Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1121: Summer memories (eight)

"Let's sit down, everyone is urging." Feng did not know, "I can't think of a more reliable answer in a short time. Standing still might trigger the group to destroy the plot. It's better to sit down. Try it."

When he said this, he walked over to the square stool with the number "5".

After a second, if the rain barely thought much, the first one followed the past.

When other people saw it, they came to the seat of the corresponding number that they just said.

Just after everyone was seated, they only heard "dark" all of a sudden, and the piano in the corner of the classroom made a sound.

Then, the eighty-eight keys were moved by themselves without being played...

From this development point of view, the feeling of the brother should be a hit, and the plot will begin to advance.

In the next three or four minutes, the unmanned piano came to a high-level solo; its melody was not complicated, but the performance was still very infectious... although it was pure music, no lyrics, but the players It seems to be listening to a singer's singer, the feeling of oppression and sin, which was completely conveyed through music and infected everyone present.

About four minutes later, the nameless piano piece came to an abrupt end.

When the sound was around the beam, the voice rang again: [Have you heard clearly? Who are you trying to play along with the music? 】

This request can't help but remind people of the phrase that I often hear in class when I was young. "Which question can this class solve?"

Whenever we hear this sentence, we will instinctively start to show the fans sdiretion, and in the heart meditation "You can't see me... You can't see me... You can't see me..."

However, it turns out that this self-deceptive skill is useless...

"I will come." Two seconds later, An Yueqin volunteered to stand up. "I have studied piano for a few years."

At this moment, she is just like the ones in our memory that save the whole class and learn to **** in the fire.

"Oh oh~ This flower sister is really reliable." When the sneaky look took someone to take the initiative, he immediately relieved and praised the other person.

"Cut... piano or something. I will play it too." But I didn't feel it was in a tone of disapproval.

"What? You actually still have a piano?" The sneaky turned to look at him, revealing an incredible expression.

"Yeah. I can see the briefs and one-handed pop-ups." Xiao Yan, on the side, unrelentingly revealed the essence of the sentence.

"Hey! Do you dare to point your face?" The sneaky screams, and the situation is against the sorrowful tongue. "You are more arrogant than those who only use the 'two-finger Zen' to declare that they can 'type'. Alright!"

On the occasion of the three boys playing the treasure, An Yueqin had already sat down in front of the piano and sat down.

After all, I learned it. Sitting on the bench, my posture and my eyes are different.

"You wait first... I haven't touched the piano for a long time, I have to look at the scores, and then brewing..." An Yueqin sat down. Then he reached out and took the sheet music on the music stand and put it on the piano, and greeted his teammates.

The score on the music stand records the song that was just mentioned; as mentioned above, this score is incomplete, and there are only a few sections on the visible part, and this... exactly coincides with the moment of this bomb. Mission requirements.

[Why not start yet? Didn't you learn this way? 】

An Yueqin waited for about 30 seconds, and the horrifying female voice began to urge again. Listen to this meaning... Nothing can't be played.

"Well... it seems that there will be no accidents." Miss Anda saw it and had to smack her head.

Next second. I saw her stretch out her hands, gently clenched her fists, and moved her knuckles for a few hands; then, she took a deep breath. Started playing.

Soon, a melody was born with the slow movement of her fingertips.

Players naturally remember... this is part of a large piece of piano music just now. But when An Yueqin popped up, it felt completely different.

Music, this thing... as long as the skills, feelings and talents are so little, the finished product will be very different; and this kind of "difference" caused by people, or "uniqueness" and "unreplicability" "It is also the charm of all art."

After a short time, An Yueqin has finished playing the few bars on the score.

The same is when the reverberation has not disappeared, the voice said: [Well... sloppy, passing, then... class. 】

Just when she said the word "class". The big cabinet behind the crowd suddenly made a strange noise and opened it on its own.

That sound is indeed a bit awkward. The sneaky scorpion was scared at the time... But when he just wanted to look back at the cupboard, on the other side, he suddenly heard "hey!" and he was shocked that he was looking forward to it.

But in fact... the other side of the movement is nothing, but the sound of the door of the music classroom reopening.

"It seems that this puzzle is here." The seal is still very calm. He didn't go to the door at all. The aperture of the flashlight in his hand was also firmly on the wall. On the side of the cabinet.

At this point, the door was opened and the contents inside were exposed.

But see, in the huge cabinet, there is a bone in it. Although the corpse still wears clothes, it has already turned into a white bone, and from the point of view of the clothing... This seems to be the "female ghost" that I heard at the door.

"She... can't move?" Xiaoling looked at the bone for a few seconds and asked a very constructive question.

"How about moving?" Feng Wei said as he walked over to the cabinet. "On a bone shelf, dare to confuse... I used the piano to smash it."

"Hey... piano is a tiger's head?" Ghosts also discovered this time. Many times, as long as they don't feel a word, they can shift the attention of teammates from horrible things to some sort of slot. .

"I just mentioned a concept." Feng did not know, "To tell the truth, the piano is not good, it is the correct way to use the door to clamp the head." He said that he has started to search the body. It is.

The seal was so meticulously searched. If it was not stopped by the system, it is estimated that he would give this glimpse to the light.

Long story short... The last thing I found was four things, one of which was a quest item...

