Thriller Tour Group

1000 Two goddesses of fate, present and future

Boom, boom.

The heartbeat was deafening, like the roar of a huge mechanical engine that was roaring from the deepest part of his soul, causing every piece of flesh and bone in the Lizard Duke to convulse and tremble uncontrollably.

When he was thrown out by the shit An Xuefeng, the Lizard Duke's soul screamed in response, trying to restore him to his strongest state to face the powerful enemy. In less than a second, the Lizard Duke thought about being discovered by the hotel rules and using the golden little Which of the two situations was worse if the gecko's form fell into the hands of Ximing, but in the end, the little gecko chose the former based on instinct and intuition.

Damn beast intuition, maybe it’s because Bingyi’s relationship with Mingxiren affects his intuitive judgment. As long as the Lizard Duke was given a little more time, and as long as he was not in the state of a little gecko, he would not be able to make this choice. Body and soul, instinct and reason are like two poles of a magnet that are desperately pulling against each other, until the man who wants to grab it grabs it and stuffs it under his dress.

The moment his vision was occupied by darkness, the Lizard Duke's scales stood upright and his pupils suddenly shrank. The two instincts of 'bet is right' and 'die' collided crazily in his mind, until the power of the Inca Sun Gate at 30 degrees north latitude came down and turned into a blank. The little golden gecko suddenly became quiet, motionless like an exquisite handicraft carved from amber gems and gold.

When fatal danger strikes, it can not only cut off its tail to survive, but can also fake death. The state of suspended animation will not reveal any vitality, just like real death. At the same time, its scales will turn into gems, just like Sunbird Bingyi. In this state, its resistance to various pollutions is the highest.

The pollution of the Sun Gate spread over the scales on its back like a scorching storm. The Lizard Duke even seemed to be able to hear the clicking sound of 'sunlight' falling on his scales, like countless sharp blades cutting back and forth, causing white marks to appear on the hard scales on his back, and molten gold melting like magma from the gaps. liquid.

He was facing the danger of being eroded by the pollution of the Sun Gate, but this danger also made the Lizard Duke feel a little relieved. He was right in his bet. The Life-seeker did not have any murderous intentions. He was just covering it with the pollution of the Sun Gate to resist the scanning of the hotel rules. The intrusion of pollution by random manipulation is as natural as drinking water and eating, just like a cat always slaps a passing dog when it sees it.

Even with this 'casual' temptation, I'm afraid the only tour guides in the hotel who can withstand it are S and A - if you add a C-1, it's just a life-threatening person. Putting life and death in the hands of others is the stupidest behavior in itself. If he dies, the Lizard Duke is too weak and cannot rely on others.

You can't die, but you can live.

This thought crossed the Lizard Duke's mind, but he did not relax at all. The thick pollution of the Sun Gate enveloped it like a hot and thick curtain, causing it to gradually lose its senses, and it could only hear the increasingly deafening heartbeat.

Boom, boom.

The heartbeat was so fast that it felt as if the heart was about to pop out of the throat. It was hot and hot, like a fireball. No, this was not a heartbeat. It was more like the sun rising up from the night and rising into the sky. The image that had been suppressed deep in the memory suddenly emerged and rushed into the mind of the Lizard Duke. Yes, this is not the first time he has seen the 'sun'. When he first got a glimpse of the rules of the hotel many years ago, he was young, ambitious, bold, and flouted the rules.

It was also during a celebration that he accidentally discovered this slit when he sensed the rules of the hotel, allowing the Silver Moon Killer to guard the Lizard Duke and break into the rules all the way up. The vitality and mental strength provided by the Silver Moon Killer gritted his teeth and forced him to hold on, finally breaking through the barriers of rules and emerging, so that he could have a glimpse of the real hotel for a moment.

It was such a grand and great power, capable of mobilizing the power of the world, making people dry and dizzy. Almost instantly, the Lizard Duke established a new goal. However, at that moment, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck. There was cool and soft fabric across his cheek. It’s a tour guide’s cloak! There is someone else with him!

This idea exploded in his mind. The Lizard Duke couldn't even remember how he retracted his head and fell straight down. To be on the safe side, he only poked his head out of the crack and looked outside. The knife chopped off his jaw. He cut his throat smoothly. If the Lizard Duke had not transformed his spine into the hardest keel bone at that time, his head would have fallen to the ground.

Even so, when he fell back into the virtual hall, his head was no longer able to support him. The half-cut cervical vertebrae let out an overwhelming cry, and it broke completely with a bang. The entire vertebrae was shattered by the remaining force, leaving him He fell to the ground like a limp sack, blood gushing out like a fountain.

Fortunately, Silver Moon Killer was obedient when the hotel's consciousness swept to the rescue. Later, the Lizard Duke recalled that time again and again, and found that he had not seen clearly who the tour guide was who also entered the slit of the rules at that time. When he recalled that his brain was swollen and painful, he could only vaguely remember the scimitar that seemed to be dripping with blood. There is a patch of scarlet——

Who wears a bright red cloak except the life-seeking man!

