Thriller Paradise

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Reverse black and white (below)

"I...deliberately murder?" John looked at his brother with an unbelievable look and repeated his thoughts, "I? Deliberate? Murder?" Every time he reads a word, he must raise his voice.

"Yes." The fingers that are still unaware still point to John. "It's you!"

"Oh~" John smirked and laughed. This laughter was almost squeezed out from the tip of the scorpion. Listening to someone who stepped on his kidney, "Oh... can... then you explain it to me." Explain... Miller’s 'victim'...” He said, raising his hands and making a quotation gesture. “Why do you sneak into my house in the middle of the night, and carry a murderous tool to attack me from behind?”

"Ask your question." If you can tell these three words, it means that he has already thought about the answer. "In fact, this is easy to explain... First, he is not sneaking into your home, but you are putting He put it in; second, he didn't have the tools to carry the murder, the fishing line is also on the scene; third, he did not attack you from behind, but you attacked him from the front."

This time, even the left words could not understand, and John, Sam and Dawster were even more arrogant.

"Oh... I feel like a brother..." After all, the left voice was faster than the other three. After a few seconds, he was still the first to ask, "Then you and I reasoned... about 'Miller to murder Sam' That part, aren't they all denied by you?"

"'In the end...the two different versions of the reasoning we just heard are just speculations made at the beginning of the case, when the investigation and evidence collection work is not fully developed." He repeated the words that John had just said a few minutes ago, and then he cast a sullen look toward John. "This is what you said?"

"Call..." John needs to breathe a sigh of relief from his chest to respond to this question. "Yes..."

He didn't want to say more words, so he gave a concise answer.

"We may now re-analyze the ‘partial content’ in my reasoning.” Feng Shou glanced at the crowd and answered. “Miller’s motive to murder John... Is it so full?”

Hearing this, the left words have been shocked by the feeling of the brother, he said in his heart: "My brother ... play in reverse play to overthrow their own reasoning ... I am still head today See you back..."

"Think carefully, can the recording that he has at hand really be used as a threat to Sam's capital?" Feng Feng continued, "What can you prove with that sentence?" He spread his hands. Shrugging, "Anyone can use a mobile phone or something else to record a sound, saying that he is going to meet someone next time... For example, I can record the sound now, saying that I will meet the UK later. Queen, after a while, after recording, I went to the street to kill the individual, and then took out the recording, can you prove that the Queen has instructed me to do it?"

"Oh..." Dawster thought for a moment. "After you say that... it makes sense."

"So, the truth is that Miller doesn't have enough motivation to kill John." The seal gave a conclusion.

"Cut... 'Buy murder' is not a motive?" Vidok in the dark can't be taken away by his feelings. His thoughts are clear from beginning to end. At this moment, he immediately spits in his heart. Use a piece of reasoning to overthrow the parts of my reasoning that you don't want to admit, keep the parts you want to use, and use another reasoning to overthrow what you didn't intend to keep in that reasoning; essentially... this guy is just Using logical means to repeatedly prove on the basis of 'speculation', giving people a plausible illusion, and finally stripping out a 'truth' that they have thought of from the beginning..." Dok couldn't help but smile. "Oh... I don't know... You are definitely the most rogue detective I have ever seen, but it is very likely that I have seen the most capable one so far."

In this paragraph, Vidok did not tell the left words through the dialogue of the mind, he did not want to reveal the feeling of "experiencing the opponent" in front of the left.

Therefore, no one can hear the analysis made by the cat.

"That... what happened to the series of events that happened yesterday?" On the other hand, Doster asked a question that was still constructive.

"It's a good explanation." Feng did not know, "If the three people involved in the case, the matter is clear: first, look at Sam, he is being treated by Miller, and he will pay the island." After going to the island, Sam temporarily decided to reconcile with John, so he visited John during the day, and gave him Miller money at dusk, and at the bar in the evening, met me.

"Following Miller, he also blackmailed Sam and John. Why did he let Sam come to the island to give him money? Because he happened to have something on the island these days, what is it? Naturally, he is looking for John to negotiate and want to extort More.

"At dusk, after Miller finished Sam's money, he waited at the residence, and until late at night, he went to Herbert Manor.

"From here, we will be John's point of view that John has been stalked by Miller for a long time, and Miller has asked him to add money more than once in the past year; John feels that this is not a drag on. The way, the secret of his own life is in the hands of Miller, and the blackmail will be endless... In order to solve the problem once and for all, John and Miller agreed to negotiate again.

"That's it... At 10 o'clock last night, Miller arrived in this mansion; John certainly couldn't let Miller go in the main entrance, so he gave him a route that was easy for the homeowner. Things.

"In the process of the two people talking, John, who had been prepared, suddenly burst into trouble and flew toward Miller. At that time, he was likely to prepare other weapons, but what he did not expect was... he hit this Directly knocked Miller to the corner of the table.

"It happened that at this time, Sam’s phone came; because he was worried that the ringing of the phone would lead the staff in the house, John had to pick up the phone immediately. After listening to Sam’s voice, John took the opportunity to think of a blame. The measure...

"So, John began to imitate the voice of two people fighting; anyway, it was just gasping, not talking, even if you took the recording afterwards, you couldn't find any flaws.

"After the performance, John hangs up the phone, disposes of the weapon he originally wanted to use, and gets a fishing line from the house, leaving a mark on his neck and creating the illusion of legitimate defense.

"After everything was done, he picked up the same phone, dialed the private number of Sergeant Dust, and attempted to use his relationship with the sheriff... let the case be brought into the direction he expected from the beginning; such a Come, many evidence against him is not retained or is eventually annihilated for various reasons.

"Like... the legacy case of the year."

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