Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1114: Summer memories (1)

In the afternoon, the cloudy sky turned fine.

Just after the meal, I felt a bunch of things in the big bag and ringed the door of the landlord Liu Aunt’s house.

Although he feels that this person has a maverick side, he naturally understands the world. When he needs him to do something, he also knows how to adjust his words and deeds.

On this day, he took a pile of gifts to Liu Aunt's family and smashed the door and chatted with the old couple.

The things he buys are not expensive and not cheap.

The gift is like this... expensive, people are not good; cheap, you can't take it. Where is the scale of the specifics, it is not very good, but... I don’t know how to master it.

He was sitting in the house too soon. He took a slap in the tea and said a few words. He thanked the two neighbors and the elders for their care over the years and then resigned.

So... what is he doing?

Some people may have thought that they would not move.

The money won on the Song of Songs, together with his own savings, is enough for him to set up a good property in the city, so he is ready to stop renting.

Of course, this is not to say that it can be moved; not to mention that he has not even selected a house to buy, even if it is bought, you have to wait for the decoration, the decoration has to be aired for a small half a year... optimistic estimate He wants to officially move out, and he has to wait until the second half of next year.

However, since there is a plan, he still has to talk to Liu and his aunts first, and say hello in advance, and it is convenient for others to find a good home.

To make a long story short, he went out in the morning and walked down in a circle. When he got home, it was already three or four in the afternoon.

When he sat down on the sofa, he only took a breath.

"Call... Although I have already noticed it, but when I listen to others, it is still a bit of a taste..." Feng did not feel the ceiling, and said to himself.

What he said. It's nothing else... it's about his "parents", or the parents in this universe.

obviously. He had already realized what it was before today.

In terms of ability to seal up, if you want to find out whether you have a blood relationship with your parents, it is too simple. He can do it in elementary school.

However, he has never investigated and confirmed this aspect.

Because... emotionally, he is not willing to smash this layer of window paper.

It is a person who rarely reveals emotions. Therefore, he also cherishes the hard-won intimacy in life.

Compared with the connection between blood, Jing Ge is more willing to believe in human nature.

Compared with a man who lives with himself in a parallel universe, he is more willing to treat the couple who raised him as a relative.

However, when his two relatives passed away, he did not show much sadness before the people.

During that time, many people pointed at him and thought that his relationship with his parents was not harmonious. Therefore, even if he did not graduate from high school, he had left home alone and even refused the economic support of his parents.

Only Wang Xingzhi and Bao Qing knew that they couldn’t feel the true thoughts inside...

I am afraid... I didn’t realize it at that time. Let the two ordinary people stay away from themselves and they will be able to live peacefully.

Unfortunately, things are not as good as people wish.

now. After knowing some things about "industry", I couldn’t help but understand the reasons for my parents’ death.

But now he is. Still can't go sad.

Because long before our story began, he had buried his sadness with a smile.


"Oh, all right."

Late, 11:50, game world, Xiao sin in the conference room.

When I came in, I was still looking at the lazy fisheye, and the corner of my mouth was still filled with a smile that seemed like nothing; he didn’t say it, no one would know what he had experienced during the day and learned. What, what to think about, what to bear...

of course. He can't say anything because he is not aware of it.

"Every time I am not waiting for you..." If the rain sees the brother. What is revealed in the eyes is a happy color, but the mouth is still cold and should be a sentence.

"I feel like brother, that... I just have something to ask you." And Xiaoshen, when she saw her, she was a little strange.

"You want to ask the prizes." Feng Jie did not pick up.

A while ago, because of the rain and the awkward things of the brother, the s2 prizes were not mentioned at all, and the things were lost in the family.

After the two of them reconciled, if the rain, they found a time to send Woody a few prizes to the small sighs of them; and was the first time they got together after winning the prize.

"Yeah..." Xiao sighed. "What do you say... this is too much..."

"It's too outrageous!" His words were not finished yet, and the little spirit on the side shouted loudly. "Head, is your friend named Woody too wide?"

It is natural to know that the prizes received by the young couple are embarrassing. When doing the transaction of the Song of Songs, he also specifically asked Woody about the prize.

According to the devil's original words, "Oh... rest assured, the yin and yang ring is a good thing, and the magic is endless. I am looking at the friendship with their grandparents, and I will send this to them. I don't give it to ordinary people."

"He is not my friend." Feng shrugged. "But I think... this prize should not contain anything malicious."

"Well..." Xiaoshen then called again. "Actually, I have a plan to buy a wedding ring recently, but at this time, a strange couple got a strange ring. I always feel... ”

"...I feel that he is a little nosy." Xiaoling finished his words.

"Is it..." He said, "I think this is also very good... Anyway, in terms of the two rich and wealthy family, I will definitely not buy a ready-made ring... 80% is going Customize two unique, expensive and expensive things. Someone has sent you a pair of magic weapons directly, which is completely in line with the unique and value-for-money features, helping you save a lot of things."

"Have you started to study the material of repairing? Recently, I heard the magic weapon?" There is a number in your own heart, and if you can’t pay it out..."

This editor has not been reminded of the manuscript of the brother for a long time, the main reason is that I felt a little bit of a while and the rain, but now there is no such problem...

"Fair...I...there are counts." Feng did not feel that he had died. Because he is really busy during this time, when he is free, he is not in the mood. When I have a mood, I don't have time... I don't know it, but I am close to the death line. Really... He doesn't know if he can hand it over, but there is still a mysterious calm...

