Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 743: Unparalleled Wudou (13)

The words are divided into two...

The battle on the stage of the martial arts is just around the corner, and the ancient city is also undercurrent.

But when it was said that the Qing dynasty was turned into a magical city, it just entered the city gate and met the dead rival.

"Uncle over there." A feminine female voice suddenly appeared on the side of Pingqingsheng. "Recently... you seem to be very busy."

Ping Qingsheng didn't have to look back, so he knew who he was talking about, so he just sneered: "Hey... are you monitoring me?"

"Oh..." I smiled and smiled. I walked forward with a brisk walk and went around the quirky front. "I am not interested in your family. I want to monitor... I am willing to monitor Zhou Yu or Asai. Such a handsome guy."

The self in this series of "unparalleled orochi" is a fox. She wears a gorgeous moon-crowned headdress, a purple hair braided into several long squats, divided shoulders and necks behind; its looks are delicate, youthful, and two pointed fox ears from the hair She was wearing a set of blouses, and her body was sturdy. The legs were pretty avant-garde wearing fine silk stockings, and the arms and waist were wrapped with gauze long hair. There are no boots on the feet, and a pair of raccoon feet are directly exposed.

"You didn't answer my question." Ping Qing Sheng will not be led by his own nose. He burst into the blood and broke the intention of the other party to open the subject.

"Ping Qing Sheng, why do you know what to ask?" He has heard the words, his face is suddenly cold, just like a girl's spoiled voice and tone, instantly became the Queen's voice.

"Since everyone understands people..." Pingqing Sheng slowly turned his head and forced his eyes to look at his own eyes. "That's a slap in the face..." He raised his hand and turned his hand in the palm of his hand. "You sent me to monitor me." People, have been 'processed' by this seat... If you still want to send me to monitor me later, it is best to find a smart point..."

"Since everyone understands people..." He has learned the other person's tone and replied without hesitation. "Then you should tell me what you are... What are you planning?"

"What do you want to do in this seat, you don't need to report to you." The meaning of Ping Qingsheng's reply can also be interpreted like this - no way.

"Oh... anyway, it’s not a good thing." He said, "Ah~" She resumed the soft, lazy tone. "Would you like to tell Yuan Luzhi adults?"

"Do you think Yuan Luzhi will care?" Ping Qingsheng said, "If you really think so, then I can only say... you are a self-proclaimed ‘heart sergeant’, but that’s it.”

I have heard the words, the anger is rising sharply, and the murderous gas is exposed: "Smelly monk... It is best not to let me catch your attempt to betray the handle of Yuan Lvzhi adults..." When she said this, she was already gnashing her teeth.

"Betrayal..." Ping Qingsheng repeated these two words. "You don't think... Is it more like a traitor to the far-thinking traitor?" Gently recited, "Although this seat also believes that Yuan Luzhi will not lose to anyone, but you are asking for trouble and threats. What is your heart?"

"Oh..." He sneered, "I told you it is also white..." She said, she turned and went before she left, only to tell the true meaning of her waiting here. In the time, Yuan Luzhi Wang said that something is going to call you... take a trip with me."


"Is there something wrong..."

Looking at the scene of the fighting party... I was so depressed when I heard the announcement of the statue of the newspaper.

"I just came, my **** hasn't been hot yet... just quote my name?" He said nothing, because he really sat on the ground.

The reason for the feeling of sitting down is very simple. The damage after fighting with the sad spirit has not fully recovered. Sitting can recover faster than standing...

"It's really awkward..." Feng Jie swept his eyes on the game menu, Shen Shendao, "survival value 65, fitness value 2021, spiritual value 102... um..." He bit his teeth and went to the stage, "use This state is against the people of the world...not very good..."

"And slow!" At this moment, one person suddenly screamed and jumped into the ring.

But see that person... It’s nine feet long and two feet long. If the face is heavy, the lips are fat, the eyes are bright, and the silkworms are like fog. He wore a single green robe flower robes, a lion's belt, a pair of thorns and unicorns, and a pair of green dragons and knives.

There is a saying... The heroic spirit is in the ages, and the heroic style is Wanfuqi. Do you have a sacred temple, and who is loyal and brave?

This unparalleled hero, who is not on the stage, is not Guan Yunchang, or who?

"You..." Guan Yu looked around the ring and said, "The deceased is big, let me take them down, and then..."


Just in this second, suddenly... The black iron array on the stage spit out blood, coughed, and then read in a less friendly tone: "Who are you dead?"

"Hey - ah cough... ah cough..."

Two seconds later, Tang Youjing also spit out an old blood and read: "I feel that I can still rescue..."

"Oh..." Guan Yu was stunned, and he said, "You didn't die anymore..."

After all, Guan Erye is undoubtedly loyal and unparalleled. If the two are dead, he will come up, and then he will help. So, Guan Yu single-handedly, the two spit blood swordsmen (when they appeared on the scene, there were many shots of coughing and vomiting blood, but they were never because they were cut, they were all wrong with the rickets). I fell down from the ring.

