Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1102: Second episode of the disease?

"Oh... it’s a ‘real gambler’.” Before the start of the round, Snow said, “Even when playing card games, it’s this style...”

"'Card game'?" The words were repeated, and the four words were repeated. Then, his face and tone became very gloomy. "Do you guys... look down on the 'duel'?"

"Oh... Duel or something, but it is just a name?" Snow smiled. "That is white. Is this a set-up card game? Isn't it? Playing cards and playing cards, with a 'duel' The name... don’t you think it’s too big?”

The voice landed, and the silence was silent for a moment... Then, with a look of silence, I said again, "It turns out that... you think so..."

"What's wrong?" Snow asked.

"When you lose a defeat, you will naturally understand where you are wrong." Feng Shuo said, waving his hand to the other side, shouting loudly, "Being a 'decisor', put you this I don’t even know what the duel is, but I’m still smashing the scum of it... It’s my duty, duty, and destiny!”

"Actually... call me dregs..." At this moment, Snow's look... has also changed.

The two words seemed to touch his anti-scale, making him angry.

"Called~" Unspoken tone, "What?"

"Oh... I don’t know who is fearless." Snow sneered. "From the 'first round, the handles are all lighted up', you can see that you are a layman; anyone who knows a little bit of card games knows The opening like this... It’s like saying “I’m ready to be a good person.” He spread his hands and provoked, “I’m blunt, you’ll be in this five or six rounds. The level of being killed, dare to swear there, is really ridiculous."

"The guys who are not even the duelists... are also ridiculed with my level?" I couldn’t help but hear the other party’s dare to scream at me. It’s also a smile. “Listen to your mouth, you still feel that you are playing. Not bad?"

"What are you still saying "dealers"..." Snow shook his head. I looked helplessly. "Well, let me find a basic idea for you to find a middle school disease..." He paused and answered. "The card game's duel skills are nothing more than simple calculations and a little bit of luck; the factors that really determine the strength of the player are its 'depth of the card pool' and its ability to build decks. ... At the time of the formation of the deck, before the start of your so-called 'duel'... the winners and losers have already been set to seven; the remaining 30% are the two-player play and the luck of 10%. ""

At this point, he paused. Again: "This is the reality. In reality, those who don't even have cards are extremely difficult to win players with strong decks. The more regular card games, the less likely it is to happen. .

"As for the term "duel", it seems to me that it is like saying "playing mahjong" as a "doodle card" and saying "mixing cucumber" as a 'cooking' ridiculous!"

"Oh..." I couldn’t help but scream, and said, "Look... you and my philosophy are different."

"I also know that it is very difficult to change the opinions of others by language." Snow returned. It’s also a cold cry, “Hey... I’ll use victory to let you know!”

After all, he also raised a duel and raised his hand.

"My turn, draw cards." Snow picked up the card he had just drawn, glanced at it, and then... directly shot, "Starting the field magic [anox zone]!"

As he stamped the card into the trap magic zone of the duel, the animation of the system began...

But see. At the center of the arena, when it was smashed, it was covered by a dark invisible place. After a few seconds, the [sword-fighting swindler] on the field was snoring and kneeling.

"When [Anoxic Zone] is on the court. All human, humanoid, and animal monsters cannot be used as a barrier to the player during combat." Snow picks up.

"Oh... want to cross the monster and cut my lp directly..." Feng Shou said calmly, "Nothing, just come, the existence of blood is for people to cut."

Snow did not respond to his words, but continued: "Enter the battle phase, [table lamp monster]. Attack the player directly!"

When the declaration came out, the lamp monsters moved up, bypassing the [sword-fighting slayer] on the squad, and directly rushed to the player...

(This shows that in [Crazy Thinking], when the player itself is attacked, it will also produce pain. The degree of pain varies with the degree and form of blood loss; of course, the pain in [Crazy Thinking] The upper limit is very low, and there will be no too **** scenes. This is an all-age game, and it is still very harmonious with [Stunning Paradise].)

When it was late, at that time, [the desk lamp monster] quickly launched a collision on the seal, and felt that the brother just stood in the same place, holding up the duel disk and slightly blocked it.

After the block, he also read in a disdainful tone: "Hey... it’s really painless... It seems that because you look down on the 'duel', even the monsters you control can’t lift your energy.”

"Oh... I don't really understand the mood of that holographic image." Snow replied in a sarcastic tone. "However, I can explain why you are not hurting... because the upper limit of pain in this game is This level."

At the same time as the two of them talked, the damage calculation was completed by the unrecognized lp (shown above the card slot of the duel disk). After deducting 1500 points in the battle, there were still 6500 points remaining.

"So... Finally, I put two cards on it..." After the end of the combat phase, it was the secondary stage, and Snow said, while covering two of the four cards in his hand to the trap magic zone. "...end this round."

"This uncle's turn!" The voice of the other party has not fallen, and I can't wait to wait for it, and I can't wait to make a big noise. "Draw!"

His draw...not the usual draw, but the step forward, the slight tilt of the body, the **** and one clip... When the card was pulled out, the whole arm was very exaggerated to the side.

This second performance of "I have a posture, I am proud" is really a shock to Snow.

"What are you doing?" Snow couldn't help but ask.

"Drawing cards." Feng did not feel back.

"I am asking you... Why do you draw cards like that?" Snow said again. "Can't you use ordinary methods?"

