Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 772: Super-dimensional chaos (42) confrontation, skillful, engraved

After the return of the blade, Lu Zhizhi, turned into an eight-headed eight-tailed monster.

This huge snake locust has a cloud of clouds on its head, and its eyes are like sorrel, and it looks like a dragon.

In front of this size of monsters, fists, swords, and guns have obviously lost their meaning.

The number of Super-Dimensions in the field was not much. In this case, they chose to evacuate. Anyway, their tasks have been completed, and even if they stay here, they will not play any role, and they may be killed and killed.

Only two people, still standing near the stage of the Wutai, did not move.

These two people are naturally sealed and Li Ruoyu.

"You don't run?" In the demon wind, I felt as if I was standing in front of my own five meters away.

"Do not run." If the rain raised one hand, caress the cheeks and hair, and chilled back.

"It’s very dangerous to stay here." Feng did not remind him.

"You are the same." If the rain says, the hand has been placed on the sword on the waist.

There is a clear understanding between the two people. They all understand that no matter how strong the wave ss in this script is, the real threat to the players is still from each other.

"I stay here, just out of curiosity, I want to see what results they will make." Feng Shu said.

"Is it?" If the rain is cold, the brother calmly exposes the latter. "I thought you wanted to wait for Yuan Luzhi to tell the whereabouts of the collapsed jade."

"Oh, huh..." I didn’t know how to laugh, but laughed and said nothing.

If the rain is to pick up: "In this situation, you must not leave, I will accompany you to watch the show."

At this moment, they can already face each other with swords. But... both of them chose to stay awake.

They all know in their hearts... Beside these three monsters, even if they only watch the battle, they need considerable concentration, otherwise they may be killed by the energy that has flowed out. If the player is fighting here, he has to run the risk of being defeated by third-party factors. If the rain is obviously not willing to do this.

Therefore, I will not be willing to stay here. In this way, he can calm down the information revealed in the wave ss battle, and can temporarily delay the battle between himself and the rain, which can be described as two birds.


On the other hand, the ancient city of South, a city lane.

After the start of the chaos, many people and large units in the Super-Dimensional Army dispersed. After all, there are a large number of demon troops. In contrast, the super-dimension army has a strong individual combat capability, but the number is only a few hundred. It is inevitable that some people will gradually leave the battle.

Between the flowers, just unconsciously, the order was placed...

"Oh... finally got a good chance..." At this time, in the dark, the seven kills that have been crouching for a long time finally feel that the time is ripe and ready to attack.

His speed is very fast, and his shot is decided. From approaching the opponent to making moves. But only two seconds.

After two seconds, a move [] is in the middle of the target. With the estimate of seven kills, this player is enough to deal with a player who specializes in medical specialization.

"The game is the game. You can not blame me." After the seven kills, I turned back and read.

However, the next second... enters the scene of his sight, but makes him look awkward.


But see. The "flowers" that are just attacked, like wax patterns, begin to dissolve and disperse in the ground.

"Replacement?" The seven kills reacted to the moment. The line of sight swelled, and soon... he captured a figure ten meters away.

When he said that it was too late, he stepped on his feet and chased himself. In the blink of an eye, he was deceived to the distance of two meters between the flowers.

Unexpectedly, the same second, another figure, appeared in the back of the flower.

That figure is not someone else, it is Wang Xizhi.

It turned out that ... hiding in the dark, trying to assassinate the people in the flower, not only seven kill one. As the saying goes, the oriole is behind. Xiao Yan stared at this man for a long time, and... He has already noticed the existence of the Seven Kills. Therefore, he has been waiting for the Seven Kills to shoot first, so that he can see the situation again.

If the seven kills succeed, the target of the small sigh attack will naturally be transferred to the seven kills; and if the first round of the seven kills fails, the small sigh can come out to fill the knife and kill the flower. .

"Oh... this kid... is really unrequited." At this moment, the seven killings secretly said, "Well, it’s okay to give him this kill, but it’s a skill value, one less opponent. Is a."

Xiao Shou’s thoughts at this time are similar to those of the Seven Kills: “It’s right to rush out without first rushing out. I know that the flowers will use the avatar wax doll, but... this skill can’t be used in a short time. Second time. This kill... I will accept it!"

One before, one after, the blade, the fist wind.

It is as strong as a wind, like a thunder.

Huajian is a medical specialization player, and the rank is the lowest among the people. She will become the target of the public, and it is inevitable. Previously, due to a lot of people, the players were always inconvenient to shoot the "Friends", but this time... no one is going to be, no need to be polite.