He only walked about ten meters, and four people came around. Guan Yu glanced and found that there were three familiar faces, and the stranger left was a strangely dressed young girl.

"Off the general, the little girl is a little bit of medical skills. If it is convenient, let me see them." The flowers made a glimpse of Guan Yu and said.

"Well..." Guan Yu is still hesitating...

The justice trio has already spoken: "Guan Yu is an adult, please rest assured that the adults in the flower are very reliable partners."

"Yes, my foot injury is the cure of the worship of the public. The medical skills can be described as dead bones and rejuvenation."

"Guan Yu, I will help you put them down."

"It turns out that..." Guan Yu still trusts the three middle-aged youths in front of them. Since they all say that flowers are trustworthy, they should be fine.

So, the flower room began to treat the two swordsmen who had been eliminated...

Her strategy in this script, I think you have already seen the clues... The flowers know that fighting for positive strength, her medical professional player who has just reached the 40th level is definitely not the opponent of other people, I want to rely on It is almost impossible to fight into the final list of the Fighting Party. So... her plan is to "take advantage of the situation", and to get as much help as possible under the premise of ensuring her own safety, and when the situation changes, she will be able to win the game...

"Oh...she wants to use the power of npc to fight against us..." After this episode, I stepped on the ring and couldn’t help but look at the flower room, my heart, "very correct. Choosing... This may be the only strategy that might win her, if I would do the same."

Just as he was distracted, his opponent had jumped from the opposite side to the stage.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha...” The mad dragon just laughed and appeared, and it made a chilling smile, and screamed with the voice of inner strength. “Who is the world mad? I am proud of the martial arts. A smile flips the waves of the rivers and lakes, and the mad dragon is a king!"

The poem is stunned and the figure is fixed.

The mad dragon laughed with a green hair, and the long hair fell to the chest, and the hair behind the head was entangled into a giant whip, like a dragon tail. His hairline is similar to the Saiyan prince. It seems that bald and bald, the raised brow bone, the green monster on his face and the whiskers on his chin make him look fierce.

In terms of wear, he wore a white robe and black clothes. The clothes were dotted with many green scales. The weapon "reverse scales" was carried behind him, but it was a chain with a tooth edge.

"Oh... the poem is good..." Feng Shou silently put on [smiley face], and laughed and said, "I can afford a word of madness."

"Ha ha ha..." The mad dragon laughed again. "What are you counting? Also pairing me with a commentary?"

"You don't even know me, I am still proud of it, laughing like Obasan in the demon shop..." I will never lose to anyone on the spray, " say you Is it stupid or awkward? Xiaolong Long~"

"Well?" The smile of the mad dragon has stopped, and it is anger.

"Of course, you and I know it well... you are not stupid, not only stupid, but also very clever." Feng did not know, "So... the answer to my question is already coming out."

"Ha! Hahahaha..." The mad dragon laughed again, but this laugh is completely different from the previous one. "Do you seem to know me very well?"

"Alright." Feng Jie said, "To sum up is... you are a sister, but your sister is not waiting to see you. Your life is entangled in this abnormal metamorphosis, everything you do is actually It is full of contradictions; as a person who is extremely rational in the bones, you have chosen to be crazy, because some degree of madness can make you cover up your true feelings and relieve your inner pain. So, you are creating pain and self-satisfaction for yourself. Under the double extreme emotions, I practiced a madness and stupidity, and it became a tragedy that hurts others."

"Isn't it crazy..." Listening to this, the mad dragon smiled and showed awe-inspiring color. "Well, I remember your name." During the speech, his hand has reached out to the "reverse scales" behind him. ".

"What is the name of me? Remember when you are abandoning the Emperor?" Feng Shui replied in a lazy tone. "Like your goods, this uncle can lay down twenty-five in a second. You are now acknowledging a mistake, and by the way, you can recognize another loss. Maybe I can spare you a life."

"Ha!" The mad dragon laughed and bullied. "Kid! You thought I couldn't see it... Are you delaying time!"

The voice has not fallen, and the cold man has arrived.

I don’t know what to do, but I don’t feel it. It is not difficult to flash this trick with the ability to calculate the zero time difference.

"It is useless to make a mystery." The next move of the mad dragon is followed. "If you are much stronger than me, why do you have to tell me a lot of nonsense!"

Bell -

The sound of the chain trembles brings out another round of offensive.

The blade edge flew away, and the blade smashed the wind and waved. The curved shape would cover the majority of the body.

"Cut ... so ridiculed that he did not lose his senses..." Feng did not feel leaping, and whispered softly, "Sure enough... the madman is actually the most sober."

"Where is it going up?" The mad dragon saw that his brother was in the air and his mouth was slightly raised. "That would be easy!"

The mad dragon with a sense of sharpness (an artifact that enhances the five senses and makes the thoughts more clear, but with the influence of the mind will be greatly affected) is compared to the small sigh that opened the [Eagle Eye Vision]. And no more. In the battle, he can take the enemy aircraft first.

"The horror of the dragon!"