"Ordinary way... refers to the way you get a [哔]?" The unspoken words were blocked by the system because of a sensitive word.

"And don't say that I'm taking a card from the top of the deck. 'How did this action smash..." Snow replied, "I said your self-righteous posture... can you control yourself? What card is not enough?"

"Not necessarily." Feng did not feel back.

"Not necessarily?" Snow seemed to be surprised by the answer from the brother. "Ha!" He laughed and said again, "That is, you really believe that there is a certain possibility?"

"Of course I believe." I can't help but laugh. He replied very seriously. "As a 'debtor', you have to trust your deck so that the deck will respond to you... to help you win!"

Speaking of it here. He did not wait for the other party to respond, just glanced at the card he had drawn and then placed it on the duel.

"I pay special attention to ‘abandon all other hands’...” [坂本君]!”

After the declaration was completed, a super-beautiful teenager wearing a black high school uniform, wearing black-rimmed glasses, tall, beautiful, eye-opening and tears appeared in the arena.

"What?" Faced with the feelings of this brother. Snow was surprised again. "When you got a zero hand, you got a special monster called a light hand?"

"It's nothing strange." But I didn't feel it, but I replied with a natural tone. "For the duelist, every card is a partner who has poured out the soul. It is not normal for the partners to come forward at the right time. "When he said, he stepped forward and slammed his head and said, "Go into the battle phase! [坂本君]... attack the [table lamp monster]!"

"Trap card is launched!" Snow felt when he called out the attack declaration. "[The enlightenment of the demon]!"

When the trap card is launched. [坂本君] Just stepped in front of the [table lamp monster] in a chic position, when the former is ready to make an attack, the latter is the first step... The white light disappears.

"[The Enlightenment of the Demon] has the effect..." Snow said at this moment, "When a monster of the monsters on our side attack is attacked, it can be used as a sacrifice and special summoned from the deck. A six-star demon monster is also placed in the field with a side attack."

Just as Snow spoke, the holographic projection of his deck had already appeared in front of his eyes. Of course... this set of projections is perpendicular to the ground and back-to-back, and I can’t see it. of.

"I chose..." Snow stared at the group of projections that slowly rolled up like subtitles for a while. When I was not long, I reached out and pointed out one of them, "[Eight Arms Snake]."

After the words, a card was teleported directly from his deck to his duel.

On the court, it was also a white light. A very large monster broke out and stood in the position of the [Taiwan Monster].

It’s a monster that needs sacrifices. The shape of the Eight-armed Snake is more powerful than the previous table lamp. The huge snake tail, the human upper body, and the eight thick arms... make its 2200 attack power very convincing. force.

Moreover, [Eight Arms Snake] also has the effect of "snapping a python monster" after being destroyed. Although the latter is only a two-star monster, it can be used as a sacrifice.

"Two thousand two... oh... small meaning." Feng did not realize that the other party called the big blame. It’s not flustered, but because [坂本君]’s attack power is two thousand, it’s not enough to kill the eight-armed snake demon, so... he can only gamble here, “just now your trap makes Sakamoto’s attack target. It disappeared, so the attack was interrupted, but his right to attack this round still remained; now, as long as I use the fraudster to kill your snake demon, and then use the scorpion to kill the python, you can still vomit blood."

"Oh... that assumption must be based on the number of attack points you throw for '3 or more' for the [Sword Slayer]." Snow laughed. "But in case... you threw 1 or 2 The result is that your fraudster is killed, and you have to lose lp points further, which is ugly."

"Crap, why don't you say that if I throw a 6, I will be able to get you half-dead directly?" At this moment, it is hard to say that he is tough and overbearing.

I don't know why, when he puts on a duel card and stands on the duel field, he seems to have changed himself... His words and deeds reveal a kind of "desperate, unwavering" spirit; They are all showing that he has completely devoted himself to "Second II" and left everything behind "calm calculations, layouts" and so on.

"[Sword-fighting swindler], attacking [Eight-armed snake demon]! Fantasy Sword!" After the refutation of Snow's words, Feng Shou quickly issued an attack declaration.

He not only said the attack declaration, but also reported the name of the move used by the monster attack...

In fact, he really didn't report it. In the officially provided [Crazy Thinking] database, there is a detailed background of each card, and the most detailed settings... are basically monster cards.

Those contents can be seen as novels, and there is also a clear indication of what the "movement" used by each monster is called...

I don’t know if this reading will naturally let go of those contents. He had already read all the cards’ information before the [Crazy Thinking] opened, so the noun that he reported at this time... The name of the monster's move.

It’s just... technically, he doesn’t report it, but it’s no different. The power, judgment, results, etc. of the attack will not change what happened to him by signing the name of the move.


Instantly, [the sword swindler] pulled the sword from the waist and rushed up. As he danced to Jianhua, a holographic image of a basketball-sized scorpion also appeared above the arena.

Uh... that image is changing rapidly, sending a rush of buzz, and finally, staying at the point of "3".

"Drink!" The moment the point stops, the sword swindler sighs and picks the sword.

Obviously, after the calculation of the system is completed, a real-time cg of "a monster with an attack power of 3000 kills 2200 attacks" will be staged.

Of course...

"Equipment trap...start!" Snow's declaration broke this scene. (To be continued.)

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