Thriller Tour Group

1015 Me and Connection more updates


The appearance of Wei Xun's personal poster suddenly ignited the atmosphere in the virtual hall, and the screams and cheers were like a roaring fire. Different from the natural shouts of admiration when the Explorer poster appeared, the audience shouted everything, and some screamed "Conqueror!" ’, some called Wei Xun, but many of them shouted in envy and jealousy.

"What a handsome conqueror! What a handsome poster!"

"I feel like hanging this poster above my bed can protect me from all kinds of monsters and monsters. It looks so sinister. Even ghosts are scared when I see it!"

“This is the poster corresponding to the tour guide!!”

"Is that figure from the back on the poster an explorer? It must be an explorer!"

“Isn’t it normal to correspond to the posters for the best tour guide and best tourist in the competition...”

"Not normal! Based on my experience in collecting posters for so many years, it is definitely not normal!"

"You said it's a two-person or team poster, but how can a single poster still correspond to the Explorers?"

"That's it! Single-player posters never show other people, but the Explorer is already in the background, it must be him!"

"It's a joke. They are a joint tour guide. Can they be the same as the posters of other tour guides and tourists? There must be special elements!"

"Wow Wei Xun is so lucky. The first poster is so handsome and also has Director Cui's back. I will definitely buy it!"

No one expected that Wei Xun would have such a special poster! Not to mention the boiling virtual hall, many people in the Golden Palace subconsciously looked at Yi Ling - well, there were also some who were bold enough to glance at An Xuefeng and the life-seeking man from the corner of their eyes. Wei Xun’s personal limited edition poster actually features an explorer! What does this mean? Is it really just a simple connection? The hotel designed such a there any hint in it?


An Xuefeng snorted coldly, and the movement frightened all those who were looking at him, either explicitly or covertly, to look away. An Xuefeng was still in a bad mood, tapping his fingers on his legs, revealing a hidden anger that sent chills down the spine.

The hotel's personal posters always only show individuals - at best, they are posters of the level of opening a journey to the 30th North Latitude. There may be silhouettes of some fellow travelers in the background, but the personal posters of travelers never appear on the tour guides. Figure, this time Wei Xun's poster is really unique. The hotel is so evil that it shows Yi Ling on the background of Wei Xun's personal poster, which is clearly a subtle hint that Wei Xun and Yi Ling are the same person.

Although Wei Xun didn't completely take off his vest just because of a poster, these small actions in the dark really stuck in the throat and made people irritated. I can only say that it’s a good thing that Wei Xun, who plays Michael, has red hair this time. Otherwise, if the white-haired tourist, the poster of the white-haired tourist, and the back of the white-haired tour guide stand together, maybe people would have guessed something. .

But even so, An Xuefeng could still hear whispers in the Golden Palace. Even though the voices were extremely low, An Xuefeng could hear them clearly with his hearing. Someone on the passenger side was discussing in a low voice, which made An Xuefeng feel even worse. However, he did not calm down his expression, but deliberately let others feel that he was frowning and his eyes were unkind.

Sure enough, the voice of the discussion there became lower and the content also changed.

"The hotel is giving a hint..."

"I feel so too……"

"Captain An is angry. Hey, I didn't expect the hotel to put out posters like this."

"I would also be angry if it were to be done to me. This era has not passed yet. It is too hasty."

"That's right."

The explorer appears in the background of Wei Xun’s personal poster, which can actually be interpreted in many ways. An Xuefeng's obvious dissatisfaction was noticed by people from various forces in the Golden Palace, and it spread quickly and secretly to all major forces through various groups. People on the way home knew what An Xuefeng meant, and the Sunset Brigade picked it up. The order, together with the Laoshan Navy, set the pace.

For a while, the hotel was emphasizing that Wei Xun and Explorer were tour guides of the same era. Although Explorer and Team An are deeply connected now, it will definitely be different in the next era. The hotel should be Insinuating this, "Otherwise there wouldn't be such a special poster". Discussions in this direction have become the mainstream of the forum, leading many people to think in this direction - of course, there are also many people who are thinking in this direction!

After all, the Return Triangle is so famous...

Most of the audience in the virtual hall did not know so much inside information, and they did not think that deeply. They simply cheered for the display of the new poster, and were amazed that there was an explorer in the background of Wei Xun's poster. What's more, I can't help but envy Wei Xun for being able to connect with such a good tour guide as Explorer - people all have the idea of ​​'what can I do if I am so and so', but not many tour guides dare to think about it since the appearance of Xi Ming Ren. If I were Bingyi, I could also start a journey to the 30th North Latitude and trample everyone under my feet. After all, it is too scary to be a younger brother to a life-haunting person.

