Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 372: it is me

In the mall, Feng Shou perfunctored a few words of the dream, and then left with a look of disappointment...

"Who is this?" The ghost looked at his back and stunned the dreams around him. "It is rare to ignore one of the trump cards of order. This is rare..."

"How do you say..." Meng Jingchen gave himself a cigarette and replied, "It's a very interesting guy."

"What's interesting... It's almost like a madman who is disgusting..." The singer was swearing at the side.

This words fell into the ears of Wu Shen Xuan Xuan, he immediately understood what, so he was wary to try to say: "Oh? The little brother of the ice emperor, do you know this crazy? I don't know this crazy brother What is the strength?"

"What is the little brother of Ice Emperor... My id is displayed on the head, and I am also the head of this association!" The track is not good, "Why is it difficult to name the trio?" The awkward title of people is so famous! But I don't know anyone!"

"Who will let you directly copy the name of the second-yuan character, plus the suffix of ‘young master’...” Xiao Ming (the name is really hard to take) said.

"To say embarrassing words, your id can top us..." Old take (named really difficult) to pick up.

Real brother (really difficult to take the name) also said, "Again... the reason why you are not famous is mainly because the strength is too weak. If you are strong, even if the id is very high, the height is only one meter six. It can still be very famous."

"Hey!" said the ghost. "When I am dead! I want to be singled out! Don't think that your id can't remember if you can't look at it!"

These guys, one by one, ran off the subject in an instant, and vomited and screamed at each other.

"Call..." Wu Jian Shen Xuan saw, reluctantly took a breath, turned and walked in the other direction.

"Where are you going?" The sashimi saw him leaving, and he asked.

"Some little things... I want to confirm." Go to death and return to Xuan, "Go back and go back. This kid! You should look at it first."


On the other side of the information tower, I was standing in the crowd and looked up at the auction house information that was constantly refreshed.

In fact, he does not want to buy anything, just to pay attention to the current market.

With the peak of the battle for the hegemony, the recent price has seen obvious fluctuations, but it has not yet rebounded to the point where the public auction started at the beginning of the price. It seems that most of the sellers and buyers today are more rational, really others. A fool who is a fool, still a minority.

"Excuse me, mad sorrow." Wu Jian Shen Xuan walked to the side of the comrade.

He didn't slap his brother's shoulder. Because in the public space of the game, there is a certain risk of physical contact with an unfamiliar player without the consent of the other party.

It is impossible to deliberately eat oyster sauce and other things like tofu. Due to system limitation, this intention cannot be converted into action at all. But it's hard to define what it means like pushing, pulling, and taking pictures of shoulders and handles. In some people's view, very casual physical contact may be rude to others. So, in the public space (including the conference room), just take someone else's shoulder. The worst possible result may be killed by the virtual guard of the mall...

The strength of the guards is amazing. The height of nearly two meters, the appearance of the mechanical form of the Terminator, and the black uniform are written with a big "tube" word... At first glance, this model is a savage tyrant; Players outside the script will return to the normal level of physical fitness. And most of the skills and combat items are not available, and naturally it is impossible to be the defending opponent. Moreover, the guards are capable of directly kicking the player off the line. If necessary, the light brain can also remotely lock the player's game compartment and contact the public security department...

It can be said. The thriller paradise can prevent the violent, insulting, threatening, embarrassing and other factors that the player may have in the public space, and ensure the immersiveness of the neural connection game. Maximize the harmony of the social environment in the game.

It is only mentioned that this series of tough and effective measures has been highly praised and supported by relevant government departments, and may even become industry norms in the near future.

Of course, some people also protested against these settings made by Dream Company, and released many dissatisfaction arguments in the forum. Needless to say... the citizen id of these people has been blacklisted by the network police department for later use...

"Ah? Who?" Feng Shuan turned his head and saw the coming.

At this moment, his line of sight moved at high speed on his opponent's body, and his brain was running at high speed. "I realized the death of Shen Xuan, the order, Gotham City, the cloak battle, one of the six, and others were originally on the combat power list. After the battle, the ranking changed, and I came to talk to me alone..." A series of thoughts, like a white pass, flashed through his mind.

In a second, Jue Ge guessed a conclusion. "He has a vague suspicion that I am the second-most anonymous player in the combat rankings, so I want to test it."

So, with almost no hesitation, I closed my mouth and said, "Okay, it is me. I don't mind if you report this to the people inside the studio, but please don't go everywhere."

"This..." For the sudden words, Wu Shen Xuan is somewhat unprepared.

In general, the steps people think about is to go from a to b, then to c, step by step, and finally get the conclusion of z. The shorter the time required for this process, the faster the thinking.

Wu Shen Shen Xuan is also quite a bit of a heart, the reaction is not slow, but he thinks that the problem will take some time.

And I don’t know it... simply said, practiced.

When he is communicating with a less familiar person, he is not willing to be too embarrassed. Therefore, there will be cases where others say a, and he directly answers z.

"Hey... this... mad brother, I still have nothing to ask..."

"I know that you plan to make some temptations in the first place, and finally ask a core question." Feng Shou said, raising his finger to the high-level combat power list, "I just saved some time for you. He paused and turned to look at each other. "What? You want to talk about something else?"

This is undoubtedly the ** naked land in the next order.

"Oh... no, you are busy." Wu Zhixuan Xuan smiled helplessly and turned away. His heart said: "Isn't it crazy? A face that I have never seen before." I have never heard of his id; but his words don’t sound like lying, is it... the second place in the combat rankings is really him...” He looked back and saw that he was digging feces……

"Also... It’s such a funny person..." Wu’s death ginseng’s mouth twitched, and I really don’t know how to evaluate this person. (To be continued.)

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