Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Cursed Hospital (13)

Waiting for a while in room 216, you don't have to worry about Chad's problem in a short time.

As a result, the unconscious pace has also slowed down a bit.

To make a long story short, ten minutes later, he re-entered the elevator and pressed the button labeled b1.

The door of the elevator slowly closed and the rumble sounded.

After a short time, the door will open again. In front of the door is a corridor that is only five meters long, and opposite is a thick metal gate.

"How to get the same as the bank vault..." Feng did not feel stunned and walked out of the elevator.

From the elevator door to the blood bank door, he seemed to figure out something, and suddenly smiled: "Yeah... In the monster kingdom, blood is really a good thing to keep."

Soon, the key was opened and the door to the blood bank was opened. Still not in, I heard someone inside: "Who is it?"

The voice of this "person" is very unique, just like the owl's tweet. Even if it is a short sentence, there will still be a strange noise in his throat.

"It's me..." How fast is the response? He doesn't want to go back, "Lester."

"Oh..." the speaker responded with a mouthful.

When I heard the words, I looked at the room and looked at the room...

Behind the metal door is a space of about two hundred square meters. Compared to other rooms in the hospital, it is amazingly spacious. There is only one desk in the middle of the entire blood bank, and the cryogenic cabinets that are blood are arranged neatly around the room, standing against the wall.

now. The "person" sitting at the desk is looking through a magazine with a slow motion. For the visit of "Leicester", the other party seems to be a commonplace attitude.

"Because it is is the space so spacious..." I didn't feel like I walked into the door and looked at the surrounding environment.

"Today is your duty." The one sitting at the table opened again.

After getting closer, I didn’t realize that this guy is also a npc with a strange look...

This person's face, scored on three levels... First of all, his bottom layer of skin is like a rocky texture, pitted. The faint light is revealed; then, on this layer of skin, a thin layer of pale green hair grows, and it looks quite supple... Finally, on the outer layer of the face, it is a layer of material like a fence. Interlaced over the face. The texture is very similar to human nails.

When I saw this face, I immediately uttered three sentences in my mind: "What is the purpose of your coming to the earth? Are you a performance art? Are you itchy?"

Of course, he will not really say these words.

"Well, it's me." After quickly glanced at the other's badge, I heard that he was "How are you going tonight... Frank?"

"It's still the same." Frank replied. "We have people who have been in the shift for 72 hours (some monsters only sleep for a few days), when are the same." He said, looking up and swiping his eyes, "You come right, can help me cut "Is Apple?" He gave up an apple on the table.

I don’t know when I heard this request. I can't help but feel a bit strange, my heart: This guy will not peel himself? And... how does he know that there is a folding knife on my body?

Although some are suspicious. But in order not to show off, I did not know what to do according to the other party’s words. He picked up the apple and leaned on the edge of his desk, facing a trash can and began to flatten the fruit.

"Thank you, I am bothering you every time." Frank said, putting down the magazine in his hand and taking the documents and pen at his desk. "Are you coming to the Earl to get blood?"

"This guy shouldn't be able to read other people's thoughts..." Feng Shou snarled, "Impossible... Has he already seen me?"

"Ah... yes." The cold sweat of the buddy squats down, but on the surface it still makes a very normal look, responding to each other with a calm tone.

"Well, I just need to fill in a few documents." Frank said, he was busy with his head. "You wait a little."

At this time, I didn’t realize that Frank’s left hand seemed to have a disability. His left hand had no fingers, only two short stones (for him, meat) protruding out of the palm. Frank could barely use this hand to hold the paper, but he certainly couldn't hold the apple or the knife.

"You are such a good person, Leicester." Frank said. "Oh... I don't know who will come over and cut the apple for me after you left." He said, shaking his head and sighing again.

"Oh..." Feng Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Maybe... the views of other people are different from yours. Are there many people who are looking forward to me?"

I remember that I remember very clearly that the opening paragraph of the script was mentioned in the opening... "No one likes you, Leicester"; "The personnel department has decided to fire you, you will be replaced by a husband who is about to retire... Everyone thinks he can do better than you..."

"What are you talking about?" Frank looked up and his eyes brightened. "You are the most popular employee here... although you often do unruly things, you are helping everyone. Busy. I heard that the Dean is determined to expel you, everyone is very upset."

"What?" The hand that stopped Apple's hand stopped, and his look changed slightly. He asked, "Wait... that... Chad? Should he want me to go?"

"What happened to you today? I said something weird." Frank replied inexplicably. "You and Chad are the best friends. They have been dead parties from preschool to high school." He sighed slightly. "I know that after his sister died, Chad has been unable to get out of the shadow of grief. For this reason, he still angered you, but I think you will be reconciled after all..."

Unexpectedly, I heard this and suddenly changed my mind and my mind turned sharply: "What happened... It’s not the same as the beginning of the script..." Suddenly, his flash of light flashed, "Wait... if that The person who speaks... is the dean..."


Two minutes later, Feng Shuai cut the apple and placed it in front of Frank. He smiled and said, "Okay, man."

Frank said: "Ah... I have to be busy here for a while." He tilted his head slightly. "B-type blood is in the old place, in the 17th cabinet, you can take two bags at random."

"Okay." Feng did not feel a sigh, went to the wall and opened the freezer, took out two packs of b-type blood.

Then he turned and walked toward the door.

"Oh... I asked by the way." When he came to the door, he stopped and went back. "You should know that it is date and time, Frank?"

This is a very obvious thing. A person who has been in shifts in the underground blood bank for 72 hours should always have a timed thing. Otherwise... if the person who picks up his class has not come, he will probably stay unknowingly...

"Now is..." Frank didn't look at any clocks or instruments. His eyes suddenly became very serious. "December 6th, 3:30 in the morning." He paused and looked up at his brother's eyes. "Lester... Your time is really not much."

He is not the first person (or ghost) to remind Lester to pay attention to "time"... but the system has never given any relevant hints.

"I will be as soon as possible, rest assured." Feng did not feel the way, then, he was silent for two seconds, before leaving the house, still left a sentence, "You ... take care."

At this point, I feel that my brother’s eyes are awe-inspiring. He seems to have already known what...

He walked into the elevator and returned to the second floor, and then ran in the corridor.

"Sure enough..." Feng Shou ran and said, "When I 'be aware of', the physiological reaction appeared..." He looked down at his hand and the whole palm became purple-black.

"Call..." He tried to breathe out a breath, and the result was a white fog.

"There is not much time." Feng did not feel the heart. "The props that are still unclear are... a white sock, a backup key that I don't know what door to open, and a small mirror... I hope I can use it. Go on it..." He glanced at his palm again. "Call... After handing over the task of delivering blood, go to the third floor anyway... According to the current situation, hold up to an hour at most. ... Lester’s 'body' will die..."

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