Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 820: Ultimate rescue (12)

"Oh... since I have the heart to try and dig at you..." Feng Jie said with a smile. "That means that the problem at hand is not complicated."

In fact, when I was in contact with this box, I was already prompted by the system [requires the safe key of scp-1998 to open].

When the player tries to open the box in the script, there is a big difference between the prompt and the no prompt; if there is no prompt, or the prompt [cannot open], the item in the box is probably set by the system as "unable to start." "The kind." But the tip says "need the key", 100% is open.

"Oh?" Billy heard, thinking for a second, "Do you get the system prompt?"

Although Billy couldn't hear the hint, he could guess this from the reaction.

"Yes." Feng did not feel replied, "Follow the tips... you should be able to find the key to this box somewhere."

"Isn't that problem going around?" Billy said. "I have already said that the key is in the hands of the two people, and the two are either..."

"I have done it. You don't have to say it again. I don't have Alzheimer's." Jue brother interrupted the other party. "I asked first, who is the person in charge of this level? After the power outage today, Have you paid attention to his movements?"

"Well..." Billy thought, and said, "This layer is under the responsibility of Dr. Jonathan. It is a Belgian ape in his fifties, and he has made great achievements in theoretical physics." He paused. "As for him. After the power outage... I am not very clear. Don't forget, b3 has power, and the power outage did not affect this place. But the broadcast required everyone to evacuate to the emergency refuge area, so The people on this floor have also been removed."

"Are you sure... everyone in this layer has been safely evacuated?" Feng Qiao asked.

"At least when you and the security team entered b3, there were no more people in this layer." Billy replied, "As for the fate of their departure from b3, I am not sure... whether it is stairwell or freight The channel is outside my perception."

“Well?” I still can’t change the habit of going to set people’s words at all times. “Isn’t the scope of “perception range” not expanded in a perfect circle?”

"That is under normal circumstances." Billy replied, "But here is the dimdimen private onal_ color ctor of the scp foundation. They are very skilled in the use of space technology, and can even say... far more than me. Imagination." He raised his finger to the ceiling. "How high do you think we are on this floor? Five meters? Eight meters?" He did not wait for him to answer, he said directly, "Don't think that you are in the stairwell. The height of the passing is the actual height of each floor... How high is the height of each layer here, even I don't know. It is not surprising that there is an abyss between the layers."

"Oh~ No wonder they don't have an elevator." Feng did not feel thoughtfully.

"In short, I don't know where Dr. Jonathan went. When I was evacuated, I was full of people. I didn't have the strength and no reason to find out exactly what he was doing in the crowd." Billy brought the subject back. Then, "In addition... even if we are now presumed that Jonathan has successfully arrived in the emergency refuge area, there are still two problems... First, the area is under strict defense. Even the security personnel there are still unclear. Your appearance. But you only appear after the alarm sounds... It is bound to be arrested or executed. Second... even if you are lucky enough to be caught in the emergency refuge area and found Dr. Jonathan, the key may not be On his body. Let me take a step back, even if the key is really on him. Do you have any way to seize the key and then escape from the emergency refuge area and return to this b3?"

"It makes sense." Feng did not know, "then we may wish to put this presumption on hold for a while. Tell me about other possibilities, such as..." He touched his chin. "The doctor was escaped from other floors during the retreat." The scp project was killed, and his body with the key, lying quietly in the stairwell or somewhere in the freight lane..."

"Relatively, the situation you said should be the most optimistic assumption." Billy said, "but there is a more pessimistic assumption..."

"You mean... the key is in the hands of the person in charge of this base?"

"Yes," Billy replied. "And the head of the base, Cosmo, stays in a place where defense is more rigorous than the refuge area - the b9 command center."

"That is to say... If the key is in the hands of Kozmo, then the possibility of getting the key and returning to take the gun is negligible."

"Infinity is close to zero." Billy responded.

"Oh... very good." But it is a smile, "According to this idea, this assumption can be directly ruled out."

He said this, Billy seems to have reacted too: "Because the system does not set an impossible chain of action..."

"Forcing ngo~" feels a bit of a snap, "Since the system gives a hint that 'this box can be opened', it will definitely set a feasible unlocking action chain. If the difficulty of unlocking the box is greater than the clearance, then Isn't this setting meaningless?"

"According to you, Jonathan is very likely to die outside the refuge area with a key?" Billy followed the way of thinking.

