Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1223: Return to Tsukuba Island (eight)

"Call... it’s dangerous, I almost turned over the ship in the gutter."

Two seconds after the explosion, the unseen figure appeared again, but seeing that he used one hand to squint the back of the mad eye, floating in the air, its position, just the edge of the explosion range, did not receive Its impact.

"You guys reacted very quickly." The mad eye of being caught in a dangerous area in time did not change his attitude.

"It's already slow. If I realize what the other side is doing a few seconds earlier, I might be able to counter it before they make a move." Feng did not return.

"They?" Mad-Eye just wanted to ask the word. In the smoke in front, there was already a translucent black sphere that slowly rose out.

Through the smoke, I have seen three people standing in the sphere, namely Black Beard, Hongjun and Snow.

"As the person responsible for exploring the road, can you explain? What is this?" The black beard at this time is naturally unhappy. Although he and the two of him are unscathed, his helpers may not be able to retreat from this attack.

"Well..." Feng Shou thought thoughtfully, "According to my observation... This should be a mixed spell of mega_brand and elmekia_lame, although it will only be a powerful earth. The magic is combined with the magic of a spiritual system, but because the magical power of the surgeon is extremely high, after the actual release..."

"Who asked you the magic principle?" The black beard didn't wait for him to finish, and he was impatient. "I asked you why you didn't find the enemy and signaled before the attack started."

"I found out." I didn't know how to quit the two hands. "I didn't even yell "Retreat"?"

"You only shouted a second in advance, make me play?" Black beard said again.

"Cut... I want to shout earlier." Feng did not know, "but there is no energy fluctuation before the other party casts. What can I do? Do not believe you ask those cadres... oh..." He said Look down and look at the still smouldering sea. "They are not dead yet?"

Black Beard did not answer his question, but then asked: "Since there is no energy fluctuation, then you should not be able to advance for a second, right?"

"Oh... indeed, I didn't perceive any signs that strong magic is about to start, but before the wave attack came... I picked up a magic arrow." Feng did not know.

"What about that?" asked the black beard.

Feng does not know: "In general... that can't explain anything, but when I encounter one thing, I will come up with one hundred possible hypotheses; and one of the assumptions is exactly 'this is A positioning arrow '."

The black beard is very shrewd. When he says this, he thinks again and many things are clear.

"What do you mean... the other person is more than one person?" Blackbeard quickly changed the problem.

"At this stage, the possibility is very big." Feng did not feel back. "You just saw that trick, although it is a mixed magic, but it is not too advanced; can produce this power, purely Rely on the huge magic energy to support." He stunned for half a second, and then said, "There are only one person in the fake facility, then there is a problem... A magician with such magic power, I really don't know. Attacked with other, more advanced, more efficient spells?"

"Oh~" When he heard this, Snow understood it. "But if it is a large group of even weaker wizards who gather together to cast spells, this will make sense."

"Yes." Feng Shuai approached. "So, the magic arrow that I took before is undoubtedly used to target the large group of casters." He paused, then again, "by the way. First of all... from the magical arrow that can be judged by the magic arrow, the guy responsible for positioning is very strong; I also know the level of the gang in the magical church. This guy must be a cadre level, that is... He knew me clearly, knew my identity, and heard my warnings, but... still launched an attack."

"Oh?" The black beard snorted. "This is a bit strange...".

"Ha!" Mad-eyes laughed and said, "How do I feel normal?" He turned his head and looked at him. "Like this kind of person, just standing in front of me, I have a knife to hack him." Impulsive, the other party did not hold back for a while, I can understand."

"Oh..." The black beard heard the words, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. "It makes sense."

Just as these floating in the dialogue in the sky, in the area that was just smashed by the magical light... In the boiling sea water... The figure was slowly rising from the water.

"I seem to have been bombed." The first one to land was Mark Nguyen. He walked and swayed the big horse's head on his neck.

"Oh..." His brother Mark Hoss followed closely. After hearing his brother's lines, he sighed and grabbed the other's head with both hands. "Stupid! What is the use of flat?" When he said this, he had already leaned his brother's head to the left and right sides and tilted it down.

“Hey?” Mark’s neck was a joy at the time, “Okay~”

"Crap, can you pour out the muddy water in your ears?" Mark Hoof’s IQ is not high, but it is still better than his brother; maybe... because he looks like a human head, Therefore, IQ has the upper hand.

At this time, at a muddy **** five or six meters away from them, Mr. Vogel and Nesru also came out of the water.

"Oh **** it! What I hate most is taking a shower!" After spitting out a sea of ​​water, Mr. Vogel was still screaming.

And Nesru next to him, this time it seems very lost; because... the reflection in the water has already told Nesru, his "cake head" has completely collapsed at this moment... Unusually "watermelon Taro" hairstyle.

In addition to these four cadres, Garlic, Godfrey and Mardy are basically not a problem, they soon came up from the water.

However, the situation of the remaining 19 pirates is not very optimistic... even though they are members of the Black Beard Pirates, under such an attack, not every one can pass; 19 Four of them were no longer able to leave Tsukuba Island alive, six others were seriously injured and lost their mobility, and nine others also suffered different degrees of injury.

In this situation, the black beard is still very decisive to order him to let the trio of the garlic and the wounded who still have the ability to take back all the injured crew, and then bring 19 no injuries. The person returned to return.

The black beard, the three players, the Mad Eyes, and the four cadres on the ship continued to move forward and left marks along the way so that they could find the way when they brought reinforcements.

In this way, the team of 30 people has been reduced to nine people, one of them... or the mad eye that has neither fighting power nor is it possible to escape or fight against water at any time.

This is so, I still don’t see the slightest sense of crisis and tension from the black beard’s eyebrows...

Although it has not been shown, the inner feelings of the unconsciously have been faintly felt... The purpose of the black beard’s coming to the island is not only to find his son, the old department and the treasure; this island... obviously has some An ulterior secret. (To be continued.)

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