Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1136: Summer memories (end)

When he didn't feel that he had just walked to the corner, he raised his hand and shunned it, and he threw a thing in his pocket into the shrine with lightning speed.

At this time, "it" and everyone's eyes were blocked by the unconscious back, and the latter's movements were very fast, so they did not see what he was putting.

Of course, although "it" does not know that the buddy has put it in, but it can be sure that the other party is definitely not putting jade organs. Because... If you don’t feel it is one of those pocket organs, then “it” will immediately feel the resurgence of power.

"What did you put?" It faintly felt uneasy, and immediately asked.

However, I didn’t answer it, and... at a very fast speed, I started to lick something...

It’s too late to say it! But I saw that my brother’s hands and feet were very close and repeated several times, and I smashed several things into my gods from my pocket.

And the few things behind, everyone can see that they are a belt, a pair of boots, and a wig.

Based on the three things he had post-plugged, it was inferred that the first thing in the first thing was the pair of sunglasses.

Obviously, his actions are definitely not taking the wrong object, but deliberately. From the order of stuffing things, you can see the clue...

If you don't feel like putting your hand on the shoes or wigs in the gods, then "it" will immediately find out and react in the first place. Therefore, I feel that I want to take the smallest object first, and directly enter the shrine from my pocket at a very fast speed. In this way, "it" will not only not be shot when it is not clear, but will also be stunned for a few seconds.

And these few seconds, enough to seal the rest of the things.

"Nothing, just some gadgets found in this space (previously when I exchanged items on the second floor warehouse, I have already handed it to the hands of the buddy)." I didn't feel like I turned back and replied in a relaxed tone.

"You! You..." The moment, "it" became furious, and the roaring sound burst out from the chest of Watanabe, like a burst of thunder, "Do you know what you did!"

"Not very clear." Feng Jie did not know. "Just... I watched the script come to an end, but I couldn’t think of the things that could be used to trigger the hidden plots. So, I will In the mentality of 'trying and not getting pregnant', they are stuffed into the suspicious key object of the gods."

Speaking of this, I don’t know how to smile: "Oh... from your reaction, I seem to be in the right place."

"Why..." At this time, it was a state of anger and anger. It asked the scorpion, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it is very troublesome to bring these things out..." Feng Shuhui replied, "After all, this is also a team script, in the principle of fairness, these four things are not used up on the premise of the puzzle card... ...should be distributed equally by our six people. But 'four things and six people' is a very bad form (sees all of Asong's understanding), so..."

Some of the keywords mentioned here, such as "scripts" and "jigsaws", are naturally handled by the system, but "it" can still understand the meaning of the brother.

"Oh... you..." The next second, "it" seems to be lengthening the trick to prepare for the street.

However, the words "it" were interrupted and interrupted by a burst of music...

No one expected that at this moment, in this dim, oppressive environment, suddenly... the melody of "Forcing lliejean" sounded.

Almost at the same moment when the music sounded, I didn’t know where it was from, and there was a strange laughter...

I laughed at this, and the voice sounded particularly sharp, but he smiled very boldly; here I still have to give that example (see Chapter 252). This contrast is like Lin Zhiling’s feeling of singing a good Chinese song. .

"Hey?" Two seconds later, the seal didn't seem to think of something, and muttered in the mouth, "This debut way... is it..."

His thoughts were undecided, but he saw that the darkness around him was a group of pieces, and the pieces of the "black tide" poured into the corners of the gods like living creatures.

When you saw this scene, the players' expressions were amazed, and "it"...or the Watanabe face it controlled... it showed a desperate color.

Finally, about ten seconds passed, and the darkness formed into a black figure with a solid body.

This "black man" is all black and white, like a three-dimensional silhouette; and his outline, figure, posture... are very much like a music star who has passed away for many years.

"Sure enough, this is the goods..." When I saw the other party, the memory was clear; a long time ago, he had encountered this npc in another script ("Brothers"), when he used [King Kong Bell] I have seen the data.

The name of this shadow man is called "Shadow Dance", which is a special npc; even if I first used the item to check the data, I only saw the name, height, weight, and the name of the npc in that book. Information such as flag that can be triggered... As for the core intelligence (level, race, ability, etc.) is unknown.

"!" At the sight of the dance, "it" shouted and did not hide his panic. "I hate this guy!"

It’s a pity that even now, even if it’s called a broken throat, it’s useless...

[Hide the plot - dance with the shadow, triggered]

Along with a systemic reminder, the shadow dance immediately became a full-bodied, straight body, and tilted toward the side like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, coming to a difficult "oblique" action that was almost fifty degrees to the ground. .

In the moment when he appeared in this debut, he saw four black lights flashing, followed by... the long wig, the cozy sun sunglasses, the sharp fringe belt and the cowboy boots all in the body of the shadow dance. And merge with it...became part of the shadow.

"嗷~" changed the shape of the shadow dance to make a high-pitched scream, and switched posture, re-standing straight, turned around in a circle; then, he would have a squat, one hand touched, the other hand A catching action.

"Hey...what..." At this moment, the little sigh standing on the other side of the corridor looked silly, and couldn’t help but swear.

"I don't know..." If the rain picks up, "But I think we have nothing to worry about."

Until now, the players realized that the four "drama items that can bring out the script" that had been found before had any effect; if...the items that gave the players the feeling of being completely different from the style of the script. Feeling", then the debut of the Shadow Dance and its behavior have already made the players completely play...

"Hey~" After a few seconds, the dance of the shadows came with such a scorpion that he couldn't reach.