"Also." Feng did not feel nodded. "Of course, according to my full understanding of the nightmare difficulty script and my own character... I think... Dr. Jonathan's current probability of being in an emergency shelter is also very high. ”


Just as they analyzed and discussed, suddenly, a fierce explosion broke from afar.

In the solid base of the wall, the sound is to be transmitted so far, and it must have been a very serious situation.

"What happened?" Feng did not know, "Is there any project in the vicinity that escaped?"

"Not very likely." Billy replied. "I said, the blackout didn't affect this layer." He paused for half a second, adding, "You will hear 513 ringtones before, that is what I control. As a result, other projects at the time were still in containment measures and there was no loss of control."

"That is..." Suddenly suspected.

"Well..." Billy had a discretion and read. "From ten minutes ago, I locked my perception to the members of the seven security team. The perception of other areas basically stopped." He answered, "Make sure... who is there or something?" Come in."

"Then let go of the monitor." Feng did not know, "to change the global perception."

"Ah... I am doing it." When Billy said this, he did disarm the people of Gore and so on, and changed the way of perception into a wide-area, broad form.

Of course...

"Oh--" Two seconds later, Billy suddenly snorted and the whole body suddenly shocked.

He seems to have been hit by some kind of invisible power, and the homeopathic falls from the unseen shoulder. Planted down to the ground.

Fortunately, I feel that my brother reacts quickly and my eyes are fast. I will live in Billy, and I will not let the latter fall to the ground.

"Hey!" I couldn't help but stare at the puppet in my face, but the face of the latter couldn't see any change in expression. "What happened to you?" He shook Billy, "Speak!"

At this point, Billy seems to be "halo" in the past... generally, it is like a real puppet.

"What is the situation..." The unconscious thoughts are running at a rapid speed. "Is it affected by some kind of mental?" He sandwiched Billy. Turning around and walking outside the door, "Is there something that can be used to put Billy down?"

As he thought about it, he ran up and took a step.

"Trouble... This product is dizzy, this layer of video and audio monitoring will be restored. The security team can also contact their superiors." Fengshou kept his feet, and said in his heart, "No. If something goes wrong, I am now under the supervision of others... If I stop at the same place, I will be arrested soon..."


As the corner of the corridor approaches, the sound in front is getting louder and louder, and it sounds like a powerful physical blow on the metal wall.

"Oh... it’s not so good..." That's the case. I don’t know what to stop.

He is very clear that in this nightmare book, survival in the insurance should be a common occurrence. Anyway, at present, there is no room for resignation in terms of time or space.

砰 叱叱 叱叱 轰 轰 ——

In a short time, the corner of the corridor is close at hand. The closer you are, the more you can be sure. The voice coming from the front is the sound of battle.

And this is by no means a battle on the average human level, but some creatures that are far stronger than ordinary people are competing.

For the players of the thrilling paradise, this sound is no stranger. Script wave ss, high-level players, strong npc, etc... The movement caused by super-level fighting is generally the same.

"What will it be..." Finally, Feng Shou felt a little curious and rushed out of the corner.

But see...

"This is where……"

Blank... strange white space.

The sound and the picture came to an abrupt end, and the memory was inexplicably interrupted.

The last second, he still ran with Billy running. In the next second, he sat alone in a small room of a dozen square meters, and his wrists and ankles were shackled.

"What happened?" He felt a headache, and the strange feeling of the memory was the first time he realized. "I just...what I saw..." he said to himself, "No. ...not just now, I walked into the corridor until now, it has already passed forty... No, fifty minutes..."

He seems to "remember" something, but at the same time he remembers, he "forgot" it. This process is like a self-visible psychological loss, causing him considerable discomfort and mental pain.


Just as the geek was meditation on this grotesque feeling, the electronic door of the room opened.

A woman in a white coat walked in.

She is a white man, about forty years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and a small roll of long hair is tied behind her head.

"Hello, Mr. Austin." After she entered the house, she sat down to the opposite position and said hello to her. "I am Dr. Mara, I have a few I have to ask you a question." During the conversation, she inadvertently squinted at the camera probe at the corner of the ceiling.

When I saw it, I closed my eyes and looked at it. In this small room that can only accommodate one table and two chairs, it is actually equipped with two probes, and 80% still have the kind of audio collection function.

"First, please describe the project you saw earlier." Dr. Mara did not express any dissent. I asked directly.

"What project?" Feng Shuhui replied, "Billy?"

