Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1250: Sword God smiles (six)

Xie Wuhua has been standing outside the door for a long time. ?

He is not in a hurry.

Even if he is standing here for a day and night, he will not lose patience.

Fortunately, the people in the door did not let him wait that long.

After the "long time", the slight footsteps from the room, then the door was opened.

Opening the door is a man.

He is tall, handsome, cold-eyed and imposing.

The long white coat and the long sword at the waist are his signs.

The cold temperament and the taciturn character are the only impressions people have on him.

"Oh... finally, will you come out to see me?" Although the door was open, Xie Wuhua still stood at a distance of three steps from the threshold, and did not dare to venture.

Leng Yuqiu heard the words, did not answer, just silently watching the young man with a square face in front of him.

"What? You shouldn't... Didn't you notice someone standing outside your room?" Xie Wuhua saw the other person not answering, and then he tried again.

"I noticed it." Two seconds later, Leng Yuqiu finally spoke up. His tone was very cold, and there were some slight violations between the words. "You will notice when you come."

"Oh..." Xie Wuhua smiled. "So to speak... I was standing outside the door, you have been hesitating in the house whether you want to open the door?"

"Not yet." Leng Yuqiu answered.

"Oh?" Xie Wuhua didn't understand what he meant, so he used a tone of help to signal him to go down.

"I don't want to open the door, I don't want to care about you." After the break, Leng Yuqiu added.

"Ha!" Xie no flowers and laughed... sneer, "Why are you opening the door now?"

"I want to go to the latrine." The answer to Leng Yuqiu can be described as concise, the key is... still can't be questioned.

After saying the five words, he stepped forward, walked out of the room, and took the door to the room.

He walked so calmly from the side of Xie Wuhua, completely ignoring the latter, striding toward the first floor of the inn.

When his figure disappeared, Xie no flowers, still standing.

He will not catch up with the theory of cold and autumn, because only rogues and fools in the world will stop a person who wants to go to the latrine and make some kind of debate.

Xie Wuhua is not a rogue, not a fool.

At this moment, Xie Shaoye only felt that he had been insulted, an insult called "disregard."

The reaction of Leng Yuqiu explained that... He regarded Xie Wuhua as an insignificant person, which made the latter's waiting meaningless.

Xie Wuhua is very fond of fire, but does not come out.

Because in the process of thinking about how to explode, he suddenly realized that, besides the title of "after the famous door", he did not have any other reason not to be ignored.

Although Xie Wuhua has been out of the rivers and lakes for more than half a year, he has not been able to leave a little bit of deeds on the rivers and lakes.

How can such a person get the attention of cold and autumn?

Of course, the "less work" of the younger Xie family is not caused by his ability... In fact, Xie Wuhua can be said to be both civil and military.

In this aspect of "wen", even if he is not as good at cheating as he is, he can still afford the word "Knowledge of the Book". Only this point is in the rivers and lakes of the rough people... It is already standing out.

In the aspect of "Wu", as the eldest son of Xie's family, he naturally got the ancestral rumor, and looked at the whole martial arts. In the same generation, I am afraid that I can't find a person who can match it.

However... having the ability does not necessarily have something to do.

This place in the rivers and lakes is very funny...

Here, the word "trouble" can almost equal the "opportunity".

It is likely to bring you all kinds of losses, such as property, reputation, loved ones, friends, life, etc., all of which may disappear with the appearance of the word.

However, it may also bring you the same benefits...

In the rivers and lakes, a person who has never been in trouble to find a door, and has not asked for trouble, must have failed...

And Xie Wuhua’s embarrassing situation is: due to the name of Xie’s family, many troublesome “people” and “things” will take the initiative to avoid him. And because he always has Liu Bo followed by such an old river and lake, many troubles and troubles that did not avoid him... were also blocked by Liu Bo.

This has created the "Xie Jia Shaoye" who is now "mixed for half a year on the rivers and lakes."

"Young Master." Not long after, Liu Bo's familiar voice interrupted Xie Wuhua's thoughts.

Liu Xilai’s loyalty and affection for Xie’s family is extremely profound. When he was disabled because of his disastrous defeat, he was physically doomed, and he did not have any relatives to live in the world; therefore, he looked at the younger brother of Xie’s family. Big, he has already regarded him as his grandson. This is also why... When Xie Wuhua proposed to his grandfather to go to the rivers and lakes to "experience some", the homeowner will arrange Liu Bo to follow the young master.

