Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 784: C-level crisis

Steve, located in the South Milky Way, has a population of about 7 billion; its volume is slightly smaller than that of the Earth, but the land area on the surface of the planet is about 40% larger than the Earth.

The climatic conditions are very similar to the Earth.

There are only fifteen countries on the planet, and they have been in the Federation for many years, and the coordination work between them is very good. Therefore, the population distribution and resource allocation on the planet are very average.

In short, this is a peaceful and prosperous planet.

Of course, no war or famine does not mean that no one will sin...

The St. Stars are a highly intelligent life very similar to the Earth, and their physical nature has determined their motives, forms, and content.

The gap between the rich and the poor, the level of social status, and even the appearance of the spouse can all be the cause of crime; driven by the original motive of "", it eventually turned into a criminal fact.

Where there is a crime, there is a policeman...

The policeman of St. Star is extremely outstanding. No matter the number, quality, equipment, efficiency... all are top-notch. It is absolutely impossible for you to see a policeman with a comet sitting in a police car eating a donut. You can never find any Sergeant police officer who is overweight or whose IQ is not up to standard.

Because there is no war on this planet, the federal system is also very stable, so 99% of the people can at least have a good life. In such a big environment... words like "arms race, financial confrontation, racial discrimination"... simply do not exist in the dictionary of the St.

The "crime rate" is the top priority that the 15 governments pay most attention to. "Public security" is the most important issue of people's livelihood for every ordinary Sputnik resident.

As a result, the police department has become the most powerful and vital institution in the countries of the planet.

However... on such a planet, "super criminals" are endless.

I don’t know if it’s the opposite of the object... When the crime rate of the general crime is close to 100%, the high-end criminals stand up. Forced to push the crime rate down, the overall crime rate has been reduced... and many of them, even "motivation".

A perverted murderer, a robbery addict, a kidnapper who claims to be a "judge", a "revolutionary" organization in the late second semester, etc... a bunch of full-fledged or mentally problematic guys, dressed in exotic costumes And commit crimes everywhere. Among them are high-skilled high-skilled businessmen, elites with professorships, or wealthy businessmen in the business world...

For a variety of reasons and purposes, these gangs eventually went to the "super criminals", which did not return, and brought great pressure to the police of the Stars.

Therefore, another group came into being, and that is the "religious police."

To be cool, that is, superheroes.

Folk masters, second-class police officers, eccentric inventors, super-powerful people, victims of chemical accidents, etc.... all the people with stunts and skills are also dressed in exotic costumes. Stepping on the streets, on the brink of the law... contested with the super criminals.


It is the day, the singer, the singer country, the eastern fifteenth region.

A spaceship sailed into the airport of the "Syrian League (the planet's superhero league)."

At the time of the landing of the spacecraft, the five permanent heroes of the Stirling Alliance were already waiting. They are [post-empty man] [police man] [forced u forced u doctor] [temptation girl] and [destroyed man].

The heroes who came down from the spacecraft had two people. They all came from the Super League of Cosmos, and they came after receiving support from the Stefan League.

These two people. One is a planetary hero, [hard man]. He is a mud star (with the tin foil man), dressed in a gray trench coat, with his back. There is a striking x-shaped scar in the middle of the face. The main ability is "Thirty times the physical fitness" and "Super ~ hard style".

The other is the new city-level hero - [Poker].

"Let you wait a long time." The hard man and the five colleagues (the five city-level heroes of the Stuart League have registered in Yuchao. But they usually stay on their own planet) have seen several faces, but Not very familiar.

"It doesn't matter, you are coming right." A man wearing a light blue police uniform (the real Stars police uniform uniform is dark blue), a man with a blindfold took over. "We have to wait an hour before we can start the action. You are here now, just to listen to the doctor's deployment." Policeman said, he raised his hand to the side, wearing a white coat and a round metal headgear on his head. The person gestured.

Dr. Yu forced U to answer: "Well... hard man, I haven't seen it for a long time." His snoring voice rang from the hood, listening as if breathing was difficult, and there was no hole in his headgear. (At least it doesn't seem to be), I don't know how he looks at things. "Yes, I don't know if this is..." His metal head slowly turned a little bit, seemingly "looking".

"Hello, I am a poker player..." I didn't feel humble and introduced myself. After half a second, he still added that "...the city hero."


"Hello there."

The five people of the Sixi League also greeted the buddy.

