Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 403: details make a difference

At this point, another invited player's landing space.

"Oh? Is this...the power of the ancient fighting demon..." The swallowing ghost is watching the live broadcast on the display with great interest. "It’s no wonder that even Zen brothers care about this [crazy], indeed It’s extraordinary.” His fists clenched subconsciously, and his mouth floated with a smile. “This very interesting.”


On the glade field.

The golden glow of the whole body is shining, but the black vindictiveness of the seal is even more powerful.

this moment……

The soul of the sword will fight the devil, and the war will be shocked.

"I am not welcome." Feng did not feel a whisper, rushed to kill.

The truss knives are on the rise and are **** for tat.

When the war opened a new chapter, both sides started to be sinister.

When the two knives came out together, the knife broke up sharply, just like piercing seven or eight knives in the same second.

Her "eight-way" is like a smashing bullet, which is extremely deterrent to the enemy in front. But I don’t know what to do, but I don’t care...

Today's geek is a thirty-nine-level person, the physical quality is extremely strong, and the fighting specialization also reaches the b-level. Such a character, the speed that can be achieved in the full open state of [Focus Derivation] and [Spiritual Convergence] is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

In his eyes, you can clearly see every knife that is smashed, first, second, light, heavy, slow, and anxious. And he can still avoid and easily escape...

"It doesn't feel the same as when I used it last time..." Feng did not feel the darkness in his heart. "This time it is... I am going to take a new look." He seems to understand something. "So to speak... In the state, the stronger my own strength, the higher the level of strength I will experience..."

now. The perspective of the observation of things is very close to the derivative. As long as he concentrates, he can regard matter as the form of data flow.

"It turns out that this is the true face of energy, oh... it seems to be something that can be manipulated intuitively." He thought about it and reached out. Next second. He succeeded in capturing a black vindictiveness and transforming it into a black energy beam with physical lethality.

It is similar to the method of changing the cloud into a shackle, and it seems to be the same as the changing light blade in his hand, but his means are undoubtedly more brilliant.

I was shocked to see this scene, and my heart was full of horror. She hurriedly made three more moves [heart-eye knife. Water Moon] [heart-eye knife. Broken] [heart-eye knife. Tianluo]. They were attacked from the middle, middle and upper levels respectively.

This time, the knives that she took out were blue-blue, and the three styles were all astounding and unstoppable, preventing her front face from leaking.

However, the actual speed of the seal has far exceeded her estimate...

"Oh... slower like a still." Suddenly a smile came, and I felt that my brother had appeared behind the hustle and bustle. The black energy beam in his hand is like a sharp blade, and he is pushed by his hand. Then penetrated into the back of the opponent.

A blood flower blooms in front of her chest, and she is intertwined with the red cherry on her white.

"Cough..." squirting blood, suddenly the eyebrows are tight and the flower is eclipsed.

This painful heart is naturally painful. Her fans saw this scene, and they were so distressed that they were going crazy, but she still couldn't stand it and still gave up.

In the state of "Soul", the survival value is positive infinity. This effect is even more amazing than the 300% survival of the [Devil's Advent]. Simply put... as long as she is not subjected to extreme fatal injuries, she will not die.

Therefore, there is still no meaning for defeat, and she still has the power to fight.

"Opportunity!" She ignored her body's pain and gritted her teeth back. Instead, she used the flaws of her opponent's shot and turned to attack.

The long knife in his hand suddenly became a purple-blue color, and it burst into flames.

The seal did not feel the situation and stepped away, and the black grudge was overwhelmed. Lift the arm.

Pong -

When the two energies collide, the vindictiveness of the brothers and the knives on the sickle are scattered. For a time, the door is wide open.

If you don’t miss this opportunity, you will continue to move with your hands and feet. One hand blue blade slanted up, one hand purple blade before the stab chasing, after these two hits, there is a kind of loneliness that the body leans forward and the arms are separated.

