Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Game

"I use all the secrets I know about you, and the evidence that can prove these secrets, to gamble..." The seal stopped for half a second, " are now."

Jiang’s morality changed slightly. After a little discretion, he asked: “My identity... What does it mean?”

"I don't mean literally what it means~" Feng Shou licked his lips and replied with an unrecognizable tone. "That is white...that was what you won in the beginning... Jiang moral life."

Wen Yan said that Jiang’s moral face was obviously twitching: “I don’t understand... What does this gambling mean for you? Even if you win my current identity, it’s hard that you want to be Jiang’s morality. ?"

"That is of course impossible. How can I want to replace you?" Feng Xiaoxiao chuckled and said, "On the age, on the appearance... you want to replace me, you are almost the same; your women and yours Social status... I am not rare; as for money..." He paused. "If I want money, it would be nice to gamble directly with you, isn't it?"

"So say..." Jiang morally asked, "You make such a bet... What is the purpose?"

"In order to play." Feng did not answer the answer very simply, he laughed and replied, "Don't you think... watching a person dance crazy on the edge of despair... Is it very interesting?"

"Isolate..." Jiang’s morality is afraid that he will never be able to test his thoughts. "If I refuse to gamble, how can you?"

"I can let you go through the next half of your life with your original, real identity." The tone of the words when I returned to this was quite lazy, but the content was murderous, "If you don't believe it." You can ask the nine gentlemen around you... do I have this ability."

Jiang morality immediately turned to look at the nine gamblers, and eagerly awaited the other party's reply.

"Yes, Mr. Feng... can do what he said." Nine articles still maintain a calm attitude and say to Jiang morality. "When he contacted us today, he has already proved this to us."

When Jiang morally heard this, the heart suddenly felt a sudden stop. The huge pressure made the muscles on his face twist, and some traces of plastic surgery gradually appeared on the face.

"Simply... if you choose not to gamble, the result may be worse than the gambling loss..." Feng Jie said, "But if you dare to gamble... there are 50 chances to win."

The two sentences of Jue Ge have basically helped Chiang ethics to account clearly, and the latter seems to have no choice.

"I... still don't understand..." Jiang's morality has faded, with a powerlessness and sorrow in his speech. "I and you have no enmity... Why are you..."

"诶~" Feng Jie interrupted the other party. "You can't blame me. If it's not your knives that threaten me and my editor first, today's things won't happen..."

Jiang morally gnawed his teeth: "The people of the Ministry of Justice will put pressure on you... that is because you smashed us in public..."

"I advise you to look through the dictionary and see what it means to smear these two words. In addition, there are three things I need to emphasize..." He didn't let the other person finish the words, he extended three Fingers, in turn, "The first one, what I said about your corpse knives... are facts; second, I don't like being threatened; third... I don't want people around me. Because I was threatened by others." He paused for half a second, "In summary... I just said a few words in public, which caused me and my friends to be intimidated and harassed by you." He shakes I shook my head. "Well... such a thing is really unpleasant... Even for the purpose of correcting the social atmosphere, I have to let you pay some price."

"Oh, huh..." Ouyang Yu, who had not opened for a long time, had already sat down on the sofa. After hearing the sentence, he added, "Mr. Jiang, this is really a bad luck... Actually We originally wanted to simply play anti-blackmail, let your company get some blood and learn a little lesson. Never thought... During the investigation, our Fengda Wenhao discovered your secrets... So he played Childhood."

"Don't you have no room for other discussions..." Jiang morality tried again and asked.

"How is there any room for it?" Feng Xiaoxiao said. "You and I are very clear in my heart... even if I cancel the gambling now, and promise not to expose your identity... you will still have trouble sleeping." Looking directly at the eyes of Jiang morality, "Only by the gambling bureau hosted by the gambling emperor, let me lose the information I know to you, you can really feel at ease."

"You..." Jiang moral thought for two seconds, "...just right." He replied, "When you say my secret, there is no room for this." He has returned to calm. It seems that he has made up his mind. "In order to ensure that the two of you will never be able to expose my identity, let me buy a murderer... I will take a chance."

Jiang said that he had taken a cigar from the cigar box on the table. This time it should be the real thing, because he quickly cut it and put it in his mouth.

"Well... I will accept this gamble." Jiang morally said, "If you win, I will lose Jiang’s moral identity, and if I win, you have to know what you know... all the secrets about my identity. All ruined." He looked up at nine. "Mr. Nine, is it true that the gambling will guarantee that he will fulfill his promise?"

