Thriller Paradise

Vol 4 Chapter 1278: Say my name (3)

"Oh?" The surprise of the unconscious did not last long. His rationality immediately suppressed his emotions. Within a second, his mind was already flashing in his mind, and he immediately launched several possible information chains. "It's interesting..." He leaned back against the back of the chair and said, "Since your husband is surnamed Wayne, why didn't you claim to be Dr. Wayne?"

"This is also a 'other problem'." Dr. Quinn answered. "You have to answer a question first, then I will consider whether to tell you."

She is not stupid, and she feels that her brother’s means of conversation, she immediately took it to work and use.

"Oh... well." Feng smiled and said, "So... what do you want to ask is why I remember where I came from, but I don’t remember what my name is?"

"No, I changed my mind." Dr. Quinn said, "I want to know your social situation now. Please tell the names of people who are more intimate with you; such as parents, wives, relatives, or friends... ...just have a name."

"No." I didn't want to think about returning to these two words. After a pause, I added, "At least in the world, there is no such person."

Wen Yan, Dr. Kui Yin was suspicious, she immediately reasoned according to common sense, and asked: "You mean... all the people who are related to you are dead? Go to another world?"

"I don't want to discuss this." Feng did not stop using a very savage tone to stop the topic.

Because if he goes deeper, he has to tell what he is a "player."

Of course, I can lie, but a lie like this is very easy to be dismantled... This has nothing to do with the technique of lying, simply because "interpersonal relationship" is one of the most easily validated objective evidence.

"Okay." Dr. Kui Yin saw that his brother's attitude changed, and he mistakenly thought that he had touched a certain spiritual minefield of this "patient", so she gave up a step in time and answered. "You have asked questions." ""

"My problem remains the same." Feng did not repeat, "Why did you not use your husband's last name when you introduced yourself?"

Dr. Kui Yin hesitated and said: "Before answering your question, I have to confirm one thing first."

"You said." Feng did not feel the way.

"You have never heard of Bruce Wayne?" asked Dr. Quinn.

The reason why she asked this is because she was too calm when she said her husband's name.

Although we know that... I feel a little surprised in my heart, but his face is not showing at all.

"I haven't heard of it." The next second, I didn't feel that I couldn't change my face back.

Here, it is the place where you can use his excellent lying skills, or "acting skills"...

"But it is inferred from your question that your husband should be a very famous person." He felt that he had come back and tempted.

"Yes..." Dr. Kui Yin read as he bowed and wrote something on the form.

I don’t know if I don’t need to read it. The other party’s conclusion is that “the patient’s common sense memory has fragmentation phenomenon”.

"...My husband is one of the richest entrepreneurs in Gotham, the United States, and even the world." After Dr. Quinn finished writing the content to be written, his attention returned to the face of the seal, "Even Bruce He has always been a low-key person, but the name of 'Wayne' is too swaying in all senses..." She paused. "In order to allow me to be more comfortable in my social circle, but also to avoid Some unnecessary troubles, I usually use my own name in the workplace."

"I haven't asked your full name yet?" asked the situation.

Although the heart of the moment is still voicing the setting of Bruce Wayne's "slowly calm and calm", but now is not entangled in the slot, he has to grasp the key points of the other party and then ask.

On the other hand, Dr. Kui Yin did not have to entangle the other party's problem and need to exchange another question. After all, she just asked a question, "Have you ever heard of Bruce Wayne?"

Therefore, she replied directly: "Harry Quinn."

"Well..." I didn't feel it, but deliberately put on a thoughtful face.

First, he wants to entice the other party to continue this topic. Second, he is also thinking about a suspected name, "there is a discrepancy with the setting."

Why do you say "have a difference"? Because Harley_quinn is the name of the "clown girl", her name should be Harleen_quinzel before the "Clown Girl" becomes a "Clown Girl".

The "Kui Yin doctor" in front of her eyes is obviously not a clown girl; she is a psychologist, "a clown girl who has not met a clown"... but her name is "Harry Quinn".

Although this matter can be explained by "the parallel universe details are different" (most of the contradictory settings of the beauty universe can be explained by this reason), and the script that came to the forefront... is indeed a company. He also had a universe that he had never seen before, but he still felt faintly... it was not quite right.

"What's wrong?" After a short while, Dr. Quinn answered. "What does my name mean to you?"

"There is nothing..." Feng Shi tried again and again. "It's a little care...harley is usually the man's name, and your surname... is also very rare."

"Yeah, people often say this." As a result, Dr. Kui Yin just picked up such a sentence and then said, "Well, then I have to ask questions?"

Judging from her reaction, in the eyes of the parties, the "doubt" of the name does not exist.

At this stage, knowing this is enough. I don’t want to be entangled with the other side on a problem that is very likely to go to a dead end. He still has a lot of intelligence to explore.

"You ask." Hearing and adjusting his posture, he quickly responded.

"Do you remember what happened before you came here? For example... Yesterday's business?" Dr. Kui Yin is even cut into the subject.

"I..." I couldn't help but look at the line slightly, and tried to recall it. After a while, I showed a bit of painful expression. "...just remember some fragments..." he murmured, "water... In places with water... huge wheels, boards made of wood, weeds, and... pink elephants..."

During the conversation, he put his hands on the table, holding his head, his breathing gradually became heavy, and his face was sweating.

