Thriller Paradise

Vol 4 Chapter 1327: Vision

As the old saying goes, the first month is not in the middle of the year.

Of course, that is an old saying... For most people today, "New Year" is about equal to "fake", and "fake" is the end of the year. It is likely to end on the third day of the year. It is the eighth day of the break; even the students who have taken the winter vacation, they have to start school again and again.

Therefore, in the concept of modern people, the second half of the "positive month" is the very ordinary day of doing the work.

But... the seven fronts of Hell are not worth considering.

They either have a fixed working time, or they don’t work, and there is a professional player who has not signed up yet. Their job is to play games...

In short, this group of guys... online time is there.

In order to prepare for the s3, everyone is quite serious this time. Even Miss Anda, who is going to work in the company during the day, has tried to adjust his working hours (in fact, he said to his family, I will only have a half-day class from tomorrow. , I decided to go to work every time), so that I can play with my teammates during the day to strengthen the running-in.

According to the announcement released by Dream Company, the registration time limit for s3 is one month. The registration start time is the moment when the s3 system is announced, that is, the zero point on February 21, 2056. By the time of zero on March 20, 2056, the registration system. It will be closed. At that time, the system will randomly match all the registered teams to generate a list of the first round of the s3 knockout match; and after the 24 hours of the list, the first round will be officially opened.

Like the previous two competitions, this "one month" registration preparation deadline is undoubtedly a conspiracy of the game company to spend money...

The group of players who are determined to participate in the competition will not have to say that the investment must be increased. When everyone is saving money, you still maintain the usual rhythm, which is equivalent to regressing.

This wave of turmoil, the official mall, the auction house's transaction volume must be soared again, the dream company can not only recover a large amount of game coins from the player's hands, but also in the auction house's overall price increase period, a large percentage of revenue Commissioned transaction tax and handling fee.

In addition, the “extra recharge” income of casual players is also the focus of this operation.

At this stage of the thrilling paradise, the most dominant group of players is the group of ordinary casual players who are between 55-75 and 45-50. These players are usually "relaxed, excited, happy." And friends, and other mentality are playing, their entry time is earlier, the online time is also relatively fixed, just... they have no strong will to improve the strength of the game character.

Because the thriller will generate a script suitable for its hidden segment based on the player's level, input, and even personality, so whether the strength of such pure casual players is above average will not affect their gaming experience (Snona) The top 40 grades all rely on people who come with the exceptions.)

However, now, the situation is different... s3's completely random matching rules, so that the opportunity for ordinary players to advance greatly increased; in theory, if there is an extreme phenomenon that "all professional and strong promotion routes meet before the semi-finals" Then, a "civilian team" won the runner-up... It is not impossible.

Under such stimuli, the enthusiasm of casual players for s3 can be said to be unprecedentedly high; although everyone understands that the "theory" is just a theory, similar to "the World Cup qualifiers are completed, the fans are in the heart." After calculating the account, then I feel that the national football can theoretically qualify this time."

But no matter what... people have dreams.

Besides, there is no need to register for the competition in the thrilling paradise. There is no loss in participating in the competition. If you lose a big round, you can win a game for half a year.

Dream Company has seized this kind of psychology, and this "one month" has been specially set aside, so that those who are "hidden points" are not enough to qualify to improve their scores.

As long as casual gamers lengthen the game time and "seriously" and change their mindset to play, their hidden points can indeed be improved in the short term. Once people start to "play the game seriously" and vote for it properly, it is normal... After all, Thriller Park is a game with economic and age thresholds. The players of this game are almost all of them. It’s just a matter of more and less.


Books are long and books are short.

In the following month, nothing special happened, and everyone on the front line of the **** also steadily improved their strength.

During this period, the situation of the single row is still quite a lot, because the other six people can just make up a team; and, have to say, it is a team of cancer. When he is in the team, it is difficult to increase the difficulty of the script. Second, the key is that many of his decisions and ingenuity will also affect the normal flow of the script.

Therefore, this month, most of the seals are still in the single brush.

Of course, it’s indifferent to have a single brush or a group. Any mode, any script, he can handle it, just... there is a situation that makes him feel surprised.

That is... as mentioned above, "there is nothing special to happen."

For the sake of the seal, this is the most weird thing.

At the end of this "gambling game" is coming, at the end of this "candidate game", everything seems so calm.

Woody didn't come to contact him, nor did he send him to Molly (that is, Assas) to bring him anything; Vincent, Simon's guy didn't come to contact him; the guys in heaven didn't move at all. ......

Not only in the real world, but in the game world, it is also like this...

Since the last "Monster Kingdom Defence War", this month, including other members of the front line of the Hell, they did not know that they did not have a script that happened in the main universe of the thrilling paradise; but from the forum In response, the system should not stop generating scripts that are based on the main universe, because other players have participated.

I feel that I have tried to team up with players outside the club, and I have tried all kinds of books that only have difficulty in the dreams... but he can't.

There is no way to enter the main universe, and there is no chance to enter the world. Even the derivatives are not met. The thrilling paradise that this month is not playing is very normal. It is normal to let him wonder if he is open. The way is wrong.

This phenomenon has also made it difficult for the seal to understand. This time... it may be that something big is going to happen.

The existence of the game world is not mentioned, but even Woody and their gods can't even say a word... This shows that there is already some kind of more powerful force to intervene and control the overall situation.

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