Seeing the enemy in the back of the flower, both are masters who are enough to kill them. It seems that...the number of her lives in this script is exhausted.

But... her face was not showing panic or despair, on the contrary, her mouth... still showing a sneer.

Ping! Ping!

In the next moment, two golden sounds sounded and two quick shadows appeared.

The sighs of Wang Sighzhi and the gloves of the Seven Kills were blocked.

Because... two of the world’s swordsmen have been killed like lightning, and they are guarded by the flowers.

"Cough... The adults in the flowers did not say anything wrong..." The orange right-handed sword trembled and forced the seven kills back a few feet.

"It turns out that the two of you are really the spies sent by Lu Zhizhi." The black iron squad was so weak that he forced Xiao sin to retreat ten meters.

Two swordsmen who have been cured after treatment have appeared on the scene, and the battlefield has changed.

At this point, the flowers are in a positive color. "That is, of course, I will lie to you..." She paused and looked at the seven kills and Xiaoshen respectively. "I said earlier, as long as I act alone, They will show their feet."

"Cut... I was put together." The seven killing face was heavy, and he said in his heart, "I thought I was a hunter, she was a prey. The result... I was a prey, and she... was a dare to put herself As a bait's high-definition hunter." At this point, his eyes changed slightly. "Oh... the **** front line guys, all of them are so difficult..."

"Well..." On the other side, Xiaoshen is imaginary, and his heart is in the heart. "There is a slap in the middle... This is the opposite of the army..."

Xiaoshen and the Seven Kills understand that in this case, the two of them were forced to the road. Explain... I am afraid it is superfluous, even though the two can tongue lotus, before the facts that have just happened, I am afraid that it will be pale and powerless; if I abandon the war and escape, the news that the two are "the distant Lu Zhijun traitors" will soon be Spread out. At that time, the ultra-dimensional army will chase them, and Lu Zhizhi will not be polite with them. In short, "there is no person inside or outside."

Therefore, there is only one choice left for them - just here, killing all the flowers, orange right Jing and black iron arrays, killing people and killing them. But... this is easy said. If they are a bunch of people, the problem is... they have to be wary of each other; from the scene, this is not two-on-three, but one-on-three...threesome One side still has treatment support, which is more advantageous and self-evident.

"No way... can only be **** the scalp." After thinking for a few seconds, there was no way to sigh, and decided to use force to solve the problem.

"Hey... hit it, don't kill all the people present." The situation of the seven kills is similar, compared to using his head... He is undoubtedly the type that prefers to solve problems with his fists.


At the same time, Guzhicheng, Tianshou.


With a loud bang, the gate of the Tianshou Pavilion was broken.

The demon army that was kept outside the door fell like a wheat, and it could not stop the army.

The wind marks, the source martial arts, the sunspots, the three high gestures in this mysterious swordsmanship are unstoppable, and come to Tianshou at the fastest speed.

After they broke through the gate, they initially peeped. They did not notice any organs or formations. There were no soldiers or magic guards inside the Tianshou Pavilion.

Seeing this scene, the three people were suspicious, but they did not hesitate too much. They just exchanged a look, then they went side by side and went straight to the top of the sky.

In less than a minute, they came to the top floor.

But see... this empty cabinet is spacious and nothing, just a stone sarcophagus filled with mantras in the middle. The coffin was caught by a heavy chain and the door was closed. The purple-black, fierce demon, bursting out from the shackles, makes people shudder.

"This thing... is the engraving of Yuan Luzhi's use of time and space..." The source of the Musashi view of the sinking.

"The eight achievements are right..." The black child answered. "This kind of demon can be a small one. If there is anything in this city that can be used to imprint, then there is only this stone."

"That... how is it now?" Source Musashi looked at the two people.

His doubts are also questions of the wind and the sunspot.

Even if they can be sure that this is engraving, what should we do with it? Now that the celebration is dead, the method of destroying the engraving is not known. If they do not operate properly, they will not be able to return to each time and space, but also bring other time and space into the room. Is it a joke?

"Opening up..." The trace of the wind thought for a moment, and said coldly, "...say."

"Well... it makes sense." The sunspot said, and picked up his own double flag. "It’s always wrong to open it first."

For this proposal, the source Musashi also had no opinion, so the three of them each shot and destroyed the chains on the stone.

At the time of the encounter, the savage smoldering out of the scorpion, the black wind smashed, and the door of the sarcophagus slowly opened.

After a few seconds, the things in the scorpion appeared in front of the three.

This moment, the source of martial arts, wind marks and sunspots, invariably use the exposed shocked expression, and said three words in unison: "Far Lu Zhi?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated fast!


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