"...leave? Hotel rules..."

"How is it... Duke? Lizard Duke?"

"Take it with you and don't take the opportunity to secretly absorb the pollution from the Sun Gate"

"Brother, you are stingy..."

The heavy pollution of the Sun Gate was removed, and the golden little gecko's eyes trembled, and its consciousness gradually returned. The rustling conversations around it could be heard more and more clearly. It recovered very quickly, and An Xuefeng gestured with the return knife, Before trying to scare it off with a tail. The Lizard Duke suddenly woke up completely, and then immediately returned to his human form.

His face was so dark.

Wei Xun glanced at the Duke of Lizard's expression. Seeing that his face was as dark as a dead wolf, and that he still had the pollution of the Sun Gate that was trying to invade with ill intentions, and the murderous aura of the Returning Knife that was trying to scare him off, Wei Xun couldn't help but cough and change the subject before the Duke of Lizard got angry.

"So you've been there before, and you've met the Hipster?"

Seeing the Duke of Lizard's attitude towards the Hipster, and the fact that he wanted to block the auction before An Xuefeng and the Hipster could move freely, Wei Xun had already guessed it in his heart.


The Duke of Lizard said hum concisely. He has always been disdainful of explaining the past events that he didn't win, not to mention that it was the closest time for the Duke of Lizard to death, which left him with a deep psychological shadow. The desire for revenge and the instinct to survive were pulling back and forth. There was even a time when he felt itchy teeth when he saw red, and he was still a little stressed now.

The source of his shadow just ordered coldly: "Share your memory this time with me."

The big capitalist of the Hipster never suffered a loss. He also used the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude to protect the Duke of Lizard from the hotel scan, and he must be paid.

"Okay, you won't be short of it."

The Duke of Lizard gritted his teeth and agreed. The fact that he was "protected" by the Hipster gave him goose bumps all over his body. He made up his mind to go back to reality and search for the 30th degree north latitude after the carnival dinner. He would not stop until he opened up a journey to the 30th degree north latitude. If he had the 30th degree north latitude to hide, he would not be so passive.

"Do you want to go to the auction?"

An Xuefeng asked, Wei Xun shook his head, he was still immersed in everything he had seen and felt just now, and had no interest in other things for the time being.

In this case, An Xuefeng began to continue weaving his own clothes. The dress he had just woven was soaked in the pollution of the pyramids and Atlantis and could not be used, and he had to weave it again. The Hipster asked the Duke of Lizard for his memory first, but An Xuefeng was not in a hurry. He was different from the Hipster. Without saying anything, Wei Xun and the Dreamer would definitely share their experiences with him.

The hall fell into silence again, with only the rustling sound of the rules weaving the dress, and the Hipster also had to weave the dress again. Wei Xun, the Dreamer and the Duke of Lizard, who had seen the real scene of the hotel, began to digest everything they had just seen, recalling the power of the rules they had sensed, and their souls and spirits were shaken, and they all gained something in their hearts.

For some reason, the outside cheers suddenly came into the hall, only a hazy sound, like waves hitting the rocks, and no one noticed. After an unknown amount of time, Wei Xun, who was originally lost in thought, suddenly came to his senses and saw a black, slightly curly, wave-like hair flashing past the corner of his eyes. It was this that made Wei Xun come back to his senses and look up at An Xuefeng. Who knew that at this moment Wei Xun was stunned-

An Xuefeng had already woven a formal dress and put it on. It was a white, ankle-length robe, with a golden belt around his waist that outlined his thin waist. The arm holding Wei Xun was also buckled with a golden armband. The crew cut that we used to see became a * * *Long hair like that, but without the hood of the master, but directly let down, not looking feminine, like the gods in Greek mythology, with a golden ruby-studded hair crown buckled on the top of his head, pressing on the black hair of the crow, the falling hair makes his facial features sharp, his pupils are darker, his eyebrows fly into his temples, and he has a kind of wild and divine handsomeness, which makes people want to seduce the gods and show unusual expressions.


Wei Xun's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he swallowed subconsciously. He decided that his eyes were the ruler. When he returned, he must let An Xuefeng dress up like this five or six times. But now is not the time. Wei Xun looked away with difficulty. He could already feel the unfriendly eyes coming from the playful man next to him, but he still looked over, intending to use his brother to calm down.

As a result, Wei Xun was a little stunned when he looked over.

Why is the playful man's dress the same white robe as An Xuefeng? ? No, Wei Xun, who had looked carefully, found a clue. Is this really a robe? ?

"The Goddess of Destiny?!"

Just when Wei Xun was about to say something, the Lizard Duke, who had just come to his senses, started to shout as if he was watching the fun, and shouted out what Wei Xun didn't dare to say directly...

"You guys dressed up as the Goddess of Destiny??"

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