Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 845: Whisper in the dark

Eighty minutes after the start of the script, downtown. At this point, Feng Bu has already taken a big circle in the city, arranged all the settings needed for his "game", and then came to this place. "Castle..." He looked at the huge alien castle in the distance and said, "You don't dare to compliment the taste of the building..." The "Lord" in his mouth is not someone else, it is Samodi. Seoul. In fact, when I first entered the script, I was aware of the existence of Samudir, because the surrounding "fog" is clearly accompanied by the energy of the latter. From the perspective of data, it is like a "fingerprint" or "gene sequence", and at a glance, who its owner is. "Speak are hiding in this city of Nuka, what are you doing?" Fengbian said to himself, while heading towards the castle. Just as he was about to skip a magma tributary, suddenly... "唷~唷~ There is a way~" A rap of self-contained rap came, "Treading the iron shoes without a flaw~" "嘿~嘿~ I didn't expect ~" Another similar voice followed, and "it didn't take a long time to get it~" until the voice, the two figures have already floated, and stood a few meters ahead of the geek. "Well..." Feng Wei looked at the eyes and looked at the two people in front of him. "Excuse me, you are..." "I am the third!" The appearance of the third is very similar to black, but he is not " Humans, but a humanoid with four arms. "I ~ is ... down four!" The fourth is also a humanoid creature, its body is purple, the neck is similar to the shark, and there are four small eyes on the face. But no nose. These two "people" are wearing long, loose-sleeved clothes, six-pants, and sneakers; they also have a bunch of exaggerated pendants on their necks, dressed like a rapper. "Oh." He felt that he was not cold or hot. Asked, "I don't know what the two are looking for in me?" "Hey~ We are looking for you for half a day, madness!" "Samodir ~ adults ~ medicine ~ cut a trouble ~ want ... we take you ~ go back ~" down four. "Would you be able to talk well?" After sealing for a minute or less, it was already faintly hurt. "Hey~唷~ I don't know if you don't understand it~" The third responded to him with rap. "This is called ra~rarara~" "rap!" Four times, then I went to the top of the body and finished. This sentence. "Ha?" I couldn't help but scream at the dead fish. "You are at this level... He also dared to claim to be in rap? How do I feel that it is not as good as a wig's 'derogatory joy'?" "Dosh~shsh...what?" Tremolo, "You are so big and bold~" "嘿~嘿~ Big courage~" The fourth is accompanied by a good time. "Don't dare to say ~ I am not as good as a wig?" Three times again, "Believe it or not~ We use ~ rhythm~ burst your head!" "When you do... I didn't say it..." I don't want to talk to them. Then pull it down, because he feels that there will be endless. "Don't you want to take me to see Samodier? I will go with you."... At the same time. Somewhere in the west of the city. "Oh... this is almost an hour..." Huang Da hammer rubbed the cold sweat from his forehead and read, "The **** must be playing us!" "Not necessarily..." Alkaline male said, "I am Gradually, I was convinced that the man said everything is true..." "Oh?" The mysterious king heard the words, "How come?" "On this round, I have been thinking, and gradually realized some problems. ..." Alkaline male back. "We met that guy's time...just thirty minutes after the start of the script. That is, he only spent half an hour creating a robot with a virus weapon. And found us. The exact location has also succeeded in infecting all four of us with the virus." "Wait a minute..." Huang Da hammer said, "The robot is not necessarily made by him? Maybe it is a summoning creature?" "If it is a summoning creature, then After it was blown up... its wreckage will instantly turn into white light to dissipate." Alkaline men have already considered this point, so they replied without thinking, "but the wreckage of that robot has not disappeared. This shows that it is "The things in this world." "Original...the original..." Huang Da hammer nodded. "And..." The alkaline man immediately said, "I also thought about it after I knew it... If this person really wants us to die, then he can put a few short time on the robot to kill. Or something that makes people lose their ability to move instantly... Why should he use this virus that only occurs three hours later?" He sighed. "Hey... take a step back. He also looks at his skills." Arrived... If he had a killing at the time, then there would be no robots to take the lead, and he would at least be able to fight us for two deaths and one injury..." When he said this, his teammates could not help but be afraid for a while. Even the self-important Huang Huang hammer... I have to agree with this view. Because he felt that he was close to and hijacked him, he actually felt a sense of despair... If he said that he wanted to kill, then his yellow sledgehammer would be the first to die. Two seconds later, the alkaline man followed the words: "Although we have not been in contact with the man for a long time, from his limited performance, it can be inferred that ... he has a strong psychological quality, far Super understanding of our ability to detect, at least in the class B or above, and speed and endurance faster than me and the knights..." "Hey? How do you see the stamina?" . "We have been chasing the clues he gave for more than 50 minutes, and every time I see a new clue in a place, isn't that enough to explain the problem?" Alkaline asked. "Yeah!" The knights thought for a moment and immediately became shocked. "This shows that every place we have passed during this time, he has already come before..." "Of course. It cannot be ruled out that there are teammates. Help him to complete these things..." Alkaline man sighed, "But... I don't think it's very likely." "Why is this?" asked Huang Da hammer. "It’s just a feeling..." Alkaline Boys, "It’s the experience and intuition that I have accumulated in the game circle for many years." His face became very dignified. "I always feel ... We met a very, very strong opponent this time..." He paused for half a second, black face. "...powerful to the level of our group can be destroyed by one's own strength." "Don't be kidding!" Huang's face muscles twitched, using a loud drink to suppress the frightening value of his rising, "how is it possible?" Will there be such a person? Even if it is a sneaky sneaky thing, can't you do this kind of thing?" "Can't do it, I don't