After a few seconds, the hard-powered man said to them again: "Although the support application submitted by you this time is to deal with the c-level crisis (a crisis that is enough to destroy a planet, usually the league will send at least one hero above the planet level). Going), but considering that the 'Stuart Alliance' itself has a relatively strong fighting power, so the Alliance only sent us two people, I hope you will not mind."

"It doesn't matter, we submit the application, just to be on the safe side." A voice hoarse, full of face bandages, looks like a mummified guy (yes, he is a disfigured man) immediately, "Doctor's The plan is to be stable, and apply for a planet-level hero to come here, mainly to prevent accidents."

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but read my heart. "Cut... I’m so busy for a long time... Is it worth it? If you can get the soy sauce, you can do it. Why not do it?"

"That's good." The hard man returned. "So... Doctor, are we changing places and talking about plans?"

"Well..." Forced u forced Dr. Wu to raise his arm and raise his arm. "Two, please..."

In this way, after a simple exchange of enthusiasm, the seal went to the command center of the Stefan League along with other heroes.


At the same time, the East 20th District, in a certain underground base.

A tall figure is carrying his hands. Stand in front of a huge screen and observe the operation of the base.

He is the maker of this class C-class crisis - [General Quaker].

Quaker has a body that is significantly different from other Scorpio people. The scorpio's physique is similar to that of human beings. The skin is lavender, the facial features on the face are more open and more convex than humans. The height is in the average person. More than twice the body size, body weight, and weight are hard to estimate. And... he also has super powers.

Quaker is arguably one of the most powerful super criminals on the planet.

"General, the detector shows. There is a Yuchao spacecraft that has just landed at the base of the Sissy Alliance." At this time, the intercom on the console sounded like this.

"Oh... did it really come..." Quaker snorted and returned home. “The order went on, bringing the ‘that guy’’s captive device to the ground and preparing for the ‘wake-up procedure’.”

"Yes." His subordinates replied loudly and ended the newsletter.

After a moment of silence. Quaker sneered out loudly: "Oh... the guys in the league, I thought I could find support for Yuchao, and I can stop me..." His eyes moved. Looking at the corner of the front screen, "How can you know that I still have this trump card..."


Fifteen minutes later, the Stefan League Command Center.

"The above is the general situation of this crisis." Dr. Yu forced the doctor to explain the main content of the crisis.

Unexpectedly, with a look of pain in his face, he looked at the table in front of him and said: "That... let me take care of the whole thing..." He subconsciously grabbed his temple with his right index finger. In order to alleviate the pain of the logic being raped, "the guy who claimed to be 'General Quaker', a rich n generation, handsome, highly educated, married a movie star as a wife, gave birth to two healthy children, Life is happy.

One day, he didn't know whether he was eating tops or eating tops or eating tops... Suddenly he felt that 'this kind of life is meaningless', so he throws his wife away from his family, runs out of family wealth, and goes to the universe alone. Going to wandering, I also found a mysterious ship of the lost universe - the 'Dak.' And on that spaceship, I encountered some strange thoughts, 'preaching' and physical transformation.

Then, he returned to St. Star to form the ‘Quick Army’, in an attempt to conquer the entire planet and enslave the people here. ”

I didn’t feel it when I said it, I’m looking at it, and I’m trying to force him to say: “So far, I’ve summed it up right?”

"Oh... except for some strange ambiguity in the wording, it’s all right."

"ok..." He said, "I don't say how Quaker who returned to his hometown has re-accumulated the huge funds needed for terrorist activities, nor why there are so many people who are worried about food and clothing. He did those desperate activities...just say this c-level crisis..." He paused and said again, "This guy directly threatens the federal government and declares that he has mastered the force that is enough to destroy the entire planet." They admitted that the 'Quek Army' was the only legitimate government of the Stars in the forty-eight universe week, otherwise they used that force to destroy each country one by one..." He rehearsed what he heard and then asked "You don't think... In this case... Is there any problem?"

Everyone heard the words, face each other, no one answered. Although most of them wear masks (except for "hard guys" and "temptation girls", the other four are masked), but they can still be seen... At this time, these are all doubts. The color.

"Oh... I asked this question..." Suddenly sighed and answered. "Does Quaker know the existence of the Alliance?"

"Know." Forced u forced Dr. U back.

"Do you know where your base is?" He asked.

"Although it is not open to the public..." policeman replied, "But the location of the base is known to all governments of the federal countries. After all, we need the right to negotiate in outer space."

