with three speeds at a very fast speed, the vast majority of the people in the main hall...had not finished playing in the first game.

And this "most people", from this moment, they all became the lambs to be slaughtered in the eyes of the buddy...

With the advantage of capital and immunity, he can win the money by picking up the individual, and the other party has no right to refuse.

Even if it is the worst assumption, that is, "Everyone I have encountered has a golden face, and all choose to surrender in the 10th round of the first game." If you don't play (such as the tenth time when it is appropriate to raise to raise opponents' penalty), then you can win 5,000 dollars in the first game of the match; then. He then made a second game against opponents who were further weakened, and then made the worst assumptions. For example, the opponent still has more than 100,000 funds in the second game, and he also uses the ten-round surrender strategy, even if it is In this way, I can earn a thousand or more in the end.

Of course. This assumption is impossible...

First of all, if you want to let the seals "do not play tricks", it is the Arabian Nights.

Second, it was mentioned in the previous article. The golden glutinous rice is the "fish of the net." Among these hundreds of people, there is no second golden glutinous rice.

Those who did not see the escape round, those who lost money in the first matchup, and only borrowed 50,000 or 60,000 people from the beginning, and people like Mr. Jing...

These people are the mainstream, and they are the "majority."

These people... have been destined to break into the abyss in this guess.

There are only a few survivors who can advance to the second game. For example, those who have already acted when Gua Ge and Mr. Jing guessed the "first inning"... At the moment, these people have basically guessed After the first game; although they were eager to start by realizing the "challenger's first strike advantage", in the process of their own duel, these people also thought of "time" and "immunity". importance.

Therefore, they have also accelerated their speed. It is better to sacrifice some money and to grab valuable time.

Once they meet the two conditions of “Complete the two bureaus” and “the funds are more than half of the people in the venue”, they will officially become “hunters”; on a basic basis, they will go hunting and have a larger difference from their own funds. The "prey" is the basic strategy in this "guessing digital confrontation".


Late, ten o'clock.

Guess the number matchup has been going on for nearly two hours, and from the end of midnight, there are two hours.

At this point... the "good play" that the organizers hope to see has finally begun.

"Just kidding! Get away from me."

"I beg... I beg you, have we not had a good chat? Not a friend?"

"Who is a friend with you? A guy who doesn't know the name and name. But when you talk about a few scenes on the scene, who will lend you money!"

"Please... I used to care about it. I already know the way to win! Just... just give me 30,! 20,000..."

"Go away! What do you know now? There are no people who can challenge! This is a competition that is likely to be finished with a penny. I will lend you words. Not only can you turn over, but I will also give you a funeral." of."

Such conversations were frequently performed throughout the venue, and were photographed by cameras and passed to the tablet in the hands of the organizers.

When the sense of despair at your fingertips is pressing and getting closer, more than 90% of the people will begin to disintegrate themselves.

Property, status, reputation, dignity... People will step by step to unload the “shells” that have been gradually accumulated in society to protect themselves. Then exposed the fragile, ugly, absurd nature.

For those who have nothing, this may be easier, but for the group of guests invited by the organizer... this is no less than the pain of death.

"Oh...hehe...hahahahaha..." Finally, the organizer laughed. "Come here, this is the top entertainment..." He leaned his head with both hands and leaned comfortably. On the back of the chair.

At this moment, his tablet has been handed over to the suit of the big man a, and the big brother is kneeling on one knee, like a personal frame to help the organizer hold the tablet, and lifted it.

"More, let me see more..." The eyes under the mask of the organizer are full of excitement and joy, and the mouth is softly saying, "Men, women, rich, powerful, elite... order to stay away from the abyss at the foot, grab the last glimmer of hope... Everyone eventually became a 'rogue.'" He took a drink at his hand and took a smile, "cheaply Kneeling, humblely praying, empty promises, self-deception, self-deception, disguise, dignity, loss of reason, madness... Hahahaha..."

He laughed for a while and exclaimed: "It's awesome!"