This [double moon array. One type is too knife, two type is too knife] is the broken defense technology of Liu Sheng ten soldiers, but also the unique skills of the second knife flow. Its characteristic is to break the defense and kill the enemy by skill.

In the face of such an opponent, it is not cheap to play tricks. In the face of zero-day calculus, there is no "odd" trick. Therefore, a mature, fixed routine is more effective than a strange trick.


Three short screams came out, and the right side of the chest, the left shoulder and the double ribs were sealed, and the knife was suddenly cut, and the flesh and blood flew. However, his look has not changed, and it seems that there is no danger of death.

"Well... sure... from the data level, the so-called 'injury' is just an unusual combination of codes. As long as you understand the way of conversion, you can use pure energy to correct it..." I don't feel the slightest fear in the battle. It is almost impossible for the other party to exert pressure on him mentally, so he can keep calm thinking in the fierce confrontation.

"Pure energy can be converted into a variety of data, and it should be able to do a lot of things..." He tried to test the black suffocating spurt on his body and quickly covered his three wounds. As a result, the blood of the turbulent flow was really stopped...

“Skills... It’s the established formula provided by the system to help players use their energy more effectively.” Feng Shou summed up this anachronistic little experiment in the brain, “just... the complexity of these formulas It’s far from being built by the human brain. Even a f-level medical skill is many times more powerful than what I am doing now... If you want to compare it, my behavior is only as difficult as shooting; What the system does is like inventing the 'basketball' sport in one second."

These thoughts of Jing Ge flashed their minds in a matter of seconds.

In these few seconds, the black energy beam that penetrated the body has dissipated, and her wounds are instantly restored.

Then, the shackles of the wrists are raised again. The double knives in the hands merged and became a blade. The weapons she chose this time looked unpretentious and knife-shaped, but the momentum that was revealed on the knife was stronger than any of the previous ones.

This knife... is [Ming Knife. Tetrodotoxin].

now. It’s been three minutes since the skillful duration of the game, and her opponent is obviously not the kind of enemy that can be defeated by three strokes and two styles. Therefore, she must pursue the victory and not delay.

"The wind is in the arc!" She snorted. Leaning forward.

"Oh..." I didn’t feel cold, and I turned back and turned, and I used the power to make a lame. "Peak-white thunder!" This time, he was more serious when he took the name, and he was able to use his current ability. The power of the move can be no less than the level of [r2-edge].

She did not care about the loss of survival value, so she did not evade the use of melee to fight against the sniper in front of her. With the power of her own moves, she broke open the waves and went further.

"It's quite good to fight... then come again! Lame--the wolf is even star!" The seal didn't feel a little leap, and the two feet kicked, and the four specific waves were scattered, like the hungry wolf As usual.

"Hey... fight hard... this is my line..." sighed in my heart. Her cheeks, waist, and outside of the thighs. Soon, he was injured by a crappy sniper. One of the attacks was in the middle of her neck.

But this time, I have already decided to kill the heart... She resisted the pain and did not make a move. With a kind of tenacity and willpower, she reached the front of the seal.

This second, the two face each other, close at hand. One is the posture of leaning forward and the other is the action of leaning backwards.

殇怀殇 insisted on killing. I don’t know how to fight blood.

A shock, suddenly burst out...


In the eyes of the unconscious, I saw Liman’s appearance, and a mad killing came. An invisible power can hold his body down, making it impossible to avoid.

In an instant. Death Poker Golden Light flashes, [Shield "牌"] special effects launched.

Unexpectedly, he made his only defensive skills, and he bounced his body on the shield of the light card to reach the deadly scorpion.

However, after a moment, the blood is bursting...

The seal was not in the middle of the stroke, but his chest was opened with a knife, and the wound was smashed and the blood splashed five steps.

"I understand..." I still laughed when I was not aware of it. He said, "Before the end of this skill, your survival value is also infinite. Right? You can't be so hurt... oh... ..." A surge of blood interrupted his words.

