Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1237: Return to Tsukuba Island (22)

This is the real villain, suspicious, fickle, unbelievable, and poisonous. ?

When his left hand was still in the gesture of invitation, the right hand had already attacked the opponent.

In the next second, the stone that was faster than the shells pierced the body of Hongjun...

"Well?" Of course, seeing such a scene of black beard, it is a hint of surprise.

"Oh... there are two more things than you think." Then, the maddened eyes that were restrained by the shackles also sneered and commented on such a sentence.

Obviously, in the first time, only the two "captains" of Blackbeard and Mad Eye saw what Hongjun did; and the cadres on the Black Beard boat, at least three or four seconds after the stone flew out... ... have been deceived by Hongjun.


Soon, the stone that passed through the "body" of Hongjun crashed into a tree in the forest and directly intercepted the big tree.

When the tree broke down, the black-bearded cadres were slow to take a shot... The “Hongjun” that was only penetrated by the stone was just a “residual shadow”.


At the same moment, the sound of the broken light has already sounded.

These light vectors are so strange, it seems that there are more than ten people in all directions at the same time attacking in general, but looking into the air... In addition to a small piece of light bursting in the air, there is no way to see Hongjun or any other person. People.

"Oh... I really can't look down... this group of strangers..." In the face of this violent storm, the black beard was standing still in the same place, and still had words in his mouth.

When the light vector flew about a meter or so around the black beard, he ran into his "body shield" and was disintegrated.

Although the captain seemed to be very relaxed, his crew did not have the god-level passive defense. The cadres still had to rely on their own skills or skills to deal with the attack of Hongjun.

For a time, the four people were also in a hurry...

The worst of these is Nesru, because in addition to protecting himself, he has to take care of the mad eye, so unfortunately in the wave of continuous attacks in the arrow.

"It’s been ten seconds, is it almost?" When the light beam continued to reach the tenth second, the black beard reopened and said something like this.

His voice has not fallen, and Hongjun has really reappeared.

The re-emergence of Hongjun, standing on the surface of the water like a floating leaf, holding his bow of light in his hand; at this moment, his face looks very bad...not "being penetrated by the stone" "The kind of "bad", but the kind when physical strength and spiritual power drop sharply.

"Call..." After a slight adjustment of the breath, Hongjun looked at the black beard and said with a smile. "Do not mention your desperate defense ability... Your dynamic vision can keep up, and still Seeing through my moves... this really makes me feel frustrated."

"Hey..." Black beard sneered. "You don't have to be arrogant... Just the cheap feet are the fastest I've ever seen... not to mention, you can still make the explosive movement technique while continuing. Make a long-range attack with low accuracy." He paused. "Unfortunately, there is a qualitative gap between you and me at the power level. In this gap, the skill loses its meaning."

"Oh..." Hongjun heard the words, and the smile turned into a smirk. "That... you can only try to cross the gap with your will."

"Oh?" Blackbeard seemed to notice something from his expression and words.

However, this time... Hongjun did not give him time and room to think.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Seeing the white light flashing, the first moment was still standing on the water, this moment has appeared on the side of the black beard.

"On your own..." and the black beard, at this time, thoroughly understood the other's intentions.

In the second of his first three words, Hongjun had straightened his arms and stood in front of him, his palms aimed at him.

"...I want to be with me as well..." And when the black beard was exported in the second half of the sentence, Hongjun’s palm burst into an amazing white brilliance.

Between the fingers, a group of flaming spiritual powers slammed against the side of the black beard. At this distance, his "wall of protection" could not move.

Even if it is a black beard, it has suffered some damage.

[Name: Holy Deed, Burning Lotus]

[Skill card attribute: active skill, disappear after using five times (3/5)]

[skill category: fighting / spiritual skills]

[Effect: Overlapping the palms, releasing the powerful blasting of the spirit]

[consumption: spiritual value 1]

[Learning conditions: fighting specialization d, spiritual specialization a]

[Remarks: One of the "Thirty-six Holy Deeds" of Cha Ling Ling Temple, you need to master the other skill of the temple, "Golden Soul", to fully exert its power, otherwise the operator will be subjected to a certain degree in the moment of skill movement. Injury back. 】

As you can see from the instructions, the skill used by Hongjun is not the full version.