"Are you alright?" Liu Bo saw that the young master did not answer, and he asked with a concern.

"Not very good." Xie Wuhua knew that Liu Bo had been watching himself in secret, so he was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the latter.

"You shouldn't be so polite." Liu Bo also knew that the young master was wronged, but he would never use the kind of child to persuade the other party. He would directly point out the key to the matter.

“Yeah...” Xie Wuhua sighed. “I seem to have 'not qualified' to be 'courtesy' to him.”

"There is no." Liu Bodao.

"You should tell me when I decided to come." Xie Wuhuadao.

"At that time, I am afraid you may not understand what I mean." Liu Bo answered.

"Well..." Xie Wuhua sinks for half a second, " right."

"However, it is not too late to understand it now." Liu Bodao.

"Oh..." Xie Wuhua’s smile is back, "Yes, not too late!"


When the cold autumn returned to the room, it was still a cold look.

He stepped in and took the door with him.

Things that are open to your door, and two people sitting in the house... He doesn't seem to see it, and doesn't react or comment.

At this time, Xie Wuhua and Liu Xilai were sitting in the cold autumn room and drinking tea.

The tea was just sent by Xiao Er, and the teapots and teacups were also new. These are all Liu Bote's instructions, he does not want to use the tea set in other people's room, because those things are likely to have been poisoned.

"We have something to ask you." This time, Liu Bo is the first to speak.

Leng Yuqiu did not care for him, but just returned to the bed silently, sat down and put on a meditation posture.

"Is the horse bearded to kill you?" Even if the other party should not sound, Xie Wuhua or Liu Bo's words, asked the question to ask.

And the cold autumn of meditating in the bed, this time is simply closing his eyes.

"You don't use garlic." Xie Wuhua didn't care, and continued. "Even if you can get through the world, you can't beat me..." He paused. "With your sitting, standing, walking, There is also the way to breathe... I can see that you are at least proficient in both the palm and the leg method in addition to the swordsmanship, and have a good internal skill."

"What is it?" At this time, Leng Yuqiu finally spoke, but his eyes were still closed, and his tone was an understatement.

"The fatal wound of the horse mustache is also the only attack on him. It is played under the rib." Xie Wuhua answered. "In this town, you can see that the position is a 'double shaped reminder' cover. There are only twenty people in the room; those who can hit the center in the actual combat, but ten; and of them."

"Of course, this alone is not enough to prove that you are the murderer." The next second, Liu Bo took over the words. "What really makes us judge that you are based on... We can be sure that the horse is under the ribs. The palm print was made by the palm of a man with a sword." He paused for half a second. "Maybe you can't notice it yourself, but there are various kinds of people who practice different weapons and different martial arts. Minor differences, such as the swordsman's tiger's mouth..."

"Liu Xilai." Suddenly, Leng Yuqiu interrupted Liu Bo's words. This is the first time he has joined the dialogue with these two people in this way. "You don't have to tell me the inferential details of your inference... His tone was still calm, his eyes were still closed and he never denied the fact that I killed the horse mustache. ”

When this statement came out, Liu Bo and Xie Wuhua were all a glimpse. After the two people quickly looked at each other, Xie Wuhua said: "Hey... you are quite calm now. If so, when you kill, why? Take the palm of your hand... cover up?"

"To take the sword for the palm, not to cover up anything." Cold desire autumn road.

"Oh? What is that?" Xie Wuhua asked again.

"Only because he is not worthy to die under my sword." This is the answer to the cold autumn.

This answer sounds like a sophistry, but when this sentence is spoken from the cold mouth, Xie Shaoye and Liu Bo are convinced instantly... He does not lie.

"So to say...he damn?" Liu Bo did not ask the other party's specific motives for killing. He knew that the problem was cross-border, so... he asked a question that sounded a bit like nonsense.

"Damn." But the powerful reply of the cold and the autumn made the question itself meaningful.

"Why do you want to do this at this time and here?" Liu Bo said again.

"Where do you start, when do you start, and..." Leng Yuqiu said here, paused, "Crazing someone..." These words are said to be heard by the two people in the house. "...all my freedom."