"No." Mara. "It was the one you saw when Billy entered the corridor." She paused. "It was fighting with our agents."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Feng did not return. "I don't think I have seen any battles in my memory, although I seem to have heard the sound of fighting..."

"Then do you remember what you did during this time?" Mara asked again.

"I..." I still want to know the answer to this question. The memory is clearly in his mind, but it seems to be blocked and generally unreachable, and every time he goes to recall, he will produce one. An unsatisfactory sense of discomfort. "...I don't know." He simply gave such an answer, and in turn asked, "Do you have monitoring? This matter should be told by you."

Mara stared at her for a few seconds and did not respond to his doubts. Instead, she shifted the topic and continued to ask: "How did you come here, remember?"

"I am..." On this issue, I didn't feel it, but I remembered it. "I was arrested and sent by the Jiuweihu team."

Mara's look changed slightly: "Where did you hear the name of the nine-tailed fox?"

I don’t know how to sneer. no answer.

"Where are you from... know the information on projects 106 and 513?" Mara asked again.

"Ms." At this time, Feng Shou has recovered his usual calmness. "We might as well make a deal..." His mouth twitched slightly and cast a perverted look at the middle-aged woman in front of him. look. "Every time you answer a question, I will answer you one."

"Oh..." Dr. Mara smiled and laughed twice. "Even if I am Judy Foster, you are not Anthony Hopkins. Mr. Austin." She paused. "Please answer my question seriously, otherwise... you will be sent to a more severe interrogation system."

"It doesn't matter." Feng did not lean against the back of the chair. Go back in a disapproving tone.

"That's okay." Dr. Mara sighed and left the seat.

"Oh... yes, Ph.D." Just as the other person walked to the door of the room, he suddenly said, "Do you remember the question you asked me first?"

"What's the problem?" Mara replied.

"The number of the project... is the fifty-fifth?" After a few minutes of dialogue, I have already used my mind to clear my mind and find a scp project in my own thinking hall. Explain how your memory is missing.


[Item No.: scp-055]

[Item classification: keter]

[Special restraint measures: The object is stored in a square room constructed of 5*5*2.5 m cement wall (wall thickness is about 50 cm). There is an electrostatic barrier outside the cement wall. The entrance is made of a 2*2.5 m The heavy door is blocked; the door will automatically close and lock when it is not kept open.

The security guard will be placed inside the room of the scp-055. It is strongly recommended that all personnel working on other scp objects be at least 50 meters away from the room. Do not question the reasonableness of the request. 】

[Description: scp-055 is a "self-enclosed secret" or "anti-psychology". The physical properties of scp-055, such as its nature, behavior and origin, are classified and are clarified by the following entries:

How to capture scp-055 is unknown.

It is unknown when it is captured and captured by whom.

The physical properties of scp-055 are unknown, but it is not indescribable or invisible. People can walk into the room of scp-055 and observe it, then think, write notes, draw sketches, take photos, and even video. There are a lot of such records in the file. However, the monitor said that in this observation After that, the information will quickly flow out of people's minds.

When a person is sent to describe scp-055, he will feel confused and quickly lose interest in the task; the person is dispatched to sketch the photo of scp-055, and can't remember what the photo looks like, and People who observe CCTV images will be exhausted and lose relevant, roughly one hour of memory.

It is unknown who authorized the scp-055 to be blocked in such a room, why it was built, and why it was built.

Although the room of scp-055 is easy to get in, no one can master the knowledge about scp-055.

All of these situations are periodically discovered by random file readers, alerted by many people, and then only lasted for a few minutes, and people quickly forget about them.

There are a lot of scientific records and archives about scp-055, but there is no way to study it. The Foundation has planned to destroy scp-055 more than once, or to move it to another place, but somehow failed.

Scp-055 can be a serious hazard and may have killed thousands of people, but we don't know. Obviously, it can cause the memes/spiritual influence of terror, so we define it as the keter level. 】

[Document #055-1: Analysis of scp-055 -

The author of the document believes. The scp-055 is never actually captured, but is voluntarily taken up, or is a remotely operated agent. It was placed in a foundation by another party for the following purposes:

First, observe and interfere with the activities of the Foundation silently.

Second, observe or interfere with other scp areas silently.

Third, observe or interfere in the human world silently.

Fourth, observe or interfere with other scp objects silently.

Fifth, observe silently, or interfere with [data masking].

Any action taken on this potential threat seems to be meaningless, at least theoretically not feasible. 】 (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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