Thriller Tour Group

1018 Trinity There will be another update soon

Returning to the waiting room, Wei Xun coughed several times. The hotel connection rules hairball he swallowed was not something that was easy to digest, especially since the entire web of destiny formed by the power of the hotel was still there, and one of them was 'summoning' the ball of thread back. Wei Xun's power and the power summoned by the hotel started a tug-of-war in his body. If Wei Xun had not mastered the authority of the Nordic God of Destiny, and had peeked into the real slit of the hotel before, he also had some control over the rules of the hotel. With such power, I'm afraid he would have spit out this regular line ball like a cat spitting out a hair ball.

Don't think that things that enter Wei Xun's mouth will come out so easily. Even if the string ball repeatedly tries to leave through Wei Xun's throat, he will firmly push it down every time. As the best tour guide, he also needs it when needed. The web of fate was generally stable, and in the process of replaying the old dream, the hotel did not forcefully regain the ball in regulation, and it became a tug-of-war between Wei Xun and the hotel.

The comfortable experience of repeatedly suppressing the regular string ball made Wei Xun's Adam's apple slide, as if he was swallowing continuously, and his breathing was a little short. But his eyes were very bright. He was very interested in challenging all kinds of things that went against his body's instincts. What's more, this was a struggle with the hotel rules. During this struggle, Wei Xun could understand the hotel rules better, so he enjoyed it. While continuing to absorb the power of the rules, he watched the puppet master of the goddess of destiny connect with the next little animal on the big screen - the little snake Miao Fangfei.

Wei Xun discovered that not everyone could connect for ten minutes. This seemed to be the prerogative of tour guides. The passengers who connected after him were the passengers in his team at that time. Each of them only connected for three minutes, and the whole connection was completed in half an hour. Moreover, Wei Xun got off to a bad start. The passengers in his team all imitated him in a similar way. Each of them performed without physical objects. The reenactments were all based on oral narration, and the excitement only relied on revealing other people's information. Miao Fangfei, the little snake, made a snow nest with her head and coiled it in a circle. She gave a perfunctory performance about how she was soaked in medicinal wine by Grandma Miao, and then hissed with a smile and talked about the Big Passenger Werewolf Walker's favorite wolf howl in the middle of the night, every day It took an hour to comb; the wolf cub transformed into Werewolf Walker lay impatiently on the snow, slowly moved from lying to sitting up, performed his "resurrection", and then whined back, saying that the explorer only loves If he eats spicy food, he won't eat properly without adding that stuff. The taste is really weird.

Miao Fangfei and other passengers did not participate in Wei Xun's slicing plan, even if the hotel checked their memories through the connection, they could not see anything. As for Werewolf Walker and other big travelers in the West District, they were also outside of Wei Xun's plan and didn't know anything. Even if they knew that each of these big travelers had been the captains of the Zongheng Hotel for many years, they were all slick and unscrupulous. After the hotel was connected to the line, they could taste what it was. As long as they blocked their memories a little. , controlling his thoughts, he kept thinking deep down that nothing could be found in that hotel.

The live broadcast ended up being like this, even the puppet master found it so interesting! Wonderful? Of course it was exciting, and the audience loved hearing this kind of news the most. The cheers in the virtual hall were like a mountain and a tsunami, and they couldn't stop at all. It can definitely be considered a successful connection! But is this what the hotel wants to see? That's certainly not the case! But what does it matter, now it is not an interrogation in the hotel, but a reenactment of the scene called 'performance'.

As long as the audience is satisfied with a performance, it is absolutely in compliance with the rules, and the hotel has no reason to find trouble. Wei Xun has long discovered that most of the time hotels abide by the 'rules', just like a machine that inputs instructions. It is different from the AI ​​that is particularly intelligent and has its own ideas in science fiction movies.

After the online performance, Miao Fangfei and others also returned to the waiting room. Wei Xun greeted them with his eyes. He was still swallowing and digesting the regular string ball and it was difficult to speak. Miao Fangfei and the others were all first-level air reading players. After seeing that it was inconvenient for him to speak, they didn't come over to chat. Everyone continued to watch the show. Wei Xun was comfortably digesting the power of rules ball while watching the performances of his teammates. It was not until the puppet master connected with the devil businessman that he started to connect with their group of people. Focus on the show.

He had been trying to control the puppet just now, but without success. Even the induction was very vague, as if the puppet was in another world, and it was difficult to completely control it mentally. At that time, Wei Xun knew that if something unexpected happened during this reenactment, it would probably fall on the puppet. The sun fragments of the puppet's body were cut from Wei Xun's body, which has advantages and disadvantages. For tour guides of their level, the 'body' contains countless information. The puppet Wei Xun has Wei Xun's mental power, and their memories are also connected.

The puppet Wei Xun cannot use the mental knife to cut the hotel connection, so there is no way to prevent the hotel from reading the memory.

