Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1182: Yu Chaolian - Origin (13)

"Damn..." Captain Captain’s fist screamed angrily at the wall beside him, and he said in angrily, “The lucky man and the worm are distinctly undead...what...”

"External, they may indeed be almost invincible..." Feng Jie then approached. "But within your Yuchao, if you fight each other with their own abilities... that is the result."

"He is right..." Xia Xia also said, "Except that the poisonous man is killed by targeted toxins, others are killed by the ability of his companions..." he listed one by one, "poor Mr. died in the ability of the poisonous man, and the king of worms and the lucky man died in the power of the thousand-eyed man. As for the thousand-eyed man... although we have not seen it, it is no doubt that we are dead among us. Under the ability."

"Everyone..." The next second, Dr. Eternal said again, "Have you discovered that no matter what kind of ability, the doctor of epilepsy can not be used in the face of the opponent, but in the end of the battle with the other side. Only started to use..."

"Ah... I also noticed." Tin foil man answered. "Presumably, the condition for his copying ability is that the contact time with the other party reaches a certain standard..."

At the same time that the foil man said this, he only heard a shock... The wall on the side of the cabin was actually pulled out by a big hole.

In the next second, there was a figure in the hole of two meters in diameter.

"You are wrong." The person who came is not someone else, it is Dr. Epilepsy. "I don't have what you call "replication ability."

This guy is really daring, fearless and fearless; clearly bears the power of the thousand-eyed man and the poisonous man, but does not use the long-range attack, but actively kills the spaceship where the heroes are.

"Even if there is such a person in the world who can copy/impersonate other people's abilities, in the face of the existence of poisonous chivalrous, thousand-eyed, and worms... it is also helpless." Dr. Epilepsy walked into the cabin while talking. "Because their abilities are based on physiological structure, and even involve super-dimensional strength, this is not the power of reproduction by simple cell imitation..."

"Oh?" The sorcerer listened to this sentence and asked him, "So... what did you do?"

Nowadays, they are not in a hurry to start their hands, because they can start to win... they may not be able to win.

"Oh..." Dr. Epilepsy laughed. He didn't answer this question directly, but said with a smile. "It's a bit of a hassle to explain this. First... you heard about the 'conqueror's shackles' ?"

Dr. Epilepsy does not expect the heroes in front of him to know the "thing" in his mouth. He just asks for the explanation.


"The 'Conqueror's 冕', one of the four artifacts created by the 'emperor_o_nihility' is the supreme manifestation of the power of the 'form down'; the person with the conqueror's sorcerer's 'winning' or 'killing' 'After a certain 'existence', the energy of the opposite side (imaginary space) of matter can be used to permanently acquire the full ability of the other party in the 'meta-down' realm."

The Queen of Black Hole, who had not commented for a long time, used a very calm tone to come up with a commentary that made both the man and the foil man feel unclear.

Even the doctors of epilepsy have been stunned, because of this information... He also studied for many years and was only known after a certain chance.

"You go back to the 'past', or ... the reason for setting the time of crossing today is not because you have a soft spot for this era." The Queen of Black Hole is still not finished, "but because... in the future You found an intelligence about the whereabouts of the conqueror; the time that the intelligence pointed to... is today. As for the location... it’s not important now.” She paused. “You are coming anyway. Before the planet, I have already got things in hand..."

After she finished this passage, not only the doctor, but even a few heroes next to her looked at her with an unbelievable look.

For a time, the cabin was silent.

After a dozen seconds, Dr. Epilepsy sneered and said: "Hey... it’s a black hole queen, I know... you are not a 'hero' at all, you just mix in the middle of this group of heroes to observe and manipulate those The intricate timeline intertwined with them..."

"Your opinion is very interesting." The Queen of Black Hole heard the words and calmly answered. "However, in my opinion... you know nothing about power, you don't know anything about the realm, you know nothing about time and space. You know nothing about me..."

For such an evaluation, the doctor of epilepsy is very unacceptable; people like him generally have a strong desire for control and self-respect. The ultimate goal of the perfectionist is "omniscience and omnipotence", so his most annoying thing is Others tell themselves... "You don't understand this thing, don't blame bb."

"Oh..." Two seconds later, Dr. Epilepsy was cold again. "Since I am so ignorant and small... Why don't you crush me like a worm? Why do you have to look at it again?" Are your 'companions' dead in my hands?"

The doctor thought that his own problem had already slammed the other party's logical corner. After the question, he was quite proud.

It is a pity... As the Queen of the Black Hole at the level of "Cosmic God", he once again told him by action... He knew nothing about Fudge.

"Because of your ignorance and insignificance, you will ask me this kind of question. It is because of your ignorance and insignificance that I cannot give you an answer in a way that you can understand."

Everyone looks at the official evaluation, this kind of words are lost, changed you... Do you want to go to the streets?

"But..." Just as the doctor of epilepsy was ready to worry, the Queen of Black Hole suddenly came back with a sharp turn. "Well, there is a person who is not so 'ignorant' here, maybe he can answer some of your doubts. ......" She paused for half a second, then she came to the sentence, "Poker, then I will hand it over to you."

At that moment, everyone present suddenly turned his face in the same direction and gathered his gaze on the body.

"Oh... um... ha?" It’s also awkward.

The sudden black pot of the black hole queen made him feel uncomfortable. On weekdays, he only felt that he was so crowded, but it was the first time he was pitted by others.

"Oh? It's you..." Dr. Epilepsy quickly recognized the sensation, "I can't see it... Did you exist in such a high position?" (To be continued.)

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