"Relax, Jack... take a deep breath." Dr. Quinn was deceived, and she had no chance in front of the performance of the film.

"Weird..." Feng did not feel a breather for a while, and said, "When I go back to what happened in the short term, I will feel headaches and nausea, and the fragments that flashed in front of me... I don’t know what logic is. ""

He is absolutely nonsense... In fact, every scene and object mentioned in his sentence just after careful and careful thinking.

Obviously, a sinister plan has already been born in the mind, and the "fragments" he revealed are the foreshadowing of him.

"Do you want to take a break and continue?" Dr. Quinn is a person who abides by the rules and has medical ethics. Even though the pressure exerted by the police is not small, she will not abuse the patient or make a hasty disposition for the sake of the cross.

"You don't have to..." I don't know, "I'm okay..." He wiped his sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and squeezed a smile. "More... Now it's my turn to ask questions."

“Call...” Dr. Kui Yin breathed a sigh of relief and added a few more pens to the form. He then called, “Please.”

"Well..." He felt intoxicated for half a second and asked, "What do you think of Batman?"

When the voice fell, Dr. Kui’s look changed slightly. Then she thought for a few seconds before she replied: “Although many people think that he is a hero, in my opinion, he is like other so-called 'superheroes’. It’s better to listen to the 'prostitute police'. It’s hard to say that it’s 'extra-legal’; it’s undeniable that these people have made a certain contribution to the stability of society, but if people like them don’t get supervision, one day sooner or later. ...they will create more trouble than the criminals can make."

Quin's "point of view" is what most people in the upper bourgeoisie will have.

This is also a very normal thing for people living in the upper echelons of society. Naturally, they will unconditionally support and maintain the existing social system. This system is formulated and controlled by people in this class. They are also the biggest direct gain of this system. Good people; any existence or conflict of ideas with people of their class is the object of their disgust and attempt to destroy.

Therefore, in the eyes of the upper class, the difference between superheroes and criminals is actually not big. It is nothing more than the difference between transcending the system and ignoring the system. The difference is that criminals can use the system to “eliminate”, but the hero can’t do it because the hero The behavior is usually supported by the people...that is, people of other classes.

Therefore, the dignitaries sang the "threat theory" and proposed the so-called "regulation"; but... what is "regulation"? Who is going to supervise? Is it not the system that the dignitaries themselves have developed that are beneficial to them?

This is undoubtedly very ridiculous.

Those who succumb to the system are no longer qualified to talk about true justice.

Because of justice, never compromise, compromise...just human.

Hero, never compromise, compromise... is no longer a hero.

At least, I don’t think so.

Therefore, for the content of Quayin's passage, I feel that I don't care. He cares more about it... It is the other person's demeanor and other subtle reactions.

According to the observation, Dr. Kui’s change of expression when he heard the word “Batman” and the length of time she used to think about the answer indicated that she only turned to “Jack” and suddenly turned the topic to the field of superheroes. I was surprised and there were no more ideas.

That is to say... she does not know that her husband is Batman.

“Speak up...” After a brief pause, Dr. Quinn said again, “You don’t know the name of a well-known entrepreneur, but can you name the superhero?”

Her words obviously have a tendency to guide. This is to let the seals go back and recall in this direction and say something.

"Ah... these memories are very clear in my mind." Jue is also very happy to further develop on this topic. "I can say the title of ten superheroes and super criminals as I can."

"Super...criminal?" Dr. Quinn showed a confused look.

"Yes, super criminal." What she caught from her tone, he will count on the ground. "Is the riddle, the scarecrow, the toy man, the weather wizard, the frozen captain..."

The series of titles he quoted at the moment are also well thought out.

First of all, he avoided the "Penguin" and "double-faced" who have been mentioned in the introduction to the script.

Secondly, he also avoided those villains whose title is directly the name... such as "Thunder", "Bane", "Lex Luther" and others.

In addition, he also avoided aliens and demons who are not in the category of "criminals", such as "Destruction Day", "Black Adam", "Solomon Grandi", "Zode" and so on.

And there is... He specifically mixes in this list some of the villains that are not in Gotham, but in the stories of Superman and Flash.

In summary, Feng Shou did not report any names, only a bunch of nicknames, throwing a question enough to test the script timeline and the relationship between different heroes.

But what he didn't expect was...

"These people you said..." Dr. Quinn's look is not like lying, "...I have never heard of it."

"Ha?" Feng did not feel a word.

"I have never heard of the so-called 'super criminals'." Two seconds later, Dr. Kuyin added, "The criminal is a criminal. Can the criminals wear a cloak, wear a mask, and take it for himself like a hero? A ridiculous nickname like what you just said?"

Until this moment, I finally realized why I used the original name to call the Penguin and the two-faced person in the opening brief, and I also understood why the narration should give the two quite positive comments.

"It turned out to be..." Jing Ge immediately said in his heart, "Is this a 'dc universe without super villains'?" He looked up and looked at Dr. Kui Yin in front of him. "All villains are not blackened... ...all good people?" He thought again and again, "Is not right... There are a lot of guys who started out as 'black'... Isn't the guy born or washed for various reasons?"

Just as he thought about it, a system voice that should have appeared in the future, but is slow to come... is coming at this time.

[The main line task has been triggered]

Almost at the same time as the first word sounded, I was able to call out the game menu and looked at the taskbar.

The main line task in the taskbar is also simple and straightforward [killing Batman].

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