Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1254: Sword **** smiles (ten)

The night of the harsh winter is very long.

Long enough to do a lot of things.

For example, killing.

Linyi Town tonight is undoubtedly a good place to kill.

Because no one can tell why the person killed here is dead.

They may be killed by the enemy, or they may be killed by other people who want to "sword dance", and maybe... they want to kill others, but in the end they become dead.

Even if there are "eyewitnesses", it is useless. In such an environment... Who can guarantee that those who testify are telling the truth? They have every reason to lie for some purpose of their own purposes. Like this kind of "speaking and speaking", they can use the knife to kill people. Why not?

Therefore, on this night, killing is relatively free.

The repressed murder on weekdays is already in the hearts of people...

Those who are proficient in hidden weapons and night-time kung fu; those who have accumulated grievances for a long time but are forced to revenge by the other forces; those who are trying to replace the same door... For these people, the opportunity tonight is not to be missed. of.

For the players in the world of this script, this "chaotic" also provides them with the advantage of "weak wins and strong" and "reduce opponents".

"After waiting for one day, I only mastered the whereabouts of three people. I always felt that... a little bit wrong." Under the moon, the sashimi stood on the roof of a building, overlooking the town in front of him.

"You said...have they been able to pass your detection into the town?" Meng Jingzen stood beside him, looking like a lazy look, his left hand still slid a bottle of wine.

“The sounds of the whole town are working properly, and my detection is no dead ends.” The sashimi replied confidently, “whether they are coming in from the mountains behind the town or jumping in from the sky. I climbed into the hole from the ground and climbed into it. As long as I entered the town of Linyi, I would definitely know..."

"Oh..." Meng Jing Chan smiled. "There are two possibilities. First, our opponents only have less swords, no fears, and no worries. Second, there are unknown numbers of hostile players. Before they found out, they detected us... and then chose not to enter the town."

"I would rather believe the latter." Sashimi said, "At least... there should be a teammate left outside the town, isn't it?"

"That..." Meng Jingchan drank a drink. "Well... I don't think so."

"Not necessarily?" The sashimi is suspicious. "Hey... you shouldn’t have figured out the rules of the 'combined chaos' model? It must be two people to team up..."

"I know." Meng Jingchan interrupted the other party and answered. "I mean, her teammate 80% has already withdrawn from the script."

"Ha?" The sashimi still doesn't understand. "Why? Is there any basis for your speculation?"

"This is why..." Meng Jingzhen thought for a moment. "Tell you anyway..." He grinned and answered. "As far as I know, the contract between Hyun and Red Sakura is about to expire. On the renewal of the contract, the two sides did not talk about it." He paused and further explained, "Because the contract is clear in the contract, the game account is owned by the individual, which means that if she finally Leaving Red Sakura, the game character cultivated by Red Sakura will leave with her... Even if the contract restricts her from joining other studios in the next few months, she can still participate as a personal professional player. Various competitions... So, at this stage, Red Sakura has stopped providing her with various resources, and also uses the terms of the contract to prohibit her from playing games with other players. However, the power of the contract is relative. Naturally, she also has her rights. Red Sakura can't be too difficult for her... For example, using the terms to force her to be unable to participate in certain specific scripts is not acceptable."

"Oh..." Sashimi is also a veteran professional player. He has never seen anything like this. He has already understood it when he heard this. "So they just find a number and her double row. After the script, I immediately retired, and then let her play alone... This is not a 'prohibit her normal game'."

Meng Jingchan nodded: "When I saw her alone in the town, I immediately thought of this thing... oh, this means that she and the red cherry blossoms are basically a nail on the board."

"And slow..." Sashimi said, "The news of these cancellations... Where did you hear it from?"

“I am familiar with the management.” Zen brother replied with a natural tone. “They have been planning to sign the matter recently, and even during the period when she was affected by the “Competition Prohibition Agreement”. The conditions for paying wages; of course, I know so much. I don’t know how much other unequal treaties and 'signing money' have been given to her. Anyway, it’s definitely much higher and much more than when we came here. A lot is..."

