Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1124: Summer memories (11)

When the rain three of them came out of the women's toilet, they felt that the boys had waited for more than a minute at the door. Oh,

"How? What are the gains?" asked Feng.

"The item is not found, but... the prompt seems to be there." An Yueqin replied.

The voice did not fall, Xiaoling went on to explain: "In the women's toilet, there is a graffiti on the wall. The first one is a half-tied ti_ta_toe (three-game game), the second one is a The Hannota game, the third painting is strange... It seems that there is no regular pattern, which is composed of many curves, which means it is unknown."

"Are all the three patterns you wrote down?" Feng did not know immediately.

"The first two, we must remember." This time it was raining, "but the third one...only the little spirit can fully remember."

"Oh... OK." Feng did not feel nodded. "Since all are remembered, let's go."

"Hey? What is the situation on your side?" Seeing that the brother turned and left, An Yueqin quickly asked.

"I naturally remember all the situations on our side, but in order to save time, I suggest to say while walking." When I closed this, I had already pulled a small sigh and walked in the direction of the second floor.

When I saw it, other people didn't say anything more, and all of them quickly followed up; An Yueqin holding another "opening flashlight" also consciously walked to the end of the team.

"The situation in the men's toilet is similar to yours." Only two or three meters away, the explanation of the brother began. "We don't have graffiti on this side, but behind the door panels of the three squat compartments, we write A line of words..." He paused and said again, "The first compartment has a 'caution pool' on the door panel; the second one is followed by 'note the foot'; the third is 'Don't Running in the hallway."

"Well..." When he said that he had just finished speaking, Xiaoling said, "Head, have you discovered that the information hidden in the two toilets is likely to be..."

"Yes." I didn't wait until the other party finished speaking. "The information is about the 'important tips' of each room." He stunned for half a second, and answered, "the graffiti of the ti_ta_toe in the women's restroom." Obviously, it is a hint of the idea of ​​'Jiu Gong Ge'; the puzzle of Jiugongge appears in the music classroom, and the puzzle of the music classroom is only solved by 'Three Thousand Yuans', and because the Sanqianyuan is a girl... So the clue appears In the women's toilet."

"Oh! I understand." Hearing this, Xiaoshen also interjected, "According to what you said... the 'care pool' of the men's toilet is a reminder to the sink in the biology classroom; the puzzle of the biology classroom It’s up to me...that is, 'Putian', and Putian is a boy, so the clue is in the men’s room."

"Yes." Fengshou said, "That is, after we have come out of the classroom of the second class, the best course of action should be to go to the toilet first; if we have before entering the biology and music classrooms, After reading the clues in the toilet, then we can more easily solve the puzzle of the 'seat number', and Xiaoshen is likely to avoid being hurt by the monster." He said, shrugged, "but... is not too late, our team is stronger after all, although it did not follow the best process, but there is not much loss. Anyway, the next point is."

"That... on the basis of this inference, can we deduct this way..." If the rain thought of something later, she said to Xiangge, "In the scripts that follow, we have to crack at least four." The puzzles of the area, and these four areas, you have to use a unique skill to crack each of you, me, Xiaoling and the sneaky."

"Yes." Feng Shuai replied, "The possibility of this expansion is great."

"If that's the case, then we don't have much time." The sneaky singer added in a timely manner. "Even if we count the classroom at the beginning, we are only looking at two and a half areas... now there is already The individual's flashlight is out of power; if we follow the previous progress, 80% of the lighting equipment will not be able to adhere to the last room."

"Don't worry, I have already considered this matter." Feng immediately approached the road. "From this moment, let's speed up the pace and explore the two areas. If the situation is not good, we will return to the biology classroom. Use the alcohol and gauze on the bench to make a few torches. In that way... it is estimated that it can last for about half an hour."

"Oh... there is this hand." The sneaky hear this sentence, it is a little relieved.

The dialogue between several people has been carried out, and it is just below the steps.

The little sigh who took the lead did not think much, just raised the flashlight and looked up, and looked up, and was ready to step upstairs.

Of course, at this moment...

"Slow!" and Xiaoshen, who stood almost side by side, suddenly reached out and stopped him, and quickly picked up, "I'm not right..."

In this gloomy and depressing environment, the phrase “wrong right” is itself a factor that can make people feel scared...

"What...what?" Xiaoshen took his foot back and swallowed it.

"You look at it carefully..." Feng Guan turned his head and gestured with the eyes toward the front steps. "There are steps on the steps..."

“Hey?” After a reminder from the other party, Xiaoshen quickly discovered this. “Oh! Really!”

It is true that there are footprints on the wooden steps, but... they must be illuminated with light and viewed at a certain angle to see clearly.

The width of this step is about one meter two. There is a footprint on each step, and there is no sole texture in this footprint, and there is only a circle of "outline" in the outermost circle, which looks like "hollow". same.

"It seems... this is the place that is noticed under 'Attention'." Feng did not know, "Not in the room, but on the stairs, huh..." He couldn’t help but smile. It’s hard to prevent it~”

"That... how do you solve this puzzle?" asked the ghost behind him.

"Isn't this obvious? You follow the footprints on this step and step on it all the way." Feng did not know.

"Oh... I just press... 诶?" The sneaky instinctively wanted to pick up the words, but when he said a half sentence, he felt wrong. "How did I become first?"

"Crap, since this is a puzzle corresponding to the hints in the men's toilet, it will definitely require a boy to solve it." Feng Shuo replied, "Small singer played the anatomy puzzle in the biology classroom." So, only me and you are left."

