Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1092: Observed

In order to reduce the contingency of the elimination, this "triple neurasthenia" game took a three-game two-win matchup.

In the first game, the referee is responsible for shuffling and arranging cards.

In the second game, the party lost in the first game is responsible.

If there is still a third game, then the party that lost in the second game will be washed.

To make a long story short, after the referee completed the preparatory work, the first game of the "crow" against the "black butterfly" began this way...

"Two, the order of the coin to determine the order, no problem?" After the referee put a good card, they said to the two.

"No need." Feng did not feel a word to the referee, and then looked at the butterfly mask female road, "Ms. priority, first attack or after attack, it is up to you to choose."

Speaking of this, the black butterfly whispered in his heart: "Hey... I am smart, want to use this way to test me?"

I thought so, but she would not show it.

In the next second, the black butterfly smiled softly and said softly: "Mr. Raven, you are really gentle... then I am also polite... I have chosen it after the election."

Although she said the word "compassion", in fact, she did not give up any benefits. Anyone who knows more about the game of neurasthenia knows that in this game, "back attack" actually has an advantage.

Take the most basic neurasthenia as an example... Excluding cheating, the probability that the first attacker scores in the first hand is very, very low. Because at this time, all the cards have not been opened, so there is no "memory" factor, the flop is relying on 100% "luck". Even if someone can really score on the first hand by luck, the probability of their second hand being scored again is infinitely close to zero.

In short, the first hand or the second hand... The first attacker can also pull out a pair of tops, and at least let the other party see two different cards.

When the attacking party begins to flop, at least the position of the two cards has been known in advance. At this time, the attacking party opens a card that has not been revealed. If the card's points match the previous two, it can be easily scored.

Of course... the extent of this advantage. It is still far from reaching the level of hand in the chess game; after all, the nerve weakness is a game of luck, and the player who is attacking is likely to open two cards with different points and different cards revealed by the attacker. Or I didn't turn it when I turned the first one, but I turned it over when I turned the second hand. This will instead give the other party a score.

In addition, the above is only the case of ordinary neurasthenia. In this "triple neurasthenia", because the base of the card is huge and the score is higher, the advantage of the backhand is even more subtle.

But... the advantage is the advantage, even if it is one point. It is also possible to influence the final outcome.

In this regard, the black butterfly is absolutely not allowed in half a step.

"Do you agree?" After receiving the reply, the referee turned to look at him and confirmed to him.

"No problem." The side squatting on the chair did not come back in disapproval, and raised his hand. "So... I started."

After all, he has reached out and opened the first card of his own round...


As mentioned earlier, the deck used in [Triple Neurasthenia] is not poker, but a special card.

There are 102 cards in this deck. A total of thirty-four patterns, of which thirty-two, are taken from the "threety-two phases" in Buddhism, namely: the top of the meat, the white phase of the eyebrows, the eyelashes such as the cow king, the eye color, the blue phase, The cheeks are full, often have a taste, tongue wide and long looks, sound like the vanguard phase, forty teeth, teeth close, white teeth, upper body such as lion, body shape straight, body length The phase is golden, the body is golden, the body is bright, the hole is one hair, the body is hairy, the shoulders are full, the two are full, the seven are full, the skin is moist, the fingers are slender, the hands and feet are Soft phase, interphalangeal net phase, hand over the knee phase, like Ma Yin Tibetan phase, such as deer king phase, athlete's foot high full phase, heel Guangping phase, foot under the full phase, foot under the wheel phase.

The above "32-phase cards", each with three cards, has 96 works.

There are still two kinds of patterns left, "Bei Le Pure Land" and "Infernal Hell". There are four different colors and the other "Infernal Hell", and there are only two "Pole Pure Land".

According to the rules, in the [triple neurasthenia]. The player will turn over three cards per action and must turn out the "three cards in phase" to score, otherwise the flop will change hands.

All thirty-two cards have the same score, ie one card is equal to one.

At any time. If someone pulls out three "infernal hells" in one round, the person directly loses this game.