"You know it's too late now!" After a little bit of breathing, he regained his energy and tried to scribble the roots. "Tenba seals the gods!"

[Soul Pro] state is really against the sky, as long as the conditions allow, the breath can keep up, she can be out of the righteousness, no scruples.

"Then I will tear you apart in half..." The seal was cold and cold. His body is rekindled and his magic is skyrocketing.

Time flies, the sky is faint, the sun and the moon are dull.

The whole person is wrapped in vindictiveness, such as the body of the devil. He slashed his fists and did not retreat.

There is no retreat in the affair, and the knife is not reduced.

Clinker, recruiting behind... Tianba Fengshen was actually sealed and unscrupulously dismissed, and the light-casting blade suddenly collapsed.

"How...maybe..." The grievances can't help but say a forbidden sentence like the death flag.

"Knife is good, hand is all, it's data." Fengbian did not know how to play, "The energy that makes the blade shape, and the energy on the surface of my body, are similar things... So, the strong side, Naturally, the other party can be crushed!"

With the collapse of the weapons, the battle between the two entered the stage of freehand killing.

When you are on the road, the fists are surging and the palms are changing. The two fight in one place, you come to me, punch to the flesh.


"Bastard! Take your hand away!"

"Just hit my beggar, you are going to die!"

"Hurry up!"

The hearts of thousands of spectators were hung up in the eyes of the blind, and they all heard the unconscious and eloquent dialogue, so they knew that the latter had opened up some skills with huge limitations before they barely fought.

" amazing..." Hua Xiong’s commentary was a bit stuttering. "The strength and speed of the two players at the moment clearly exceed the level limit. They are breaking the limit, even though the system lens can be tight. With their pace, our eyes are too fast to keep up."

Pan Feng said: "From the current situation, the two are indistinguishable. Although the players who are mad are still dominant in absolute strength, we can see that the fighting skills of the players are very high. Under the full defense, the mad players can't make a deadly attack."

"Excuse me, Pan Xiong." Hua Xiong said, "I have just learned from the dialogue between the two players. We have already learned... The survival value of the players is seemingly unlimited. Is there a so-called 'fatal attack'? ?"

Pan Feng replied: "Of course there is... the mad player's phrase 'tear in half' is not a general threat, he refers to the literal meaning."

"You mean..." Hua Xiong gestured to the partner and went on.

"Even if the survival value is infinite, if the head is cut off, it will be judged to die." Pan Fengdao, "And... by a certain section of the spine is the midpoint. If the whole person's body is broken, or even divided, ......"

The two of them have not finished talking, and the fans who have been screaming have already begun to cry and cry.

"What! He is going to do this!"

"Insanely, you must die!"

"You dare to do this, I will hack you!"

If it weren't for system restrictions, these guys had already been on the streets.


"I don't know if the squad is smashing." I don't know..." I don't know the secret. "I am in this state of reality. In the state of fighting, I will actually get stronger and stronger... After being hit hard, the magic And vindictiveness will immediately increase dramatically..."

His gaze shifted to his eyes. The other side responded to his eyes with exhaustion, but still firm and high-spirited.

"After losing the knife, you can still fight here... It's worthy of praise." Feng did not say, "But... it's here." He landed, palms overturned, and the moves in his hands were like clouds. . Under the black air, his hand slammed toward the opponent's back neck.

It seems that there is a long-term preparation. Her footwork changed, and the soft body leaned a half. Then, she actually realized the illusion of streamer in an instant, and she passed through to the seal.

“Everything is engraved?” The seal responded quickly, and immediately made a series of reasonings in the brain. “Since it can be used to engrave the magic, it means... All the moves of Amakusa Shiro can be...”

When I read this, he has turned to the enemy, but the next move of the shackles has been waiting there - [devils are coming to break]

Under the right foot of the seal, a circular black magic array emerged. A force similar to gravity forced him to the same place and could not move.