Of course, if he really started the full version, it will not be used even if it is used, because the full version of the "Sacred Chess" is directly added to the "learning conditions". "In the column.

So, where is this "Golden Soul" going to get? Two methods... One, frighten the box to find it; the second thing, naturally, according to the tips in the skill description, find the "chasing temple" in a certain script world of the thrilling paradise, and then try to let the inside The monks have taught you.

In short, this is an opportunity to pay attention to, at least Hong Hao is not learned. Therefore, after the black beard made this move, Hong Hao himself was inevitably hit hard.

After a few seconds, when the strong white light dissipated, the black beard fixed his eyes and looked at it. Now Hongjun has disappeared again, and this time... the black beard can't even catch the breath of the other party.

"Oh... ‘I’m going to be a fake, taking the opportunity to escape is true...’” Blackbeard looked at the wound on the outside of his left arm and snorted uncomfortably.

Only when he knew that the gas shield could not be touched, the black beard instinctively raised his arm to block the attack. As a result, his left arm was blown up with blood and the wound was deep. It is.

On the other hand, while the black beard is talking, the four cadres of his men have just recovered from the short “blinding” effect caused by the white light.

"Oh..." Only the mad eye, seeing everything clearly, because when his eye that was exposed outside was flashed by white light, he quickly unveiled his one-eyed blindfold, revealing under the blindfold The other eye (many pirates wear a one-eyed blindfold on normal eyes, so that when the surrounding light changes drastically, they just need to open the blindfold and use the 'backup eye' to regain vision. In addition, wearing a blindfold can also play a role to the opponent to underestimate the enemy or threaten the enemy. "You should be glad that the kid does not seem to be good at close combat, and his long-range attack will touch you. The body wall of the body... Otherwise, your injury will be heavier..."

"This is also called injury?" After listening to the words of madness, Black Beard was not to be outdone in his attitude. He immediately made an indifferent look and asked one.

Mad eyes are so stunned by him, so don't go too far, no longer ridicule.

"Oh... I’m a clever little devil, don’t think I don’t know what you did...” After a moment, the black beard’s wound almost healed, and suddenly he whispered to himself and walked over. Nesru's side.

Nesru just wanted to ask the captain what to do, and the black beard raised his hand and turned the palm of his hand to the lower leg of the Nesru.

Then, I heard a "squeaky" sound, a small piece of diamond-like boulder flew out of Nesru's wound, and was quickly absorbed into the palm of the black beard.

"Captain... is this?" Nesru looked at the gravel and wondered.

"It's some sort of 'tracking beacon' that he left." Blackbeard answered. "Hey..." He smiled and snorted, and said again, "The kid, but he is very clever... At the moment when I threw stones at him, he analyzed the situation very clearly.

"Standing from his point of view, he certainly has no chance of winning; if he escapes, he must escape far enough, far away from the distance I can't detect, it is safe.

"But... retreating to that distance, he is equal to giving us a ‘throwing’, which is unacceptable to him, so he gave us the good show just now...”

"Well... it turns out." Mr. Vogel, who was on the side, heard this almost, and he almost understood it. "From the point of view of his use of flying feet... he really wants to run, you are in the captain." If you throw a stone and show the intention of the attack, you can run away. He chooses to stay... either to have the confidence to win or to have another purpose."

"Yes." Blackbeard took the words and looked at Nesru around him. "And when you were shot in the light, his purpose was reached; it is reasonable to say that he should retreat immediately. But he still didn't hurry... Because he was smart enough, he knew that at least one more attempt to attack could divert our attention and cover up the secrets he left behind."

"Oh..." Nesru's brain is not fast, but it is much better than the Mark brothers. He still keeps up with the captain's ideas. "Oh...hehe..." After he figured it out, he laughed. "Now, isn't he busy with himself?"

"It’s just a busy job..." Blackbeard said, crushing the boulder in his hand and smashing it into the wind. "The kid’s last move to me... obviously has passed his ability. In the moment when white light obscured my sight, I clearly saw that... his hand was blown up like mine." He shrugged and smiled, "Oh... this is called stealing chicken without eclipsing rice." "(To be continued.) 8

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