When the two sides have already turned out the twenty-five phases, either party will pull out two "Bei Le Pure Land" in one round, and the game will be closed. The two sides will judge the outcome according to the current score difference and will turn it out. The party of the bliss pure land will receive an additional 10 points bonus when judged.

In the case of "infernal hell" and "bliss pure land" are not triggered. When the "Thirty-one Phase" is revealed on the desktop, the game is also declared to end. The two sides directly judge the outcome according to the current score difference.

In summary, in addition to the regular card score, the main point of [triple neurasthenia] is how to use the pure land card to lock the victory and effectively avoid the **** card...


"Hey~ the first one came here." After I saw the first card I opened, I laughed.

He put this "infernal hell" face up, then relaxedly reached out and opened the second card farther from the card.

The choice of this "flop" alone is enough to see that I feel quite familiar with some of the techniques of the "neurasthenia" game...

When playing this game, it is easier to remember to flip out the adjacent cards at a time; but if the cards are far away, it is hard to remember, because the player moves away from the line of sight or is separated. After a while, the memory will quickly blur.

Moreover, in this first game, the referee used a scattered and disorderly way of setting up cards. In this way of setting up, the "remote distance unveiling" approach would make memory more difficult.

Obviously, I have taken this tactic and I am very confident in my memory.

"Well... this one..." Two seconds later, the seal had opened his second card.

I have to say that his character is so terrible, with both hands... actually it is "infernal hell."

When the black butterfly saw it, he laughed with a bang: "Oh... Mr. Crow. You are really amazing. Only in the first round, two cards have been turned out."

"Well to say ~" When I stopped the second card, I was calm. "According to probability, although the probability of turning to the same suit in the first round is very low, in this 'very low probability', the possibility of turning to two 'infernal hell' is indeed more than two Other things are high... After all, this color is one more than the other colors." He paused. “As far as I am concerned, this flop can only be regarded as my ‘general level’...”

During the speech, he picked a place farther away from the second card, and under the pressure of “just lose another **** card”, he did not want to turn out his third hand. brand.

Fortunately, this time, he turned to a "phase" card [sound like the Van Gogh phase].

"Call..." I didn't feel nervous about it, but the referee brother sighed for him. "At the end of the first round, the flop changed hands." The referee informed the result. Turned over the three cards that were turned over on the table.

"Here, I want to emphasize it again." After the referee cautiously turned over the cards, he answered. "For the practice of leaving marks in the flop, my judgment is very strict. Please ask two. Attention."

"Hey," when he heard this, the black butterfly picked up her **** red lips and leaned forward slightly, and said to the referee. "So... if people accidentally wrinkle the cards, what should they do?" Well~"

Her delicate voice gently entered the referee's ear. Combined with the visual benefits of the leaning body, the referee's bones are crisp.

The referee brother swallowed unconsciously and stepped back half a step. He said in a serious way: "If it is an 'accidental damage card', then replacing the original card with a spare card will have no effect."

"Oh~ this way." The black butterfly chanted and began to flop.

She wore a pair of black long gloves on her hand, wrapped in a slender gauze like her slender fingers, and made her skin whiter.

"One...two...three..." The number of black butterfly mouths was counted, and three adjacent cards were opened.

Let’s talk about the "luck" thing...

If there are two **** cards in the three hands, it is the "general level" of the brother, then the "general level" of the black butterfly is the same as most people. The three cards she flipped casually were all cards, and the three cards were not repeated.

The duel between the two began with such a start...

The second round of unconsciousness still uses the form of long-distance opening, and all the cards he opened were not previously revealed. In view of the fact that he has already turned over two "infernal hells" in the first round, as long as he does not move the two cards, he will not be able to "follow three consecutive hells and lose". Therefore, he turned very fast this round; after revealing three cards, he ended the round.

The second round of the Black Butterfly is similar to her first round. She chose to be adjacent to the three cards that she opened in the first round, and turned three more.

This time, there are also three cards, one of which is the "sound of the Vatican phase" that was unveiled in the first round. This is also the first time in this game except for the hell. The same suit that appears.

Then, I went to the third round of Jue. His tactics haven't changed, or he has to go through cards that have never been revealed before.