"Young Master." Suit Dahan b (he returned to the organizer after processing the golden face) Then he took a walkie-talkie and walked over to the organizer. "The report has just been sent... except for some reasons. In addition to those who were directly taken away by cheating or mental breakdown, more than 200 people in the current venue have all received the challenge immunity."

"Oh." The organizer should have a voice and read. "That means... it's time to move on to the next stage."


Five minutes later, the main hall door was opened again.

Then, several men in suits and sunglasses pushed a large flat-panel TV with a screen. They pushed the TV all the way to the railing where the organizer was, then lifted it up and moved it to a prominent marble platform.

at the same time. The organizer also stood up from the chair and stood by the railing.

At this time, no one was still in the first floor of the main hall, so the organizer’s move immediately attracted the attention of all the guests.

"Everyone." After the quietness of the bottom, the organizer spoke up. "It seems that everyone has completed more than two matchups and they are not willing to be challenged again." He paused and laughed mockingly. "Oh... but this... is it really good?" ”

When the voice was not over, the screen of the flat-panel TV was on.

The expressions under the masks of the guests also changed significantly at this moment.

It turned out that the things printed on the TV were not other things... It was at this moment that the players most interested in the game held gold rankings.

Considering that all guests wear masks and don't know each other's names, this list uses "avatars"; everyone on the list. Both are shown as a static photo of the head to the collarbone, with an amount written next to it.

“As you can see...” The organizer waited for a few seconds and then said, “This is a list of funds... This list will instantly show the current leading 72 players; to prevent you from The avatar is so small that it is illegible, so only one of the twenty-four people is displayed on one screen. The list is divided into three screen scrolling displays.” He spread his hands. “In short, I just want to confirm it to really Okay, if you don’t make any duel from this moment, then except for the sixty-four people on the top of the list. Others can...”

"Even if you say this..." At this moment, someone in the crowd interrupted the organizer. "When everyone knows that the challenged party is more disadvantageous, no one will accept the challenge again!"

"Yes, yes! No one wants to be a warrior. The showdown is not established!"

"You have a problem with this rule!"

"Yes! Change the rules! Change the rules!"

"Change the rules! Change the rules! Change the rules..."

Nowadays, those who have been forced into desperation are no longer polite with the organizers. They have screamed and quickly screamed "change the rules" and wanted to rely on this "call of the people." Fight for your own interests.

"Well..." The organizer was silent for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and screamed out, "All give a mouthful! A group of dregs!"

This drink is like a thunder, and the momentum is amazing. It is the scene of the town, so that the people below are silent.

"Call..." The organizer drank, sighed, and said again, "Since I took the initiative to stand here again, it naturally shows that I am going to make some adjustments to the rules..." He stunned for half a second. "But don't make mistakes... This adjustment is not because of any problems with the rules; if there are problems with the rules, you should come up with the game at the beginning of the game... If you said that it makes sense, I might accept it.

"However, at the time, you didn't say anything, until now... you are behind yourself because of your incompetence, incompetence, and lack of courage. At this time, you have come together and questioned the rules... Hey, the mouse Bug! Disgusting mites!"

The organizer shouted loudly and screamed, and raised his hand, pointing to a few people in the crowd: "This, this, this... and the two..." He pointed out the few The person who took the lead and the most fierce, gave instructions to the suit men. "These are all taken away by me, and you have been eliminated!"

"What...what! Why do you catch me!"

"Slow! Stop! What are your rights..."

"Let me go! Ah"

"I am the deputy director of the police station! Who dares to move me!"

When those people were towed away, they all yelled and struggled to resist, but they were all in vain.

Under the sponsor's suit, the men in the suits are all good players. They are not only professional, but also many people. Unless they are those who have extraordinary combat power, they are the champions or special forces of the fighting competition. It’s coming... it’s the same.

