Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Unexpected visitor

After winning the sigh of victory, I immediately went offline after transmitting from the script. .

Rain and sadness naturally feel that the performance of Xiaoshen is a bit strange. However, I was unaware of the situation. I immediately said with an unquestionable and firm attitude: "I have a number of things. I will go offline now. I will give you an explanation in detail tomorrow."

Then, I felt that I returned to the landing space and chose "Offline and wake up."

Of course, such a thing happened, and both the sadness and the rain did not have any thoughts to continue playing. The two then went down to rest.

Two minutes later, the real world is not at home.

The hatch of the game compartment was opened and I felt sitting up from inside.

He scratched his head and shook his hair out of the game cabin. "Call... call a call..." He hesitated for a second. "No... go directly to his house, or face him." It’s better to talk."

Hearing that he had read two sentences, he was ready to change clothes.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere." A voice screamed abruptly.

The first reaction of this moment, the unconsciousness is that ... the family entered the thief.

At this moment, the lights in the room are all closed, only a few parts of the game compartment are shining. I can't see the other person's position, but here is his own home. He can know that the other person is sitting on the sofa.

Unconsciously, he did not hesitate, and immediately smashed out like a string of arrows, pressing down and rushing to the kitchen.

"Oh... I don't think it's a good idea to get a knife." The people on the sofa made a sinister sneer.

Unexpectedly, he heard the sneer, and his body was in a stiff shape. His brain was running fast, and he almost remembered where he had heard the sound in a second.

"You are..." Hearing his head turned, "The game administrator?"


Woody made a snap and the lights in the living room turned out to be so bright.

"Oh... I never admit that I am a game administrator." Woody laughed. "That's your guess, and it's wrong."

I couldn’t help but look at the four-eyed suit on the sofa, and I was silent for two seconds. Then I said, “How did you come in? What do you want to do?”

"Oh... very interesting..." Woody smiled. "You didn't ask me how I got to know your home address, but asked me directly how to get in, indicating that you already have access to your information. A speculation."

"Oh... I never expected those game companies to 'respect the user' as they promised." Feng did not know, "Even after the neural connection, the information is controlled by the light brain, but I am on the forum. The personal information you fill out is always backed up by your dream company..."

"Yeah, uh... I know, you don't trust any third-party platforms, including trading websites, courier companies, hotel chains, telecommunications departments, and even political axe agencies..." Woody said, "but please believe that Dream Company It is absolutely respectful to the players, and your information will never be leaked through us."

"Oh? Then I would like to ask, how did you find my home?" When I said this, I had already walked to the edge of the sofa.

"The answer is in your head." Woody pushed his glasses. "Think about it, what I said to you last time."


"The pictures, sounds, and the like that exist in memory, you don't have to tell me, I was digested a minute ago."


In the unconscious mind, flashed such a sentence, he sneered: "Hey... I am trying to make a mystery, you want to say, can you read other people's memories?"

"Do you not believe it?" Woody said. "If I can't, then please... How did I know that Wang Shou had killed someone ten years ago?"

Unexpectedly, his mind changed abruptly, and countless hypotheses swept past his consciousness.

"Your thinking is fast, but it hasn't jumped out of the routine," Woody said. "If you can recognize the existence of supernatural power, our conversation can go smoothly." He overslept and laughed again. The words... about the question of how the four-eyes turn on the lights can also be temporarily removed from your thinking queue."

"I understand... your company's game console can completely steal the player's memory information." Feng Shou is still using the common sense of reasoning.

"Hey... haven't you given up on using science to explain it?" Woody turned his head. "So... Assas, how about the words?"

"The stupid name of this stupid youth is only used by your stupid boss." Assas came over from the corner, it was really talking... and issued It turned out to be the voice of a young female surname.

"Oh..." The unconscious mind was temporarily shorted for two seconds. He looked at Woody again. "What about ventral language..."

"I can't make the scorpion so sharp." Woody said.

Assas jumped on the sofa and climbed up to the backrest. "I know, you will infer next... I have a microphone in my body..." It paused. "But if you dare to borrow The machine touched the place outside my head, and I tore you into pieces."

"You are a male cat! Male cat!" It’s really crazy to seal this time. "No... this is not right, hehe... This is 80% of the whole TV show! The lights must be passive... Hidden in the body or collar..."


Woody's fingers swayed slightly in the air, and the next second, a leg that was unconscious, was cut off from the thigh.

He screamed... The leg of the sorrow fell to the ground, and he himself slammed for two seconds, then lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Reassured, this is called cross-dimension cutting. You see, you don't bleed at all, and there is no pain." Woody smiled. "Oh... then... how do you explain this? Magic? Hypnosis? Or you don't Carefully taking a lot of marijuana?"

Feng did not feel raised his head and looked at his "broken leg." He actually saw a complete cross section; bone marrow, bones, blood vessels, muscles, fat, skin... those things were still moving, and no blood spilled from the cross section, and the half of his thighs seemed to be the same in this way.

"Do you want to study for a while? Or let me pick you up immediately?" Woody asked.

"Get it back..." Feng Jie recovered calm.

Woody snapped a finger and felt that his brother's broken leg flew on his own, and even returned to his master's body, even his broken pajamas returned to his original condition.

"Sit down and say." Woody made a gesture of asking.

Feng did not feel imaginary, staring at Woody intently, and slowly walked over to the opposite side of the other side, "So... Vampires, zombies, ghosts, Buddhas... Are these true?"

"Why do you have a sense of violation in the four items you have..." Assass spit a slot.

"Some are true." Woody replied. "There are made it by yourself."

"Oh..." The brain is a little messy. "What? I remember you said... Are you from hell?"

"Yes." Woody replied.

"I also said..." Feng Shou tried to remember every word of the other party when he last met. "Where are you from, where will I go?"

"What? Do you think you can go to heaven after you die?" Woody said.

"This is not the case." Feng did not know, "Just... I want to confirm, the time I went there, shouldn't it be recently?"

"Are you worried about the shadow in your head?" Woody laughed. "Hey...hasn't you noticed? When I was with you, you have regained fear."

The seal was unspeakable, and it was discolored. He suddenly had an idea, a terrible speculation. He looked up at Woody and asked, "Is it... what did you do to my brain?"

"Ah... isn't it... oh..." Woody whispered in an ambiguous tone. "Well, I know you have a lot of questions to ask." He paused for a second. "But I don't necessarily answer. Uh..." It’s a sinister laugh. "Let's talk about it first... the most important question right now." He read a name in a word: "Wang Shouzhi." .)

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