Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 763: Super-dimensional chaos (33) collapse?

The words are divided into two...

At the same time, Wushuangyuan North, in a canyon.

"Call..." A blond man with a green striped hat on a white background and a green kimono is busy in front of an instrument. He still has a word in his mouth. "This [square magnetic north return] is really easy to use, you guys The magic of the universe is really powerful."

Beside him, a gorgeous purple jewel swayed the purple dragon fan and smiled and said: "Mr. Puyuan really loves to laugh... In front of your [Blood Jade], how many magic weapons can be called 'excellent' It..."

The two of the dialogue, one is called Puyuan Xizhu (the characters in "bleach", the former 12th team captain, the former director and founder of the Technology Development Bureau), and the other is Shulou Longsu (the first dragon of Confucianism) One of the tops of the Three Religions).

"Ah, haha... The dragon is laughing." Puyuan smiled inscrutablely. "The kind of uncontrollable ‘dangerous goods’ is not a magic weapon. It is best to seal it up...”

"Give me away!" Suddenly, a scream from the distance interrupted their conversation.

At this time, on the other side of the canyon, those who "lighted up" are listening to Zhuge Liang to explain what was just transmitted.

But there is one person who only wants to leave when he listens to the beginning.

And that person... is Lu Fengxian.

"You can't go." A white scorpion stopped in front of Lu Bu and refused to let him pass.

This monk...the top of the meat, the long hair, the white point, the solemnity of the law; wearing a white cloak, carrying a single sword, is upright. If you don't look at the hairstyle, no one will think that he is a monk. Most of them will think that he is a swordsman.

"Oh...the Buddha said..." Lu Bu recognized this person because he had had a previous experience. "Can you stop me?"

Buddha sword did not answer this question, more often. He likes to use action instead of language.

So, this moment... his hand slowly extended to the sword behind him.

"And slow!" Zhuge Liang standing on the high side quickly came out to play the round field. " have no reason to fight. It is also a waste of effort to make a big effort here..."

After all, Kong Mingxiong looked at the Buddha's sword and said, "Master, since General Lu is determined to go, you will go by him..." He stunned for half a second. In a consistently calm voice, "This attack on the ancient city... even if he did not lead the way, I have a way..."

Zhuge Jun is still a very reliable person. He said so, the Buddha sword is naturally reassuring.

Therefore, the Buddha sword opened the way and let Lu Bu leave.

And Kong Ming also returned to a rock on a high place. Then, if he had not finished it before, he said to everyone in a loud voice: "In short... the reason why you came here is... when you enter the enchantment of the river. It has been marked by the 'engraving' that we have buried in advance. The instrument made by Mr. Urahara, the magic of Mr. Jehoo Gangshi, and the holy man (Cihangdu, the world figure, the original work has been lost.) The script was also in the early stage and was killed by Yuan Luzhi.) We will be here."

"Can I ask a question..." At this time, the seal in the crowd opened up. He did not wait for the other party to answer his "can" or "can't" and asked directly. "Is there any basis for screening people who are sent here, and those who stay there?"

"Well?" Kong Ming heard. I looked at my brother deeply and then returned. "Of course there is..."

He hasn't started to explain. Sima Yi, who is standing on the side of his side and playing soy sauce, stepped forward and said, "Oh... this is not clear... Since we can do it on the enchantment of the Fire River, we can naturally play it. Do the same thing on the enchantment of Taiwan."

"Oh~" I felt that my brother nodded and thought thoughtfully. "So... the person who was sent over, regardless of the outcome, has been on the stage... right?"

Obviously, I feel that there is a rule of screening in my heart. He asked this question, but he wanted to prove his own inference.

"Also." Kong Ming Ying said, "In addition to Mr. Lonely Hou and Mr. Jie Lu, the person who was sent here is accompanied by two engravings on the enchantment of the Fire River and the martial arts enchantment. Those who were not transmitted on the side of the martial arts... all have only one mark of the enchantment of the Fire River."

Here, add a thing that Kong Ming did not explain, that is, the four people, such as Cang, Fengzhi, Yuanwu and Heizi, are all people who know the layout in advance. They planned from the beginning to stay in the martial arts stage, and used the Xuan Zang sword to trap Yuan Luzhi. Therefore, several of them have already discussed it... Don't be present in the first two days of the Fighting Party. Wait until the third day and then split into the Fire River enchantment. This will reduce the probability of being called. Of course, even if they are called, they will immediately abstain.

"Oh... it turned out to be..." After listening to Kong Ming’s answer, he couldn’t help but feel secret. “The difference for us players is... the player who fought on the stage will be sent here; and’ Players who have not fought on the battle and 'opted to abstain from being called a name will stay in the martial arts." He swept his eyes on the game menu and looked at the two ids of [Seven Kills] and [Stones on the Flower] Dao, "Although it is somewhat different from my previous speculation, but the general meaning is similar... The person who stays on the side of the martial arts will undoubtedly be more dangerous..." He looked at his eyes and looked at the crowd. If the rain and Xiaoshen (the first thing I did after I was sent to the ground was to lock the positions of the two people), "And the three players who have fallen over the platform have come to a relative existence. In the 'order' environment, it is still in a state of 'not very convenient for people to start.'"