"Oh, your unbalanced look..." The sashimi squinted and spit in a blank expression. "Don't you say eight 'many'?"

"I don't have an imbalance. It's a matter of fact... It's really a lot." Meng Jingchan replied, "But... reasoning, I think people are really worth the price, from the perspective of fan economy, The price of us is ten times as many as eight times. I can understand..."

"Thank you for complimenting." The next second, a woman’s voice suddenly sounded and she returned to the Zen brother.

At that moment, the pupil of the dream-stricken Zen contracted, and every pore in the whole body seemed to be dipped by the cold current.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the sashimi.

It just happened to see the head of the sashimi... slipped from the neck.

When the neat knife edged into the eyes of Zen Brother, the sashimi began to turn into white light.

Until that moment, the body stood still and did not fall.

The knife was too fast, and it was already dying if the sashimi didn't realize that he was cut.

"Call..." Two seconds later, Zen brother slowly turned and sighed. "I’m serious..."

When Meng Sheng Zen acts alone, he is rarely negligent. His general intention comes from his trust in his teammates.

Even so, this is not a mistake; because his teammates are sashimi, the most powerful player in the entire thrilling paradise... no one.

However, in many cases, the “strongest” place is the breakthrough.

It is not difficult to see from the dialogue of Fangcai that sashimi has absolute confidence in his ability. His phrase "My detection is without a dead end" is not a big talk.

But once someone finds a "dead angle" from this kind of detection, it will be fatal to the operator.

"This is not a big deal... I spent a whole day trying to adapt to the detection frequency of those 'phones'." When he said this, his figure has appeared behind the dream Above the roof.

At this moment, she is no longer obscured like the day.

Under the moonlight, her slender figure resembles an innocent blade; the bright eyes reveal the coldness of Mori.

"Understood..." Meng Jing Chan looked at each other and said, "Use energy to completely cover the surface of the body, form a dynamic 'armor', and then let this energy layer maintain the vibration frequency consistent with the sound, so... ...can be 'invisible' in the sashimi detection network..."

"I don't think it's a dream, just listen to me and say a word, I can figure out my approach."

"Oh, huh..." Zen brother smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms. He took out one for himself. "Fu" he spit out a cigarette and said leisurely, "You are overestimating me, I am It’s not the kind of genius who can see through a variety of complicated techniques with a little look. I don’t even know the mind that seems to think about one hundred things in a second...” He paused. “I can guess immediately. Your technique is because... Before today, I thought about how to avoid the detection of sashimi."

"So to say this way, is this method you already thought of?" asked the question.

"That's right..." Meng Jing Zen licked the ash and replied, "Don't look at me now... In fact, I am also a very strong person. Even if I am a teammate in the same studio, I will study it. How can I defeat the other side." He paused for half a second, and then said, "Of course... a lot of things, I want to get it, it doesn't mean I can do it. I said, I am not a genius, a metaphor... a genius facing ten One question can give twelve answers, and I can only give one."

"So you think... I am a genius?"

"Of course you are." Meng Jing Chan spread his hands, "You, ghosts, Shiva, sighs, like rain, no knife, seven kills, waste Chai, Oda love... probably this "Someone," he said as he said, counting out nine people. "In terms of combat, the talents of these nine people are the best among the people I know and see... but, 'can' The highest, does not mean that the strength is the strongest."

"You seem to have forgotten to count the seals." After listening to the story, the first reaction was this.

"He..." The dream shouted and shrugged. "I can't evaluate someone who has exceeded my ability to judge."

"So, you know a lot about my strength?"

"Oh... let each other." Meng Jing said, "You just sneaked, why did you only have a knife, you and I have a number..."

His words are not bluffing.

The only blow to the squid, the reason why only attacked the sashimi, but did not have a dream of only one meter away, there is a reason.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to do that, but she is not sure...

It is not difficult to sneak sashimi, because sashimi has absolute confidence in its ability to detect. This confidence is directly proportional to "dependency."

When the strongest reliance he relied on was found to be flawed, nothingness made him an unguarded target.