"Oh... the sorrow of the defeated dog, when it sounds so unbearable and sad." After those people were dragged one by one. The organizer looked down at the rest of the players and reopened. "Listen, those bugs that haven't been caught No one can talk to me about 'rights', 'reliance', ' Identity'; you who have been deeply mired in the mud and who have been believing in life, think that you are still the big man who can swear to others on weekdays? The guy who can't figure out the situation is detested by my foot!"

His words made the laggards collectively booing, no one dared to question again, and even dared not to attract his attention.

"You just said... adjustment, not because of any problems with the rules." Just in this quiet moment. There was one person who suddenly said, "So... what is it for?"

Who can have such a force, besides feeling brother?

"Oh~ it's you..." The organizer followed the sound. When he saw the crow mask, he smiled. "Oh... well asked." He paused for a second and answered. "Of course... To make me get 'fun'."

His answer, or ... "reason." Obviously it is unreasonable, but here and now, it is sympathetic and no one dares to question.

"You are planning to let the sixty-four people who entered the list immediately lose their immunity." The next second, they will pick up.

"Well?" The mind was broken and the organizer was a little surprised. However, he was not angry with it. "Your reaction is very fast, yes, I just want to..."

"Still forget it." The seal immediately interrupted the other party. "That's boring."

His words can scare the surrounding guests...

The screams of the people who were towed away just now are still in the ears. At this moment, the crow man dares to face this face and deny the organizer’s wishes...

The onlookers wouldn’t say it, even those men in suits and sunglasses would squeeze their sweat.

"You said me..." The tone of the organizer cooled down. "bored?"

I didn’t answer this question, but said directly: “This kind of adjustment, you must have done it in the game that was organized before.” He said as he walked forward, “Without accident, those who were exempted from the exemption The leader of the right, will definitely delay the time in the duel?"

"What about it? There are two more..." The organizer said.

"If you have the heart. It’s okay to play only two matchups in two hours. Imagine that it would be boring..." I stopped interrupting the other party again. "Or, in order to prevent this, you Ready to make adjustments to time again?"

"Cut..." The organizer also understands that if it is adjusted to the point, it will be too much for the leader. "What do you mean?"

"I have a very interesting suggestion." Feng Jie did not know.

“Oh?” The organizer immediately came to the mood when he heard the word “fun”. “But it’s fine.”

Then, Feng did not say five words: "Second borrowing rights."

It’s just these five words, it’s enough for the organizers to shine and the tiger’s body.

"Of course, it’s not enough to have that." I don’t know that the other person has been hooked. "On this basis, plus 'cancel the challenge exemption for everyone', and 'the guess order is determined by guessing coins' Two, it’s almost the same.” He paused. “Oh... yes, time, it’s time to adjust, but not for the leader, but for everyone... the guessing time of the guessing party, Change it to twenty minutes. Anyway, everyone is familiar with the game. Unless it is intentionally delayed, there is no need to spend more than 40 minutes."

When the voice fell, silence came.

This is the silence of "shock" and the silence of "waiting."

And the people who are in amazement are undoubtedly the reaction of the organizers...

"You guy..." After a moment, the organizer grabbed the railing with both hands, and the voice trembled and said, "Really..." Every time he spits out a word, the hearts of those people will be asked a few words to the eyes of the blind man. Minutes, "...too **** will play! Hahahaha..."

The organizer laughed loudly and was happy to take a straight shot of the railing.

After a few seconds, the men in the suit sunglasses sighed with relief; the guests at the bottom... were nervous, because they all understood that the new rules just mentioned were already in need of understanding. New topic.

"It’s okay." Feng did not feel a quiet tone and immediately said, "I took a certain amount of time to take into account the supplementary contract for preparing for the second loan, printing new rules, and so on. No more complicated changes are proposed; if there is sufficient time, the tricks like 'matching the parties randomly match' or 'interested borrowing between the players under the official supervision', 'sudden death law', etc. Up..."

Hearing these words, other players have already numb the scalp.

The organizer, but the smile is even more: "Hey..." He looked at him and said, "You guy... very bad."

I didn’t feel it, but I shrugged casually and smiled. "I am not a demon." (To be continued.)

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