Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 907: Use, illusion

Bloody enchantment, six and ancient temples.

Hey, strange, and the six evil spirits.

This is a dispute between evil and evil. It is also a strong and strong collision.

Both of them have their own strengths in the body, and they have the power to break the mountains and crack the stones. The moves they use in fighting are also in full swing, and they have been in a state of disrepair.

It stands to reason that it is very difficult for others to intervene in this level of fighting.

However, the players on the front line of the **** can all keep up with the rhythm of this battle, and ... can also control the outcome of the battle.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded and broke through.

A bullet that shimmers in the darkness, at the most appropriate time, from the most appropriate angle, is in the middle of the six mirrors.

[Sacred Arbitration] This skill of 200% damage to evil spirits is undoubtedly the first choice of Xiaoling at this moment. She did not hesitate to trigger the trigger.

However, the reaction after Yan Hong’s shot was shocking.


After the bullet hit, only a beep sounded, and then the mirror white light of the six mirrors was full.

The next second, that is not only unscathed, but the mightyness of the whole body... it was a bit more.

"What happened?" Xiaoling removed his gaze from the rear of the scope and looked at the singularity of the tower under doubt.

"I will really add chaos to me..." The blood corpse **** chanted a word, and then raised the squad, and shouted as he called, "Don't use a similar attack! This guy is the magical device of the Holy Body, encountering the Holy Spirit Both can be used for their own use!"

"Cut... I’m going to talk about it..." Xiaoling sighed and changed the ammunition. "Then I will use the ammunition from technology to fight..."

On the other hand, two people under the tower...

"The sacred power of Xuanyuanjian is far beyond the degree that the other party can absorb. You don't have to worry about anything on the weapon." Before joining the battle group, I felt that Gothic took care of a few words. "However, your skills are still enchanted." Influence, take action and be careful, if you feel dangerous in a while... Retreat is."

"Understand." If the rain simply responded. In this relatively urgent situation, if the rain is usually unconditionally obeyed by the commander, because she absolutely trusts the latter's judgment.

"Well, let me go!" Feng did not feel good, then he slashed his knife and rushed.

If the rain sees it, it should move, and the sword will be out of the sheath.

The two spread out from left to right. They flew out from behind the blood corpse and danced a sword.

Originally... 铉宏 did not put the few eccentric humans around him in his eyes, but he never imagined that these two are in the same level and even stronger in fighting.

For a time, the swords and swords are fascinating.

After ten strokes, Yan Hong was crushed to the disadvantages; after thirty strokes, he was gradually unable to parry and began to suffer injuries, but he was able to rely on blood and resilience to support; and after fifty strokes... it was defeated. The situation has emerged. It’s hard to go back to heaven.

"Oh... such a battle is really a rare event..." At the time of his defeat, Yan Hong’s eyes were swept away and rained and sealed, and sneered out. "The Taoist, the Holy Sword. The Evil, the Madness..." He looked at the **** corpse again. "There is a congenital difference that doesn't know where it came from... hahahaha..."

In the fight, between words. Yan Hong laughed.

At this moment when the game is about to be determined, the color of the game will be ruined: "It seems that the old man is escaping today!"

In one word, Yan Hong’s arms are rising. Big sleeves. In the meantime, a force of liberation emerged from the mirror in front of his chest.

This moment, the blood corpse god, Feng Buzhi and Li Ruoyu... made the same reaction in unison. The three did not retreat, forced to withstand the pressure of the power, and attacked a trick.

The straight fist of the blood corpse **** banged on the six mirrors.

Li Ruoyu's Xuanyuanjian broke the neck of Yan Hong.

The unseen must break the blade and smash the knees of Yan Hong.

After the three hits, the three men also struggled with the power shocks that were close at hand, and they were flew out.

Obviously, just now, Zhai Hong wanted to make a jade-like suicide attack, but his intention was instantly seen by the three people in front of him and killed in time.

The next second, the gunshots of the sniper rifle rang again.

On the sixth floor of the pagoda, Xiaoling adhered to the good habit of removing grass and removing roots. He directed a blasting bomb at the head of Yan Hong, who had already flown into the air, and bombarded it into a meat sauce.

"Oh..." After a few seconds, I was the first to stand up and vomit a **** foam. "Small... I want to blew myself..."

