Thriller: Play as Gojo Satoru and obtain the Ghost Corps

Chapter 42 How would you rate this operation?

Next to the three children, the body of the mutant villager lay.

The mutant villager, who was originally red, had a single horn on his head, pale eyes without pupils, and gray hair.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground dying, breathing less and breathing out more.

There were countless bullet holes on his body.

The mutant villager died from a round of volleys from the Ghost Shadow Legion Ninja.

Under the overwhelming firepower of the Ghost Shadow Legion, the mutant villager didn't even last half a second and was almost dead.

The changes in the villagers who were injected with the mysterious potion were almost irreversible.

In other words, these villagers could no longer return to their normal appearance.

At the entrance of the village, the huge smoke caused by the grenade explosion began to slowly dissipate.

The smoke and dust gradually became thinner and clearer, and the situation in the field began to become visible to the naked eye.

In the smoke, the one-armed bandaged weirdo was still held tightly in Lin Bei's arms, almost unable to move.

The huge blood Buddha and Siren Head hugged their bodies tightly, trying to reduce the damage caused by the grenades as much as possible.

Although Lin Bei and the one-armed weirdo did not take any protective measures.

But the injuries of the two were completely different.

After being bombarded by more than a dozen grenades, Lin Bei did not have any wounds or bloodstains on his body.

Moreover, his clothes were still clean and spotless. What's more outrageous is that even his hairstyle has not changed.

It was as if the explosion just now was fake.

But the one-armed weirdo, the huge blood Buddha, and the siren head were miserable.

Let's not talk about the one-armed weirdo.

Even the huge and majestic blood Buddha had two arms blown off by this round of "Heaven and Earth Live Together".

One of the three heads on the neck was blown beyond recognition, and his body was covered with craters caused by grenade shrapnel, densely packed all over his body.

Siren Head's side was not optimistic either.

Although Siren Head was slender, the blow he received was relatively small.

But relatively speaking, Siren Head's defense was also relatively low.

This horrible explosion directly shattered a large speaker of Siren Head.

The sharp teeth around the speaker fell to the ground, and even the big eyeball in the middle of the speaker was blown into a bloody mess of minced meat.

Siren Head had ten fingers that were originally slender and sharp, like spears.

At this moment, only half of the fingers were left, and they were still intact.

There were dense pits all over his slender body, and the huge shock wave even shook his body into a large crack more than one meter long.

Large streams of sticky blood continued to flow out of the crack.

It seemed that Siren Head was seriously injured.

These two giant monsters were so unlucky, let alone the one-armed bandage monster.

At this moment, he was tightly held in Lin Bei's arms.

The front of his whole body became bloody.

The torn cloth and flesh of his clothes mixed together, forming a sticky surface like eight-treasure porridge.

A large number of grenade fragments left him with countless wounds of varying depths.

The blood flowing from these wounds mixed together, soaked into his clothes, and continued to flow on the ground along his pants.

A small pool of blood gathered under his feet.

Even the face of the one-armed bandage freak had become blurred.

His face was originally tied with bandages, and after this critical hit, it became even more difficult to recognize.

After the explosion, his eyes had even turned into two blood holes.

"Good brother, is my move "Heaven and Earth Live Together" okay? If the full score is 10, how many points can you give me?"

The one-armed bandage freak heard the words behind him again.

Feeling the pair of arms hugging him tightly, he was close to collapse.

Who is this person? I haven't even seen his appearance yet, and I'm almost tortured to death.

How can he still be so strong under such a big explosion?

Although the one-armed weirdo was not dead at this moment, he felt that he was living a life worse than death.

The words spoken by the person behind him were not words that a human could say at all. They were purely the whispers of the devil.

The one-armed weirdo was silent for a long time and did not answer Lin Bei's question.

The blood Buddha and the siren head, who were a little scared by the explosion, did not dare to act rashly again.

If this guy did another "Longevity of Heaven and Earth", they would not be able to bear it.

After feeling the silence of the one-armed weirdo, Lin Bei began to become a little impatient.

He hugged the one-armed weirdo in his arms twice and asked loudly: "Hey? Why don't you talk? I asked you how many points would you give me for my "Longevity of Heaven and Earth" operation? Why don't you answer me?"

"If you don't talk again, I will show you another wave of "Longevity of Heaven and Earth" until you give me a score, huh?"

After hearing Lin Bei's words, the huge blood Buddha and the siren head began to move away from Lin Bei.

They were already afraid of this man with white hair and small-framed sunglasses at night.

The one-armed weirdo who was tightly held in Lin Bei's arms was in a very complicated mood. He was a shrewd man, but at this moment he felt like crying but had no tears.

In order to prevent being bombarded with "Longevity of Heaven and Earth" again, he could only open his mouth to respond to Lin Bei's questions.

One-armed weirdo: "I, I'll give you, I'll give you a ten."

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