Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 389: Win and lose

Three minutes before the other end of the tunnel. .

Xiao sighs like a torch, standing in the middle of the rails.

He was not doing any physical action, but the system did not judge it as a negative game.

Wang Shouzhi and Long Aowei are also the first players in the thrilling paradise. They know very well that since the map generated by the system is such a tunnel that cannot go out, the train will definitely come.

At this moment, the little sigh is the train. He has to complete a blow and kill, he must use this huge monster with a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour.

And the train must be driven from the side where he is on the side where the dragon is proud. On the other hand, his plan cannot be implemented.

I have to say that Xiao Lian’s luck is indeed good, and it’s hard to say that it’s a good thing.

In short, with the sound of the thunder, the train is coming, and there is no problem in the direction.

Xiao sighed straight to the approaching front, and screamed and gave himself a strong courage.

The speed of the train is extremely fast, and a blink of an eye has approached the place 20 meters away. Xiaoshen counts the amount of advance, raises the right arm, and the palm faces forward, causing the [binding teeth].

When I was awkward, a beast shadow slammed out from the palm of Xiao sigh, and there was a buzzing sound in the air. The animal shadow was huge in a second. A huge mouth full of fangs seemed to be swallowing the whole train. Under normal, suddenly snapped.

Although the staggered tooth shadow is not physical, when it is plunged into the locomotive, it is still slowing down.

At this moment, the train seemed to crash into the thick glue, which was obviously stagnant. In the next four or five seconds, I experienced a short, slow-to-slow and slow-to-fast process.

On the other side of the sigh, as early as the [binding teeth] just left, they have turned and rushed, and ran on the wall with the flying scorpion.

In the few seconds that the train slowed down, he used his extreme speed, along the wall, and ran in the same direction as the front of the car, and maintained a lead of about three meters...

Then he leaped to the front of the front of the car before the train re-accelerated. This move made him lose 39% of his survival, but from the results, it is worth it...

The front end of this old-fashioned train has a triangular, sloping edge that is easily caught by the cylindrical upper edge. Therefore, Xiaoshen managed to climb in front of the locomotive after paying a consumption technique and nearly half of the survival value.

"Call... scared me to death..." Xiaoshen finished this thing, and he has a heart and soul. Although he has thought about every step beforehand, his real value is still rising, especially It was the second that jumped out and his heartbeat stopped.

"In the end is the train... [Bound teeth] the effect of the body is really a big discount..." Xiao sighed.

In fact, before he jumped up, he had considered the various possibilities after the release of skills. For example, if the "cuffed teeth" is completely useless, then the follow-up action of his running to the wall is to stand on the wall instead of running on the wall; or, the train is dead in the same place, then Of course, it is best to sit on the front of the car calmly; there is a more extreme situation... The front of the car is derailed and even overturned after being blocked by the skill. When the role of the habit is swept down, the wall is not safe. He Only the desperate to escape to the road.

Fortunately, the actual result is that the skill has caused a buffer effect. Although the difficulty of getting on the bus is still very high, it is not surprising.


In the conference room, the sad spirit was just a tight heart. When she saw Xiao sin, she was relieved: "This is too messy... I thought he was going to commit suicide."

"I seem to know what he is going to do..." It rained.

“It’s really a very risky tactic.” Feng Shou also said, “But from another perspective, it can be said to be very brilliant.”

"I also saw it. He didn't want to use the impact of the train to launch the "Horse Shadow Chasing Soul"." The sad spirit said, "But there are too many variables in this hand, if the train comes from the other side of the tunnel?" Also, what should I do if the speed is much higher than expected? What should I do if the front of the car is flat?

"Not doing anything." Feng did not know, "This is a gambling plan, he directly put the victory of this game on it." He actually used a kind of appreciation to say, "any one If something goes wrong, he will fail, and every link in this plan is very likely to go wrong. If you want to succeed, you must have strong ability to react on the spot and ... luck." When it comes to luck, I feel I couldn't help but think of myself and the [Zero-style magic guide shredder] those stories that have to be said. His eyes paused melancholy and answered. "It is undeniable that these two are also part of the strength. Xiaoshen can think of this. The idea, and take the risk to try... then he can afford this victory."


Time is back at the moment, in the tunnel.

Dragon proudly looked at the squat on the locomotive, sideways forward, holding a small sigh of the military thorn, the heart is undoubtedly a sense of despair...

"The wall standing will definitely be attacked... He just needs to find out his hand and cut it over to me by the momentum of the train." In just a few seconds, many thoughts flashed quickly in the brain of Long Ge, "jump up If you don’t say that I’m heavy, I can’t jump, even if I can use my head to reach the ceiling and pick up my body... He just needs to hold the army thorns and cut it down by the train...” His gaze quickly moved to the rails, "laying in the middle of the rails... let the train pass over me... then he just probed the weapon below the height of the train's chassis, by the momentum of the train...ah!"

Long Aozhen found that the results of his various brain supplements were not very optimistic. At this time, he couldn't help but think of a famous saying by Mr. Huang Wei - speed is power.

The little sigh on the locomotive, naturally, also looked at the dragon brother. Perhaps it is customary... When the living thing appeared in the line of sight, his instinctive reaction was: silently engraved a big fork on the locomotive with his fingers, and made a [painting a fork to curse you].

An ominous premonition came to my mind, and Long Ge didn't care. If he opened the game menu at the moment, he should be able to see the special state of [Curse]...

It’s too late, it’s really fast...

In the end, the dragon's countermeasures are to open their own title skills: [Frenzy Shield]

The name of the title is the same as the name of the title itself, and it is a transformational technique, but its effects and side effects are not as amazing as [the devil is coming].

In the violent shield state, Dragon Pride can reduce all damage by 30% and increase the maximum amount of your own blood to twice. This skill can only be used once in each script, consuming 700 physical fitness and 20% of the upper limit of fitness for three minutes. That is to say, after the move, until the end of the script, Long Ge's upper limit of physical fitness will be changed from 3700 to 2960, and will not be restored until returning to the landing space.

Of course, he can't take care of it at the moment. In order not to be spiked, it is natural to open all the skills that can be opened. In addition to the title technique, Long Ge also used another main defense skill: [Ice Shell], which instantly covered the round shield with a frosty color.

He just leaned back against the wall, slanting the shield in front of him, ready to meet...

Look at Xiao sigh here... it’s also a desperate attempt. The curse is also cursed, and the "Horse of the Shadows" has also been opened. This power is based on the speed and impact of the change of skills, this moment is the trainer possession, with 10% of the first hit bonus, what kind of consequences will result, I am afraid only the system knows...

It can be said that both of them have done all the things they can do.

The outcome is between the strikes.

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