[name: five-pointed star sunglasses]

[Type: plot related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Can you bring out the script: Yes]

[Remarks: Retro style sunglasses with full of anger. 】

Compared to the previous wig, this "item that can bring out the script" is even more inexplicable; if the script took place in the American disco in the 1980s. There was nothing wrong with finding this stuff, but in a primary school campus during the Showa era. Who can think of such a thing?

Then, for the second item, this is also a quest item...

[Name: "It" lung]

[Type: plot related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: It can be embedded in the torso of "It". 】

[Can you bring out the script: No]

[Remarks: The pocket organ made of green jade reveals aura. 】

The description of this item has very clearly indicated its use. This is one of the props to unlock the gods near the "export".

Then, the third item is a piece of paper.

This is a crumpled white paper, probably the size of a photo. It says "Three thousand hospitals are my best students, she let me see the shadow of my childhood."

Combined with the situation in this classroom, this should be written in front of this corpse, and her identity, eight achievements is the music teacher of this school.

Finally, the fourth item... is the key to the biology classroom, and the key clearly points the player to the next target.

"Well... there is no item description for this piece of paper." After sealing the four things one by one and showing them one by one, he said, "That is... the words on this paper are either some kind of hints. Or just use To perfect the plot."

"I feel that... the possibility of perfecting the plot is greater." An Yueqin said, "When the system generates the script and assigns the character, it must be considered that I will play the piano. So when I use this ability to unlock After the puzzle, we found a piece of paper. It added that the character 'San Qian Yuan' has a musical talent setting."

"Oh, maybe..." Feng Shou said, he stuffed the note into the pocket on the inside of the dress. "But if it's a reminder, it's fine. Remember it." I put a few other items into my own pocket, and made a snap, pointing to the door. Again, "Go. Next."

At this moment, the other five people reached a consensus with great tacit agreement and flashed a road.

Obviously, after a series of previous events, the players have already had a more stereoscopic and intuitive concept of the overall story style and horror of the script, so... they all agree that it is better to let the guys lead the battle.


To make a long story short, two minutes later, the group came to the door of the biology classroom.

When the seal was not inserted into the keyhole, the five people behind him all mentioned their hearts to the eyes of the blind... They were all ready to be shocked by the sudden horror bridge.

Hey, hey.

He felt calmly opening the door lock, and while the key turned into white light disappeared, he had opened the door.

As a result, nothing happened...

At least visually and audibly, there is no such shocking scene of shock.


"I am going...what is it?" The sneaky scorpion was the first to open. I have to admit that even though his ability to solve puzzles is worrying, his reaction is very fast and his senses are very sensitive.

"It's some sort of... Oh no... it should be said to be a 'multiple' expired organic solvent." This time, answering him is Wang Sangzhi.

"Oh, huh... it’s Wang Dafu, smelling this taste~ is it calmed down?" Feng Shuji half-jokingly turned back and said to Xiao sigh.

"Well... yes." Xiao sighed and thought, actually found out... indeed.

"Very good, then let's get up quickly." When I stopped talking, I stepped into the door and the investigation of the biology classroom began.

The biology classroom is the smallest room they have ever entered. There is a rectangular test bench in the middle of the classroom. From the height of the table, the primary school students must stand to operate on it, perhaps because of this... There is no seat at all in this room.

There are some display items on both sides of the classroom, which are basically soaked or dried specimens; some animal illustrations are attached to the walls, and the pictures are accompanied by simple texts; there is also a hand washing in the corner of the classroom. Taiwan, the smell in the room is mainly from the surface...

This time, the players were extra careful when investigating.

There are two reasons for this. First, no terrorist incidents are triggered when the door is opened. Instead, the players feel uneasy. Second, Xiaoshen specifically reminds everyone that expired organic solvents are not only harmful to the body, but may also cause fires.

So, after about ten minutes, the players completed the investigation of the biology classroom, the results are as follows

First, the drawers around the lab bench are all "cannot be opened". The table is cluttered with various tools including scalpels and more than ten different solutions; but... all the bottles containing the solution, The text is ambiguous and it is difficult to confirm the nature of the liquid.

Second, there are no abnormalities in the surrounding specimens.

Third, I can't see any clues from the illustrations on the wall, but I still read all the contents and wrote down them.

Fourth, although this classroom does not have windows facing the corridor, there are windows facing the outside of the school; through the window glass, you can see the country roads under the moonlight, telephone poles and trees... everything seems so quiet and normal, and This repressed space in the school forms a sharp contrast.

Of course, the two windows were also "sealed by the power of darkness" and they could not be broken.

Fifth, the sink of the sink was obviously blocked. The pool contained a lot of dirty liquid and could not see the bottom of the pool; the only faucet could be unscrewed, but there was no water in the water pipe.

" can turn your hand off." After the investigation and communication, the decision-making work naturally fell to the shoulder of the buddy. "Well..." He stunned for half a second and read, "Everyone has seen it." The tools of the lab bench are not all items related to 'drama related', so it is necessary to say where there are clues in this classroom..."

As for the words here, I will turn my eyes to the sink when I feel it, and the intention is self-evident.

"You can't see me... you can't see me..." At this moment, the sneaky meditation has been meditation on the five-character, and spiritually fascinated.

Unexpectedly, this time...

"I am coming." Xiao slam was volunteering to stand up. (To be continued.)

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