After the start of the game, the follow-up big move began to accumulate... A blue-black energy ball quickly condensed in its hands, and the violent energy grew at a rate visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know if I know this [fighting ten killings] is very powerful, and his survival value does not allow him to eat such an attack.

and so. He did something crazy...

But see, the hand is falling, the golden mangling flashes, and the blood is like Xiafei.

Unexpectedly, I used my death poker to cut off my right leg...

At the same time as the leg was broken, he had already used the other leg to start the moon step, so that he tried his best to pop the rear. In the process, he decisively took a spp-500 from the bag and threw it into the mouth.

With the help of black vindictiveness, the broken leg of the seal has begun to recover when it is out of the way. Red blood cells, bone marrow, granulation... Like the plants in the horror film, the circles are intertwined and mad.

It’s true that I didn’t expect the other party to come up with this method... After the knife cut, she intentionally hid the skills of Amakusa Shiro and gave the offensive to the seal. I myself struggled with infinite survival value... I finally waited for a reversal opportunity, but I was shocked.

The failure of this esoteric sorrow also caused the sorrowfulness to fall into despair. Because...the time limit of [Soul] has arrived... she has no second chance.

But I saw the posture of Tingting, and fell to the ground. The impact after the end of the skill made her unable to do any more action. She could only lie on the back of the center of the arena and let anyone kill.

If you don’t feel that you are right now, you can decide the outcome by pointing to the wrong place.


He felt that his brother had just stabilized his body shape, and his broken leg was also able to grow up. (The other wounds on his body were also cured by scp-500.) The time limit of [the devil is coming] is also...

He took the retreat, sat down on the ground, and then... he lay down on the ground.


In the mall... another time it’s silent.

The last silence of the audience was because [Nantou Feilongquan] and [Northern Cross Finch] were shocked by the recruits (of course, if they knew what the battle would evolve into, the scenes at that time also It’s not awkward).

And they are silent this time because they are puzzled.

"What happened? Who won?"

"They have not turned into white light..."

"But it doesn't move..."

After half a ring, there were many questions in the crowd.

"Everyone, the two players fell to the ground after a fierce confrontation!" Hua Xiong said, "It seems that the game has reached the last moment!"

Pan Feng also used a very nervous tone: "Who can stand up and give the other party a final blow?"


Suddenly, a sly figure jumped into the arena.

"Hey..." Musashi Kobayashi smiled with his unique mouth and came to the side of Feng Shou, "Boss, I came back according to the agreed time."

"Ha ha ha... ah hahahahaha..." I couldn’t help laughing.

It’s a long sigh, she understands, it’s over...

"How is this possible?" Her charming face of Fangfei, a bitter smile.

"At the beginning of the script, I quietly issued instructions to him... let him go out for a twenty minute and come back before the call time expires." Feng did not hear the opponent’s sigh and smiled back. "At the time I naturally can't think of it... The situation will evolve into what it is now. My thoughts at that time are... Anyway, he will disappear sooner or later, it is better to come back and show up before disappearing. Even if his appearance can only arise The effect of a little bit of interference is also good, and it is better than disappearing outside the arena."

"Oh..." Xiaohuai also laughed. "I really lost it to you... Even if it is such a skill that has nothing to do with combat, you have made the most appropriate arrangement..." She paused and answered. "A seemingly insignificant detail has become the key to victory and defeat... oh... I can't say anything if you count."

"Thank you." Feng Shuan turned his head to Musashi Xiaojinjing Road. "In the past, I kicked that sister."

"Oh." Musashi Xiaojinjing nodded and ran to the side of his arms, gently rubbing her arm.

With the last 1% of the survival value of the affair, the first battle of madness... finally announced victory.

After this extremely thrilling contest, I felt that I was finally promoted to the final of the peak battle.

However... the real fierce battle has just begun... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please m. Reading.)

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