In the face of the leaping of the seal, the mad and mad knife, such as evil dragons flying, rising to the sky.

"Too naive!" Feng Shou screamed, and in this battle, he spared no effort in provocative, "!"

The same as [岚岚], the seal does not feel through repeated practice, so that [month step] has also derived a variety of usages, such as the current trick, is through three consecutive high-speed leaps, so that the whole person along the zigzag track Radical skills.

"Who is innocent?" The strength and fighting ability of the mad dragon is by no means a leisure. When he sees the movement of his brother, he knows that the other party wants to attack and attack, so he immediately shakes his sleeve and manipulates the sky. The chain twisted, and a chain net was laid out, which was stopped on the propulsion route of Jue.

"Don't let it be..." Feng Buji saw the situation in time, and jumped again in the air. "Then I will not come, give you two gifts to play!" and took two out of his arms. Grenade, thrown at the mad dragon.

The two grenade passed through the gap of the chain net and fell to the side of the mad dragon. Although the latter did not know that these two are sly things, they probably can guess that they are some kind of offensive weapons, so...

"Drink--" mad dragon Nayuan spit, anger to murder, "Dragon Dragon Ghost!"

Invisible power, like a bucket-shaped pocket to the air, in the moment of contact with the grenade, the impact of the force will explode it.

Boom - bang -

The sound of the explosion, brought out a piece of broken iron, and raised the dust of the sky.

This moment, two insidious madmen, did the same thing... the dark weapon.


Messy noise, flowing brilliance.

The mad dragon laughed and snorted, and the green scales on his body collapsed dozens of green awns and swept away.

Unconsciously, he also sighed and sacrificed death poker. [Hunting] special effects were launched on time, and hundreds of Jinmang attacked the enemy.

For a time, the energy of the two colors interlaced in the air... The thunder is like a thunder, and it runs like electricity, and it is scattered for a long time. The range of nearly 100 meters around the two was involved in a chaotic blast.

"Ha ha ha ... you villain! Want to count me?" The mad dragon succumbed to a few feet, while chaining the block, while brazenly shouting, "There are so many hidden weapons on your body, first of all, the two will explode. The stuff, and then there are these golden streams..."

"What do you say? Where do I use the hidden weapon?" To be thicker than the face, I can't lose it if I don't feel it. "I just called the Northern Fighter Thunder Boxing. Now this is called the chase, all of which are long-range and long-range attacks. Why do you want to say it?" He turned his head. "It's you... I snorted with the sound of pulling out a scorpion, and quietly released so many hidden weapons to me. This kind of awkward behavior is really ugly. ""

Looking at the performance of these two in the ring, the other contestants in the audience have been ashamed. It is a mountain that has a mountain height, and a pit has a deep hole... These two sets are crazy, crazy, overcast and sturdy. And the unscrupulous strength of the players, it is really eye-opening.

"Also 'Northern Fighter Thunder Boxing'... You and Jia Ji (the third in the bottom of the Beidou Shenquan, is the worst disciple of strength and character)..." Even Xiaoshen couldn’t help it. In the audience, I spit a sentence.

"I want to use words to test my position? It seems that your eyesight is not good, mad!" On the stage, the mad dragon once again understood and debunked the intention of the buddy. When he said this, he kept moving. , so that your own voice suddenly left and right, suddenly before and after, erratic.

"Are you talking to me?" The airborne brother took out the voice changer and turned the voice into a state of practicing Emei (sister of the mad dragon), imitating the tone of the white mouth, "Little Dragon Dragon?"

In the light and shadow of smoke and dust, suddenly the voice of my sister came, so that the heart of the mad dragon shocked.

In the past, mad dragons used the weaknesses of others to fight, irritate, and even play with each other in battle to control the battle. But today, he is confronted with a person he does not understand at all - mad.

The advantage on the intelligence level has made the buddy become the master of this battle, and the mad dragon has become the person being played.

"Ah--" After the breath, the mad dragon was angry, real anger, he knew that the voice was imitated by the opponent, and his sister would never talk to himself in that tone. "You are a hateful boy! I want you to die!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The maddening laughter came from the seal, and what he used was still the sound of the eyebrows. "I am already dead, Xiaolong, you are killed, remember?"

"Give me to death!" The mad dragon screamed and stood up, grabbing the blade of the scales and rushing in the direction of the sound.

"What's wrong? How do you feel the death of a loved one?" The seal didn't feel the other person's hook, immediately opened [], the moon stepped, only retreat, the words in the mouth, the sentence is like a knife, "regret Is it painful? Sad? Is it unwilling?"

"Ah--" The speed of the mad dragon has also accelerated, and its killing move [] has been ready to go, can only catch up with the opponent, the extreme move will come out.

"Oh, yes..." At this moment, Suddenly, he suddenly put away the voice changer and asked in his own voice. "You don't think... have you made some mistakes?"

His words seem to be a kind reminder.

But this word is introduced into the mad dragon's ear, but it is like a fatal word.

When a person reminds his opponent in the battle, it is clear that he is winning. R1152


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