Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 458: infection

"What is that..." Matcha crumble looked at the wonders of the distant sky, and could not help but marvel.

A few minutes ago, she had quietly moved away from the battlefield, so she is now relatively safe.

Of course, the matcha will be withdrawn, either because of fear or because she has the idea of ​​“preserving strength”. She simply doesn’t want to be cumbersome...

Before Lut used the twenty-three as a bait, it was a lot of problems to cover the scene without any effort.

Although Matcha Crisps can't talk about how deep the city is, she is also cool and witty. She knows... The battle has gone to this part, and she has a player who specializes in equipment... Even if she stays on the battlefield, she can’t get anything. It's a role; it's better to take it off early, so as not to drag the teammates.

The facts also prove that her judgment is indeed correct.

"That is the day of the day l_barrare_devastator..." A gentle voice, suddenly sounded from behind the matcha.

"Who?" Matcha crispy look, turned very nervously and looked around.

As a result... into the line of sight, an irregularly shaped black crystal with a volume of about three cubic meters.

"Under, invisible magic." The invisible magic returned a sentence, a pause, added, "Reassured, I am not your enemy."

"Is npc?" Matcha crispy heart, "Call... scare me."

"But..." The invisible demon immediately said, "I suggest you... immediately leave the script."

"Ha?" Matcha crispy stunned. "Do you still use this? If I can retreat, I have already..."

"Yes." The invisible devil interrupted. "A little more... just fine..."


At the same time, the battlefield is over.

"I don't think there is anything to do with it..." Xiao sin's figure reappeared.

At this moment, under the influence of [the world reversal of the gods], he is "falling" toward the top.

Just in the moment of crisis, Xiao sigh thought that he was finished; although he relied on instinct to launch the gods, it is clear that this skill is not enough to make him escape.

Unexpectedly. At that moment, the difference became steep... The flow of time around Xiaoshen suddenly slowed down... When he returned, he found himself rising to a height of more than 100 meters from Rut...

On the other side, Rut’s feet are dozens of meters away.

The sneaky squat is lying on the ground in a very strange posture, and his body has been touched by many places, but no fatal injuries have been formed. His heart and lungs are intact, but... it is impossible to move. Unless Rute takes over. Otherwise, the sneaky is basically a state of being crucified.

"I finally suppressed the 'container'..." Rute in the air sank.

It seems that this seemingly violent indiscriminate attack technique can actually be fine-tuned. The sneaky survivor is not because he is lucky, but that Ruth intends to make him alive.

"Although the performance of the kid in the sky is somewhat unexpected..." Rutter then read, "Oh... but it’s dead, nothing good..."


caveat. The firewall was broken...

The core program is abnormal...

Thinking module...嗞...

A series of urgent reminders flashed in front of Rut's eyes.

It was also at this time that there were twenty-three shouts in the distance.

"I don't know! If you are still alive... answer me!"

"Ah... I am here." The voice of the brother heard, "Don't worry."

The voice has not fallen, and the thousands of tentacles in the air have collapsed between the fingers, turning into blood, and sprinkling like rain.

"What happened?" Rutter looked stunnedly.

In the next second, her look cooled again. The evil charm smiles: "Oh... what do you say?"

The phrase "you say it", although it is spoken from Rout's mouth, but the voice of the speech... is unconscious.

"What a joke..." the ghost lying on the ground looked at the sky and said, "How did this guy do it..."

In the distance, in the eyes of twenty-three, it is also white light floating, "the code has changed..." She looked at Rut and asked. "I don't know?"

"Well, it's me." The other party replied, "I feel pretty good..."

"You..." Rutter’s voice came back now, and the look and temperament on his face changed. "...How did you get into my body?"

"’s a long story..." Feng did not return. "Simply summarize it... Although I got a certain improvement under the guidance of No. 0, it is still far from the expected realm. In a time-critical situation, I came up with a way..."

His words were not finished, and Rut took over the body again and answered: "You...have used yourself as a viral carrier... to infect me!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Feng Bu laughed and laughed, and Rut's perfect face was forced to make this very unremarkable expression. "Actually... when you enter the first form, I have been waiting for the opportunity... The closer your data output is to the peak, the higher the success rate when I invade. The tenday day l_barrare_devastator... is undoubtedly a great opportunity."

At this time, in the eyes of others, Rute is like a schizophrenic, using two voices to talk to each other. Only twenty-three and sneaky can see... the fierce battle on the data level.

"Oh... do you think that you won this way?" Rutter’s voice reappeared, and the white light in his eyes suddenly seemed to have begun to counterattack.

"Yes, I just won." Feng did not know how to **** the road, "Everyone! Quit the script!" He shouted a scorpion, then manipulated Rutter's body and slammed in the air, toward the blasting tunnel. The direction is straight ahead...

"What do you think you are doing!" Rute sighed.

Her face became distorted, and her body changed strangely... A group of dark red material leaped and surging on the surface of her clothing (the clothing is also part of the body of Rut, which will heal itself like the skin).

"Of course I know what I am doing." Feng did not feel that his voice was firm and calm. "From beginning to end, my purpose is very clear..." He paused. "I once asked you... 'Would you like to give up'. At that time, you still have a way out... Your partners are still dead, you can stop planning and take them away. Unfortunately... you refused me."

As they spoke, the blasting tunnel was close at hand.

"And I... hate being rejected by others."


When Rut rushed into the blasting tunnel, the collapse of the dimension hole occurred.

But seeing a dark sigh, a slamming sound.

In the next second, Rutter's figure disappeared with the blasting tunnel.

At the same time, the pictures of the various broadcast areas of the game have also become dark...

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