"Gambling Zhai..." Nine faintly replied, "...will ensure that both parties actually fulfill their promises." He looked at the screen inside the suitcase. "If Mr. Feng loses, we will make sure that he can no longer use it." Your identity secret threatens you; in contrast, if you are Mr. Jiang, you lost..." He looked at Jiang’s morality at the desk. "We will also be responsible for... letting you change back to Mr. Feng. ”

When I heard the words of Mr. Feng, Jiang’s moral knots were obviously ups and downs, and the tension was clear.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, then... let me talk about the content I want to gamble this time."

"Slow!" Jiang morality immediately rushed. "Which content of the gambling is up to you? It is you who want to gamble, and the content is also yours... Isn’t this fair?"

In the face of this question, I didn’t know what to say, but I’m not convinced: “The public is not fair... You said no, let’s ask Mr. Nine?”

"Oh..." Nine screams, looking at Jiang’s morality, said, "Mr. Jiang, from the perspective of my gambler, this is just fair."

"You... what do you say?" Jiang morality began to change nine articles this time.

Nine articles do not care about this. He sighs: "As I did not know, I said that he has absolute dominance in whether or not to conduct a gambling game. After all... he can not gamble. And Mr. Jiang, you...had to bet." He paused for a second. "Assume... this gambling is not established because of the failure of the negotiations, then... Mr. Jiang will immediately fall into absolute passiveness. Even if you I’m afraid it’s too late to buy a murderer, because according to the gambling estimate, Mr. Feng can completely limit your personal freedom within half an hour, and you can’t even call.”

Jiang’s morality listened to this, and it was very angry and shocked. He shuddered and asked: “Mr. Nine... I thought you were standing on my side...”

"I don't stand on anyone's side." Nine articles have not waited for him to finish and interrupted. "The gambler is neutral. Our aim is absolutely fair. Of course, I am also very clear, except for the ancestors." Outside of his old man, I am afraid no one can do these four words perfectly. But... Since I am a gambler of the gambling, it shows that I am very close to this principle." He carried his hands. Turned around, "Mr. Jiang, if you think that I have said that it is unfair to you, then I can only express regret. You can refuse this gamble... I will leave."

"No! Please stay! Mr. Nguyen." The other side said that Jiang morality was anxious. "I don't mean that..."

Many people are like this... Everything is taken for granted by themselves, and thus creates a blind self-confidence and illusion, but often comes to the fore... They realize that they are actually nothing extraordinary. Even the retreat can not be found.

"Well..." After listening to the attitude of the other party, they turned back and answered. "So... let's listen to what Mr. Feng said about the game."

"'s very simple..." The video at the end of the video should not be heard at this time. "Gambling... Can I appear in the office building of the corpse in five minutes, put the so-called Mr. Jiang Moral Take a"

After he finished this sentence, Jiang morality involuntarily retreated a bit, and frowned, staring at the video in the video: "Oh... ridiculous, can you fly over? Or climb from the screen Can't you come out?"

"So to say... have you accepted it?" asked the seal.

"And slow!" Jiang morality is hesitant. "You tell me first... Where are you at the moment?"

"I can't do this." Feng did not return. "My position is the key to this gambling. It's like my card... I have a reason to show it before I open the gambling?"

At this moment, Jiang’s moral brain is running fast. He is also a character who has been in the mall for many years. It’s impossible to have a little wisdom and courage. After thinking for nearly a minute, he answered: “Well... gamble This..." He paused. "But... you must give me ten minutes to prepare before you start acting."

"Five minutes." Feng Buzheng killed a price, "no more."

"Good! Five minutes... five minutes!" Jiang morally answered.

"So..." Nine said at this time, "From this second, I announced that... the gambling officially began." He took out a pocket watch from the pocket of Tang suit. "Mr. Jiang, the timing has begun, you have Five minutes to prepare. After five minutes, Mr. Feng can start acting. Before that, I will be responsible for supervising his every move in the surveillance."

After his words have not been finished, Jiang morality has picked up the phone on the chairman's desk and quickly picked up a key. After connecting it, he said in a quick speech: "Captain Wu? Is it me, right... You listened well, I limit you to all the people on duty in the three minutes to the top, half of them are at the door of the chairman's office, no one is allowed to enter, the other half is responsible for inspecting all the rooms on this floor. , entrances and exits, as well as toilets and ventilation ducts. If you see a raw face that you don't know, or if you don't have a company pass, don't grab it first!"