But many tourists can't help but often have unrealistic fantasies such as "If I were Miao Fangfei" or "If I were Wei Xun", especially in the competition, after seeing the explorer and Wei Xun getting along, Countless tourists were tossing and turning late at night. Everyone envied Miao Fangfei for being able to go on two journeys with the Explorers. Wei Xun was actually able to connect with the Explorers and was specially taken care of by the Explorers during the competition. This is a good thing that many tourists dream of. !

Of course, most people are looking for the brotherhood of tour guides, that is, the pure and friendly tour guide relationship between explorers and returning Wang Pengpai, Mao Xiaole, etc. If these big guys weren’t famous, they would become famous too early, and it would be difficult for themselves. If you bring it in, you won't be able to replace Wei Xun, who is suspected of being in love with the tour guide, but I have to say that the audience was really sad when they saw the explorer in the background of Wei Xun's personal poster.

Why don’t they have such a good connection guide like Explorer!

"Hello everyone, my name is Wei Xun."

When the atmosphere in the virtual hall reached its peak, and Wei Xun also aroused his emotions to the extreme, he picked up the microphone and smiled. Only he knew that his voice was trembling slightly with excitement.

He didn't expect that the hotel would give him such a poster. He was so - so happy! After signing the poster, Wei Xun, dressed as Michael, casually walked to the edge of the Hongqiao. There is no fence on the Rainbow Bridge, so he sat directly on the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, with his legs dangling at a dizzying height, causing the audience to subconsciously exclaim.

This posture was dangerous, but visually it felt like Wei Xun was closer to them. It's like a real angel sitting on the edge of heaven, leaning down to talk to people:

"Want to know what it's like to be connected to an Explorer?"


His words made people crazy. At this moment, the angel was like a demon bewitching all living beings. The suddenly excited audience was shouting and cheering, while hearing Wei Xun's laughter being amplified by the microphone and spreading to the entire virtual hall. He dragged out The voice laughed and said:

"If you want to connect with my explorers, it's impossible except to join the return journey."

"But - I can share this feeling of connection with everyone."

"As long as everyone does what I say."

The emotions of the audience in the virtual hall have been completely aroused by Wei Xun. They cheered with regret at his words. All eyes were focused on the angel sitting on the edge of the Hong Bridge. Even the spotlight in the hotel was turned down, letting the angel The red hair seemed to be shining.

"Next I will bring you my performance."

The angel clasped his hands together, pressed them against his chest, and tilted his head slightly. The light that fell on him was countless times brighter in an instant, and the too bright light blurred his appearance, as if he was really born from the light and came to bring the gospel. And this light fell on the entire virtual hall, making all viewers immersed in the light. This is the light of an angel, the light of the sun. In the light, Wei Xun's power falls, accompanied by his soft, ethereal voice.

"Do you feel it? My emotions, my spirit."

Everything around him gradually became quiet, even his breathing and heartbeat were inaudible. He could only hear the voice of the angel, feel his emotions, and——

“That’s what it feels like to connect with an explorer.”

"It's like having spiritual sustenance and spiritual connection."

In the boundless light, the audience felt as if they could no longer feel their bodies, but their mental perceptions became particularly keen. Even a tourist who hates tour guides the most, at a certain vulnerable time, under the torment of pollution, there will always be a moment when he hopes that someone can help him, someone can soothe his mental pain. And this desire hidden in the deepest part was aroused by the performance blessed by the hotel. They were guided by Wei Xun's words, and with curiosity about the performance, curiosity and expectation for connection, they gradually relaxed their minds.

"Feel my emotions, feel my connection."

"He can know your prayers in your heart, and he can hear your wishes in your heart."

"Just like the Chosen One being chosen by God and favored by God..."

“Want to feel deeper and have a stronger sense of connection?”

"Then join me and pray to him -"

The angel's voice became lower and lower, and the virtual hall became quieter and quieter. All the audience were immersed in the light. At this moment, they were enveloped in the light, and they were no longer ordinary, as if they were chosen by God - and Wei Xun chose to perform The title is God’s Chosen One! As for the "god" that "Passenger Wei Xun" believes in, there is only one "Satan" that Michael, who he disguised as, believes in, is Explorer Yi Zero!

He wants everyone to feel his faith, believe in his God, pray to the explorers, and feel the spiritual connection - he used Yi Ling's performance just now and the posters displayed in the hotel to completely arouse the audience's emotions. He was so bold that he used a performance to unscrupulously create a cult of personality right under the nose of the hotel, hoping to gain a wave of faith!

[Next, please enjoy the wonderful performance by passenger Wei Xun——]

[The sketch "Me and Connection"! 】

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