know." At this time, the mysterious king also answered, "Which man is that?" How strong it is. I don't know. But... the kind of 'feeling' that Alkali said, I also have..." "Hey... I have to say that..." The yellow sledge hammer wiped the sweat on his face." Didn't we meet a super team that is better than the professional than the order team? And we are completely controlled by the other side at the moment!" So pessimistic." Alkaline male, "because... we are still alive, aren't we?" His words. But the effect of a little morale did not work... "In theory, we still have the possibility of victory." After a little thought, the alkaline man continued, "First, the man said that he and the wave in the script ss There is a personal grievance to deal with, this is good news for us..." "Well... maybe he will be killed by the script ss?" The knights answered. "Yes." The alkaline man nodded. "Secondly, although he is very strong. But his teammates may not be very powerful. If he was killed by the script ss, then we have a four-on-three advantage. "If he is not killed by the wave ss, but as long as it hurts what is both. It is good news for us." The king of the spirits took over. "It makes sense..." Huang sledgehammer listened to the "optimistic estimate" of his teammates, and suddenly came to the spirit. "So, our hope is really not small!" "But... we still have to solve the urgent need in front of us." "Alkaline male," even if he was led by his nose... We have to be patient until we find the 'antidote'." He rubbed his dry lips. "Whether the virus in our body is a z virus, we have to find a way to solve it as soon as possible..." "Yeah..." the knights took over. "When I started to sweat, I thought it was just a psychological effect. But now there is a mild fever and limb weakness.... According to this trend, I am afraid..." Just as they talked a few times, A new tip appeared in front of you. The hints left by the seal are obvious. The logo is usually a huge smile on the wall or the ground. Under the smile, it will be a simple one. Deadlock) A clue to the puzzle that points to the location of the next location. “The rising sun is rising... It’s flying down...” Huang’s hammer looked at the eight words carved under the smile and read it again. “Well...” he thought thoughtfully, and turned his head to look at it. Alkaline male, "What do you mean?" The alkaline man pondered for two minutes, and his expression was loose: "When you walk one kilometer in the direction of nine o'clock..." He said that the knight and the mysterious king would suddenly realize Only Huang Da hammer is still in an inexplicable state: "Hey? How come this conclusion?" "Hey..." Alkaline men only sigh, "In short... 咱 continue to hurry..."......... ... On the other hand, the front line of Hell... At this time, Xiaoshen, Xiaoling and Huajian have also strolled in the script for an hour and a half. Because the instructions given by the rain to the comrades are "the enemy will be completely destroyed within two hours," Xiao sighs they did not further expand the plot or something; in a limited time, they still choose to search this map as much as possible. Items and skills. As mentioned above, in the scriptures of the thrilling paradise, what kind of good things to get, in addition to opening some specific storage areas through puzzles, in most cases... a large number of non-mainline essentials including equipment, You can start with the "find" way. such as. There is a set of Spider-Man's tights in the window of the street, which may be completely useless, but it may also be a fine-level equipment with a set of attributes; for example, in a sewer, you may find something like double A series of weapons such as knives, stings, nunchakus and long sticks... in short. In the absence of customs clearance pressure, as long as the map is large enough... players can fully enjoy the fun of exploration. Just now, Xiaoshen’s role in these three powerful games (relatively speaking) has found three fine-level items and one skill card in 90 minutes. The items are as follows: This is a distinctive level of armor, and its features may be its fried shrimp shape and full of notes. As mentioned above, a malicious full weapon... The effect of this item is also very good, it can be said that it has the same effect. Finally, let's take a look at the skills they found... From the perspective of skill, this skill card is at least enough to qualify for the s-level, but because it is a "limited use" version, the learning requirements are not counted. Very high. The above is the result of the search of Wang Shouzhi and the three of them during this time. In addition to the skill card that Xiao Ling opened from a treasure chest that needed to solve the puzzle, the other three things were “find” through the carpet search – they were embedded in the billboard at the restaurant door. One is placed in the storage room next to the public toilet, and there is another... it is placed on a shelf in the library. Obviously, these are not easy to find items, but the front lines of Hell are still using their patience and luck to start them. Of course... if you let him find it, maybe he can find it with a "data perspective." But apart from this factor... simply relying on his character to search, I am afraid that it may not be possible to find it for three hours. ............ After searching for dozens of minutes in a row, Xiaoshen decided to find a place where the line of sight was relatively wide. "Ah... I feel like I have been there for a long time..." Xiaoshen sat down on a park bench and sighed. "I don't know what happened to him." "Ha!" The spirit sat down beside him and stretched out. "I think you should be worried about the guys in the enemy team." "Yeah..." The flowers stood by and smiled. "Two The time limit of the hour is coming, so that you can't seal the character... If you say it, you will definitely do it. If it is in the 120th minute, he has not done the other party, detonating the nuclear bomb and the like. He did it all." "Oh...hehe..." Xiao sighed and laughed twice. "This is also true..." They just sat down and talked about these three or four sentences. I didn't expect... Suddenly, A darkness like an entity has come. During the time, the players were black and couldn’t reach their fingers. Not only are they sighing at them, but at the same time, the Golden Warhammer team at the other end of the script also suffered the same situation. In the next second, every player’s ear has a whisper: (to be continued)

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