"It seems that ... we are nosy." Liu Bo is so hot after all, he has noticed that the atmosphere has changed, and quickly found a step to pull the young master together.

"Yes." Leng Yuqiu also knows what the other person is saying, and returns coldly.

"Since this is the case...we don't want to say anything more..." Liu Bo stood up and made a sigh. "I am disturbing the cold heroes, and I am offended, and I hope Haihan."

As he spoke and did, he made a look at Xie Shaoye, who was next to him.

Xie Wuhua is also very sensible, and immediately stood up, rushing to the cold autumn and clenching fists: "offended."

The two are hospitable on the surface, and in fact the body and nerves are ready to respond to the attack.

"Do not bother you to rest." Liu Bo immediately said, "We will leave here..."

"Don't worry." Unexpectedly, this time... Leng Yuqiu took the initiative, "I still have something to say."

This sentence "has to say something", let Liu Bo and Xie Shaoye's cold sweat slammed down...

"Cold heroes... What advice?" Liu Bo asked.

"You don't want to know..." Cold desires to pick up the road, "Why is the horse mustache ‘damn’?”

Upon hearing this sentence, Liu Xilai’s face was white, because his instinct had told him what he wanted to do in the cold.

"I don't want to!" Liu Bo almost took out these two words.

"Because he bothered me to 'practice the sword'." Leng Yuqiu did not seem to hear it, and continued to speak lightly.

At this moment, Liu Xilai suddenly fell, his body was shaking, his voice was shaking, his soul... undoubtedly already shaking: "Cold heroes! This words... I can listen to the old man alone!" Our young master is young and offense, he has a great future..."

"No." This is the second time that Leng Yuqiu interrupted Liu Bo, and it was the last time. "I want him to listen."

When I heard the word "No", Liu Bo was desperate. When the desperation was revealed on his face, he seemed to be a few decades old... From a spirited martial arts predecessor, he became a ruling Old man.

"Liu Bo! Why are you?" Xie Wuhua still doesn't fully understand the situation, although he has faintly felt something... but he is still too young, and he has not experienced the real cruel side of the rivers and lakes.

"People always think that they have done something wrong. As long as they are in time and admit mistakes, they can make up for it... There is a second chance." Leng Yuqiu said, opened his eyes, "But I don't like it." Give people a second chance, because I don't want others to think... they can 'make it wrong' in front of me." His tone is cold and his eyes are cold. "I don't know why, the world has a consensus... long as you whisper, plead, confess... afterwards, you can make up for the rudeness, offense, and injury...

"Because that is what most people recognize, it becomes a 'rational' and then a 'law'...

"But, things in the world... can you really be like this?"

"The world feels that the thief is not guilty of death, and the stolen person can only accept it; the world feels that the sinner is not guilty of death, and the accomplice can only accept it; the world feels that the sin of the bully is not dead, The oppressor can only accept...

"But those who make decisions, those who are 'most people', those who are full of morality and righteousness... How many people have experienced the taste of important things or hard earned being stolen, how many people have tasted people The taste of **, how many people know that after years of bullying, they dare to speak out...

"Resilience, sorrow, despair, grievances, indescribable pressure... There is a set of ‘legal laws’ in this world that can accurately measure the suffering of the victims and give corresponding punishments?

"At least in my opinion, there is no.

"But I... I thought of a relatively fair way. It is a very simple way for the victims to decide how to deal with those who made mistakes.

"Of course, everyone's judgment criteria are different. Some people are hitting the shoulders on the street and killing the whole family. Others are slap in the face and say no, even the other side will be Get together.

"So I have to admit... my method is actually not as good as 'legal'.

"It can only be applied to a small number of people...

" like me."

Before today, Xie Wuhua and Liu Xilai dreamed that they would not think that the cold autumn would say such a long paragraph at a time.

No one on the rivers and lakes has heard so many words in the cold autumn, because ... people who have heard it are already dead.

In fact, cold autumn is not a silent person.

He is just a weird person.

He is so introverted that he will be nervous when he speaks more than one person.

Therefore, he rarely speaks and rarely makes friends.

Only in one case will he completely relax and open his voice, and the head will talk to the people in front of him for a while.

And the "situation" is... when he is ready to kill the other side. 8

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