Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1225: Return to Tsukuba Island (10)

Between the knife and the claws, the three cadres of the black beard have gradually occupied the upper hand of the battle.

Vogel, Nesru and Mark's neck are also the same on the same pirate ship, and all of them are full of battles; the three of them only need to cooperate a little, it is not difficult to solve this kind of dragon.

Of course, this kind of expansion is also in the expectation of the brother.

Although the dragon is strong, but it is only a "monster", and the black beard's subordinates are all highly intelligent np in the main universe, the former is equivalent to "animal", while the latter is equivalent to "human."

No matter how smart the animal is, it may not be the dullest person. This is the "quality" gap in the biological hierarchy.

People can learn knowledge, use tools, apply strategies, and exercise their physical strengths and skills in a planned way; and animals... can do anything that is hard to come by.

Not long after, the three pirates put down the dragon with the "eating" strategy. The beast was still unwilling to sorrow when it fell to the ground... For it, being killed by three creatures weaker than himself is really dead.

Fortunately, Mark’s neck was so sharp that he slammed the neck of the dragon and cut off the depression and pain of the latter.

"Well... It takes more time than I imagined." Seeing the end of the battle, I said that the wind was cool and I came back.

"I want to be fast... you can help yourself." Mr. Vogel is also welcome, even if the other person is a brother, he has something to say.

"Oh... I thought about it too." Feng did not smile and smiled back, and then used his fingers to point to the crazy eyes next to him. "But someone has to look at the crazy eye captain?"

"He hasn't been restricted to strength..." At this moment, Snow, who followed the black beard, snorted softly.

In the face of this demolition, I still feel very indifferent, after all... he is thick.

"Yeah, he is restricted, but you are not restricted?" The seal was very skillful in using the means of stealing the concept and taking a bite, saying, "Why don't you?"

"Where... I don't talk anymore?" Snow is also a wise man. He knows very well... If he picks up the child and feels the theory of the brother, he will definitely lose, so he chooses to directly concede, no longer Talk about this topic.

"Since the fight is over, don't waste time." At this time, the most reliable black beard opened the door and said, "The neck is thick, you go to see if your brother is dead. If you don't die, let him hurry up."

"Oh... yes." Mark's neck was so thick that he quickly walked to the place where Mark Hoss was lying down.

In fact, the neck has always knew that my brother is not dead, because there is some kind of induction between the two brothers. If one of them dies, the other party will know.

Sure enough, just being shaken a few times, Mark Hoof woke up from a coma.

"How? Open the meal?" The hoof asked a word in a blink of an eye.

"If you are hungry, there is a whole dragon to eat there." The neck is thick and honest, and I will answer if I have a question.

"Eat a bunch!" The next second, Mr. Voge, who had a knife and a knife, screamed at the stupidity. "The dragon is a typical 'corrosive creature', and the lowest order dragon is the most thoroughly eroded. One...they are much smaller than other dragons because they have almost no meat, huge skeletons and thick skin like skin, only a thin layer of fat, this layer of fat...and their internal organs, Like blood, it is toxic."

"It turns out that..." When Mr. Vogel made a commentary, he did not know that he had already picked up [Bell's daily knife] and opened the abdominal cavity of the dragon to observe. "The result of serious ** was obtained. Quite powerful power and ferocious personality, but lost the wisdom and magical power that the dragon should have... Even the basic ability of 'spitfire' was lost due to the alienation of the body."

"Hey... You shouldn't want to cut some parts from this stuff as a snack?" At this moment, Hongjun's keen thinking made him think of a rather unpredictable hypothesis.

"Oh... no, I am just curious." When I closed my voice, I stood up with a smile from the dragon.

This is a sham, real and false, even if Hong Hao and Snow are his teammates, I really don't know what he is thinking.

"How big is your hoof?" On the other side, Black Beard didn't manage his brother, but went to his own body and asked for such a sentence.

"Oh... it’s just when I picked up the tail... I’m too hard, I didn’t mention it in one breath, then I’m gone, now it’s okay.” When Mark Hoss returned, he stood up again; The half-orc's bloodline comes with self-healing ability, like this kind of hard wound... When he was lying on the ground, he had already recovered.

"Good, then go on the road." Blackbeard said, turned his head and glanced at the mad eye.

"Oh..." Mad eyes greeted each other's eyes, snorted, and went forward without hesitation. "Understand, I still walk in front..."

"Insane eyes." Unexpectedly, this moment, the black beard's tone was suddenly cold. "Don't think that you are playing other people's group... In a similar situation, there will be no more next time."

As soon as this statement came out, the sneer on the face of the crazy eyes froze, and after a slight hesitation, his eyes flashed a trace of color.

Then, the expression on his face became awe-inspiring, and he walked to the front of the team without saying a word, and began to lead the way silently.

"Oh..." Feng Guan observed the words and deeds of the two, and smiled in my heart.

In this atmosphere of sudden depression, nine people returned.

The people who followed them in the woods did not give up because of the storm, but they still followed them.


Nothing goes all the way, calm to the suffocating twenty minutes past.

Finally, everyone passed through the jungle and came to an open boundary.

If you compare the things that are happening on this island to a jigsaw puzzle, then... what is reflected in the sight of nine people at this time is probably to reveal one of the whole puzzles.

"This... is an altar." Hongjun looked at the small, stepped "six-sided pyramid" in front of him, and a simple and intuitive conclusion blurted out.

"Well... the traces of the woods are undoubtedly what they left when they transported the building materials." Snow thoughtfully answered. "So the question is coming... Who is this altar dedicated to?"

"In any case, it is not the two ancestors of the Magical Church." Snow's voice did not fall, and the most eloquent of this matter was opened. "Samodir and Tali Ohm never used this ancient orthodox religion (mostly with the tribe, The state, the ethnicity is tied, there is a certain political color, and there is a relatively open teaching method to collect the power of faith. They play the 'secret association' set."

"And slow..." Hongjun said to his brother at this time, "So far, now you can be sure... are the enemies around us the people of the Magic Church? Although my understanding of them is not as comprehensive as you, I It can also be seen...the way they act is completely different from the members of the Magic Church I have encountered before."

"Of course, I have noticed it." Feng did not feel a pause, and read, "I can confirm that... these people, at least 'once' are the warlocks of the Magical Church; the source of their magical energy is one. The kind of identification can't be changed. It's just... I don't know why the guys on this island have made so many unusual moves..."

"Oh... you don't know it or not." Two seconds later, the black beard suddenly spoke again. "In the end... you are just a stranger, and you have limited knowledge." He said as he walked alone. Approached the altar in front.


Just as the black beard entered the radius of the altar within ten meters, many small defensive arrays were activated; for a time, a sweeping sound of magic light was heard around it.

"Even if I... I haven't seen this for a long time..." And the black beard, the tone is still calm, and the footsteps are steady. Because the energy that he unconsciously reveals and surrounds the body is enough to offset those attacks.

"Do you know what it is?" Feng Wen did not hear the words, and asked questions.

"This is... the **** of wisdom, the altar of Wisden." When Blackbeard returned this sentence, he stood before the altar. "Mad-eyed..." After a second, the black beard did not say back. "Do you remember it? The despicable villain who killed the 'Queen'." (To be continued.) 8

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