"Cough... then... now..." After a while, Lonely Hou also jumped on the high rock and coughed and said to everyone. "Please don't be awkward... cough... cough..." Listen to him It’s really hard to talk, “As Mr. Kong Ming said, all the people who came here, whether they win or lose, have been on the collapse... Cough... Since it’s been down, it’s going to be somewhat” Lifting your finger to a light and shadow behind the crowd, "We asked the net glass bodhisattva to treat the injury for everyone."

The "net glass bodhisattva" in his mouth is also from the world, but the Buddha's congenital superior.

Bodhisattva is a pale yellow blouse, with a light-filled body, a dignified and dignified temperament, and a temperament of super-dust; great wisdom, great compassion, obedience to Buddhism, and righteousness. As the spring breeze is as friendly as people, people can't help but admire.

The treatment ability of the net glass bodhisattva is not comparable to that of “the mortal means”; the pure physical level of injury (surgery) is basically a matter of course, basically as long as there is a tone... he/she (bodhisattva has no clear gender) To save back; for those special injuries, such as strange poisons, abnormal gods, root damage... Bodhisattva also has a certain way.

At this time, the net glass bodhisattva accepted the words of loneliness, and explained to the crowd: "The place has already been laid down. When you step on it, I have begun to treat you, and then wait for a cup of tea. You can complete... ..."

"Well... no wonder my survival, physical strength, and spiritual power are all in high-speed recovery..." Feng Shou immediately thought, "It seems that the players who are sent here are not as big as the average..."

"After the recovery of the injuries..." A few seconds later, the Zhuge military division opened the door again. "The three instincts will lead everyone to launch the general attack on the ancient city..."

"At present, Yuan Luzhi has been trapped in the martial arts..." Sima Yi added, "It’s a must-have... We have to use this gap to capture the ancient city and destroy the seals in the city... The order can be restored. All the world will be returned."

"That..." At this moment, the guy who hates it, and then interjected and asked, "There are three things... I don't quite understand..."

"Oh..." Zhuge Liang chuckled. He has already seen it. The kid is not "not understanding". On the contrary, he understands better than anyone else. Therefore, there is such a question.

Unspeakable behavior, described in a very appropriate word, is "the edge of the side." The northern dialect is "child care." The question is imaginary, the actual is to help Zhuge Liang to explain the situation more systematically.

"Well, I know what you have to ask." Kong Mingyu fan swayed and smiled back. "One of them... In the case of Yuan Luzhi living, the demon army can be resurrected in the ancient city of Guzhi, this is indeed a very Tricky questions... So, we will only set aside time to heal for you. I believe that with the strength of the presence, as long as the injury is restored... I will be able to take advantage of the situation and capture the fact that there is no far-reaching wisdom. Ancient Chicheng."

"Oh oh..." I didn't feel it while listening, and nodded there while pretending.

"The second thing you have to ask..." Then, Sima Yi also looked at him and shook his black feather fan. "...Is it about whether the seal in the city can be successfully broken?" He likes to grab Kong Ming. The brother’s words seem to prove that he is more savvy than the latter. “You don’t have to worry about this... We have planned such a large-scale operation, and we will be negligent in the most critical aspects?”

"Oh... it sounds very sure..." Hearing this, the heart can already conclude that there is an undercover in this ancient city.

Whether it is Kong Ming’s sentence, “This attack on the ancient city... even if he did not lead the way, I have a way”, or the words of Sima Yi at the moment, all reveal this information.

"As for the third thing..." Sima Yi said, Lonely Hou then answered. "I forgive me... I don't know how long Cang can trap Yuan Luzhi, but... the string head has been realized, even if it is dead. When the soul is destroyed and the sky is empty, he will also complete his mission and do his best to drag the distant Lu Zhi for us..."

"What are we waiting for?" In the crowd, a man in a white sleeveless karate suit and a headband tied his head. "My injury is not a big problem. It is enough to deal with the magic army of Yuan Luzhi." Let's take the time to attack, maybe we will move faster... the string will be saved!"

"Yes, I don't want to owe anyone."

"Oh... it’s just a matter of killing anything..."

"I don't think there are any three innate ways to lead the way, and this uncle can also break into the ancient city."

The hundreds of people present at the scene are obviously not fuel-efficient lights... For a time, the crowd is full of enthusiasm.

Justice, dignity, self-confidence, loneliness... Everyone has their own beliefs and personalities, but at the moment, their voices are the same... After hearing that they are willing to sacrifice for the overall situation, they all feel that they have been burdened Something. Only by assaulting Guzhicheng as soon as possible can we calm down.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Just at this time, suddenly, the sky came with a seductive laughter.

What followed was the rolling tide that was overwhelming.




Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, and Lonely Hou three people showed a dignified color in the same second.

"A group of ridiculous ants, gather here to sneak up and plan what?" When he asked this question, the scorpion magic has already fallen to the canyon, turning into tens of thousands of magic soldiers, and her foxes It also appeared in front of everyone, "It’s better to talk to me." (To be continued...)


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