The person at the other end of the phone seemed to be stunned. After a few seconds, I returned. Then Jiang morale yelled: "Who is joking with you? Do you want to do it? If you don't want to do it, you can immediately take the uniform and leave. Give the phone to the vice captain!"

He said this, the opposite was obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter, so he quickly rang a few times and hung up the phone.

"Hehehe..." Ouyang Xiao smiled. "Mr. Jiang, I have to remind you that this kid can have more ideas. Maybe your reaction has already been in his calculations..."

"Hey, you guys, I can listen to it..." The other end of the video didn’t even sneak out, "Who are you helping?"

"As a lawyer, I have already done what you asked me to do. I am just a bystander watching the movie." Ouyang Yan smiled. "I am motivated by Mr. Jiang out of interest... Can you manage it?" ”

"Oh... then you come on." Fengshou shrugged and smiled, as if he didn't care too much.

"Mr. Jiang..." Ouyang Yu said, turning his gaze to Jiang morality, and the other party responded with a suspicious look. "...hehe, don't look at me like this, I don't intend to act here, good. Cooperate with him to mislead you... To be honest, I don't know where I am now. But I can tell you... At two o'clock this afternoon, he came to my office with this suitcase and explained The task of sending the box. After he went there, I don’t know."

"Oh... do you think I will believe in you?" Jiang morally snarled.

"I just want to say two words of my own opinion..." Ouyang Yu leaned back on the back of the sofa. "If Mr. Jiang does not believe, he will not hear it." He licked his lips and said, "First, With my understanding of the seal... With his ingenuity, I must have expected that you will be prepared. If I were him, I would naturally use this..."

In the process of Ouyang's narrative, everyone can already hear the messy running sounds in the corridor, presumably the security guards have arrived.

"For example, I can sneak into your building earlier today..." Ouyang said again, "Get ready for a video laptop or tablet, and then find a corner room or toilet to hide. Wait until the evening." He held his chin and thought thoughtfully. "When the gambling officially begins, I can take action. I will close the camera, take out the prepared, or change from the dressing." The security uniforms of the room are replaced by their own, and they are mixed into your security guard line..."

When Jiang morality heard this, he interrupted with a cold tone: "Do you want to say this?"

"Oh?" Ouyang Yu’s ability to observe the color is very strong. At this moment, what he saw on Jiang’s morals was a cold victory. “Mr. Jiang is not prepared for it?”

"No," Jiang said. "You may, before I informed the security guard... I already thought about it."

"ho~ You are quite powerful." The video in the video did not smile and answered.

"I know very well... you can infer that I will find a security guard to guard against this. But I still have to call the security guard, because if I don't do this, you can get closer to it." As said, he also raised three fingers. "And when I call the security guard, you should have three means to approach me... First, the one that Ouyang lawyer said just now; second, Ouyang What the lawyer said is actually to put pressure on me, let me have an idea, that is, after the video is interrupted, immediately leave the room, come to a golden husk. And if I did, then you will have a detestable Third, although the possibility is not big... But at this moment, you may be waiting on a sailing plane, ready to jump to the outside of my building glass with skydiving, and then use a set of agent level The equipment quickly broke through the window."

"Ha ha ha ha..." I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "It's amazing, it's amazing!" He couldn't help but applaud the other party. "No wonder you can win a whole rich and handsome life in the past. I seem to look down on you a little." "His laughter is gone. "So... can I ask, even if you can avoid the second method... then if I approach you with the first or third method, what do you do?"

"It doesn't matter which method you use." Jiang said that he stood up and looked at nine. "How long does it take for Mr. Koujo to be able to act?"

"Fiveteen seconds." Nine back.

"Okay." Jiang morally responded to the side of the wall. "I may plead you to publicize it. I don't know it. You have missed one thing from the beginning..." He said, he stretched his hand. Into a vase near the wall, a button was dropped.

Two seconds later, a piece was opened on the wall in front of him, revealing an operation screen.

"So far, telling you is no problem." Jiang morality continued. "In my office... there is such a hidden compartment. The door is equipped with a fingerprint and dna dual identification system. Only I can open it. As long as I entered this room, even if you open a helicopter gunship, it would be useless."

The voice did not fall, he was already in five fingers, and opened the door of the room by scanning.

"You lost, you can't seal it." Jiang left this sentence with enthusiasm, then turned and walked into the hidden compartment.

Of course...

"Oh... you are here, time is just right." When he walked into the room, there was already a man sitting there waiting for him.

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