Thriller Paradise

Vol 4 Chapter 9: interference

The development of things and the unpredictable predictions, Vidok is indeed coming. The fastest update

Since it is a "dive into the master", he must have a way to come in; not to mention the black light of the bar, even if it is some high-level security facilities, Vidok can come and go.

With the advantage of being a cat, he can easily approach anyone and listen to the conversation.

He will not be detected by the anti-eavesdropping device, nor will it be affected by the jamming device. The most important thing is that even if he is discovered, he will not be taken seriously.

Just like the bridge guards we saw in countless film and television works heard some kind of movement, nervously ran over with weapons, and found a cat, then said: "Hey ~ it was a cat, scared I jumped." Then they thought that everything was fine.

Imagine if the cat was a sneak, what would it be?

In short, Vidok sneaked into the bar very smoothly, and found Sam's place; needless to say... He also noticed the feelings of being talking with him.

At that moment, a strange feeling quickly swayed in the heart of Vidok.

The short-term contact with the seal in the evening has already made him feel that way; now, at this time, here and now... seeing this person again, Vidok’s detective intuition tells himself that this guy named last name must have article.

on the other hand……

I don’t know this, but I have also discovered Vidok.

Two minutes after sitting at the bar, I felt that I was putting my energy on the alert around me, and he was wary... It was Vidok.

As for the conversation with Sam, it does not take up too much energy. For the geek who is used to being multi-purpose, it is too easy to deal with this "both absent-minded" conversation.

Sam’s thoughts can be said to be clear, he just wants to maintain this “chat” state for a certain period of time to ensure the integrity of the “not present proof”; although Sam has also tried to make it on the surface. The chat was very talkative and very enjoyable, but in fact, his every five minutes to find a chance to sneak a look at the watch, has already revealed that what he really cares about happened elsewhere.

If he does not know his behavior, he will not see it; in order to complete the task, he will not only let the case "occur", but also prevent the case from being "solved" too quickly. Therefore, the best way is to cooperate with Sam quietly. The action, while guarding Vidock, who might come to monitor Sam.

"Sorry, I have to call."

Finally, at three minutes from the eleven o'clock, Sam said the line that the buddy waited for a long time.

"It's okay, man, I'm here, I don't go anywhere." I didn't know what to say in a normal tone. I turned my head and went to the bartender. "Hey, Don, give me another cup." ”

Sam had already left his seat when he was asking for a cocktail.

Generally speaking, in the noisy environment of the bar, people who want to call will go to the toilet because it is relatively quiet. Sam is no exception. He is already in the middle of the walk to the toilet. In the pocket, I took out my mobile phone.

Vidock, who was in the dark for a long time, saw it and immediately got out of a dark corner and followed it with caution.

Unexpectedly, when Vidok crept from the back of Sam...


With a light drink, Vidok's limbs left the ground, and when he was shocked by what happened, he was already held in his arms.

This is called... 螳螂 螳螂, the oriole is behind.

Although he had already known the position of Vidok, but until Sam left his seat, he had no intention of doing anything; the reason was... he knew very well that a guy like Vidok, even if he was unintentional It is also necessary to pick an excellent opportunity to gain.

If he felt that he had acted when he first discovered the trace of Vidok, then the ten ** can only be exchanged for the result of a futile, horrified cat.

Even at this moment, Feng Shou can succeed in relying on environmental factors; he deliberately chose Vidok to focus on Sam's time, plus the various vocals, footsteps, and music in the bar. Coverage is the only way to succeed.

"Little guy, this is not the place you should come." Feng Weiqi smiled and picked up Vidok, and turned and walked to the door of the bar.

Vidok's surprise lasted about a second, and for the next two seconds, he calmed down and came up with a countermeasure.

After three seconds, Vidok suddenly made a force. His body was like a spring, and it broke out with amazing power. It was necessary to take it out of the mind of the buddy.

"o~o~ don't move, man." Unfortunately, the defense that had been prepared for prevention was very calm and smothered Vidok's escape plan in the cradle. "Don't be afraid, I just want to send you back." It’s dangerous for the owner to go there and run around like this."

He spoke to the door of the bar.

"Sir, you can't take the pet..." Just as a waiter saw the seal, he still wanted to remind him that he couldn't bring the cat into the bar.

"Ah, you are coming right." Feng did not immediately interrupt the other party and said, "I just found this little guy near the toilet..." He paused. "If I didn't admit it, this should be me." My friend's cat... My friend lives in room 0716. It is a little brother named last name. Can you help me to send the cat for me?"

The waiter heard the words and thought for a few seconds. He replied: "Oh... it turned out to be like this... Ok, sir, give him to me."

"You have to pay attention, he has a lot of strength. When I took him over, he almost ran again." Feng did not pass the cat and said, "No... No, holding a cat can not hold the belly." It may hurt him. You have to do this. Grab him and kneel on both sides... Right... Ankle, so you can get it and you won’t hurt him."

In this way, the waiter took the Vidok away under the "guidance" of the buddy.

From beginning to end, the unspoken every move seems to be normal, which is a common expression of the kind of people who prefer "cats"; even if Vidok has doubts, he can't find anything unusual.

To put it more intuitively, for the current situation, Vidok explained at most that "it is not good luck", and he did not come to the conclusion that "this human being is deliberately targeting me."

Of course, even if he thinks of this conclusion, it is not enough to "determine" this speculation based on the existing information. (To be continued.)

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