But the dream is different, even if he is based on the trust of his teammates, he is not alert to the surrounding environment, but ... the instinct of the warrior, he can be much stronger than the sashimi. The murderousness in an instant is enough to arouse his reaction.

If the two shots are taken at the same time, or if they are only shot to the dream, then her sneak attack may not succeed.

Although the success rate is still very high, perhaps 80%, 90%... but it will never be like the "seventy percent" of the sashimi.

With such considerations, she will naturally choose the one that will be 100% successful.

After all... she has no teammates.

Once the sneak attack failed, even if she could reinvent one of them, she would still be able to compete with one enemy. In the face of the two masters of order, she would not be able to support her, let alone one more person who could recover the injury and participate in the battle at any time.

"Since everyone knows the strength of each other..." Two seconds later, he sighed and said, "That is the end of the chat..."

What she said is that the words are almost the same, let's do it.

For this suggestion, Meng Jing Zen also agrees very much; if the two have been so stagnant, it is very unfavorable for both of them.

Because it is a matter of confrontation... it takes more effort than fighting.

Don't look at the two people standing there, but in the process of dialogue... Every second, they are looking for opportunities to shoot, but also to guard against the opponent's movements, which is a great test of concentration.

If you spend too much damage here, even if you win, you may also have a negative impact on the battle against other players.

"Okay." When the dream came back, she lost the cigarette **** (the bottle was already collected before the cigarette). "Then I will... you are welcome."

The voice has not fallen, he has a sword.

He did not count himself in the ranks of "genius", not in modesty, nor in trying to play pigs and eat tigers.

Just like the dream of Zen, the metaphor of genius...

He really can't answer the "ten questions." Even if he spends his time thinking about it, he can answer up to six or seven.

Usually, he can only answer "one question."

And that question is always about the "sword."

It’s too late, it’s fast!

But see, the rainbow flashed, the figure is wrong.

The hurricane sounds, it’s late.

This sword, the sword is faster than the sound, and the person is sicker than the sword.

The terrible thing is... After a sword, in the night sky, there is no sound of gold and iron.

The only wind breaking sound seems to be declaring the fall of the attack.

But in fact... it didn't fall through.

Between the lightning and the fire, the knife and the sword actually collided, but only one of them was cut off by the other in a "silent" state.

It's like you cut a piece of tofu hanging in the air with a sharp knife, and naturally it won't make any noise.

"Good swordsmanship." Feng Huai stood in the same place, looked ahead, and said in a slightly tired tone.

She did not bow her head to see her double knife, because she knew that ... [falling flowers] and [flying floes] in her hands were broken, and she also knew that her ribs had been pulled out of a wound.

"Oh..." The dream is stunned. At this time, it has appeared behind the back, facing away from each other.

He smiled a bit, and once again took out the smoke from his pocket and licked one in his mouth: "On swords, I don't think I will lose to anyone." He struggled to use the same hand to pick up the lighter. I ignited the smoke for myself. "Unfortunately..."

Just when his "cherished" word was exported, the arm of his sword was broken from the shoulder, just like the skull that slipped on the sashimi...

"Fu" Then, Meng Jingchan spit out a cigarette. While he exhaled, three short, but extremely deep wounds were found on his torso; the three wounds were also like "spits of smoke," spurting blood out in the air and merging in the air. A **** fog, "So say..." He turned his head and was still decadent. "I hate to fight with your geniuses..."

After this was said, he also happened to disappear into white light.

It wasn't until this second that the shackles were slightly relaxed, and one kneeped and slammed, and quickly grabbed his wound.

Instead of rushing to use the items or skills to treat herself, she turned her gaze to the shadow under the eaves and said coldly: "You don't have to hide, I knew you were there from the beginning..." She looked like a torch. The tone is firm, not like a person who has been seriously injured. "Since you can cooperate with them, let me talk to me."

After the words, after a break, a man who had been scared and pale, walked out of the shadows.

"Not yet consulted... Female heroes have a big name..." Even if they are doing this kind of person, they will be trembled at this time.

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