The moon sets, the stars sink, and the sun rises in the east.

The warm autumn sun gradually rises over the mountain.

Lin Bei in the warehouse, with two dark circles under his eyes, was tinkering with the machine tool there.

Lin Bei left behind steel molds of different shapes. This night, Lin Bei almost never stopped, constantly studying the production of grenades.

Beside him, Dahei and Xiaohei were busy handing tools.

Xiao Jiuer, wearing a red cheongsam, had gone to prepare breakfast.

Little Red Riding Hood Klee and Corgi Big Doghead were still sleeping soundly and had not gotten up.

Looking at the most satisfactory mold in his hand, Lin Bei nodded with satisfaction.

Although he stayed up all night, Lin Bei still got a mold that he was more satisfied with.

"If I have a device for making steel molds, my production efficiency will be improved to a higher level."

"Wait until this wave of products is sold, then I will have the funds to buy more machines."

Just as Lin Bei was thinking about the expansion of the factory.

There was a knock at the factory gate.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

"Brother Lin Bei! Are you there? It's me, Boss Miao! I'm here to collect the goods!"

Although Boss Miao looks gentle, his voice is indeed extraordinary.

Even from such a long distance, Lin Bei can still hear Boss Miao's roar.

"I didn't expect this black-hearted boss to dare to come back."

After hearing Boss Miao's roar, Lin Bei was actually a little surprised.

After all, this black-hearted Boss Miao, who even deceived a handsome, tall, handsome, eight feet tall, virtuous, talented, and excellent young man in the city, is there anything he can't do?

Lin Bei rubbed his temples. He still felt a little tired after fighting all night.

Boss Miao stood in front of the factory, trying to be calm.

Behind him was Miao Yingjun with his head drooped.

Coming to the factory again, to be honest, Boss Miao was still a little scared.

After all, this factory has been rented out four or five times, and each time, the factory was returned by the person who rented it within two months.

Female workers in the factory said that there were often perverts in the toilet who handed them paper.

And they handed red and green paper towels, which was very weird!

That was not all, most of the female workers who had been handed paper got seriously ill for no apparent reason.

At the worst time, nearly a hundred workers were hospitalized in one day.

Although there were no casualties in the end.

But the fact that there were unclean things in the factory made people believe it.

Since the news spread, female workers in the factory have resigned one after another.

And after all the female workers left, the male workers certainly had no idea of ​​staying.

After all, this matter was too creepy.

In one month, about half of the workers in a factory were hung up with IV drips.

And it happened more than once, who could stand this?

In the end, the money earned from working was not as much as the money spent on medical treatment, who could stand this?

When he thought of this, Boss Miao's head started to ache again.

I don't know whether this little brother Lin Bei has recruited factory workers. After all, by now, half of the workers in Tao City know that this project does not support people.

Boss Miao said that he came to collect products. In fact, he was ready. Even if Lin Bei didn't survive, he would not be an exception.

After waiting for a while, Boss Miao saw that there was no response from inside, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Could it be that this little brother Lin Bei has not stayed in the factory because he couldn't recruit employees?

When he thought of this, Boss Miao hurriedly took out his mobile phone and was about to call Lin Bei's number.

Just when Boss Miao took out his mobile phone, the factory door was slowly opened from the inside.

Lin Bei, with heavy dark circles under his eyes and messy hair, appeared behind the door.

"●﹏●, hey, it's Boss Miao, I was wondering who could roar so vigorously at the factory gate."

"Hahaha, Boss Miao is indeed the boss! He is still strong despite his old age! Lin Bei admires him! I admire him!"

Boss Miao: ".. (灬 )"

Why do I feel that you are implying something to me.

Miao Yingjun, who was behind Boss Miao, immediately shouted excitedly after seeing Lin Bei's figure.

"Big brother! It's really you! What a coincidence! Dad! He is the big brother who saved me and Uncle Wang last time!"

Boss Miao's face changed immediately after hearing what his son said.

This, this world is really small. . .

This is such a coincidence. . .

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