"So... in terms of Quaker’s intelligence capabilities, he must have known it."

"Isn't that you got it?" Feng did not know.

"What's the matter?" The tough guy looked at it inexplicably. "What do you want to say? Pokerman."

"If I was Quaker..." I stood up and pointed to the electronic map on the conference table. "I will pick a windy and sunny afternoon, or a black night, or a full morning, or any time that I feel comfortable with him... use me directly to destroy the entire planet. The force of force 'to give your base to the end, the hero in the base I can kill a few, a few, I will not lose anything."

When I heard this, the heroes at the table were all stunned. It looked... they didn’t expect it.

"After finishing these, I will again ~" Feng Shou said that this "re-" word specially extended the sound, "~ to intimidate the governments, they said, 'the heroes are also seen in the end, the car can be seen You better give me a little smarter '...etc., blablabla... Is this better?"

"After you reminded me..." At this time, the disfigured man opened his mouth and said, "It’s really the same thing..."

"Well..." Dr. Yu forced U to take over the tone with a hint of fear. "Fortunately, Quaker did not think of this."

"Yeah yeah." Other heroes such as Backwing Man also took over.

"The trough..." Fengshou said, "Is this guy's IQ really okay?"

Obviously, the "problem" that Jiao Ge said is not what they understand. The meaning of feeling brother is. Quaker probably didn't have the kind of force he claimed at all, or he would have done it long ago. Such a superficial thing, would the other party not think of it?

It’s a pity... This time it’s really hard to think about it, because Quaker really didn’t think of it.

In this superhero's multiverse. There are many alien races, all of which are "not well planned, and the city is extremely shallow." Not that they have problems with their IQ, on the contrary. The relative brain capacity of many aliens is larger than that of the Earth, and their brain power is stronger than that of human beings. It is just that... the ability of intrigue and conspiracy to calculate, the Earth people are too strong.

"calculating" this kind of thing. This has nothing to do with the level of scientific and technological civilization. Those ancient military divisions may not be as good as modern middle school students in mathematics and physics, but the strategies they had come up with at the time, the middle school students (most of them) were utterly unimaginable. In the same way, in the eyes of our Earth people, the Scorpio people may not be able to think of it.

"Pokerman reminds me that it is so, it seems... we have to act quickly." After a while, Dr. Yu forced him to say, "If Quaker thinks of this, launching a raid on us, the consequences are unimaginable." ""

"Dr." The tough guy answered. "Let's talk about your offensive plan."

"Yes." Forced u forced Dr. U also stood up, controlled the electronic map on the desktop, pointed out a few coordinates on it, and launched a three-dimensional image, "Look, please, here... is Quaker's base."

"God horse?" Fengshou was shocked. "Is it true that you know where Quaker's base is?"

The subtext of Jue Ge is - can explain why the base of the other party has not turned into a gray fly?

"Four hours ago, we just detected the location of the base."

"Oh..." He felt nodded and said, "Well, this is okay."

He is not quite sure what the style of the St. Stars is, anyway... In the case of Quaker, if it is placed on the earth, as long as the position is exposed, it will be bombarded by dozens of countries’ missiles in minutes, not to mention four. Hours... It’s a problem to live for four minutes.

"We have a sixty-five nominal police from all over the world, but we have been registered with Yuchao....The only five of us are here." Tao, "Considering that ... the sixty people are scattered in various cities, and most of them do not have super powers, so this action, I only assembled the strongest five people in the league." He looked at the tough guy, "for insurance At the end of the day, I applied for the support of Yuchao."

“Simply, it’s a strategy of 'elite squad raid'.” Policeman added, “Of course... from the actual situation, this is the only solution we have available. Because after Quaker’s 'announcement’, There has been a sharp increase in crime rates around the world, and heroes and police everywhere are now too busy. If they are brought together... they can have a limited effect, but the negative impact may be even greater."

"I said..." I couldn't help but interrupt again. "Is there really only this kind of strategy?" He leaned back against the back of the chair and stared at the dead fish. "You think again." Think... really... think again..."

His tone seems to be that the teacher of the class has encountered the ultimate scum, and there is a feeling of "I can't answer you, I want to report the answer to you, but I can't report it."

"Poker." At this time, the hard-powered man sitting next to the brother turned and said, "Time is limited, you have something to say."

"Oh... okay." Feng Jie did not know, "My plan is like this..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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