"Fortunately, he did not let him release the move." If the rain stopped after the retreat, the white cheeks also had a blush on the cheeks, which seemed to be **** in the chest.

"Damn... it hurts me..." The blood corpse was the last one to stop, and after stopping, he kneeled on one knee. "I want to smash you with the belt bones!" He swears After chanting two sentences, then the expression changed, and bowed down to the ground and vomited a large pool of blood.

Due to the size and position, most of the power of the impact was taken over by the blood god. If it wasn't for his physical temperament and his resilience, I am afraid that I have already lie on the ground.

"I advise you not to go over..." Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance of the stone court. "The good play just started."

When everyone turned around, they saw O'Neill, who was approaching.

"What? You want to help me cook him? Cook." The blood corpse breathed a few breaths and stood up like nothing else.

"No..." O'Neill hasn't answered yet. If he doesn't feel it, he will pick it up first. "The ‘good play’ he said should mean...” He said, he used his eyes to signal the body of Yan Hong.

At the moment, the corpse was already on the ground, and it was not even in the head, but the surface of the six mirrors was still changing.

But see, the red mans in the mirror floats, reflecting the red vortex; the mirror is like a **** path leading to a different dimension, is stimulating the resonance of some kind of energy.

"Oh?" The **** **** looked at it and immediately looked up at the sky. "Is this..."

"The Holy Spirit is the same, blood is one," O'Neill screamed. "The last insurance left by Yu Hong is his own body. Now this body is broken by you, his last glimpse." The Yuanshen also dissipated." He stunned for half a second and laughed out. "Oh... At the moment, there is nothing to suppress the magic of the six mirrors. Its 'self-consciousness' has begun to absorb blood. The power accumulated in the enchantment and its own internality is to transform itself into a higher-level 'living body'."

"Why didn't you say this just now?" The blood corpse immediately slammed into O'Kin, licking his head and asking for a hooligan-like look.

Here I have to explain that when I was in the kitchen and listened to O'inke's story, I quietly took out the jade jade of the blood corpse from the bag. So that the blood corpse gods share some information (previously mentioned, the blood corpse **** in the jade jade can hear the outside world), so this time the blood corpse **** will have this question. For this reason, just now, when he saw Oinke, he could call the other party a "cooker."

"Oh... don't you understand?" Fengshou once again rushed before O'inke. "We were jealous of him."

"Say ‘涮’... It’s a bit inconsistent.” O’in looked at the seal and said coldly, “Let’s use each other... isn’t it?”

"Oh, oh... right." Feng did not know, "You did help us a lot, but at the same time ... also lied to us on certain things."

"It seems that you already know what is going on." O'Neill said.

"Probably..." He felt that he had put away his weapon. Shaking his head and laughing, "First of all, you are not the evil spirit of the 'animals'?"

"Yes, I am not." Things are now. There is no need for O'Neill to conceal anything any more. "The real ‘animal dao’ has been dealt with by me before I met the non-mouth.”

"Well..." Feng Shou said, "Second. From your understanding of a small town, this temple, and this magical device... The blood sacrifice in front of you is what you have promoted?"

“Yes.” Oynck replied, “There is a mastermind behind the Miaozizi, Hung Hom and Lu’s dissatisfaction, who are responsible for planning and supporting their actions. That is... me.”

"But why don't you do it yourself?" At this moment, if the rain asked, "With your strength, the monks in the temple and the seals in the tower are not the problem."

"The problem lies in the mirror itself." Oynck replied. "You also found out... The guy who has been in direct contact with the six mirrors has been affected by it. Even the body of Yan Hong is finally controlled by it... ..." He shook his head. "I don't want to take the risk."

"And we're the 'outside travellers', the best person to help you get rid of the 'last insurance'." Feng took the words of O'Neill and shrugged. "One, we are just 'projection' The mirror will not have any permanent impact on us. Secondly, we are strong enough."

O'ink also shrugged his shoulders and said: "In the beginning, I wanted to use the non-mouth as the king. Unfortunately, after a short observation, I found that the courage and wisdom of the kid were a little urgent."

"Well, then we have appeared a few, right?" This sentence is said by Xiaoling, and she has already arrived on the ground.

"Oh..." O'inke laughed. "In any case... When I saw the madness, I knew... the big thing was fixed."

In the process of saying these words, the enchantment that hangs over the sky is also undergoing dramatic changes, and the moonlight that is not bright is more and more dark and turbid.