"Oh~ right!" One second later, facing An Yueqin’s skeptical eyes, he felt that he had quickly shifted the subject. "Is the company not saying that I want to use the game to promote me after the s2? How is this happening now?" ?"

"Oh... that." An Yueqin replied unhurriedly. "The effect is still quite remarkable. In the most recent month, your new book sales have been high, and the old books have been reprinted. The royalties in the next quarter are worth it. look forward to."

"Oh, huh... this is all about Yangshou... Oh, no... edit your cultivation." Feng did not feel a haha, so he smoothly cited the topic from "magic weapons" and "urging" opened.

In this way, everyone ate and drank, and chatted for nearly half an hour.

They also spit out each other's prizes...

In addition to Xiaoshen and Xiaoling's ring, other people actually get the magic weapon.

An Yueqin got a "limited edition laptop computer exclusively issued by Dream Company", which is said to the outside world... In fact, this is a special hardware device for "recording officer".

The current An Yueqin still doesn't know. She is actually a descendant of the "recording officer" family and has the mission of writing the "Apocalypse Revelation."

Of course, this is not a particularly dangerous task. On the contrary, the “recording officer” can be said to be the safest group of people in the world. Because they are directly protected by "God." From ancient times to the present, all they have to do is record what they have seen, heard, and experienced on the slate, bamboo slips, and paper...

The mission has not changed, the media used for recording is constantly upgrading; so nowadays, the "recording officials" have also used hard disks...

Seeing this, I think everyone understands that the reason why Miss An Da will be in the life of the four people, such as Feng Shou, Wang Shouzhi, Li Ruoyu, and Gu Xiaoling, is the fate of itself... for many years in the future. She will all play the role of a "witness". Write down a lot of things.

Then, let’s talk about the prizes that the rain got...

She got a Rubik's Cube. The meaning is unknown, but if the rain can feel this is absolutely nothing; in case, just in case, she will send things to the side of the grandfather (the ancient dust), currently the nine departments are studying this stuff.

Finally, it’s just that I’m not sure...

One by one, apart from all his trades and gambling with Woody, he also has the prize.

What the geek got... is a book.

A black, very thick book.

The cover of this book is hard. From the outside, no matter whether it is up, down, left or right or side seal... there is no text; after opening it, it is all white paper.

This is a blank book that cannot be separated from the pros and cons.

For this "wordless book", I didn't know that I didn't study it for a while, and he couldn't study it... He just put it on the bookshelf at home.

Originally, he didn't have a clue. However, after listening to Woody's "effect" of the power of truth, this morning, I feel a little bit aware of the usage of this book.

In the evening, he tried to use it at home, but... did not try to react.

I want to come, but his ability level is not enough. It is estimated that he will be trained to the "harmony" level.


Books are long and books are short.

More than half an hour passed by...

Tonight, the five [Hell Frontline] can be regarded as the first full team after the new version is opened, and there is no doubt that it is going to go to the team survival mode.

Therefore, after a deliberation, everyone returned to their respective login spaces, ready to go, just wait for the brother to join the queue.

[Insane, level 50]

[Like the rain, level 50]

[Sigh, level 50]

[sorrowful smile, level 50]

[Stone Flower Room, Level 50]

[Please select the game mode that the team wants to join. 】

[You choose the team survival mode (nightmare), please confirm. 】

Although this is the first script tonight, but I feel that the brothers are unceremoniously choosing the nightmare difficulty. After all, the strength of the team is there, there is no need to be afraid.

[Your team is joining the team survival mode (general), the random number of team has been generated: six people. 】

[Your team has entered the queue and is searching for other individuals or teams that are ready. 】

[Matching is complete, coordinating neural connections, script generation...]

[Load start, please wait a moment. 】

At this moment, everyone's eyes became dark, the game menu could not be opened, and the body also felt weightless.

These all indicate that the transfer has begun.

"Welcome to...Stunning Paradise." The hoarse voice and the sullen tone are very in place, giving a creepy feeling.

[Loading is complete, currently you are working on team survival mode (normal). 】

[This mode provides a brief introduction to the script and has a chance to have a spur/hidden mission and a special worldview. 】

[Screen Customs Clearance: 80% of the customs clearance experience bonus when you settle the reward]

[A brief introduction to the script will be played, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

When the new version is opened, the upper limit of the level is increased. Therefore, the probability of experiential rewards increases sharply when the script's customs clearance is generated.

[That is a summer night. 】

The narration begins and the title cg begins to play.

As soon as the picture appeared, a very small classroom appeared in front of everyone.

Under the illumination of an old, fluorescent tube... mottled walls, old desks and chairs, dust-covered windowpanes, huge lockers that have been rusted and rusted, flashed through the lens one by one.

It seems that this place is full of space for repression and strange atmosphere, which is the journey.

[I took the letter from the squad leader and returned to my hometown and returned to the classroom of the elementary school in my childhood memories. 】

The narration is still going on...

[I arrived in the classroom half an hour before the agreed time. Soon after, the students also appeared in succession. 】

[Although it has not been seen for many years, everyone has not changed. 】

At this point, the narration paused for a few seconds; at the same time, the lens continued to rotate in the classroom, seemingly helping the players to observe the surrounding environment in advance.

[The agreed time has passed, but the squad leader has not appeared. 】

[The sky is dark, and today's sunset seems to be earlier than usual. It is only six o'clock, and the window is already out of reach. 】

[When everyone discussed whether to go back, suddenly, someone shouted loudly! 】(To be continued.)

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