It’s a bit of a surprise... This time he seems lucky, because the first card he turned to this round is “Sound like a Vatican,” that is... he just has to reveal the two previous ones. After the "sound like the Vatican" turned out, you can get the first three points.

"Ah..." As soon as the black butterfly saw the card, he snorted and immediately called. "Hey... it seems that you have to be the first to score it~ Mr. Crow."

She said, she put on a sad look, sighed softly, and straightened up, and crossed her hands in front of her.

Under the action of this posture, the fat of the two white flowers on her chest was pushed up, posing a very attractive picture in the low-cut dress.

Seeing this scenery, the referees standing on the side are a little embarrassed, but this form of "interference", it is really impossible to say that it is a foul, so the referee just turned his eyes, did not say anything.

"Well..." At this moment, Feng did not feel a sigh, and then... his movement stopped.

Although he couldn't see his look through the mask, the black butterfly decided by experience that the other's line of sight must be seen on his own body: "Oh...has it worked..." The hesitation of the opponent made her quite proud," This kind of game is like this... Your flop method does increase the difficulty of your opponent's memory, but it is the same for yourself. Once your eyes are moving away, or you are walking away... even if it is only one second. Ok, it may also make the memory bias. Oh...just like now, after staring at my chest for a few seconds, Bacheng has not remembered where the first 'sound like the Van Gogh phase is.'

"The referee." After a few seconds, Feng did not feel up and stood up. "I used to take a cup and drink, can I?"

The referee glanced at him and replied: "Please try to be as fast as possible." After half a second, he added, "This second game does not use a timer, but the decision to delay the time still exists."

"Understand." Feng did not feel the sound of the fire, and then moved from the chair, went to the champagne tree in the main hall.

"Hey...what time?" The black butterfly looked at the back of the brother, and sneered in his heart. "The useless... 'neurasthenia' relies on short-term memory. Once this memory is deviated or forgotten, It’s impossible to remember what you think."

It didn't make them wait for too long, and he was back in less than a minute.

After putting a straw on Champagne and taking a sip, I felt that I had raised my hand with a heroic move... I went over a card that had never been flipped in the previous rounds.

Obviously, he has given up the score...

So, as expected, the third card he opened was also a card that was far away and had not been turned over before.

"Ha! What?" At this moment, the black butterfly's voice has changed to ridicule. "After a circle, I can't remember it, so I just give up the score... I will flip two new cards out. Want to disturb my attention?"

"You are really a gentleman~" The black butterfly that despised the opponent in his heart, on the surface, was grateful and grateful. "Since you are so polite... then I am not welcome."

"Oh..." I didn't feel it in a lazy tone. "You please feel free."

Soon, the referee reset the card, so the third round of the black butterfly flop began.

Her purpose was very clear, and she quickly and accurately turned over the three "sounds like the Vatican".

"This lady, got three points." One second later, the referee picked out the three cards of the same color on the table, stacked them, and placed them face up on the desktop of the black butterfly. The desktop for the game is much larger than the guessing number, the space is enough), and then to the black butterfly road, "You can turn three more after scoring."

"Okay." The black butterfly rushed to the referee with a sweet smile. Then she stared at the pile of cards on the table and watched it silently for a while.

About a minute later, she followed the order of her previous flop and opened the next three new cards.

In this way, the confrontation continues to unfold...

After ten rounds, the black butterfly has scored 15 points, but the seal does not know... not only 1 point has not been won, and several times, he has been on the premise that "there is already a chance to score on the scene". The cards, thus missing the opportunity.

Although the black butterfly's memory ability does not reach the point of "as long as there is a chance to score, it will succeed", but for those cards that have "three of the same suits have appeared", she only needs two rounds of trials. It will definitely be able to include the score.

Of course, at this moment...

"Almost." Feng did not feel, suddenly said a sentence without a word.

"Well?" The black butterfly just finished the flop of this round. When he heard this, he suspected, "Mr. Raven, what do you say?"

"I mean...the observation of you..." Jue brother replied in a very calm tone. "It's almost finished." (To be continued.)

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