"Since I have helped you so much, you may wish to answer my two questions again." After a moment of silence, I couldn't help but tell Owenk.

"You ask." O'inke crossed his hands on his chest. "But I don't necessarily answer."

"Well ~" immediately asked questions, "The first question, why do you want to promote the change of the six mirrors?"

"No comment." O'Neill almost unthinking and decided not to answer this question.

"Ha!" A smile on the corner of the mouth, "Is it really related to the dusk of the gods..."

The voice did not fall, O'Neill's face flashed a trace of imperceptible expression changes, but he concealed well, self-confessed not seen by the other side: "Is this your second question?" After a second He kept a calm tone and asked a question.

"No." He smiled. He consciously responded to O'Kink with a sly smile and answered. "The second question... This mirror is incarnate for a while... No matter what ... In short, is it a threat to us?"

"Yes. And it is a big threat..." O'Kinton paused and added, "In fact, I came here to remind you of this. I have already sent it, and then... Not accompanying."

After all, O'ink disappeared like a moment of movement in front of everyone, without waving sleeves, and did not take away a cloud.

"Well... this pig's head seems to have some kind of ultra-high-performance mobile method..." The **** god's eyes wandered. "There are two things..."

"He has already seen it. I will explain it to you slowly." Feng Shuh said, looking back and squinting at the mirror.

At this point, the entity of the mirror has disappeared, and it is replaced by an ever-expanding, mirror-like twisted blood. Everyone present (and the blood corpse god) can clearly feel that the blood is absorbing the energy around him, and there is constant power inside.

"So what... I think... you have to withdraw a few of them first." He said that he turned and walked toward the six mirrors. "Without an accident, Xiao sigh will soon end the script. But In case, just in case, we should try our best to avoid all employees being in danger."

"You..." If Yuben wants to ask "What do you want to do." But she soon thought of another question, " you jump in?"

"Oh..." Feng did not feel the way back, and gave her a smile. "Do not worry. I am fine."


Time, back to the present.

Somewhere in the northeast of the town of Heyue, another battle of life and death is already on the string.

"Ha! Hahahahaha..." The first thought that he must be defeated is also the king. At the time of the reception, suddenly the look changed and laughed loudly. "...I really help me!"

He would say this because he was surprised to find that his skill limit had been lifted between the moves.

"You seem to be..." and Wang Sui's expression at this time seems very cold, "...and ignited the hope of victory."

"Oh..." He first raised the knife in his hand for Wang. "It’s not burning hope... but it’s in the chest!"

"This is so confident..." Xiaoshen was very keenly aware of what he was. "Is it..." He quickly glanced at the sky. "Is the effect of the enchantment disappeared?"

"Guess it!" He also sighed for the king and suddenly pulled out.

His confidence in the recovery of all his combat power has exploded, and his momentum is like a rainbow. He believes that Xiao Sigh is not his own rival.

"That again... how?" Wang Sigh's eyes were cold, and the black-spirited psionic weapon appeared on his right wrist, and his figure was blurred in an instant.


The next second, the wind swelled.

Silhouette, staggered.

But the sword can't be seen.

The tyrant is venting and the airflow is explosive.

Sleeve sword Xuan Feng, black inflammation annihilation.

This two measures, which should be evenly matched, did not produce a result of both losses. Only because of the pair of recruits, one is the knife, and the other... is the assassin.

"No...Impossible..." The first appearance of the figure was also the king. He lowered his head and looked at the hole in his left chest, which was burned by black inflammation, and trembled.

"I don't know why you have the illusion that 'the skill will be restored, I can win this person'." Wang Sigh's back to the opponent, the head does not say back, "But I think... I have used the action Prove that you are wrong."

When Xiaoshen said this quite cool line, the survival value of the king was also exhausted.

The captain of the corpse knife team... fell to the ground and quickly turned into white light.

[The current task has been completed and the main line task has been completed]

[You have completed the script and will automatically transfer after 180 seconds]

The system prompts the completion of the task and the script, and also announces the outcome of the game.

At that time, I am afraid that no one would have thought that it would be the king first, and in the near future... it would be regarded as a symbol.

In this scene, it is not only a corpse player, but also a team, but the entire corpse studio and its related industries.

After this day, they not only left the scene on the stage of the peak s2, but also gradually faded out of sight and became history... (to be continued...)

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