Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 420: Gold locust number one

"Cousin, the situation seems to be not good." Barney held the wall with one hand, kept it consistently standing and chewing the carrot. "Before the sound, I am afraid the derivative is in the ghost."

Not far away, Rabbit just added a final blow to Shakura and turned it into a bologna.

"In addition to the derivatives, I also smelled the dead spirit of Jiu Kui, the jury, the official, and the ... the first person of the devil." Rabit licked the blood on the rabbit's claws, Shen Sheng, "This place The danger is far beyond our prior estimates. It is not appropriate to stay for a long time..." Its eyes are a little nervous. "If there are strong derivatives who stare at us and want to kill us to enhance our strength, then it is bad. It is."

"Well..." Barney quickly ate the carrot in his hand. "Let's go." It said, and he drew a black hole on the wall. "We have saved your friend once, anyway. I also killed a juror, but it’s not in vain. As for other court members, I can take another chance and break it one by one."

Rabbit nodded and agreed. Then, he jumped into the black hole with his cousin. After a few seconds, the hole contracted and disappeared...


The other end of the city.

"Is it yours that this summoner is a highly intelligent auxiliary creature?" Matcha Crisp pointed to the busy Musashi Kogan, and turned his head to the seal.

As a professional player, Matcha Crisp has naturally studied the game of feeling brother and squatting, so she has a general concept of the skills and physical skills that she has used.

"He is too smart to say. But..." Feng Shuhui replied. "On the ability to invent, the strength of Xiaojinjing is very amazing."

Xiao sang added a sentence: "The degree of metamorphosis is also proportional to the ability to invent."

now. The three are in the garage of the city fire station, waiting for the “reconstruction project” of Musashi Xiaojinjing to be completed.

"Well... it seems that I should also practice summoning specialization." Matcha crisps, "If you can start a summoning creature like "three-eyed prodigy"..."

"Don't dream." Feng Shuai interrupted. "Small Jinjing is a character from funny animation. Although his creation has its unique superiority, it must have corresponding shortcomings. This is related to his Personality is related and cannot be avoided. In terms of combat, his role is almost zero, and even the summons such as bats and porcupines are not as good as they are." He paused. "You can say three-eyed prodigies. Basically. It is a perfect summoner. He comes from a non-comedy, profound work. He has an IQ and a very aggressive character far beyond ordinary people. 'Inventing ability' is just one of his specialties, he also owns Strong skills, super powers, and a great deal of knowledge of ancient civilizations. In theory, he can destroy the world.

Therefore, judge from the perspective of ‘intelligence’ or ‘force’. Such a summoner will no doubt be classified as s. It’s by no means a skill you can master by ‘practicing’. In fact, even the top players who specialize in summoning specializations need to have some luck in order to start the three-eye prodigy."

Matcha crisp looked at the face of the brother, and did not speak for a while. After a long while, she smiled and said: "Oh... I understand a bit now, why does the autumn wind make me try to avoid fighting with you..." She shook her head. "I just said an idea. You I have thought of a whole lot. In two seconds, you pass a keyword. So much analysis of the feasibility of my intention..."

"This is my habit." Feng did not feel raised his hand and gently rubbed his temple with his fingers. "Generally... the more thoughtful the process and results of the matter, the psychological preparation in the face of the change." The more complete, the time of surprise and reaction will be shortened accordingly.” He spread his hands. “In fact, everyone can do it. 'Taishan collapses in front and doesn’t change color', as long as they think that Taishan may collapse. ""

Matcha Crisp is quite uncomfortable for the smug tone of Jiao Ge’s teaching. She immediately turned around and looked at Xiao sighed: "I said... Does he really like this in front of people?"

"Oh..." Xiao sighed and smiled. "To the sensational brother... This kind of performance is not far from being sold out..."

"What? My remarks have inadvertently offended you?" Feng Shou said to the matcha, "I still think that the essence of my behavior is to show off my wisdom and use this to insinuate your neck. Just a display?"

"Oh..." Matcha crispy cold, "I see your narcissistic madness is the ability to ridicule the language... Look at the game with you and you will understand. In the 'irritation of others' In fact, your talent is amazing, and the system's language shield can't stop you. Because your intention is not to 'insult' other people's meaning, and even less swearing. You just do it yourself, it is enough to make people angry."

"'s right." Fengshou shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "The system thinks the same way." The meaning of his sentence, the matcha crisp is incomprehensible. Because he has been in the single-player mode for the past few days, the information on his title change is known only to a few people on the front line of hell. Of course, this detail has already been considered, and it is obviously intentional.

In this final, the information of the contestants has been completely blocked, and the team bar is invisible. In this way, the players can't confirm the few remaining opponents in the script, as well as their grades, titles and so on.

"Oh... finished!" At this time, the figure of Musashi Koganei appeared from above the fire truck.

He made a forward step, and straightened his right arm, posing a victory gesture, as if he had achieved some kind of feat.

"Ha ha ha... please see..." Musashi Kogankai unfolded his arms and pointed at the fire lane under his feet. "This is... orange locust number one!"

In a sense... his name is quite appropriate, because the fire truck has long been eroded by the dark energy of the city. The original red body was attached with a layer of “skin” khaki material, which felt a strange softness and toughness...

Nowadays, after the transformation of Musashi Xiaojinjing, this car has been attached with a number of powerful mechanical outerwear provided by Matcha Crisp, which has become a real monster.

"Oh! It’s very strong to listen to the name..." I couldn’t help but read the excitement.

Xiaoshen and Matcha Crisp are a kind of disgusting color, and they all have the same voice: "If you listen to the name, you don't want to take it..." (To be continued.)

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