"Then, based on what you judge, it should not be up to you here?" asked the ghost.

When I heard it, I immediately raised a leg, hung my sole's bottom plate on the footprint of the first step, and read a word in English pronunciation that I think is very standard: "look."

When the sneaky eyes fixed their eyes, they squinted and read: "Cut...because your feet are big?"

"My feet are not big, but they are certainly not as small as some people who are less than one meter tall." I don’t want to think that I can add words with personal attacks in a very normal communication. This is also a kind of Talented.

"Less! I haven't finished yet!" Ghostly replied wickedly, and went up a few steps, once again opened his own flashlight, "I have done it... no time to talk to you, now hurry important."

In order to take care of the overall situation, the ghost did not follow the brother and then lifted the bar, but immediately began to act.


This is the movement of the sneaky foot on the first step... It is the sound that the wooden board that can be stepped on at any time will make a sound.

Of course, although the sound is very scary, the steps are not broken.

"I am going to... the layout of this footprint is also very sharp..." Ghostly just wanted to take the second step, and found that the position of the left foot footprint on the second step was actually on the first step. On the right side, "Is this going to sing the songs upstairs?"

The spit has been thrown into the trough, and it has already arrived... I have to withdraw and I don’t know what will happen, so he can only finish the road in front of him with his scalp.

So, the sneaky began his stepping on the steps.

Only after a few steps, the sneaky noticed that the outline of the footprint and the size of his foot were almost exactly the same, which made him uncomfortable, but it also proved from the side that he was right, this step The organ is to be cracked by him.

First level, two levels...

The balance of the sneaky is good, even if the footprints on this step are deliberately difficult to mean, he still steadily stepped on each footprint.

After walking twelve steps, the sneaky scorpion came to a corner that connected the two steps.

There is no footprint in this area, so he stepped on it directly, and when his two feet all stepped on this plane, the twelve steps he stepped on gave a burst of "吱吱嘎嘎". Strange.

Then, if there was a black smoke rising out of the steps, accompanied by the faint smoke... the footprints on the steps disappeared.

"Well..." I saw it and said, "After you step on it, this step seems to be able to walk away."

After all, he lifted his foot and went up two levels and tried it. As a result, nothing happened, and even the sound of "吱咿" was gone.

In this way, everyone will no longer hesitate; after a dozen seconds, all five of the team will walk up the corner of the stairs.

"Oh... then I went on." After everyone was in place, the sneaky squad would come forward again and step on the second half of the ladder.


As in the first half, when the ghosts are breaking the organs, the steps are still making sounds.

Because of the experience, this time, he went faster. After a few steps, his vision crossed the floor of the second floor. At this time, if he looked ahead, he could see the corridor on the second floor.

And the sneaky... I did raise the flashlight and looked up.

This does not seem to be tight, and I almost scared him down the stairs.

"Hey..." may be too scared. The sneaky screaming is not shouting. He just shook his own things with his hands and said with a crying voice. Remember the guy we saw in the second class a classroom, the guy who appeared outside the window..."

Standing in the back of the seal, I have already seen the strangeness from the trembling back of the ghost. At this moment, I heard this, and I immediately reacted: "You saw it?"

"Well..." The "Hmm" word of the sneaky, with a very obvious vibrato, "He is now squatting about a meter away from the last step, looking at it... and looking at it with a smirk I."

"How is your condition?" Feng Jie did not pick up.

"The legs are soft, you can kneel down at any time, or fall down and down the stairs." The ghost does not like to turn around, so he has nothing to say.

"Can't you? You have already seen it, what else are you afraid of?"

"That is to say that..." sneaky replies, "but the same is 'seeing', looking at it from a data perspective, and the difference between it and the present is very big..." he explained, "the former is like Look at the dot matrix, the latter is watching a horror film."

"Then you will look at the horror film as a dot matrix map." The seal did not feel the embarrassment of the singer.

"I can't be without you..." Ghost said that there is nothing to do.

"Then you think so..." Feng Shuo said, "The worst situation in front of you is nothing more than when you walk over, he suddenly rushes toward you; is this no different from being attacked by a normal monster? At that time, the embarrassment will be slammed, the fight will be hit, the **** will die... What a big deal?"

"You said so... It’s really... I’m so busy!” The third paragraph of the sneaky sentence was almost smashed out, showing that he once again reached a state of fear and anger.

"Although I don't want to bother you to chat, but I think it's best to remind you..." At this moment, the rain standing next to the sorrowful brother suddenly interrupted, "Ghost children... the flashlight in your hand, but there is no left How much electricity is available; if you are going up now, there is a chance that you can use the light to push the monster back or suppress it; but if you continue to stand there and the big eyes of the monster, when you get out of the flashlight, I am afraid you don’t have to go up. It will also go down..."


If the rain has not been finished, the sneaky screams and accurately steps on the steps on the steps at a very fast speed, step by step.

Obviously, if it rains, it works...

This incident tells us that one of the ways to force a person to face the fear in front of him is to force him to act with a pressure that makes him more fearful.

After just five seconds, the sneaky sneaked to the end of the steps, and as he approached, the monster retreated...

Every step of the sneaky, the look on the monster's face changes, and finally... sneer becomes a distorted fear.

Finally, when the sneaky stepped on the last footprint, the monster screamed at the close-range illumination of the light, and instantly turned into a black gas and dissipated.

When the sneaky feet stepped on the corridor on the second floor, only a pair of shoes were left on the ground where the monsters smashed. (To be continued.)

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