Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 561: Me, clown (1)

The script is based on the DC comic "Batman-I, Joker". If there is similarity, it is no coincidence.


[Insane, level 43]

[Sigh, level 40]

[Like the rain, level 40]

[sorrowful smile, level 40]

[Please select the game mode that the team wants to join. 】

[You choose the team survival mode (general), please confirm. 】

[Your team is joining the team survival mode (general), the random number of team has been generated: four people. 】

[Your team has entered the queue and is searching for other individuals or teams that are ready. 】

[Matching is complete, coordinating neural connections, script generation...]

[Load start, please wait a moment. 】

"Welcome to...Stunning Paradise." A low male voice, read the opening remarks.

[Loading is complete, currently you are working on team survival mode (normal). 】

[This mode provides a brief introduction to the script and has a chance to have a spur/hidden mission and a special worldview. 】

[Screen Customs Clearance: Randomly select a piece of equipment corresponding to the level. 】

[A brief introduction to the script will be played, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

After the system prompts the play, the players immediately cut into the first person view of the title CG.

In front of their eyes, there was a night sky.

There, you can't see the moon and the stars, but you can see the light of countless colors.

Green, blue, yellow, purple, white, and black... piece by piece, like the paint splashing on the canvas, smearing the night sky.

Under the night sky, it is a city.

In the eyes of Feng Shou, it is familiar, but strange.

Just like the same person drawn by two different cartoonists, there must be two very different temperaments.

"Is it Gotham..." Feng Shou said, "What is this story like this..."

[Maybe Bruce will never think that there will be such a future. 】

The voice of the man before. As a narration, the narrative began: [Gaotan City, became a place where the order is strong and the power is in power. 】

[People in the city, all with extreme fear, and fanatical religious worship, stumbled at the foot of the same "God." 】


[This is his name. Of course, people will also call him God, His Royal Highness, King of Gotham. Or... Batman. 】

[He certainly isn't the real Bruce_Wayne. The legend of the first generation of Batman has been a long time ago. 】

[He is a descendant of Batman, inherited the man of the cloak, the ruler of Gotham. 】

"It turns out that this is the work of this singularity..." When I heard this, I already knew the general plot of the script. Because he had seen this cartoon before. As long as he searches in the hall of thinking. The outline of the whole story will emerge; no matter how long, some details will be clear.

However, it is also very clear to me that the established scripts appearing in "Thriller Paradise" may not necessarily follow the plot of the original. If you rely too much on your understanding of the original plot, it is likely to be a big loss.

[December 21, the longest night of the year, chase and challenge night. The narration is still going on.

[Same as in previous years. The "ritual" begins with the castle - the cathedral with the dark batwing belonging to The_Bruce. 】

With the narration, the camera slowly moved down, and a majestic castle appeared in the CG picture.

It is a typical Gothic building with tall towers, arches erected and large stained glass windows. On the outside of the building there are huge flying buttresses, slender beam columns, and a high platform like a cliff (can also be regarded as a balcony, but without a top and walls, only a circle of stone guardrails).

"Long live bat!" On a high platform with a semicircular outward convexity, a man with gray hair, glasses and a brown trench coat shouted a slogan. This man who looks like a fifties. No matter how you look at it, it is like the Gordon director of the year.

"Let's bat!" "King of Gotham!" There are thousands of people gathered in the streets. They wear fancy costumes (future costumes, but they look like they are very cheap and tattered, to describe them... like It is the gangster version of the Saiyan battle suit.) Raise his hands and look up at the people on the castle platform. And a devout shout.

“What day is it today?” the man at the height shouted, “Who am I?”

"Blood-washed night!" "The_Gordon!" There was a burst of response in the crowd.

"Yes, I am Gordon, your highest chief executive. The prophet of His Royal Highness, Bruce, indicates the messenger he came!" He shouted screamingly, "Call the bat! Praise him for the killing of Gotham!"

[This is the night of purification. 】

[Tonight, the villains who have been enemies with Batman will be "resurrected"... and Batman will kill them again. 】

[So, this is also the endless night...]

"Look... your old enemies have woke up from death!" The man who called himself "Gordon" was still speaking passionately, "...and once again bound by the power of His Royal Highness Bruce."

As he spoke, four cylindrical glass cabins slowly emerged from the building. In each glass column, there is a person fixed by a metal shackle.

As long as you have seen Batman comics, you can easily identify who they are...

"Joker, Halle Quinn, Harley_Quinn, Two_Face, Poison_Ivy..." Gordon reported the identity of four people one by one, then paused. "The ceremony requires that all of them be released from the bondage..." He said that he suddenly laughed.

His laughter was clearly played out through the mouthpiece. On the big screen everywhere in the city, all of them are showing off his face and the terrible laugh...

"...the horror from a hundred years ago will re-sweep the streets, explode, fire, cry, scream..." Gordon quickly called. "Only bats can save you! Bats sympathize with your fears, share with you Hatred... He will reward your faith with the blood of those who are evil!"

This guy is a god-like gesture, dancing and distorted, speaking and preaching...

"Long live Batman!" "Long live the king of Gotham!" "Long live The_Bruce!" The city shouted like this.

At the same time, CG's lens is in the doldrums.

But see... At the height of the castle, a solitary, strong figure has unfolded the black "double wings" that landed on the top of the city.

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