However, Wei Xun was not in a hurry. He calmly watched the performance of the Little Black Goat by the Devil Merchant for ten minutes. When the camera turned and the goddess of fate puppet master connected with the online passenger Wei Xun, Wei Xun saw the little snow leopard appear on the big screen. Xun's eyes were slightly closed, and bright golden lines intertwined horizontally and vertically appeared in the blue pupils covered by snow-white eyelashes. At the same time, the regular string ball was no longer forcibly swallowed, but was held in Wei Xun's mouth.

The resonance of the web of fate, the resonance of the power of the hotel's rules, and the resonance of being born from the same sun, followed the resonance that had not completely dissipated after the passenger Wei Xun had just performed "The Chosen One", and gathered between him and The audience resonance of the tour guide explorer was simultaneously aroused by Wei Xun. At this moment, he was like a beast that had been dormant for a long time and suddenly pounced to lock its prey. In an instant, he broke through the hotel's defense line and successfully captured the vague spirit of the tourist Wei Xun.

God descends!

His vision went dark and then brightened, and the sound of howling wind and snow could be heard in his ears. Wei Xun was certain in his heart that the divine intervention was successful! The passenger Wei Xun only has three minutes of connection time. Even if he cannot use the spirit knife, Wei Xun can use the power of rules to resonate and lead the connection to his original body, thwarting the hotel's plan.

Thinking of this, he was about to stand up and put on a more or less perfunctory performance. But when Wei Xun moved, he found that the body of the snow leopard cub was like a stiff specimen, which was difficult to control and even turning over was difficult. Something was wrong, Wei Xun immediately opened his eyes alertly, and then he was shocked to find that he could only control one eye!

How is this going? He didn't remember when An Xuebao had one-eyed dragon. Could it be the influence of Odin's divine power that he disguised as himself? wrong!

He is not the only one in this puppet!


The snow leopard cub let out a confused cry, but the cry was not controlled by Wei Xun, and it felt damn familiar.

‘An Xuefeng? ’

Wei Xun asked silently in his heart.

‘It’s me, it’s not just me who squeezed in’

Sure enough, An Xuefeng answered him, his tone sounding a little solemn: 'The people who are interested in life are also here. ’

Wei Xun:?

Is co-author Xi Ming and An Xuefeng's so-called method of exploring old dreams to sneak into the puppet? An Xuefeng was easy to understand, but how did the life-seeking man do it? Did he use his identity as a phantom cat?

But now is not the time to worry about this. It is the hotel, not Wei Xun, that should be struggling. Now there are three human spirits inside the majestic leopard cub puppet. The hotel will have nightmares at night after seeing it.

The snow leopard cub blinked. One eye was curious and the other was calm. It rolled a little twisted in the snowdrift and tried to control its body, making a whining sound from its mouth. Xi Ming and Wei Xun each control one eye, and An Xuefeng controls the mouth. The three of them control each part of the body, which is why it is so difficult to control.

"Ooooooooo." (I couldn't control my body well when I turned into a snow leopard.)

"Awww." (Now let me show you how to control your body as quickly as possible if you suddenly become a beast)

While An Xuefeng was talking nonsense to the audience, Wei Xun looked around as quickly as possible and suddenly discovered that they were outside a cave on the mountainside. This place was very familiar to Wei Xun. It should be the cave where the red guide and the red team rescued each other after returning from the bottomless pit. The conditioned reflex came up and the invisible connection with the naked eye quietly climbed up.

However, Wei Xun didn't even need to take action. The spirit of the life-seeking man fluctuated, exuding a little petal pollution, and the hotel rules connection was withered, and he rolled away in a whoosh. Wei Xun, who originally told An Xuefeng to bite some of the rules connection, failed to achieve his wish, but he doesn't care about that now, it's all about the petal pollution he just felt.

How can the spirit of a life-loving person exude the power of petal pollution?

How far did he go to swallow up the petal pollution? Why are you allowing petal pollution to affect your spirit? ?

An Xuefeng was obviously on high alert. He was worried that the Ximing people would use the identity of the phantom cat to influence Wei Xun with petal pollution in the future! That is to say, now that Wei Xun has the pupa shell bookmark in his hand and has some resistance to petal contamination, An Xuefeng can relax a little. Considering that he had been stressed before, he would not give up until the Butcher Alliance takes back the petals. After getting rid of the harassment from the hotel connection, the snow leopard cub closed one eye. At the same time, Wei Xun felt that the spiritual power of the life-seeking man disappeared from the snow leopard's body.

‘He used your puppet as a springboard and used the identity of the goddess of fate to sneak into this replayed old dream world’

An Xuefeng, who was following him, said quickly: 'I'm going to keep an eye on him. When the performance of Old Dreams is over, I will be able to control this puppet for the time being. Mingmingren... He didn't just come with the help of the identity of the phantom cat. I suspect he left an anchor on your sun as the sun god. ’

As the sun god left an anchor on the sun?

When the performance of "Passenger Wei Xun" ended, Wei Xun returned to his own body after finishing the performance, still thinking about these words in his heart.

What An Xuefeng said was not impossible. When he destroyed the source of pollution, he could suddenly increase the power of the life-seeking person through the connection between the sun and the sun god. Then there was a connection between them.

Blood relationship is the most important bond that cannot be ignored.

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