"I know very little about our organization, because we usually use the magic compass to communicate. I know my code name is No. 3, and I have only seen No. 1 and No. 2."

"Other than that, I know nothing about it."

After hearing the answer of the bandage monster, Lin Bei touched his chin involuntarily.

It seems that the organization to which this bandage monster belongs is really mysterious.

On the outskirts of Liucheng, two exorcists belonging to the exorcist organization are strolling in the outskirts of Liucheng.

"Hey? Why have we been wandering here for almost a day and haven't encountered the watermelon-headed monster?"

"I don't know, could those people have seen it wrong?"

"Let's calculate the time. According to the news, the watermelon-selling monster should be nearby."

"Okay, then search again."

Then, the two exorcists wandered outside the suburbs of Liucheng.

In the laboratory of Liucheng, an exorcist with white hair and beard stood in the laboratory.

Judging from the tired look on his face, he must have traveled day and night and just arrived here.

Although he looked haggard, it was still difficult to hide the powerful aura on him.

The extraordinary power surrounding him was much stronger than that of a third-level exorcist.

Compared with the two, it was like a bright moon and a firefly.

In front of the old man, stood a girl with white hair and red eyes.

She had two blood-red horns on her head, her arms were as red as blood, and she had a tail covered with white scales behind her back, with red mane on the tail.

This girl was Sanjiu.

Facing this high-level exorcist, even Sanjiu seemed a little nervous.

After all, this was the first time she had seen such a powerful exorcist.

The old exorcist with white hair and beard looked at Miku in front of him and sighed: "Alas, I came too late. I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack the laboratory of our exorcist organization. This has not happened for many years."

"Miku, do you know why I called you here this time?"

Miku suddenly became a little nervous after hearing the old exorcist's question.

"San, Miku doesn't know, please give me some advice."

Miku looked nervous, and even the words he said became a little stuttering.

The old exorcist looked at the nervous Miku in front of him and suddenly laughed.

"Second-level exorcist Miku! How long has it been since you became a second-level exorcist?"

After hearing the old exorcist's question, Miku hurriedly replied: "Miku became a second-level exorcist at the age of 14! It has been two years since then!"

The old exorcist looked at Miku, who was full of the sweetness of a girl and the heroic spirit of a chivalrous woman, and couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, it's true that a hero emerges from youth. He became a second-level exorcist at the age of 14."

"And I came here this time not only to investigate the situation in Liucheng, but also to be entrusted by your adoptive father to promote you to a third-level exorcist."

Speaking of this, the old exorcist looked kind.

After hearing the words of the old exorcist, Sanjiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Followed by a feeling of surprise.

A third-level exorcist, she is going to become a third-level exorcist!

You know, a 16-year-old third-level exorcist is definitely a genius-level exorcist!

And, it's still the top batch of geniuses!

Looking at Sanjiu with a face full of surprise, the old exorcist's face suddenly became serious.

"Sanjiu, if you want to become a third-level exorcist, you must bear a heavy responsibility! Are you mentally prepared to become a third-level exorcist!"

At this moment, the expression on the old exorcist's face was very, very serious. In an instant, the atmosphere between Sanjiu and the old exorcist began to become solemn.

Sanjiu looked directly into the eyes of the old exorcist and said firmly: "Sanjiu is willing to become a third-level exorcist! I am willing to bear the burden of being an exorcist!"

Looking at Sanjiu with a firm look in his eyes, the old exorcist slowly began to speak:

Our exorcist organization has spent nearly a thousand years since its establishment.

In the era when exorcists had not yet been born, the whole world was full of monsters, and the status of humans was extremely low.

In the eyes of monsters, weak humans are just food to fill their stomachs when they are hungry.

Until a human pioneer killed the monster for the first time and obtained the first extraordinary relic.

The fate of mankind has come to the first turning point.

This human pioneer not only created the exorcist system that uses extraordinary relics to fight, but also proposed the view that extraordinary power is relatively conserved.

The reason why extraordinary power is relatively conserved, not absolutely conserved.

Because the appearance and birth of monsters are almost irregular, until now, our exorcist organization has not figured out how the new monsters are born.

Under the leadership of this human pioneer, the status of humans began to change from a helpless ration to a race with the power of resistance and self-protection.

Those low-level monsters that could have ravaged humans at will have become dead souls under the knife of humans one by one.

However, the combat effectiveness of the exorcists who use extraordinary relics to fight is still extremely limited.

Facing low-level monsters, exorcists who use extraordinary relics to fight can still barely cope with them.

However, if they encounter high-level monsters, even these exorcists can only run away.

After all, even if they have more extraordinary relics, the exorcists themselves are still mortals.

Although they are exorcists, they still have the upper limit of physical strength and the limit of mental endurance.

They still need to eat and sleep on time.

Since they are mortals, humans have limits, so, therefore, the upper limit and shortcomings of exorcists who use extraordinary relics to fight are also very obvious.

This situation has probably lasted for nearly five hundred years.

That is, about five hundred years ago, the first exorcist who swallowed the extraordinary relic appeared!

Since then, the fate of the human race has undergone the second major turning point!

The exorcist who successfully swallowed the extraordinary relic has surpassed humans in the essence of life!

After the exorcist route of swallowing extraordinary relics was invented.

The upper limit of the exorcist began to be broken, and even the high-level exorcists who devoured extraordinary relics were no weaker than those high-level monsters in terms of individual combat power.

In the 200th year after the exorcist route of devouring extraordinary relics was invented, the first ninth-level exorcist was born!

He was not only the first ninth-level exorcist, but also the only ninth-level exorcist in human history!

You know, exorcists above the sixth level are no longer extraordinary.

Exorcists above the sixth level are called extraordinary!

Every time an exorcist is promoted to a higher level, he almost devours an extraordinary relic of a higher level.

A seventh-level exorcist can theoretically be comparable to an A-level monster.

Exorcists of the eighth and ninth levels are already above the A-level monster!

Under the leadership of this ninth-level exorcist, the human race finally successfully trampled many monsters under their feet.

At this time, the monsters became prey, and the exorcists became hunters.

The title of the demon hunter also began to be passed down from this time.

Do you feel strange when you hear this?

Such a powerful ninth-level exorcist, why can't you hear his name now?

That's because he was killed two hundred years ago.

The person who killed him was not any monster, but a human who was also an exorcist.

Since then, the human race has fallen from the peak and never regained its previous glory.

After the death of the ninth-level exorcist, countless hidden high-level monsters came back again.

After the human race lost the protection of the ninth-level exorcist, the blood flowed into rivers, and the casualties were more than 100 million? Have you seen the scene where the whole mountain and river were dyed red?

The bones piled up into hills, the blood piled up into lakes, and the mountains and plains were all over the mountains. All you can see are human corpses.

In this battle, almost half of the human population died, and they barely won a tragic victory.

And the people who live on this land are all descendants of the one who killed the ninth-level exorcist!

The people who live on this land are all descendants of sinners.

The blood of sinners flows in their bodies.

Speaking of this, the old exorcist's eyes were full of disgust and resentment.

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