The snoring is not exhausted. He is already sliding forward and moving toward "it"; don't look at it, it is only a "one" slide, and the dance of the shadow is really far away. Feeling, after one step, he has already arrived in front of Watanabe.

At this moment, the melody of "Lingiejean" suddenly stopped. After a few seconds, in a remixed mix, the rhythm and melody should be turned, and the surrounding bgm became "th day ller"; It was also as the song changed the dance steps, waving and jumping up the zombie step.

The dance step just started, the Watanabe holding the doll over there was already a look of horror... Turned and ran, went straight to the second floor.


Watanabe's feet stepped on the floor of the first floor of the corridor, stepping on a sound that made the players feel familiar.

When I saw it, I stood in front of the shrine and said with a cold smile: "Have you forgotten something?" He paused for half a second and said again, "Don't run in the hallway... but you set your own limits." ”

The voice has not fallen, "it" has begun to regret it... because he really forgot this.

Although this "limitation" has no effect on it, it is controlled by "it".

"Oh..." Two seconds later, a low-pitched voice was heard in the Watanabe. Please note that this low-pitched voice was sent through Watanabe's own mouth, not the sound of "it".

The sound has not settled, the Watanabe has fallen... just fell on the half of the first step.

When I fell out, I saw the Watanabe struggling to twist and sideways, and protected the puppet on the chest with my body. Of course, he didn’t fall too much. After all, this is not falling from a height, just The extent of tripping.

However, the problem is that after the fall, I don’t know how... the Watanabe, who hasn’t suffered any injuries, can’t stand up.

"Oh! It turned out to be like this!" After seeing this scene, the first person to respond was a ghost. "There is always a trap we have not found in this script, that is, people who run hard in the corridor will definitely fall. It’s down...and it’s no longer standing up after falling!”

At this point, the sneaky man has come to understand... the ghost that he had previously died with a flashlight, the reason why he has been kneeling in the same place until it is illuminated by the light, is this reason. Presumably... The guy was scared away by the flashlight at the window of the second class, and flew up to the second floor... and then fell to the end of the stairs.

The Watanabe in front of him was even more unlucky. The first step of the stairs was not finished... he fell.

"No... no! No! I don't want it!" Two seconds later, the sound of "it" sounded again from Watanabe's chest, and the tone of "it" became like a crazy child.

Players are a bit surprised by this change, on the one hand because "it" is very mature until now, and on the other hand because they really can hardly imagine that the dancing brother can do it "it" What is coming... make "it" so scared.

Fortunately... not long after, they got the answer...

But see, after the dance of Shadow Dance, after a period of jumping, he kicked his arm and passed a hand, arm, shoulder... A classic current-over-current action, and then the action... The one who was facing the chest of Watanabe Refers to.

Under this finger, the idol sounded like a firecracker, and then began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye...

This kind of "deformation" is difficult to describe in words. If you want to say it... it is like a small piece of wood, like a mollusc, that grows from the inside and rapidly increases the volume in a form that is physically unreasonable. And weight.

About ten seconds later, "it" turned from a small doll that can be held in the hand to a humanoid about one meter tall.

Although it is "human", "it" is very different from people.

The head of "it" looks like a curved awl, like the inverted horse's mouth, and there is no obvious facial features on it; the sound of "it" is closer to a woman, but there is nothing in the body. Sexual characteristics; the skin of the whole body is like the shell of a crustacean... smooth and hard, dark red; and its torso part... is still "open", it looks like there is no battery The battery slot is empty in the chest and there is no organ.

"Insane!" After the original form, "it" already knew that he could not escape the scope of the shadow dance, so it immediately turned the anger all over to the sensation, angrily shouted, "You do this... ...originally you have a collusion with the black beard!"

This sentence is a bit inexplicable. I feel that I also thought for a few seconds to find the logical relationship. My heart said: "Oh? Is it the dance of this shadow... Is it a black-bearded person?"

"I will write down today's account, one day... I will let the price!" Its intimidation has no lethality, because it is not easy to hear this kind of words.

Waiting for Deng, etc.~ Waiting for Deng, etc.

At the same time, the melody of "ther ller" stopped again when the voice of "it" did not fall. After a short silence, the opening of a guitar brought out the song "Live nevercantell", background music. Suddenly jazz up.

Then, the scene of people's surprise appeared, and the "shadow" of the shadow dance "pointed" once, as if the body was uncontrollable, came to the front of the shadow dance in a few steps, and with the face-to-face, with the music ... jumped up and twisted...

"Wardfak?" Even if it was closed, it would never have been thought that there would be such a thing, and the foul language that broke out in his mouth was not shielded by the system.

Not to mention other people, they each looked at the two people in the corridor with a complicated look. They didn’t like the guys. They had a passionate dance. They had to say...the two dances really sneaked into the air, even if it was The layman can also see how good the jump is.

Of course, the "playing after the dance king" level of play, and "it" is not a big relationship, it is caused by the ability of "shadow dance"...

In this way, the two jumped more and more joy, and two minutes later, they also jumped and walked... Moved slowly toward the gods.

Seeing this scene, it is also very interesting to let out the Tao for them to pass.

Not long after, the two have come to the corner. When the heel of Shadow Dance was only a step away from the gods, they instantly turned into two black awns and broke into the gods.

In the same second, the players felt a sense of weightlessness... and their eyes were black.

In a blink of an eye, the six people found out... They reappeared in the classroom of the second class, and they sat in the seats where the script started.

At this time, the doors and windows of the classroom were all open, and the summer sun shone through the windows of the school building. The dark and oppressive atmosphere around it was gone... (~^~)

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